Governing Documents: Students
Quick links to all Student governing documents including policies, procedures and bylaws can be found below.
The official versions of governing documents are contained on this website, and are updated continuously as changes are approved by the Approving Bodies. In the instance of discrepancies, the governing documents housed within the Governance web pages shall prevail.
- Accessibility
- Co-Curricular Record
- Conflict of Interest between Evaluators and Students due to Close Personal Relationships
- Electronic Communication with Students
- Examination Regulations (see Final Examinations and Final Grades)
- Respectful Work and Learning Environment
- Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students
- Self-Declaration for Brief or Temporary Student Absences
- Senate Committee on Appeals
- Sexual Violence
- Student Advocacy Office
- Student Discipline
- Student Organization Fees
- University Health Service
- Use of Computer Facilities
- Violent or Threatening Behaviour
Document availability
All documents contained within this page are available in alternate formats, upon request. Please contact Laura Orsak-Williams at
Student Accessibility Procedure
Revised Policy approved by the Board of Governors on May 28, 2024. Student Accessibility Procedure approved by the Board of Governors Executive Committee approved, effective September 1, 2017.
For appeals related to the Student Accessibility Procedure, please see Senate Committee on Appeals.
If you have questions about accessibility, please contact Student Accessibility Service.
Telephone: 204-474-7423
Co-Curricular Record
Conflict of Interest Between Evaluators and Students
Conflict of Interest Between Evaluators and Students due to Close Personal Relationships Policy
Reformatted April 27, 2021.
Electronic Communication with Students
Final Examinations and Final Grades
Respectful Work and Learning Environment
Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy
Sexual Violence Policy (formerly Sexual Assault Policy)
Disclosures and Complaints Procedure (formerly RWLE and Sexual Assault Procedure)
Revisions approved by the Board of Governors on September 29, 2020.
Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students (ROASS)
Responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students Policy
Responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students Procedure
Schedule "A": Policies and Resources
Policy and Procedure approved by Senate and by the Board of Governors on June 22, 2016. Effective September 1, 2016.
Self-Declaration for Brief or Temporary Student Absences
Self-Declaration for Brief or Temporary Student Absences Policy
Self-Declaration for Brief or Temporary Student Absences Procedure
Self-Declaration for Brief or Temporary Student Absences Form
Policy and Procedure approved by Senate on November 3, 2021. Effective September 1, 2022.
Senate Committee on Appeals
Senate Committee on Appeals Policy
Senate Committee on Appeals Procedure
Senate Committee on Appeals Policy and Procedure approved by Senate on January 10, 2024. Effective September 1, 2024. For appeals (including academic accommodations and admissions) with decisions prior to August 31, 2024, please contact Marcia Yoshida to obtain the appropriate policy, procedure or form.
Sexual Violence
Student Advocacy Office
Student Advocacy Office Policy
Policy revised October 15, 2013. Reformatted December 6, 2016.
Student Discipline
- Table 1: Jurisdiction of Disciplinary Authorities for Student Academic Misconduct
- Table 2: Jurisdiction of Disciplinary Authorities for Student Non-Academic Misconduct
- Table 3: Disciplinary Actions and Disciplinary Authorities
Student Academic Misconduct Procedure
Student Non-Academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviour Procedure
Student Discipline Appeal Procedure
Revised Student Discipline Bylaw, Student Non-Academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviour Procedure and Student Discipline Appeal Procedure approved by the Board of Governors on June 22, 2021. Effective September 1, 2021.
Tables 1 and 3 and Student Academic Misconduct Procedure approved by Senate on May 16, 2018 and by the Board of Governors on June 26, 2018. Effective September 1, 2018.
Table 2 approved by Senate on May 18, 2016 and by the Board of Governors on June 22, 2016. Effective September 1, 2016.
University Discipline Committee
Chair: Sheryl Zelenitsky
Vice-Chair: Robert Biscontri
Resource/Secretary: Marcia Yoshida
Telephone: 204-474-6166
Multiple Faculty Disciplinary Actions Memorandum
Multiple Faculty Disciplinary Actions Template of Items to be Included in the Letter
Student Organization Fees
University Health Service
University Health Service Policy
University Health Service Procedure
Policy revised July 2, 2013 and reformatted September 12, 2016. Procedure revised and reformatted September 12, 2016.