2024 Meetings

October 15, 2024

Motions approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approves the revised Parking Regulations, effective immediately.

The Board received for information/consultation the following:

  • Role of the Board of Governors and Board Members
  • President’s Report
  • Fall Enrolment Update 
  • Report of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee
  • Report of the Governance and Board Development Committee 
  • Report of the Advancement Committee 
  • Request for Admission Target Increase, Master or Nursing, Nurse Practitioner Program, College of Nursing
  • Report from Senate (dated October 2, 2024)
  • Closure of Bachelor of Arts (General) in Linguistics and American Sign Language – English Interpretation
  • Implementation of Micro-Diploma in Canadian Private Law, Micro-Diploma in Canadian Public Law, Faculty of Law
  • Temporary increase to admission target Doctor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, President’s approval
  • Extension of suspension of admissions to Bachelor of Science (Major) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Provincial approval

June 25, 2024

Motions approved in Open Session:

THAT, the Board of Governors approve:

  • Proposals for a Micro-Diploma in Canadian Private Law and a Micro-Diploma in Canadian Public Law, Faculty of Law
  • Proposal to Close the Baccalaureate Program for Registered Nurses, College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated May 7, 2024)

THAT the Board of Governors approve the Financial Statements and Annual Financial Report for the University of Manitoba for the year ended March 31, 2024.

THAT the Board of Governors approve the Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Report of the University of Manitoba for the year ended December 31, 2023.

THAT the Board of Governors approves UM’s Bill S-211 Supply Chains Act Annual Report submission.

The Board received for information/consultation the following:

  • Draft Truth and Reconciliation Framework: Time for Action, 2024-2029
  • Board and Committee Scorecards for 2022-2023
  • Report of the Audit and Risk Management Committee  
  • Report of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee
  • Report from Senate (dated June 19, 2024)
  • Annual Report on the Status of Academic Program Reviews and Accredited Programs
  • Notification of Closure of the Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy), Provincial Approval

May 28, 2024

Motions approved in Open Session:

THAT, the Board of Governors approve:

  • Proposal for a College of Community and Global Health, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Reports of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated January 16, February 20 and April 2, 2024)
  • Proposal to close the Bachelor of Arts (General) in Linguistics and American Sign Language – English Interpretation, Faculty of Arts
  • Proposal to convert the Leslie F. Buggey Professorship in Pharmacy to a Chair

THAT the Board of Governors approve the proposed Board of Governors and Committee Priorities for 2024-2025, as recommended by the Executive Committee.

THAT the Board of Governors approves general increases for tuition fees and university-wide fees for the 2024/25 Academic Year as follows:

  • Undergraduate domestic tuition rates increase 2.75%, with the exception of no increase for the Pharm.D. program.
  • Undergraduate international tuition rates increase 5.75%.
  • Graduate domestic and international tuition and continuing fee rates increase 2.75%.
  • University-wide fees increase 2.75%.
  • University Lab Fees increase to $40 (Lab I), $65 (Lab II), and $95 (Lab III).

THAT the Board of Governors approve the 2024/25 tuition and course fee assessment schedule, including a new assessment of university-wide fees in certificate and micro-certificate programs, revisions to the tuition assessment schedules in the J.D., M. Dent., and M.P.A.S. programs effective the Fall Term 2024, and revisions to the tuition assessment schedule in the M.B.A. program effective the Fall Term 2025, respectively.

THAT the Board of Governors approves:

  • A consolidated budget for the year ending March 31, 2025, that includes:
    • total revenues of $1,116 million
    • total expenses of $1,114, million
    • a balanced general operating budget with revenue of $820 million
    • a capital spending plan of $115 million

THAT the Board of Governors approves:

  1. Residence room rates (per term – fall or winter) for 2024-2025 of:
    1. Pembina Hall Residence - $4,414
    2. Arthur V. Mauro Residence - $4,767
    3. Mary Speechly Hall - $2,102 (double); $3,290 (single)
    4. University College Residence - $2,141 (double); $3,351 (single)
  2. Meal plan rates (per term – fall or winter) for 2024-2025 of:
    1. 10 Meals per Week - $2,922
    2. 15 Meals per Week - $3,158
    3. 7 - Day Unlimited - $3,440
    4. Flex Plan - $2,617
  3. Extended stay fee (holiday break) for 2024-2025 of $340

That the Board of Governors approves the following contributions be assessed against students beginning in the fall of 2024:

Unit Contribution Length Requested By:
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

$3.83/credit hour (degree)

$2.50/credit hour (diploma)

3 years Dr. Martin Scanlon
Faculty of Arts $1.00/credit hour 3 years Dr. Robert Hoppa
School of Dental Hygiene $42.50/semester 3 years Professor Mary Bertone
College of Dentistry $87.50/semester 3 years Dr. Anastasia Kelekis-Cholakis
College of Medicine $50/semester 3 years Dr. Peter Nickerson
Faculty of Music $3.00/credit hour 3 years Dr. Edward Jurkoswki
College of Nursing $3.50/credit hour (fall and winter semester only) 3 years Dr. Netha Dyck

THAT the Board of Governors;

  1. Approves effective immediately, revisions to the Distinguished Service Award Policy and Procedure
  2. Repeals effective immediately, the Distinguished Service Award Committee Bylaws

THAT the Board of Governors approve the revised Code of Conduct for Members of the Board of Governors of the University of Manitoba, effective June 1, 2024.

