Aerial view of UM Fort Garry Campus

Student Accessibility Services

Reminders for current students

Activate accommodations.

After the start of each term, students registered with SAS must activate their accommodations in the Self-registration module of the student portal. Contact your accessibility coordinator if you need assistance.

Fall Term exam booking deadline.

The Fall Term exam booking deadline is 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the scheduled date of the class test, midterm or exam.

Final Exam booking deadline. 

Friday November 15, 2024 is the last date to book December tests and Final Exams.

How to register with Student Accessibility Services

Arranging for academic accommodations and support takes time. Contact our office as soon as possible to start the process.

During fall and winter terms, new student appointments and organization of academic accommodations may take at least a month to implement. 

If you have accommodations in high school, please contact us in your grade 12 year to get accommodations set up in advance of course start dates. 

Step 1: Collect your documentation

Before you book an appointment with SAS, collect the following documents:

Note: Students with documented learning disabilities are required to provide a copy of their most recent psycho-educational assessment.

If you cannot fill out the form, you can instead provide the following medical documentation to SAS.

  • A clinical diagnosis of your relevant medical condition(s)
  • The name of the person who made the diagnosis and their credential(s)
  • The date of the testing
  • Indicators of how your condition(s) affect you day to day
  • A recommendation of accommodations you need, such as: extended time for tests/exams, note sharing, braille or large-print textbooks
  • Duration of your condition(s) (temporary or permanent), and length of time you’ll need accommodations

Please contact our office directly if you or your registered health professional are unsure about the type of information required.

All personal health and medical information is kept confidential. Registration with SAS is not indicated on academic transcripts. 

Step 2: Book an intake appointment

Once you have all your documentation gathered, you can book an intake appointment by filling out our online intake form. Intake appointments can also be made by phone, email or in-person during our office hours..

Instructions for using online intake

Are you a prospective student with no UM student email yet?

You can book a consultation appointment for more information about SAS. You can also book an intake appointment by phone, email or by dropping in during our office hours and submit your documentation by fax, email or in-person.

Step 3: Work with an accessibility coordinator

After completing your registration, you will be assigned an Accessibility Coordinator to help arrange your accommodations. You can schedule a meeting or receive the information via email. Your Coordinator will discuss the following:

  • The accommodations to be provided
  • Why, when, and how they will be provided
  • Who is responsible for providing them
  • How your information is protected

Step 4: Activate your accommodations

Once your registration is complete and you have returned a signed Confidentiality and Exchange of Information form, you may activate your accommodations and send letters to your instructors from the Student Portal. You are required to activate your accommodations for each term.

What’s in a letter of accommodation? Only your name, student number and the list of accommodations are shared with your instructor. Medical documentation and personal health information are kept confidentially within the SAS office.

Step 5: Follow up if you need more assistance.

Contact your Accessibility Coordinator when something has changed in your circumstances or if your accommodations have not been implemented in a timely and effective manner. We will advocate on your behalf and help connect you with available resources.

Assistance for accessibility at University of Manitoba

While accommodation plans are tailored for each student, there are some common options and programs available to SAS registered students.

Exam accommodations

The Exam Centre is equipped with assistive technologies, ergonomic seating, incandescent lighting and other assistive devices.

During the term, tests, exams or quizzes must be booked with the Exam Centre at least 2 weeks before the scheduled test, exam or quiz.

December and April final exams will have booking deadline that fall around mid-November and mid-March respectively. SAS will announce the date well in advance of the final exam booking deadline.

The SAS Exam Centre follows the UM Final Examination Procedure. Please note you are not permitted to bring personal items, such as backpacks, into examination spaces. While storage is available, we advise against bringing valuables to exams as the storage is in an open area.

Notetaking program

The volunteer notetaking program anonymously connects SAS registered students with classmates who volunteer to share their notes. This program allows students to supplement their own notes and catch all the important details. Students can access volunteer notes via the SAS Portal.

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer notetaker? Sharing your notes to help your peers reach their academic goals can motivate your own attendance and help you be more attentive in your notetaking. Your time as a volunteer notetaker with SAS is recognized on your Co-Curricular Record (CCR).

Sign up to be a notetaker 

Assistive technology

Students requiring assistive technologies have access and support through SAS. Our team includes an Assistive Technologist who provides training and guidance to help you select the right technology solution.

The technologies we support include:

Kurzweil 3000 is a text-to-speech program that reads documents to you while taking advantage of ocular tracking (highlighting each word as it reads, similar to karaoke). Students registered with SAS can use Kurzweil free of charge. Talk to your Accessibility Coordinator for details.

Dragon (PC) is a computer voice-control program, allowing you to complete all keyboard and mouse tasks with voice commands.

JAWS and NVDA are screen readers for students with low or no vision. It allows you to navigate your computer using only the keyboard.

Zoomtext Magnifier is a screen magnification program, generally used by those with low vision.

ASL-English interpretation

SAS coordinates American Sign Language interpreters on campus as an academic accommodation for SAS-registered students.

ASL interpretation services for lectures, meetings or other events at UM campuses are hired and organized through SAS.

Bannatyne campus

A SAS coordinator is at Bannatyne Campus every week. Students at Bannatyne Campus can also connect with SAS staff regularly over the phone or by virtual options.

