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Senate Executive Committee

Meeting Rules for Standing Committees

Ex-Officio Members

  1. The President is a member ex officio of all Senate committees and is advised of all meetings.
  2. Delegates. Ex officio members may, at their discretion, appoint a delegate to serve in their stead, provided that they shall submit to the Secretary of Senate the name of the delegate and specify the term for which the delegate is to serve.
  3. Student Representation. As a matter of policy, there shall be at least one student representative on each committee or sub-committee of Senate on which students desire representation.

Terms of Office

Normally, standing committees of Senate shall be so constituted that one-third of the membership shall retire each year. Members may be re-appointed. Terms of office are usually for three years, with the exception of the SPPC with terms of office for four years.

Student terms of office are for one year only commencing on June 1st of any given year, with the exception of the SPPC, the University Research Committee, the Committee on the Academic Evaluation of Students, the Library Committee and the Committee on Academic Computing, where student terms are for two years.


Unless specifically otherwise provided by Senate, the quorum of all Senate committees shall be not less than one-third of the membership thereof.

Rules for Teleconference Meetings and Resolutions in Writing

In the case of an instance where an urgent matter requires resolution by a standing or ad hoc Committee of Senate, or it is deemed expedient not to convene such a Committee in person, the Chair of any Standing or ad hoc Committee of Senate, in consultation with the University Secretary, may determine that any item or items be considered by the Committee of Senate by:  a) teleconference; or b) resolution in writing.


a) Any meeting held by means of teleconference or other similar electronic means must be conducted by means of technology that enables all participants in the meeting to hear the deliberations of the meeting at the same time.

b) In cases where urgent consideration of an item is required, or the nature or quantum of the business before the Committee is deemed by the Chair to warrant it, the Committee may meet by teleconference or other similar electronic means, provided the conditions of section a) above are met.

Resolutions in Writing

a) If, in the opinion of the Chair of a Standing or ad hoc Committee of Senate, the matter(s) to be considered by the Committee are of a routine nature that an in person meeting or a teleconference is not warranted, the Chair may put a resolution before the Standing or ad hoc Committee of Senate in writing.

b) In placing a resolution in writing before a Standing or ad hoc Committee, the relevant resolution and appropriate background information shall be distributed to members of the Committee. Members shall then indicate their vote in writing to the Secretary within three (3) business days.

c) A resolution in writing supported in the affirmative by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members of the Standing or ad hoc Committee shall be as valid as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Committee. The results of the vote shall be communicated by the Secretary to the Committee as soon as possible after all the votes are received.

d) A vote in respect of a resolution in writing may be transmitted by e-mail, fax, or any other such written manner providing that the Committee member is clearly identified in the transmittal.



Approved by Senate November 7, 2012

Openness of Committee Meetings

Unless otherwise stated in the terms of reference of a given committee, the following rules shall apply:

  1. Non-members of the committee shall have the right to attend committee meetings and present their views at such reasonable times, as, upon request, the committee may appoint.
  2. During the deliberations of the committee no one has a right to be present except members of the committee.
  3. The committee has the right to permit and/or to invite non-members to attend any or all of its meetings and may delegate to its Chair such powers of permission and/or invitation.

Reports of Standing Committees of Senate

  1. Standing Committees of Senate are required to report at least once a year unless otherwise specified in the terms of reference.  Such annual reports shall normally be submitted in writing in time to permit circulation with the agenda for the May meeting of Senate.
  2. In the event that a committee has not held a meeting in the course of a year, the Committee on Rules and Procedures shall re-examine that committee's terms of reference to determine whether the purpose of the committee may be better served by an ad hoc committee.
  3. Forms of Reports of Senate:  All committee reports to Senate must include an indication of the terms of reference of the committee and a clear statement of its recommendations (if any).  In addition, when applicable, reports should include information concerning areas considered, opinions gathered, tests performed and analysis of data, together with a brief summary and explanation of the background of any motions put forward.  Reports of ad hoc committees shall also include a list of the members of the committee.