THAT the Board of Governors approves revisions to the Accessibility Policy to ensure compliance with the Accessible Information and Communication Standard requirements under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act, which came into effect on May 1, 2024.

The Board received for information/consultation the following:

  • President’s Report
  • Statement of Freedom of Expression at the University of Manitoba
  • Respectful Rematriation and Repatriation Ceremony Policy and Procedures
  • Report of the Board Executive Committee
  • Report of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee
  • Report of the Governance and Board Development Committee
  • Report of the Advancement Committee
  • Temporary Increase to Admission Target, Doctor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy
  • Reports from Senate (dated April 3 and May 15, 2024)
  • Request to Extend Temporary Suspension of Admissions, Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Agrology, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, President’s Approval
  • 2023-2024 Fundraising Update

March 19, 2024

Motions approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approve:

  • Reports of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated November 19 and December 19, 2023)

THAT the Board of Governors:

     1.   Approves effective immediately:
           a.    Deans of Faculties, Directors of Schools of the University, and College Deans Policy;
           b.    Deans of Faculties, Directors of Schools of the University, and College Deans: Appointment and Review Procedure; 

     2.   Repeal effective immediately:
           a.    Deans of Faculties Bylaw;
           b.    Directors of Schools of the University Bylaw; and
           c.    Deans of Faculties and Directors of Schools of the University: Appointment and Review Policy and Procedure

THAT the Board of Governors approves enhancements to the Staff Benefits Plan for active full-time and part-time employees effective April 1, 2024, as recommended by the Staff Benefits Committee. 

The Board received for information/consultation the following:

  • Draft Research Strategic Plan
  • Report of the Board Executive Committee
  • Report of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee
  • Report of the Governance and Board Development Committee
  • Report of the Advancement Committee 
  • Report of the Audit and Risk Management Committee 
  • President's Report
  • Reports from Senate (dated January 10, February 7, and March 6, 2024)
    • Request to Extend Temporary Suspension of Admissions to Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Agrology, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences 
    • Annual Report of the University Discipline Committee, September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023
    • Undergraduate Admission Targets, 2024 - 2025
    • Extension of Suspensions of Admissions, President's Approval: Bachelor of Science (Major) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biotechnology, Faculty of Science
    • Implementation of Graduate Micro-Diploma in Applied Health Services Research, Department of Community Health Sciences 

February 27, 2024 Strategic Discussion

Motion approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approves MOMENTUM: Leading Change Together, University of Manitoba Strategic Plan, 2024-2029 as recommended by Senate at its meeting of February 7, 2024.)

The Board received for information/consultation the following:

  • Presentation on Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba
  • Board of Governors Tour of spaces at the Bannatyne Campus


2023 Meetings

December 5, 2023

Motions approved in Open Session:

THAT, the Board of Governors approve:

  • Reports of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated September 19 and October 24, 2023)
  • Research Chair in Potato Sustainability, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
  • Graduate Micro-Diploma in Applied Health Services Research, Department of Community Health Sciences

THAT the Board of Governors approve the establishment of a Presidential Review Committee as outlined in the attached terms of reference.

THAT the Board of Governors approves Amendment 86/23/01 and the Consolidated Plan Document for the University of Manitoba GFT Pension Plan (1986).

The Board received for information/consultation the following:

  • Draft Strategic Plan
  • Report of the Board Executive Committee
  • Report of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee
  • Request to Extend Suspension of Admissions to Bachelor of Science (Major) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biotechnology, Faculty of Science
  • Reports from Senate (dated November 1 and December 6, 2023)            
    • 2024-2025 Academic Schedule
    • Extension of Suspensions of Admissions, Provincial Approval
      • Bachelor of Human Ecology (Family Social Sciences) and Bachelor of Human Ecology (Family Social Sciences), After-Degree, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
      • Master of Arts in Icelandic Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts
  • Amendment and Purchase of Annuity for UM Pension Plan (1993)

October 10, 2023

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT, the Board of Governors approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated June 6 and August 22, 2023)

THAT, the Board of Governors approve [subject to Senate approval, October 4, 2023]:

  • Closure of the Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy), College of Pharmacy, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Research Professorships in the Department of Radiology, Max Rady College of Medicine:
    • Professorship in Radiology Research
    • Professorship in Diagnostic Radiology Research
    • Professorship in Interventional Radiology Research


The Board received for presentation/information the following:

  • Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom
  • Fall Enrolment Update
  • Budget Model Review
  • Report of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee
  • Report from Senate (dated October 4, 2023)                       
  • Implementation of new programs:                                         
    • Master of Arts in Art and Architectural History, School of Art
    • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Business Analytics and Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Strategy and Global Management, Faculty of Management (Asper School of Business)
  • Micro-Diploma in Mythology and Folktale, Faculty of Arts
  • Micro-Diploma in Introduction to German Language, Life and Culture, Faculty of Arts
  • Changes to Admission Targets                     
  • Provincial Approval: Admission Target Increases
    • Doctor of Medicine (Undergraduate Medical Education) Program, Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
    • Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Provincial Approval: Temporary Suspension of Admissions
    • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Majors in: International Business; Leadership and Organization; Management Information Systems, Asper School of Business
    • Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Engineering, Price Faculty of Engineering
  • President’s Approval: Admission Target Increases
    • M.A. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Arts
    • Bachelor of Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary Health Program, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
    • Doctor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy (temporary increase)
  • President’s Approval: Consolidated Admission Targets
    • Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work
  • President’s Approval: Extension of Temporary Suspension of Admissions
    • Bachelor of Human Ecology (Family Social Sciences), Including the After-Degree, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
    • Master of Arts in Icelandic, Faculty of Arts

June 26, 2023

Motions approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approves the Financial Statements of The University of Manitoba for the year ended March 31, 2023.

THAT the Board of Governors approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated May 9, 2023)

THAT the Board of Governors approves a 12-month renewal contract for International Student Healthcare Insurance with Manitoba Blue Cross and StudentCare for a total value of approximately $7.26 million.

THAT the Board of Governors approves the Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Report of The University of Manitoba for the year ended December 31, 2022.

The Board received for consultation/information the following:

  • Strategic Plan Consultation
  • Report of the Finance & Infrastructure Committee  
  • Report of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
  • Requests to Extend Suspension of Admissions to Programs:
    • Bachelor of Human Ecology (Family Social Sciences) and Bachelor of Human Ecology (Family Social Sciences) After Degree, Max Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
    • Master of Arts in Icelandic, Faculty of Arts
  • Request for Change to Admission Targets, Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work
  • Report from Senate (dated June 21, 2023)
  • Request for Increase to Admission Target, Master of Arts and Doctor in Psychology in Psychology (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts
  • Implementation of new programs:
    • Ph.D. in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
    • M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Pediatrics and Child Health
    • Graduate Micro-Diploma in Science Communication

May 30, 2023

Motions approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approves the Presidential Expenses Policy.

THAT the Board of Governors approve:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated April 5, 2023)
  • Program Proposals from the Faculty of Arts:
    • Micro-Diploma in Mythology and Folktale
    • Micro-Diploma in Introduction to German Language, Life, and Culture

THAT the Board of Governors approves the following contributions be assessed against students beginning in the fall of 2023:

Unit Contribution Length Requested By:
Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth & Resources $3/credit hour[ 2 Dr. Stephan Pflughmacher Lima, Dean
Faculty of Education $4.03/credit hour 3 Dr. Charlotte Enns, Acting Dean
Price Faculty of Engineering $5/credit hour 3 Dr. Marcia Friesen, Dean
Department of Interior Design $1.66/credit hour 3 Mira Locher, Dean
College of Occupational Therapy $125/semester 3 Dr. Reg Urbanowski, Dean
College of Physical Therapy $125/semester 3 Dr. Reg Urbanowski, Dean
College of Pharmacy $80/semester 2 Dr. Lalitha Raman-Wilms, Dean
School of Art $3/credit hour 3 Dr. Ed Jurkowski, Director
Faculty of Social Work $1.85/credit hour 2 Dr. Michael Yellow Bird, Dean

THAT the Board of Governors approve the revised Terms of Reference of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee, effective upon approval.  

The Board received for consultation/information the following:

  • Request for Increase to Admission Target, Bachelor of Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary Heath Program, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences;
  • Request for Temporary Increase to Admission Target for Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), College of Dentistry;
  • Implementation of Master of Applied Human Nutrition;
  • Temporary Suspension of Admissions, M. Dent. in Pediatric Dentistry;
  • Temporary Suspension of Admissions, Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Engineering and B. Comm.(Hons) Majors in International Business, Leadership and Organization, and Management Information Systems; and
  • Admission Target Increases to Healthcare Programs, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, Bachelor of Fine Arts, School of Art and Bachelor of Jazz Studies, Desautels Faculty of Music.

March 28, 2023

Motions approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approves increases for tuition fees and university-wide fees for the 2023/24 Academic Year as follows:

  • Undergraduate domestic tuition rates increase 2.75%, with the exception of no increase for the PharmD program.
  • Graduate domestic tuition and continuing fee rates increase 2.75%.
  • International tuition differential rates increase consistent with domestic rates.
  • University-wide fees increase 2.75%

THAT the Board of Governors approves a consolidated budget for the year ending March 31, 2024 that includes:

  • total revenues of $1,022,874,878
  • total expenses of $1,039,179,311
  • a balanced general operating budget with revenue of $748,636,911
  • a capital spending plan of $96,245,000

THAT the Board of Governors approves the revised 2023-24 Budget Estimate for the Province of Manitoba.

