The Board is responsible for overseeing the administrative and business affairs of the University, including approving the annual budget and appointing and monitoring the performance of the President and Vice-Chancellor.
Obtain governing documents, learn more about our bicameral governance structure, access forms, and contact the Office of the University Secretary.

Document availability
All documents contained within this page are available in alternate formats, upon request. Please contact Laura Orsak-Williams at
The Senate is the University's senior academic governing body. It has authority to determine matters of an academic nature. The Senate also has the authority to recommend on certain matters to the Board of Governors.
Meeting schedules
All calendars are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.
- Master Schedule 2025 updated January 21, 2025
- Master Schedule 2026
- Board of Governors 2025 updated January 21, 2025
- Board of Governors 2025 - with submission deadlines updated January 21, 2025
- Senate and Senate Executive Committee 2024-2025 updated December 16, 2024
- Senate Committee on Admissions 2024-2025
- Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes - Timetable for Submissions 2024-2025
- Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation 2024-2025
- Senate Committee on University Research
- Senate Planning and Priorities Committee 2024-2025 updated December 19, 2024
Bicameral governance
The Bicameral Governance system is part of The University of Manitoba Act. It consists of two separate governing bodies: the Board of Governors and Senate.
Bicameral system
The University of Manitoba Act is the legislation that defines the governance of the University of Manitoba. Ours is a bicameral system of governance, with the Board of Governors as the governing body, and the Senate as the academic body. Almost all Canadian universities are based on a bicameral system, which is more comparable to the federal government system than to the governance of for-profit or not-for-profit corporations.
Powers of Senate and the Board
Under The University of Manitoba Act, Senate has general charge of all matters of an academic nature. Senate’s powers include the power to:
- establish faculty and school councils (and other bodies within the University), and delegate to them such powers/duties as Senate deems expedient
- hear appeals from decisions of faculty and school councils
- determine courses of study and locations where courses are offered/taught
- determine all matters relating to:
- teaching (including dates of academic terms)
- examinations
- degrees (including honorary degrees, diplomas and certificates)
- conditions of matriculation, entrance and standing for students
- management and conduct of libraries
- make rules and regulations respecting academic awards
- make recommendations to the Board on:
- building program
- budget policies
- procedures for academic staff appointments, promotions, salaries, tenure and dismissals
- establishment of/abolition of/changes to faculties, schools, institutes, departments, chairs, lectureships, bursaries, fellowships, and prizes
- establishment of/abolition of colleges (including affiliated colleges)
- contracts with other organizations respecting joint instruction, or instruction/examination of the other organizations’ students
- any other matters the Senate considers to be of interest to the University
The Board of Governors is the governing body of the University and may exercise in the name of the University any powers conferred on the University as a body corporate (and which are not reserved to Senate). The Board's powers include the power to:
- establish/maintain/abolish/change colleges (including affiliated/associated colleges), schools, institutes, faculties, departments, chairs and courses of instruction to enable the University to carry on its work*
- establish/abolish/change lectureships, bursaries, fellowships, and prizes*
- buy/receive/sell/mortgage/lease real and personal property
- decide what building construction is necessary for University purposes*
- appoint the president/vice-president/deans/directors/etc.. Determine their: salaries; powers/duties; tenure of office/employment; dismissal; and pensions/retiring allowances*
- set all fees and charges to be paid to the University
- ensure investment of University money (based on prudent person principles and taking into account any trust conditions)
- make regulations respecting and prohibiting parking or leaving of vehicles on campus
- permit/deny use by other organizations of: "university", "varsity", "Manitoba" (in institutions of learning), the university's coat of arms or crest
- establish budget policies* (the Board also approves the final budget)
- exercise disciplinary jurisdiction over students. Decide finally upon all matters of university policy. Settle questions respecting the powers/duties of convocation, senate, chancellor, president or any other officer/servant of the university
- provide for contracts with other organizations respecting joint instruction, or instruction/ examination of the other organization's students
* The Senate has the express power to make recommendations respecting these matters (and on any other matters which Senate considers to be of interest to the University).
Sharing of authority
The University of Manitoba Act gives the Board of Governors the authority to decide on all matters that are not reserved to Senate. Furthermore, the Board has the authority to determine all matters on which Senate recommends, whether or not a recommendation is forthcoming. It would, however, be most unusual for any university governing body not to hear what Senate might have to say on an issue that it regards as important. The explanation for this caution is fundamental to academic bicameral governance: the academic staff have the academic knowledge and expertise, and members of the governing body seek to be informed about the impact their decision would have on teaching and research before they render a decision.