Bannatyne Campus Student Supports

Convocation assistance

If you are a student requiring convocation assistance, please contact SAS to make arrangements. Ushers are also on hand to help during convocation for guests with accessibility requests.

Funding opportunities for students with disabilities

Funding is available to students with disabilities through provincial and national student aid programs as well as through UM Financial Aid and Awards.

Canada Student Grant (CSG) Programs

To be considered for CSG programs, you must be eligible for Student Aid and complete a Student Aid application. The process of applying for the Canada Student Grant for Persons with Disabilities (CSG-PD) begins by indicating you are a student with a permanent, or prolonged or persistent disability on your Student Aid application.

There are two parts to the CSG program for students with disabilities – CSG-PD and CSG-DSE (Services and Equipment)

  1. CSG-PD requires a disability verification form be filled out by your doctor. The grant money you receive can be used to cover tuition and other expenses at your discretion while you are in school.

  2. CSG-DSE is an itemized grant that provides funds for specific services and equipment that students request. You and your accessibility coordinator fill out this form together each term in which you request funding. A disability-related rationale is required for each service or equipment request. Students are required to provide Student Aid with receipts and records of how CSG-DSE money was spent at the end of the study period.

    • Funding requests for services can include: exam proctoring, notetaking support, subject tutoring, ASL interpreter, etc.

    • Funding requests for equipment can include: computers, software, assistive technologies, etc. There are cost and frequency of request limitations.  

Each provincial funding organization and national funding organization communicates with students in different formats. Make sure all your contact information, including mailing address, is up-to-date so you do not miss important information.

Scholarship Opportunities

Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships and bursaries through UM Financial Aid and Awards. The SAS newsletter often includes information about specific awards available to SAS students.

More information about scholarships

Arun Sud Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to an SAS-registered student based on academic achievement and extra-curricular participation at UM or in the community. 


Career search assistance

SAS and Career Services can provide assistance in your career search. As you begin your job search, ask yourself: as a future employee, and a person with a disability, what do you want and need in a workplace? This should help guide your job search.

Here are some common questions you may ask in the process.

Do I need to disclose my disability?

The biggest consideration to make is whether or not you require an accommodation to perform the job successfully.

  • If yes, you will need to disclose your disability in order to request that accommodation.
  • If no, you are not required to disclose your disability as long as your disability will not pose a danger at work to you or others.

There are other reasons to consider disclosing your disability besides requesting a workplace accommodation. Some disability types are more visible than others, some may lead to “forced” disclosure due to flares and the need for time off, so disclosing earlier can be helpful. How much your disability factors into your personal identity can factor in as well – if disclosing makes you feel like your more authentic self, there is value in sharing that information.

How or when do I disclose my disability?

There are several times during the hiring process when you can disclose your disability:

  • When the interview is scheduled, if you require any accommodations for the interview itself
  • During the interview
  • When the job is offered

When disclosing your disability, you don’t need to specify a diagnosis or share medical details. The employer can ask about the impact of your disability on the job regarding safety, efficiency and reliability, as well as your self-management skills and how you would handle the duties of the job.

Here are some best practices for disclosure:

  • Focus the conversation on the barrier rather than on your disability
  • Avoid over-sharing
  • Stay positive and keep the focus on your skills and strengths. Consider the skills you have gained from managing a disability. Are there any strengths that helped you succeed academically that may be useful in the workplace?

Prepare a disclosure script in advance and practice the conversation with a friend, family member, or your SAS Coordinator. Practice it until you feel comfortable.

What kind of workplace accommodations can I expect?

Example workplace accommodations include:

  • Scheduling Accommodations
    • Modified shifts or hybrid/remote work
    • Restructuring work so that most difficult tasks are performed at the time of day when the individual has the most mental energy/stamina
    • Scheduled breaks
  • Organizational Accommodations
    • Advanced notice of deadlines when possible
    • Divide large projects into smaller tasks in order of priority
    • Provide a checklist of tasks
    • Provide a cheat-sheet of high priority activities, projects, people, etc.
    • Provide a wall calendar or online calendar to emphasize deadlines
  • Environmental Accommodations
    • Modified lighting
    • Parking space close to entrance
    • Keeping pathways clear of obstructions
    • Placing office and kitchen equipment in areas/heights that can be reached by all
    • Automatic doors
  • Technological Accommodations
    • Assistive devices or software
    • Noise cancelling headphones or white noise machine

If you are requesting workplace accommodations, you should:

  • Know your needs and be able to describe what type(s) of accommodations you would require on the job
  • Be prepared to provide the sources and approximate costs of these accommodations

What are my rights?

Employers have a duty to provide reasonable accommodations for potential and current employees, as defined by the Accessibility for Manitobans Act.

Disability is a protected characteristic under the Manitoba Human Rights Code. Discrimination based on disability, or any of the other protected characteristics under the Code, is prohibited. If you feel you have experienced discrimination by a potential or current employer, contact the Manitoba Human Rights Commission.

Forms, policies and resources

Contact us

Student Accessibility Services

Fort Garry campus

520 UMSU University Centre
66 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6 Canada

SAS Exam Centre

155 UMSU University Centre
66 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6 Canada

Bannatyne campus

S211 Medical Services Building
750 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W2 Canada

204-474-7423 (Main office)
204-474-6213 (Exam Centre)
204-272-3190 (Bannatyne campus)
Fort Garry office: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Exam Centre: 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.