THAT the Board of Governors approves the:

  • Responsible Investment Policy
  • Investment Policy Statement

THAT the Board of Governors approve:
Reports of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated January 17 and February 21, 2023)

That the Board of Governors approves:

  1. Residence room rates (per term – fall or winter) for 2023-2024 of:
    1. Pembina Hall Residence - $4,306
    2. Arthur V. Mauro Residence - $4,651
    3. Mary Speechly Hall - $2,081 (double); $3,257 (single)
    4. University College Residence - $2,120 (double); $3,318 (single)
  2. Meal plan rates (per term – fall or winter) for 2023-2024 of:
    1. 10 Meals per Week - $2,783
    2. 15 Meals per Week - $3,008
    3. 7-Day Unlimited - $3,276
    4. University College Flex Plan - $2,492
  3. Extended stay fee (holiday break) for 2023-2024 of $325

The Board received for consultation/information the following:

  • Request for Increase to Admission Targets, Healthcare Programs, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and Faculty of Arts
  • Request for Temporary Increase to Admission Targets for Bachelor of Fine Arts, School of Art and Bachelor of Jazz Studies, Desautels Faculty of Music
  • Report from Senate (dated February 1, 2023)


January 31, 2023

Motions approved in Open Session

THAT the Board of Governors approves the Southwood Development Plan.

THAT the Board of Governors approves the following recommendations of the Trust Investment Committee (TIC) as further described in Part 1 of the Report on Recommendations for Incorporating Responsible Investment Principles at the University (Attachment 1):

  1. Adopt a Responsible Investment Policy:
    1. This overarching policy should apply to investments overseen by the TIC, notably the University Investment Trust (Endowment Fund).
    2. It should also apply to investments overseen by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Treasury Office, notably the Specific and Capital Trust Investments; Operating Investments; Mineral Rights Royalties; and Staff Benefit Investments, in consultation with Staff Benefits Committee.
    3. The policy should integrate environmental, social and governance factors into the investment programs of the University.
  2. Exercise active ownership through actions such as improving proxy voting delegated to external investment managers; undertaking direct engagement with external investment managers and companies where practical and effective; and joining coalition(s) with investors with similar fiduciary responsibilities.
  3. Commit to a minimum allocation to investments that will advance positive social and environmental changes while still seeking financial returns.
  4. Divest from investments that violate the rights of Indigenous Peoples:
    1. The University should divest from assets whose business practices demonstrably violate the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
    2. The University should develop criteria that would indicate a violation of these rights, to determine if divestment is warranted.
    3. For direct investments, the University should establish procedures to address violations of these rights prior to making the decision to divest.
    4. Where the University has investments in funds that it does not have direct control over, it should actively engage with the investment manager to eliminate the equity holding within the pooled fund. The University should also request that its shareholder engagement service address the issue with the company. Should these efforts fail to affect change, we recommend that the University look to investing these assets in a more suitable investment fund.
  5. Divest from investments in fossil fuel supply:
    1. The University should make no new direct investments in fossil fuel supply from 2023 forward.
    2. The University should divest from all direct investment in fossil fuel supply companies by 2024.
    3. The University should divest from indirect investment in fossil fuel supply by 2030 at the latest.
    4. The University should define fossil fuel supply as a company involved in the exploration, extraction, and/or refining of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal).
  6. Become a signatory to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investing (UNPRI) by September 2023.
  7. Track and report on carbon emissions from investments.
  8. Disclose investment risks and exposures through the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) by 2025.
  9. Carry out due diligence in line with the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s Responsible Business Conduct for Institutional Investors by 2025.
  10. The University should dedicate resources that support these important recommendations and initiatives.

THAT the Board of Governors approves decreasing the spending rate of the University Investment Trust (endowment fund) from 4.50% to 4.25% for fiscal 2023/2024.

THAT the Board of Governors approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated October 25, 2022).

THAT the Board of Governors approve:

  1. Report of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated November 15, 2022)
  2. Proposal for a Master of Art in Art and Architectural History, School of Art

The Board received for consultation/information the following:

  • Request for temporary suspension of admissions to the M.Dent. in Pediatric Dentistry, for 2023-2024
  • Update to Annual Board of Governors Meeting Schedule
  • Increase to Admission Target, Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Sciences
  • Increase to Admission Target, Bachelor of Midwifery, College of Nursing.


2022 Meetings

November 29, 2022

Motions Approved in Open Session

THAT the Board of Governors approves the proposed revisions to the Audit Services Policy and to the Audit Services Charter.

THAT the Board of Governors approve:

  • the Principles Guiding Committees;
  • the new committee structure, to include the Executive Committee, Advancement Committee, Audit and Risk Management Committee, Finance and Infrastructure Committee, Governance and Board Development Committee, and Human Resources and Compensation Committee, commencing with the January 2023 Board Cycle; and
  • the Terms of Reference for the new standing committees of the Board.

THAT the Board of Governors approve the establishment of a graduate Micro-Diploma in Science Communication, Department of immunology.