Process of approval by Senate and the Board
Matters on which Senate deliberates normally are initiated from recommendations by Faculty Councils and/or Senate committees. Senate may approve outright those matters within its exclusive jurisdiction. Senate may recommend to the Board on those matters which is within Senate's jurisdiction to recommend to the Board of Governors.
Matters on which the Board deliberates normally are initiated by Board bylaws, University Administration recommendations, or by Senate recommendations.
Learn more about the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors and Senate.
Subject | Board of Governors | Senate |
General | s.7 Governing body of UM.
s.16(1) May exercise in the name of and on behalf of UM any or all powers, authorities and privileges conferred on the university as a body corporate (by this Act or any other Act). s.17 Even where Senate (or any other body of person) is given power to make recommendations to the Board re: any matter, the Board may (of its own motion and without any recommendation) exercise its plenary powers re: that matter. |
s.25 Academic Body of UM.
s.34(1) General charge of all matters of an academic character.
S.34(1)(s) Shall make recommendations to the Board re: (1) academic planning, campus planning, (2) a building program, (3) budget policies (4) procedures re: appointments, promotions, salaries, tenure and dismissals, and (5) any other matters considered by Senate to be of interest to UM.
Actions/ Questions/ Appeals |
s.16(1)(h) May hear appeals from any decision of any officer, body or organization, of or in the University, by any person affected thereby, and decide finally upon all matters of university policy.
s.16(1)(d) May exercise disciplinary jurisdiction over students (power to fine, suspend or expel). s.18 Settle and determine any questions which arise re: the powers/duties of convocation, senate, council, chancellor, president or any other officer/servant of UM. |
s.34(1)(v) Shall hear and determine appeals from the decisions of the faculty or school councils, upon applications, requests or petitions by students or others. |
Academic matters
Subject | Board of Governors | Senate |
Faculty/School Councils | s.34(1)(d) Shall:
(1) establish faculty and school councils, and other bodies within the University, (2) prescribe how they shall be constituted, and (3) give them such powers/duties as the Senate deems expedient. s.34(1)(ee) Shall consider all matters referred to it by a faculty council and communicate an opinion or action taken thereon to the faculty council. s.34(1)(u) Shall exercise any power of a faculty or school council that the senate considers desirable to exercise. |
Faculties/ Schools/ Departments/ Awards, etc. |
s.3 Establish and maintain such colleges, schools, institutes, faculties, departments, chairs and courses of instruction as to the Board seem meet.
s.16(1)(e) May determine upon and provide for
faculties, departments, chairs, lectureships, bursaries, scholarships, fellowships and prizes. |
s.34(1)(1) Shall recommend to the Board the establishment of, or the abolition of, or any changes in faculties, constituent colleges, schools, institutes, departments, chairs, lectureships, bursaries, scholarships, fellowships and prizes. s.34(1)(r) Shall make rules and regulations respecting academic awards. |
Courses/ Instruction/ Examination |
s.3 Establish and maintain such colleges, schools institutions, faculties, departments, chairs and courses of instruction as to the Board seem meet. s.4(1)(o) UM may enter into agreements with any incorporated society or association in the province for the establishment and maintenance of a joint system of instruction. s.4(1)(p) UM may: (1) enter into agreements with any incorporated society or association in the province that has power to prescribe examinations for admission to, or registration upon the roll of, the society or association, (2) conduct the examinations and report the results thereof, (3) prescribe courses of study therefore and conduct related classes of instruction
(1) the instruction of their students in their courses by one or more UM faculties, (2) the conduct of examinations by UM (3) the degrees to be granted by UM to such students (4) representation of incorporated university/college on the UM Senate and other UM academic bodies, (5) the use and combining of facilities, (6) other matters of mutual concern.
s.34(1)(e) Shall receive, consider and determine on any proposal/ recommendation of any faculty or school council (or other body established by Senate) re: courses of study and related matters. s.34(1)(f) and 34(2) Shall, of its own motion and without any recommendation consider and determine all courses of study and related matters - but before enacting any such regulation, it must be referred to the appropriate faculty or school council for consideration and report thereon. s.34(1)(i) Shall provide for courses of study anywhere in Manitoba, and encourage/ s.34(1)(j) Shall have power to recognize courses of study given by other Manitoba colleges/universities not affiliated with UM, and admit students (who have taken such courses of study) to UM examinations. s.34(1)(p) Shall determine the dates for the beginning and ending of lectures each UM term. s.34(1)(t) Shall determine procedures/policy re: lecturing and teaching on U premises by persons other than UM staff members. s.34(1)(h) shall: (1) determine conditions on which candidates shall be received for examinations (2) appoint examiners (3) determine the conduct/results of examinations
Degrees/ Entrance/ Standing, etc. |
s.34(1)(b) Shall determine; (1) degrees (including) honorary degrees, diplomas and certificates) to be granted by the University, and (2) the persons to whom they shall be granted. s.34(1)(c) Shall determine the conditions of matriculation and entrance, the standing to be allowed students entering the University and related matters.
UM Calendars | s.34(1)(k) Shall prepare the UM calendars for publication. | |
Libraries | s.35 May designate as an associated college any incorporated college with which UM enters into an agreement for the management and conduct of the libraries | s.34(1)(q) Shall make rules and regulations for the management and conduct of the libraries.
s.34(3) May recommend that UM enter into an agreement with an incorporated university or college for the management and conduct of the libraries (and the terms of the agreement).
Convocation | s.41 Members of Board are also members of Convocation. | s.41 Members of Senate are also members of Convocation.
s.43 Senate by resolution fix dates for meetings of convocation.
Colleges | s.3 Establish and maintain such colleges, schools, institutes, faculties, departments, chairs and courses of instruction as to the Board may seem meet.
s.4(1)(n) UM may affiliate with the University any college established in the province for the promotion of arts and science, or for instruction in law, medicine, engineering, agriculture, or in any other useful branch of learning, and dissolve any such affiliation.
(1) enter into an affiliation with any other college or university (except re: theology or divinity); or (2) consent to the dissolution with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
s.34(1)(l) Shall recommend to the Board the establishment of, or the abolition of, or any changes in....constituent college...
(1) affiliation or association with the UM of any Manitoba College. (2) dissolution of any affiliated or associated Manitoba colleges. |
Administration and Miscellaneous Matters
Subject | Board of Governors | Senate |
Annual Report |
s.22 Shall make an annual report to the Lieutenant Governor in Council and send it to the Minister of Education. | |
Attaining Purposes/ Objects |
s.4(1)(i) Decides what arrangements UM may enter into with persons or authorities (e.g., government, public, private) that it deems conducive to the attainment of the purposes and objects of UM and what rights, privileges, and concessions from those persons or authorities the Board thinks is desirable. | |
Fees | s.16(1)(c) May fix and determine all fees and charges to be paid to the University. | |
Human Resources | s.61(1)(3) Mandatory retirement (Board Bylaw).
s.4(1)(r) May prescribe terms and conditions for the payment of money directly or indirectly, as contribution toward pensions, annuities, retiring allowances, and gratuities for UM employees. s.16(1)(b) May appoint president/vice-presidents/ deans/librarian/comptroller/members of academic staff*/ all such officers, clerks, employees and servants as the Board may deem necessary; fix their salaries/remuneration; identify their powers/duties; fix their tenure of office/employment. *s.16(2) Academic staff can only be dismissed in accordance with Board by-laws/rules/regulations - changes to Board by-laws/rules/regulations which adversely affect the tenure of a member of academic staff to take effect in the year following that in which the amendment is made or the end of the academic staff member's special appointment term, whichever is later. |
s.34(s) Shall make recommendations to the Board re: procedures re: appointments, promotions, salaries, tenure and dismissals. |
Investments | s.5(1) May, by-law or resolution, transfer to one common investment fund (The University Investment Trust Fund) all or part of the monies/securities owned or held by UM in trust.
s.5(6) May, as monies are available, at any time transfer from the investment fund to a participating fund an amount not exceeding the balance to the credit of that participating fund. |
Parking | s.16(1)(h) May make regulations respecting and prohibiting the parking or leaving of vehicles on campus (including parking fees and charges, and the removal and impoundment of vehicles) | |
Property | s.4 The University may buy/receive/sell/etc. property. The following excerpts are provided for information:
s.4(1)(a) Receive or acquire grants, purchases, leases, gifts, devices, bequests, etc. of real or personal property. s.4(1)(b) Sell/lease/mortgage/etc. real or personal property. s.4(1)(c) Invest University money (using prudent person principles and taking into account any trust conditions applying to particular assets). s.4(1)(f) Decide what building erection/construction is necessary or convenient for UM purposes. |
s.34(1)(s) Shall make recommendations to the Board with respect to...campus planning, a building program.... |
Use of... | s.63(1) Board authority required re use of "university", "varsity", coat of arms or crest.
s.63(2) Board authority required re use of word "Manitoba" in institutions of learning. |
Governance Organization
Subject | Board of Governors | Senate |
Composition | s.8 The Board of Governors shall be composed of 23 members as follows:
a) 12 members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, of whom three must be students of the university; b) Three members elected by the graduates of the university from among the graduates of the university; c) Three members elected by the senate from among the members of the senate; c1) three students of the university appointed by The University of Manitoba Students' Union; d) The president e) The chancellor. |
s.25 The Senate shall be composed of:
a) the president; b) the chancellor; c) the vice-presidents of the university; d) the dean of each faculty of the university; e) the director or each school of the university having a school council; f) the Director of Extension of the university or, if none, the officer exercising comparable functions; g) the Director of Libraries of the university; h) the dean or director of students affairs of the university or, if none, the officer exercising comparable function; i) the head of each constituent or member college; j) the vice-deans of the Faculty of Arts and Science; k) two persons appointed by the board from amongst its members other than those who are otherwise members of the senate; l) 28 persons elected by, and from amongst, the students of the university in the method determined under clause 34(1)(cc), and, in addition, the president of the University of Manitoba Students' Union; m) two members of the board of directors of the alumni association appointed by that board; n) the persons elected under section 27; o) members at large appointed under subsection 27(4); p) the head of each affiliated college; q) the Deputy Minister of education, or his designate.
s.27(1) Each faculty council and each school council shall annually elect such number of persons to be members of senate as the senate has determined the faculty council or school council is entitled to so elect. s.27(4) a person elected as provided in this section, who has been elected by senate to the board and whose term of office on senate expires before his term of office on the board, shall be appointed by senate to be a member-at-large of senate for the remainder of his term on the board unless he is re-elected to the senate. |
Appointment/ Election of Members |
s.16(1)(f) re: election of three graduates to Board.
s.37(h) Board members who are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council or elected by UM graduates or Senate are also members of The University and Community Council. |
s.34(1)(a) re: election from faculty/school council's students
(aa) (bb) (cc) (dd) s.34.(1)(w) Shall elect from amongst its members three persons to be members of the Board. s.34(i) Shall appoint three members of the Senate to be members of the University and Community Council. s.34(1)(ff) Shall appoint from amongst its members persons to be members of a joint committee of Senate and the University and Community Council. |
Removal of Members | s.24 The Lieutenant Governor in Council, may, for cause, remove from office any appointed member of the board and, upon the recommendation of the board, any elected member thereof.
s.10(1) A Board member ceases to be a member of the Board if he/she is absent for three consecutive board meetings without just cause or is incapable of acting. A declaration of existence of the vacancy is entered on the board minutes (and is conclusive proof thereof). |
s.29 Any appointed or elected member of the senate may be removed from office at any time by the body that appointed or elected him. |
Committees |
s.16(1)(g) May appoint such committees as it may deem necessary and confer upon any of the committees power and authority to act for the board in and in relation to such matters as the Board may deem expedient. |
s.34(1)(x) Shall appoint such committees as it deems necessary and confer upon any of the committees power and authority to act for the Senate in and in relation to such matters as senate deems expedient and appoint such other committees as Senate deems expedient to act in an advisory capacity.
s.34(1)(y) Shall elect an Executive Committee. |
ss.46-50 Committee of Election to elect chancellor composed of members of Board and Senate.
*The University and Community Council has not been operational in over 20 years. |
Meetings | s.16(1)(a) May provide for the regulation and conduct of its meetings and proceedings, and fix quorum.
s.19 Action of the Board = by resolution or by-law. |
s.34(1)(a) Shall provide for the regulation and conduct of its meetings and proceedings, and fix quorum. |
Office of the University Secretary
Jeff Leclerc
University Secretary
204-474-6167 -
Melissa Watson
Executive Assistant to the University Secretary and Confidential Assistant to the Chancellor
204-474-9593 -
Shannon Coyston
Associate University Secretary (Senate)
204-474-6892 -
Shelley Foster - on leave
Associate University Secretary (Board of Governors)
204-474-6165 -
Marcia Yoshida
Student Appeals and Academic Governance Officer
204-474-6166 -
Laura Orsak-Williams
Governance Systems Coordinator
204-474-8174 -
Dr. Juliette (Archie) Cooper
Senior Scholar
Office of the University Secretary
Room 312 Administration Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada