Governing Documents: Academic
Quick links to all Academic governing documents including policies, procedures, and bylaws can be found below.
The official versions of governing documents are contained on this website, and are updated continuously as changes are approved by the Approving Bodies. In the instance of discrepancies, the governing documents housed within the Governance web pages shall prevail.
- Academic Centres and Institutes
- Academic Guide of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Academic Program Reviews
- Admission and Transfer Credit for Students from Community Colleges, Technical Colleges, Bible Colleges and Other Accredited Colleges Study
- Admission Targets
- Application for Faculty Status
- Approved Teaching Centres
- Authorized Withdrawal
- Award of Degrees Posthumously
- Categories of Awards to be Inscribed on Academic Transcripts
- Certificate and Diploma Framework
- Chairs and Professorships
- Challenge for Credit
- Co-Curricular Record
- Co-Operative Education
- Definitions of Academic Units
- Degree and Diploma Parchments Printed in French
- Departments - Organization and Structure
- Enrolment Limitations (see Admission Targets)
- Examination Regulations (see Final Examinations and Final Grades)
- Faculties, Schools, Professional Colleges, Departments, Divisions and Institutes
- Final Examinations and Final Grades
- Grade Point Averages
- Multi-Sectioned Courses
- Naming of Academic Units
- Pre-University Studies
- Repeated Course
- Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students
- Senior Scholar
- Service Courses
- Special Convocations
- Student Awards
- Submission of Course, Curriculum and Program Changes
- Teaching Evaluation
- Textbook and Course Material Ordering (under Financial)
- Transference of External Grades
- University College
- Voluntary Withdrawal
Document availability
All documents contained within this page are available in alternate formats, upon request. Please contact Laura Orsak-Williams at
Academic Centres and Institutes
Academic Centres and Institutes Policy
Academic Centres and Institutes Procedure
Policy and Procedure reformatted March 29, 2021.
Academic Guide of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
The Academic Guide of the Faculty of Graduate Studies may be found in the Academic Calendar.
Academic Program Reviews
Academic Program Reviews Policy
Academic Program Reviews Procedure
Approved by Senate May 13, 2020. Effective September 1, 2020.
Admission and Transfer Credit for Students From Colleges
Revised January 15, 2014. Reformatted December 8, 2016.
Admission Targets
Recommended by Senate November 4, 2015 and approved by the Board of Governors November 24, 2015. Reformatted December 8, 2016.
Application for Faculty Status
Approved Teaching Centres
Approved Teaching Centres Policy
Revised October 5, 1993. Reformatted March 29, 2021.
Authorized Withdrawal
Authorized Withdrawal Procedure
Approved by Senate June 22, 2016. Effective September 1, 2016.
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT AN AUTHORIZED WITHDRAWAL, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR FACULTY, COLLEGE, OR SCHOOL'S DEAN'S OFFICE. Contact information for all faculties, colleges and schools can be found here.
Award of Degrees Posthumously
Award of Degrees Posthumously Policy
Revised November 1, 2013. Reformatted December 9, 2016.
Categories of Awards to be Inscribed on Academic Transcripts
Categories of Awards to be Inscribed on Academic Transcripts
Reformatted March 30, 2021.
Certificate and Diploma Framework
Chairs and Professorships
Chairs and Professorships Policy
Chairs and Professorships Procedure
Revised Policy and Procedure approved by the Board of Governors November 25, 2014 as recommended by Senate on October 1, 2014. Reformatted December 9, 2016.
Challenge for Credit
Reformatted March 29, 2021.
Co-Curricular Record
Co-Curricular Record Procedures
Policy and Procedures revised September 1, 2013. Reformatted December 6, 2016.
Co-operative Education
Approved by Senate December 4, 2019. Effective September 1, 2020.
Definitions of Academic Units
Definitions of Academic Units Policy
Policy approved by Board of Governors November 25, 2014, as recommended by Senate on November 5, 2014. Reformatted December 9, 2016.
Degree and Diploma Parchments Printed in French
Degree and Diploma Parchments Printed in French Policy
Formerly Degree Certficate Printed in French Policy. Revised and reformatted March 21, 2019.
Departments - Organization and Structure
Departments - Organization and Structure Policy
Revised May 31, 1988. Reformatted March 29, 2021.
Faculties, Schools, Professional Colleges
Faculties, Schools, Professional Colleges, Departments, Divisions and Institutes Policy
Revised March 11, 2020.
Updated December, 2021 to reflect the name change of the Department of Native Studies to the Department of Indigenous Studies; March, 2022 to reflect the name change of the Department of Geological Sciences to the Department of Earth Sciences; May 2024 to reflect the establishment of the College of Community and Global Health within the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences; and December, 2024 to reflect the establishment of the Department of Engineering Education within the Price Faculty of Engineering.
Final Examinations and Final Grades
Final Examination and Final Grades Policy
Deferred and Supplemental Examinations Procedures
Policy and procedures approved by Senate March 6, 2013. Effective September 1, 2013. Reformatted December 9, 2016.
Grade Point Averages
Approved by Senate June 22, 2016. Effective September 1, 2016.
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR GRADE POINT AVERAGE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR FACULTY, COLLEGE, OR SCHOOL'S DEAN'S OFFICE. Contact information for all faculties, colleges and schools can be found here.
Multi-Sectioned Courses
Effective January 1, 2008. Reformatted March 30, 2021.
Naming of Academic Units
Naming of Academic Units Policy
Naming of Academic Units Procedure
Policy revised January 27, 2015. Procedure revised November 1, 2013. Policy and procedure reformatted December 12, 2016.
Pre-University Studies
Reformatted February 28, 2020.
Repeated Course
Approved by Senate June 22, 2016. Effective September 1, 2016.
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT REPEATING A COURSE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR FACULTY, COLLEGE, OR SCHOOL'S DEAN'S OFFICE. Contact information for all faculties, colleges and schools can be found here.
Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students
Senior Scholar
Service Courses
Revised May 15, 1974. Reformatted March 29, 2021.
Special Convocations
Revised November 1, 2013. Reformatted December 12, 2016.
Student Awards
Approved by Senate on May 15, 2019 and by the Board of Governors on June 25, 2019. Effective July 1, 2019.
Submission of Course, Curriculum and Program Changes
Submission of Course, Curriculum and Program Changes Policy
Reformatted March 29, 2021
Teaching Evaluation
Approved by Senate May 13, 2020.
Transference of External Grades
Transference of External Grades Policy
Approved by Senate May 18, 2016. Revised and reformatted December 22, 2016
University College
Reformatted March 29, 2021.
Voluntary Withdrawal
Approved by Senate June 22, 2016. Effective September 1, 2016.
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT A VOLUNTARY WITHDRAWAL, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR FACULTY, COLLEGE, OR SCHOOL'S DEAN'S OFFICE. Contact information for all faculties, colleges and schools can be found here.