THAT the Board of Governors approve:

  1. Proposal for a Doctor of Philosophy in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Department of Pathology
  2. Proposals for a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in Pediatric and Child Health, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health
  3. Proposal to Convert Manitoba Public Insurance Professorship in Neuroscience to a Chair

The Board received for information the following:

  • Academic Schedule for 2023-2024
  • Education Plan & Governance Updates

September 28, 2022

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approves the revised Sexual Violence Policy, effective immediately.

THAT the Board of Governors approve the revisions to Section 2.14 of the Governing Documents Development and Review Policy as noted below:

Previous Version:
2.14    The Office of the University Secretary is authorized to update contact information, cross references and to correct typographical errors in Governing Documents, provided that such changes do not materially affect their substance or content.

Proposed Revision:
2.14     The Office of the University Secretary is authorized to approve minor changes to university Governing Documents, provided that such changes do not materially affect the substance or content of the Governing Document.  Such minor changes include:
(a)    corrections of typographical errors
(b)    changes in contact information or position titles;
(c)    changes in names of units or departments;
(d)    amendments to reflect new or amended Governing Document titles;
(e)    amendments to incorporate inclusive language with respect to persons with disabilities and accessibility, and inclusion as it relates to gender identity and sexual orientation, race and ethnicity and Indigenous peoples and nations; and
(f)    amendments to update references to website links included within the Governing Documents.

The University Secretary shall report annually to the President on any minor Governing Documents amendments approved under this section.

THAT the Board of Governors approve, as recommended by Senate:

  1. Report of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated August 23, 2022)
  2. [subject to Senate approval, October 6, 2022] Proposal for Manitoba Multiple Sclerosis Research Centre, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

The Board received for information/consultation the following:

  • Request for Increase to Admission Target, Bachelor of Midwifery, College of Nursing, President’s Approval
  • Provincial Approval - Closure of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Operational Research Operations Management
  • Implementation of Undergraduate Degree Programs:
    • Bachelor of Science (Honours) and Bachelor of Science (Major) in Environmental Geoscience
    • Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) in German
    • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Global Political Economy
    • Request for Increase to Admission Target, Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy, College of rehabilitation Sciences
    • Preliminary Fall Enrolment Update

June 28, 2022

Motions Approved in Open Session

THAT the Board of Governors approve, as recommended by Senate:

  1. Reports of the Senate Committee on Awards [dated May 12, 2022 and June 9, 2022]
  2. Proposal for a Chair in Technology Assisted Living, College of Rehabilitation Sciences
  3. Proposal for a Chair in Natural Systems Agriculture for Climate Solutions, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
  4. Proposal for a Professorship in Global Infectious Diseases Research, Max Rady College of Medicine

THAT the Board of Governors approve the Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Report of The University of Manitoba for the year ended December 31, 2021.

THAT the Board of Governors approve a 12 month renewal contract for International Student Healthcare Insurance with Manitoba Blue Cross and StudentCare for a total value of approximately $7.45 million.

THAT the Board of Governors approve the assessment of a student organization fee of $28 per year related to the UMSU Legal Protection Program, beginning in the 2022/23 academic year as follows:

  • The fee is to be assessed on all Undergraduate students who meet the same criteria as the UMSU Health and Dental programs. That includes:
    • Undergraduate UMSU member registered in a minimum of 6 credit hours in Fall Term for coverage from September to August.
    • Undergraduate UMSU member who is newly admitted in Winter term and is registered in a minimum of 9 credit hours for coverage from January to August.
  • Students may opt out of this fee.
  • Graduate students are not included in this program.

THAT the Board of Governors approves the Financial Statements of The University of Manitoba for the year ended March 31, 2022.

THAT the Board of Governors approves the creation of the Fraud and Financial Irregularity Reporting Policy, effective July 1, 2022.

The Board received for information/consultation the following:

  • Increase to Admission Target, Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing President’s Approval
  • One-Time Increase to Admission Target, Bachelor of Midwifery, College of Nursing, President’s Approval
  • Request for Admission Target Increase, Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Sciences
  • Request for Admission Target Increase, Bachelor of Midwifery, College of Nursing

May 24, 2022

Motions Approved in Open Session

THAT the Board of Governors approve, as recommended by Senate:

  1. Report of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated April 7, 2022)
  2. Closure of the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Operational Research / Operations Management, I.H. Asper School of Business
  3. Proposal for a Professorship in Anesthesiology, Max Rady College of Medicine
  4. Proposal for the Manitoba Strategic Research Chair in Sustainable Protein, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

THAT the Board of Governors approves:

  1. Residence room rates (per term) for 2022-23 of:
    1. Pembina Hall Residence- $4,181
    2. Arthur V. Mauro Residence- $4,516
    3. Mary Speechly Hall- $2,040 (double); $3,193 (single); $3,991 (super single)
    4. University College Residence- $2,078 (double); $3,253 (single); $4,066 (super single)
  2. Meal plan rates (per term) for 2022-23 of:
    1. 10 Meals per Week - $2,650
    2. 15 Meals per Week - $2,865
    3. 7- Day Unlimited - $3,120
    4. University College FoodBucks Plan - $1,890
    5. University College Flex Plan - $2,373
  3. Extended stay fee (holiday break) for 2022-23 of: $310

