The University of Manitoba has more than 100 undergraduate programs to choose from.

UM students Doris and Chukwuemeka share why they chose their programs and offer some tips to help you along the way.

Undergraduate programs of study

With over 100 programs across multiple faculties, schools and colleges, the University of Manitoba offers more learning, teaching and research opportunities than any other post-secondary institution in the province. Explore admission requirements by program (PDF)*.

*Document available in alternate formats by request to

  1. 0-9

  2. A

    1. Accounting
    2. Actuarial Mathematics - Business
    3. Actuarial Mathematics - Science
    4. Aging (interfaculty option)
    5. Agribusiness
    6. Agriculture
    7. Agriculture Diploma
    8. Agroecology
    9. Agronomy
    10. Animal Systems
    11. Anthropology
    12. Applied Mathematics
    13. Architecture (Masters)
    14. Art
    15. Art History (BA)
    16. Art History (BFA)
    17. Asian Studies
    18. Athletic Therapy
  3. B

    1. Biochemistry
    2. Biological Sciences
    3. Biosystems Engineering
    4. Business
    5. Business Analytics (BComm) (Honours)
  4. C

    1. Canadian Studies
    2. Catholic Studies
    3. Central and East European Studies
    4. Ceramics
    5. Chemistry
    6. City Planning (Masters)
    7. Civil Engineering
    8. Classics
    9. Commerce
    10. Computer Engineering
    11. Computer Science
    12. Criminology
  5. D

    1. Data Science
    2. Dental Hygiene (BScDH)
    3. Dental Hygiene (Diploma)
    4. Dentistry (BSc)
    5. Dentistry (DMD)
    6. Dentistry (DMD/PhD)
    7. Drawing
  6. E

    1. Earth Sciences
    2. Economics
    3. Education - Bachelor of Education
    4. Education - Post Baccalaureate
    5. Electrical Engineering
    6. Engineering
    7. English
    8. Entrepreneurship/Small Business
    9. Environmental Design
    10. Environmental Geoscience (BSc)
    11. Environmental Science
    12. Environmental Studies
    13. Essentials in Advanced Patient Care for Pharmacists (Micro-Certificate)
  7. F

    1. Film Studies
    2. Finance
    3. Fine Arts
    4. Food Science
    5. French
  8. G

    1. Genetics
    2. Geography
    3. Geology
    4. Geophysics
    5. German
    6. German Language, Life and Culture (Micro-Diploma)
    7. Global Political Economy
    8. Graphic Design
    9. Greek
  9. H

    1. Health Sciences
    2. Health Studies
    3. History
    4. Human Nutritional Sciences
    5. Human Resource Management / Industrial Relations
  10. I

    1. Icelandic
    2. Indigenous Business Studies
    3. Indigenous Governance
    4. Indigenous Languages
    5. Indigenous Studies
    6. Interior Design (Masters)
    7. International Business
    8. International Dentist Degree Program
    9. International Medical Graduate Program
    10. Italian
  11. J

    1. Jazz Studies
    2. Judaic Studies
    3. Juris Doctor (JD)
  12. K

    1. Kinesiology
  13. L

    1. Labour Relations and Workplace Studies (Diploma)
    2. Labour Studies
    3. Landscape Architecture (Masters)
    4. Latin
    5. Latin American Studies
    6. Law
    7. Leadership and Organizations
    8. Leadership for Business and Organizations (Minor)
    9. Linguistics
    10. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  14. M

    1. Management
    2. Management Information Systems
    3. Management Minor for Non-Business Students
    4. Marketing
    5. Mathematics
    6. Mechanical Engineering
    7. Medicine
    8. Medicine (BSc Med)
    9. Medieval and Early Modern Studies
    10. Microbiology
    11. Midwifery
    12. Music
    13. Music (Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Performance)
    14. Music Minor
    15. Mythology and Folktale (Micro-Diploma)
  15. N

    1. Nursing
  16. O

    1. Occupational Therapy (Masters)
    2. Operations Management/Research
  17. P

    1. Painting
    2. Pharmacy
    3. Philosophy
    4. Photography
    5. Physical Education
    6. Physical Geography
    7. Physics and Astronomy
    8. Physiology and Pathophysiology (postbaccalaureate diploma)
    9. Plant Biotechnology
    10. Polish (Minor)
    11. Political Studies
    12. Pre-Veterinary Medicine
    13. Print Media
    14. Psychology - Arts
    15. Psychology - Science
  18. Q

  19. R

    1. Recreation Management and Community Development
    2. Recreation Studies (Minor)
    3. Religion
    4. Respiratory Therapy
    5. Russian
  20. S

    1. Science
    2. Sculpture
    3. Social Work – Distance Delivery
    4. Social Work – Fort Garry campus
    5. Social Work – Inner City Program at William Norrie Centre
    6. Social Work – Northern Program in Thompson
    7. Sociology
    8. Songmaking (Micro-Certificate)
    9. Spanish
    10. Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation in the Community Certificate (SPARC)
    11. Statistics
    12. Strategy and Global Management (BComm) (Honours)
  21. T

    1. Theatre
  22. U

    1. Ukrainian
    2. Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Studies
    3. University 1
  23. V

    1. Video
  24. W

    1. Women's and Gender Studies
    2. Workplace Health and Safety (Micro-Diploma)
  25. X

  26. Y

  27. Z

Our faculties, schools and colleges

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Undergraduate Student Recruitment
4th floor UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

Toll free: 1-800-224-7713 ext:8808