The General Format:

  1. Preamble: Standing Committess shall indicate the number and nature of meetings and indicate where the committee's terms of reference may be found. Ad Hoc Committees, when reporting, shall indicate the date upon which their terms of reference were approved by Senate.  If a report is final, it should contain a motion that the committee be disbanded.
  2. Observations: Answers to questions, reports on procedures, statement about progress of business not yet ready for resolution, and where applicable, reports should include areas considered, tests performed, and analysis of data.
  3. Recommendations - Specific Motions for Action: These may be accompanied by explanatory observations, but the motions should stand out prominently.  Statistics and other supporting material, if any, might be provided in appendices.  The report must be signed by the Chair, and in the case of ad hoc committees, the naes of the other members should appear at the end of the report.  It is most important that recommendations, if any, be state as clearly, precisely and obviously as possible.  They should be framed in the motions begging with "It is MOVED that..." or "It is RECOMMENDED that..." Recommendations should also include the effective date for implementation of the recommendation, if known.

Canvass of Faculties and Schools

No committee of Senate, other than the Executive Committee, the Senate Planning and Priorities Committee and the Senate Curriculum and Course Changes Committee shall canvass the opinion of a faculty or school without the approval of Senate or the Executive Committee of Senate, and such canvassing should be done only rarely and reluctantly.

Suspension of Standing Committees

Senate may suspend the operation of a committee by discontinuing the entire membership, or by leaving vacant all positions thereon. Such a committee, together with its terms of reference, remains as an entity and may be reactivated at any time through the appointment of members thereon by Senate.

Standing Committees of Senate

Senate Committee on Academic Computing

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Mark Torchia

Resource/Secretary: Laura Orsak-Williams

Telephone: 204-474-8174


Senate Committee on Academic Review

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Greg Smith

Resource/Secretary: Shannon Coyston

Telephone: 204-474-6892


Senate Committee on Admissions

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Laurie Schnarr

Resource/Secretary: Dorothy Komzak


Senate Committee on Admissions Submission Template (DOCX)

Senate Committee on Appeals

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Derek Oliver

Vice-Chair: Peter Blunden

Vice-Chair: Melanie Soderstrom

Resource/Secretary: Marcia Yoshida

Telephone: 204-474-6166


Senate Committee on Appeals Policy and Procedures

Senate Committee on Approved Teaching Centres

Terms of Reference

Resource/Secretary: Shannon Coyston

Telephone: 204-474-6892


Senate Committee on Awards

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair:  Todd Duhamel

Vice-Chair: Ayush Kumar

Resource/Secretary: Linnea Taylor

Telephone: 204-474-9261


Senate Committee on the Calendar

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair:  Jeff Leclerc

Resource/Secretary: Marcia Yoshida

Telephone: 204-474-6166


Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Dean McNeill

Vice-Chair: Sarah Teetzel

Resource/Secretary: Shannon Coyston

Telephone: 204-474-6892


Click here for the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes - Timetable for Submissions.

Click here for the following Course Change Forms:

  • Guidelines for Completion of Undergraduate/Certificate Course and Curriculum Changes
  • Undergraduate Course Introduction
  • Undergraduate Course Modification
  • Undergraduate Course Deletion(s)
  • Undergraduate Program Modification
  • Statement of Support: Part A - Support

Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Anne Mahon

Vice-Chair: Michael Benarroch

Resource/Secretary: Melissa Watson

Telephone: 204-474-9593


Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Mark Torchia

Resource/Secretary: Marcia Yoshida

Telephone: 204-474-6166


Joint Senate Committee on Master's Programs

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Royce Koop (University of Manitoba)

Resource/Secretary: Andrea Kailer (University of Manitoba)

Telephone: 204-474-7298


Senate Committee on Libraries

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Lisa O'Hara

Resource/Secretary: Marcia Yoshida

Telephone: 204-474-6166


Senate Committee on Medical Qualifications

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Sara Israels

Resource/Secretary: Jasmina Veinot

Telephone: 204-977-5647


Senate Committee on Nominations

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Pamela Perkins (Acting)

Resource/Secretary: Laura Orsak-Williams

Telephone:  204-474-8174


Senate Planning and Priorities Committee

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Derek Oliver

Committee Vice-Chair: Cary Miller

Resource/Secretary: Shannon Coyston

Telephone:  204-474-6892


Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Jeff Taylor

Resource/Secretary: Laura Orsak-Williams

Telephone:  204-474-8174


Senate Committee on University Research

Terms of Reference

Committee Chair: Mario Pinto

Resource/Secretary: Mariam Abdelmessiah