THAT the Board of Governors approves the following contributions be assessed against students beginning in the fall of 2022:



Contribution Length Requested by:
Architecture $25/term 3 years Mira Locher, Dean
City Planning $50/term 3 years Mira Locher, Dean
Environmental Design $37.50/term 3 years Mira Locher, Dean
Landscape Design $40/term 3 years Mira Locher, Dean
Kinesiology & Recreation Management $4.75/credit hour 3 years Douglas Brown, Dean
Science $7.00/credit hour 3 years Brian Mark, Dean

THAT the Board of Governors approves increases for tuition fees and university-wide fees for 2022/23 Academic Year as follows:

  • Undergraduate domestic tuition rates increase using a variable tuition framework, with an average increase not exceeding 3.75% and with no increase beyond 5.5%.
  • Graduate domestic tuition and continuing fee rates increase 3.75%, with the exception of no increase for the MBA and Master of Finance programs.
  • International tuition differential rates increase consistent with domestic rates.
  • That university-wide fees increase 3.75%, except for lab fees as they are to increase by 2%.

THAT the Board of Governors approve:

  • A consolidated budget for the year ending March 31, 2023 that includes:
    • total revenues of $977,009,498
    • total expenses of $987,833,187
    • a balanced general operating budget of $698,521,588
    • a capital spending plan of $78,796,000    

The Board received for information/consultation the following:

  • Increase to Admission Target, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Programs, Price Faculty of Engineering
  • Temporary Increase to Admission Target, Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), College of Pharmacy, Approval
  • Reallocation of Admission Targets, Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, Approval
  • Increase to Admission Target, Bachelor of Nursing
  • One-Time Admission Target Increase, Bachelor of Midwifery

April 26, 2022

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approve, as recommended by Senate:

  1. Report of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated February 24, 2022)
  2. Proposal for a Master of Applied Human Nutrition, Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences




March 22, 2022

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approve, as recommended by Senate:

  1. Report of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated January 20, 2022)
  2. Proposal for a Bachelor of Science (Major) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Geosciences, Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

THAT the Board of Governors:

  1. Approve the Approval Authority Matrix for Academic and Administrative Staff Appointments as outlined in Appendix 1;
  2. Approve the revision of the President Policy to delegate authority to the President to act on behalf of the Board to approve the appointment and the award of promotion and tenure of certain academic and administrative staff, effective July 1, 2022; and
  3. Authorize the University Secretary to make consequential amendments to other University Governing Documents to consistently reflect this delegation.

The Board received for information/discussion the following:

  • Extension of Suspension of Admissions, Provincial Approval: Master of Arts in Icelandic,
  • Annual Report of the University Discipline Committee
  • Undergraduate Admission Targets, 2022-2023
  • Provincial Approval – Closure of Diploma in Population Health, Department of Community Health Sciences
  • Request for temporary reallocation of admission targets, Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work

January 25, 2022

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approves a revision to Section 2.1 of the Distinguished Professor/Distinguished Professor Emeritus/Emerita Policy to ensure that all members of the academic staff are eligible for nomination as Distinguished Professor, effective upon approval.

THAT the Board of Governors approve the:

  1. Reports of the Senate Committee on Awards (dated October 19 and December 15, 2021).
  2. Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts (Single Advanced Major) and Bachelor of Arts (Double Advanced Major) in German, Faculty of Arts.
  3. Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts (Single Honours) in Global Political Economy, Faculty of Arts.
  4. Proposal for a Micro-Diploma in Workplace Health and Safety, Faculty of Arts.

The Board received for information/discussion the following:

  • Extension of Suspension of Admissions, Provincial Approval: Master of Arts in Icelandic, Baccalaureate Program for Registered Nurses, Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Agrology
  • Request for Temporary Increase to Admission Target, Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), College of Pharmacy
  • Request for Increase to Admission Target, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Programs, Price Faculty of Engineering


2021 Meetings

November 30, 2021

The following motions were approved by the Board of Governors at the November 30, 2021 meeting:

Motions approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approve, as recommended by Senate:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Awards (September 23, 2021)
  • Proposals for a Professorship in Family Medicine Research and Innovation and a Professorship in Quality Improvement
  • Revised terms of reference for the MPI Professorship in Neurosciences
  • Revised terms of reference for the Evelyn Wyrzykowski Research Chair in Cardiology
  • Proposal from the Faculty of Arts to revise the name of the Department Native Studies to the “Department of Indigenous Studies,” effective January 1, 2022

The Board received for information the following:

  • Extension of Suspension of Admissions:
  • President’s Approval - Master of Arts in Icelandic, Baccalaureate Program for Registered Nurses, Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Agrology
  • Provincial Approval – Bachelor of Science (Honours) and Bachelor of Science (Major) in Biotechnology, Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
  • Provincial Approval - Closure of Master of Science in Family Social Sciences
  • 2022- 2023 Academic Schedule
  • Key Internal Controls Presentation
  • President’s Report to the Board of Governors
  • Enrolment Update


October 4, 2021

The following motions were approved by the Board of Governors at its meeting on October 4, 2021.

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approve five new offers, six amended offers, and the withdrawal of two offers, as set out in the Report of the Senate Committee on Awards [dated August 24, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve “Our Shared Future: Building on Our Strategic Plan” as a planning supplement to Taking Our Place: University of Manitoba Strategic Plan 2015-2020”, to act as a bridge to the completion of a comprehensive strategic planning process by 2023.

The Board received for information the following:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Awards [dated June 10, 2021] (approved August 31, 2021 by Executive)
  • Key Internal Controls Presentation
  • President’s Report to the Board of Governors
  • Enrolment Update

June 22, 2021

The following motions were approved by the Board of Governors at its meeting on June 22, 2021.

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approve seven new offers, eight amended offers, and the withdrawal of five offers, as set out in the Report of the Senate Committee on Awards [dated April 8, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve five new offers, five amended offers, and the withdrawal of three offers, as set out in the Report of the Senate Committee on Awards [dated May 6, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approval a proposal for a Master of Arts in Music Research [as recommended by Senate, May 19, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve the closure of Master of Science in Family Social Sciences [subject to Senate approval, June 16, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve revisions to the Student Discipline Bylaw and associated Student Non-Academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviour and Student Discipline Appeal procedures, effective September 1, 2021 [subject to Senate approval, June 16, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve a 12 month renewal contract for International Student Healthcare Insurance with Manitoba Blue Cross and StudentCare for a total value of approximately $7.2 million.

THAT the Board of Governors approves the following, effective June 22, 2021:

  • The further revisions to the Signing of Agreements Policy incorporating a definition of “Delegate” or “Delegation”, and changes to section 2.5 and 2.7 surrounding delegation;
  • The further revisions to the Signing of Agreements Procedure incorporating a definition of “Delegate” or “Delegation”, the inclusion of the Vice-President (Indigenous), and revisions to signing authority surrounding International Agreements to accommodate structural changes; and
  • The further revisions to Schedule A of the Signing of Agreements Procedure incorporating the Vice-President (Indigenous).    

THAT the Board of Governors approves:

  • The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Governance Policy
  • The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Governance Procedure    

The Board of Governors approves the Consolidated Financial Statements of The University of Manitoba for the year ended March 31, 2021.

THAT the Board of Governors approves the Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Report of The University of Manitoba for the year ended December 31, 2020.

THAT the Board of Governors approves the Bylaw The Provost and the Vice-Presidents of the University of Manitoba, effective the date of the Board of Governors’ approval; and

THAT the Board of Governors repeals the following:

  • Bylaw: Vice-Presidents (effective date not listed)
  • Bylaw: Vice-President (Academic) and Provost (effective date not listed)
  • Bylaw: Vice-President (Administration) (effective date not listed)
  • Bylaw: Vice-President (Research and International) (effective date not listed)
  • Bylaw: Vice-President (External) (effective date April 1, 2004).

The Board received for information the following:

  • Closure of Integrated Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education
  • Implementation of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics
  • Extension of Suspension of Admissions to B.Sc.Pharm. and B.Sc.(Maj.) and B.Sc.(Hons.) in Biotechnology , President’s Approval
  • Office of the Auditor General Annual Audit Results Report
  • The President’s Report: June 22, 2021
  • Request to Extend Suspension of Admissions to Master of Arts in Icelandic and Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Agrology
  • Request to Extend Suspension of Admissions to Baccalaureate Program for Registered Nurses, College of Nursing

May 19, 2021

The following motions were approved by the Board of Governors at its meeting on May 19, 2021.

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors provide consent for UMSU to petition the Manitoba Legislature to amend the UMSU Act.

THAT the Board of Governors approves the following contributions be assessed against students, beginning in the fall of 2021:




Requested by:

Agricultural & Food Sciences

$3.67/credit hour (Degree)

$2.39/credit hour (Diploma)

3 years

Martin Scanlon, Dean


$0.33/credit hour

3 years

Jeffery Taylor, Dean

Dental Hygiene


3 years

Mary Bertone, Director



3 years

Anastasia Kelekis-Cholakis, Dean

CHR Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

$3.00/credit hour

2 years

Stephan Pflugmacher Lima, Dean

Max Rady College of Medicine


3 years

Brian Postl, Dean

Desautels Faculty of Music

$2.00/credit hour

3 years

Edward Jurkowski, Dean

College of Nursing

$3.50/credit hour

3 years

Netha Dyck, Dean

College of Pharmacy


2 years

Lalitha Raman-Wilms, Dean

 THAT the Board of Governors approves:

A) Residence room rates (per term) for 2021-22 of:

  •      Pembina Hall Residence- $4,099
  • ·         Arthur Mauro Residence- $4,384
  • ·         Mary Speechly Hall Residence- $2,000 (double); $3,130 (single); $3,913 (super single)
  • ·         University College Residence- $2,037 (double); $3,189 (single); $3,986 (super single)

B) Meal plan rates (per term) for 2021-22 of:

  • ·         10 Meals per Week plus $250 FoodBucks - $2,772
  • ·         15 Meals per Week plus $250 FoodBucks - $2,981
  • ·         7-Day Unlimited plus $100 FoodBucks - $3,073
  • ·         UC FoodBucks Plan - $1,800
  • ·         UC Flex Plan ($750 FoodBucks plus 100 meals at Fresh Food Company) - $2,260

 C) Extended stay fee (holiday break) for 2021-22 of: $300



The Board received for information and discussion the following items:

  • ·         The President’s Report
  • ·         Experiential Learning at UM: Next Steps in Advancing our Strategy


April 20, 2021

The following motions were approved by the Board of Governors at the April 20, 2021 meeting:

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approve six new offers, seven amended offers, and the withdrawal of nine offers, as set out in the Report of the Senate Committee on Awards [dated February 25, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve a proposal to change the name of the Department of Geological Sciences, in the Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, to the “Department of Earth Sciences,” effective July 1, 2021 [as recommended by Senate, April 7, 2021].

The Board received for information and discussion the following items:

  • The President’s Report
  • Request to Extend Suspension of Admissions to Bachelor of Science (Major) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biotechnology, Faculty of Science
  • Request to Extend Suspension of Admissions to Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (B.Sc.Pharm.), College of Pharmacy
  • The Faculty of Science: Status, Initiatives and Future Directions, presented by Dean Stefi Baum

March 23, 2021

The following motions were approved by the Board of Governors at the March 23, 2021 meeting:

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approve eight new offers, three amended offers, and the withdrawal of one offer, as set out in Appendix A of the Report of the Senate Committee on Awards [dated December 15, 2020].

THAT the Board of Governors approve five new offers and four amended offers, as set out in Appendix A of the Report of the Senate Committee on Awards [dated January 14, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve the closure of the Integrated Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education degree, effective upon approval [as recommended by Senate, February 3, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve the establishment of a Professorship in Lab-on-Chip Technology [as recommended by Senate, March 3, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics [as recommended by Senate, March 3, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve the amendments to the University of Manitoba GFT Pension Plan (1986) (1986 Plan) Governance Document.

That the Board of Governors approves increases for tuition fees and university-wide fees for 2021/22 Academic Year as follows:

  • Undergraduate domestic tuition rates increase using a variable tuition framework, with an average increase not exceeding 3.75%.
  • Graduate domestic tuition and continuing fee rates increase 3.75%, with the exception of no increase for the MBA and Master of Finance programs.
  • International tuition differential rates increase consistent with domestic rates.
  • That university-wide fees increase 3.75%.
  • That lab fees remain flat consistent with the four categories approved in 2020/21: $35, $60, $85, and variable (approved on a course-by-course basis).

That the Board of Governors approve a consolidated budget for the year ending March 31, 2022 that includes:

  • total revenues of $924,125,666
  • total expenses of $917,325,069 and
  • a balanced general operating budget of $660,448,312
  • a capital spending plan of $80,369,000.

THAT the Board of Governors approve:

  • The revisions to the Signing of Agreements Policy;
  • The revisions to the Signing of Agreements Procedure;
  • The revisions to Schedules A & B of the Signing of Agreements Procedure;
  • The rescinding of the Use of Corporate Seal Policy;

all effective April 1, 2021.

The Board received for information and discussion the following items:

  • The President’s Report
  • Annual Report of the University Discipline Committee (September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020)
  • Undergraduate Admission Targets, Fall 2021

January 26, 2021

The following motions were approved by the Board of Governors at the January 26, 2021 meeting:

Motions Approved in Open Session:

THAT the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the Manitoba Crop Protection Chair in Weed Management [as recommended by Senate, January 6, 2021].

THAT the Board of Governors approve four new offers and six amended offers, as set out in Appendix A of the Report of the Senate Committee on Awards [dated October 22, 2020].

THAT the Board of Governors approve four new offers, six amended offers, and the withdrawal of one offer, as set out in Appendix A of the Report of the Senate Committee on Awards [dated November 12, 2020].

THAT the Board of Governors approve:

  • The implementation of the new Employee Accessibility Procedure effective May 1, 2021; and
  • The revocation of the Reasonable Accommodation in Employment (Disabilities) Policy and Procedure effective May 1, 2021.

THAT the Board of Governors approve maintaining the spending rate of the University Investment Trust (endowment fund) at a level of 4.50 percent for fiscal 2021/2022.

THAT the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the Earth Materials and Archaeometry Centre, for a five-year term, effective upon approval [as recommended by Senate, January 6, 2021].

The Board received for information and discussion the following items:

  • The President’s Report
  • Implementation of Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics
  • Report on Remote Supports Provided for Students
  • Request to Increase Admission Target, Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing
