View Motions by Calendar Year

2024 Meetings

October 2, 2024

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on October 2, 2024:

THAT the candidate recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the University Registrar and Executive Director, Enrolment Services, be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the University Registrar up to October 4, 2024.

THAT the report on medals and prizes provided to the University Secretary be approved by Senate.

THAT Mr. Christopher Yendt be appointed by the Student Senate Caucus to serve as the student voting member on the Senate Executive Committee.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on June 19, 2024, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Social Work, Cohort Delivery site, Faculty of Social Work, effective for the 2025 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated September 20, 2024].

June 28, 2024 - Senate Executive Special Meeting

The following motion was approved by the Senate Executive Committee, on behalf of Senate, at the Special Meeting of Senate Executive on June 28, 2024:

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve proposed revisions to the 2024-2025 Academic Schedule for the Faculty of Education, as proposed by the Faculty of Education.

June 19, 2024

The following motions were approved by Senate in the Open Session of its meeting on June 19 2024:
THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Council on course and curriculum changes concerning the Department of Community Health Sciences, effective for the next available term;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the revised policy on Midpoint In-Training Evaluation and Final In-Training Evaluation Preparation, Distribution and Completion and Essential Clinical Presentation Preparation, Distribution, Audit, and Remediation, for the Doctor of Medicine program, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, effective for the 2024 Fall Term;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning a proposal to close the Baccalaureate Program for Registered Nurses, College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on May 15, 2024, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the proposals to establish a Micro-Diploma in Canadian Private Law and a Micro-Diploma in Canadian Public Law, in the Faculty of Law.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty of Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on course, program, and regulation changes for the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Faculty of Law
  • Department of Pathology
  • College of Pharmacy

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Joint Senate Committee on Master’s Programs concerning the Master of Arts in Religion, effective for the next available term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning the introduction of a Winter intake for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program, Asper School of Business, effective for the 2026 Winter intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revisions to the admission requirements for the Bachelor of Health Studies and Bachelor of Health Sciences programs, Interdisciplinary Health Program, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, effective for the 2025 Fall intake, as amended.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning proposed academic regulations for programs in the Division of Extended Education, effective for the 2024 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the regulation on Student Progress and Academic Status, Price Faculty of Engineering, effective for the 2024 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised academic regulations for the Bachelor of Health Sciences and Bachelor of Health Studies programs, Interdisciplinary Health Program, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, effective for the 2024 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the following academic regulations for the Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, as amended at the meeting, effective for the 2024 and 2025 Fall Terms, as indicated in the attachments to the Report.

  • Scholastic Progress
  • Courses Open to Challenge for Credit
  • Program and Graduation Requirements


May 15, 2024

The following motions were approved by Senate in the Open Session of its meeting on May 15, 2024:
THAT the candidates recommended for a degree not withstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the University Registrar and Executive Director, Enrolment Services, be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the University Registrar up to May 17, 2024.

THAT the report on medals and prizes provided to the University Secretary be approved by Senate.

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Reports of Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning:
    • Curriculum and Course Changes, Spring 2024, effective for the 2024 Fall Term or as otherwise indicated within the Report.
    • an amendment to a recommendation previously approved by Senate on June 21, 2023, as set out in the Report.
    • the Closure of the Bachelor of Arts (General) in Linguistics and American Sign Language – English Interpretation program, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts.
  • Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning:
    • Requirements for Dual Credit High School Students, for the Faculty of Arts, effective for the 2024 Fall Term;
    • revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Education program, Faculty of Education, effective for the Fall 2025 intake.
  • Reports of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the following academic regulations, effective September 1, 2024:
    • Supplemental Examinations, Bachelor of Science in Engineering programs, Price Faculty of Engineering;
    • Entrance, Continuation, and Graduation Requirements, Bachelor of Science (Major) in Data Science, Faculty of Science.
  • Reports of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Council on course and curriculum changes for the following units, effective for the next available term:
    • Department of Community Health Sciences
    • Department of Indigenous Studies
    • Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology
  • Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Program, and Regulation Changes for the following units, effective for the next available term:
    • Asper School of Business
    • Department of Economics
    • Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
    • Faculty of Music
    • Department of Philosophy
  • Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions and the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning, the renewal of articulation agreements between the University of Manitoba, I.H. Asper School of Business, and the following institutions, concerning advanced standing in the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree program, for five-year terms beginning September 1, 2025:
    • Diploma in Business Administration, Assiniboine Community College;
    • Diplôme en administration des affaires, L’École technique et professionnelle, Université de Saint-Boniface
    • Diploma in Business Administration, University College of the North.
  • Reports of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes and the Senate Planning and Priorities Committee concerning undergraduate course and curriculum changes proposed by the Desautels Faculty of Music, effective for the 2024 Fall Term.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on April 3, 2024, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the following nominations to the Senate Committee on Nominations for three-year terms ending on May 31, 2027:

  • Professor Michel Aliani (re-appointment) representing Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environment, Earth, and Resources;
  • Professor Steven Passmore (re-appointment) representing Education, Kinesiology and Recreation Management, and Extended Education;
  • Professor Colette Simonot-Maiello (re-appointment) representing Music and School of Art; and
  • Professor Mazdak Khajehpour (new appointment) representing Science.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to establish a College of Community and Global Health within the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes and the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning major revisions to the Bachelor of Arts Integrated Studies, Faculty of Arts, effective for the 2024 Fall term.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions and the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning admissions and academic regulations for Diploma programs, including the Diploma in Labour Relations and Workplace Studies, Faculty of Arts, with admission regulations effective for the 2025 Fall Term and academic regulations effective for the 2024 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes and the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning major revisions to the Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Engineering, Price Faculty of Engineering, effective for the 2025 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Program, and Regulation Changes concerning the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Faculty of Graduate Studies, as amended
  • Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science
  • Department of Landscape Architecture
  • Department of Linguistics

THAT Senate approve proposals for a Baccalauréat ès arts avancée en psychologie and a Baccalauréat ès arts spécialisé en psychologie at the Université de Saint-Boniface.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation and the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning revisions to the courses, curriculum, and academic regulations for the Diplôme postbaccalauréat en éducation, Université de Saint-Boniface, effective for the 2024 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), Faculty of Management, effective for the 2025 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor Social Work Non-ACCESS Sites, Faculty of Social Work, effective for the 2025 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning new and revised academic regulations for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), Asper School of Business, effective for September 2024, including:

  • Completing Program with a Minor
  • Program Requirements for the Asper Co-op Program
  • Accommodations for Missed Undergraduate Term Examinations

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the periodic review of the Institute for Cardiovascular Sciences, including a recommendation that the Institute continue for a term of five years, beginning December 31, 2024.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the conversion of the Leslie F. Buggey Professorship in Pharmacy to a Chair, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated May 6, 2024].


April 3, 2024

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on April 3, 2024:

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the Division Council of the Division of Extended Education concerning a proposal for a Micro-Certificate in EDIA;
  • Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning the following units, effective for the next available term:
    • Bona Fide Academic Requirements for the Master of Business Administration, Master of Finance, and Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics programs, Asper School of Business;
    • Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning;
    • Faculty of Graduate Studies (Applied Health Sciences);
    • Department of Mathematics;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees concerning hoods for the Bachelor of Midwifery and the Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on March 6, 2024, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the Strategic Research Plan 2024 – 2029, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning course, program, and regulation changes for the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Department of Biosystems Engineering
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Department of Psychology

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission regulations for all School of Art undergraduate programs, effective for the Fall 2025 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, effective for the Fall 2025 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning a proposed regulation on Admission as a Second Degree Student for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Price Faculty of Engineering, effective for the Fall 2025 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of the regulation on Decisions Concerning Academic Promotions, Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, effective for the Fall 2024.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning revised terms of reference for the Committee, effective June 1, 2024.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning the addition of a Senate Assessor for the Interdisciplinary Health Program Students’ Association, effective May 1, 2024.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning revisions to the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning revisions to the By-law for Law Faculty Council, effective upon Senate approval.

March 6, 2024

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on March 6, 2024:

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee concerning the Université de Saint-Boniface (Education), effective for the next available term.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on February 7, 2024, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the following proposals, effective upon approval by the Board, including proposals to establish:

  • Deans of Faculties, Directors of Schools of the University, and College Deans policy
  • Deans of Faculties, Directors of Schools of the University, and College Deans Appointment and Review procedure;

and to rescind:

  • Deans of Faculties Bylaw
  • Directors of Schools of the University Bylaw
  • Deans of Faculties and Directors of Schools of the University: Appointment and Review policy and procedure

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Social Work degree program, for the Inner City Access and Northern Access Sites, effective for the Fall 2025 intake.

February 7, 2024

The following motions were approved by Senate during its meeting on February 7, 2024:

THAT the candidates recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the University Registrar be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the University Registrar up to February 9, 2024.

THAT Senate approve the revised 2023-2024 Academic Schedule for the Max Rady College of Medicine, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on January 10, 2024, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Joint Senate Committee on Master’s Programs concerning revised terms of reference for the Committee, effective June 1, 2024.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the University of Manitoba Strategic Plan, 2024-2029.

THAT Senate refer the proposed Deans of Faculties, Directors of Schools of the University, and College Deans policy and the Deans of Faculties, Directors of the Schools of the University, and College Deans Appointment and Review procedure to the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), to consider the language in sections 2.7 (a) and (b) in the policy in view of the comments provided by Senate.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee and Process Review Working Group concerning revised terms of reference for the Senate Executive Committee, effective June 1, 2024.

January 10, 2024

The following motions were approved by Senate during its meeting on January 10, 2024:

THAT Senate approve the revised 2024-2025 Academic Schedule, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on December 6, 2023 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate refer the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the Strategic Research Plan 2024 – 2029 to the Vice-President (Research and International), for further consideration and to confer with members of the Strategic Research Planning Committee.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised entrance, continuation, and graduation requirements for the following programs, effective for students admitted to the University in Fall 2024 and onward.

  • Bachelor of Arts (Single Honours) and Bachelor of Arts (Double Honours) in Psychology, Faculty of Arts;
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology, Faculty of Science.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee and Process Review Working Group concerning proposed terms of reference and a policy and procedure for a consolidated Senate Committee on Appeals, effective September 1, 2024.

2023 meetings

December 6, 2023

The following motions were approved by Senate in Open Session on December 6, 2023:

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes on Course and Program Changes
  • Report of the Faculty Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning the Department of Indigenous Studies, effective the next available term.
  • Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning the following units, effective for the next available term:
    • Department of Animal Sciences
    • Department of Community Health Sciences
    • Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media
    • Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
    • Department of Occupational Therapy
    • College of Pharmacy
    • Department of Political Studies
    • Department of Psychology
    • Faculty of Social Work
    • Department of Sociology and Criminology

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on November 1, 2023, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Faculty of Graduate Studies
  • Asper School of Business
  • Department of Biosystems Engineering

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning major curriculum revisions, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, effective for the 2024 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning a proposed Waitlist Management Policy for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program, Asper School of Business, effective for the 2025 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Doctor of Medicine program, Max Rady College of Medicine, effective for the 2025 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning a proposed procedure on Student Reflections on Instruction and Courses (SRI), effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised academic regulations for the Co-operative Education and Industrial Internship Programs, Price Faculty of Engineering, effective September 1, 2024.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised graduation requirements for the Bachelor of Science (Major) in Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Science, effective September 1, 2024.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated November 15, 2023].



November 1, 2023

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on November 1, 2023:

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee concerning the Department of Interior Design and the Department of Plant Science, effective for the next available term.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on October 4, 2023 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Chair in Potato Sustainability, in the Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Graduate Micro-Diploma in Applied Health Services Research, in the Department of Community Health Sciences.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning academic regulations for the Doctor of Medicine program, Max Rady College of Medicine, effective August 1, 2024, including proposals to:

  • repeal the Deferred Examination Policy
  • establish Deferred Examination Guidelines
  • revise the Repeat Clerkship Policy.

THAT Senate approve the 2024-2025 Academic Schedule, effective upon approval.

THAT Senate refer a request to review the Summer Term Academic Schedule to the appropriate Senate committee.

October 4, 2023

The following motions were approved by Senate during the Open Session of its meeting on October 4, 2023:

THAT the candidates recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the University Registrar and Executive Director, Enrolment Services, be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the University Registrar up to October 6, 2023.

THAT the report on medals and prizes provided to the University Secretary be approved.

THAT Mr. Uche Nwankwo be appointed to serve as the voting member on the Senate Executive Committee.

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the College Council of the College of Pharmacy concerning a proposal for a Micro-Certificate in Essentials in Advanced Patient Care for Pharmacists;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning the closure of the Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy), College of Pharmacy, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences; and
  • revised 2023-2024 Academic Schedule for the College of Nursing, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on June 21, 2023, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the following nominations to the Senate Committee on Nominations:

  • Professor Michel Aliani (leave replacement) representing Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environment, Earth, and Resources, for a term effective upon Senate approval and ending on May 31, 2024; and
  • Professor Laura MacDonald and Professor Donna Martin (new appointments and Senators) representing Health Sciences, for terms effective upon Senate approval and ending on May 31, 2025, and May 31, 2026, respectively.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning a proposal to implement an admissions deferral policy for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program, Asper School of Business, effective for the 2024 Fall intake.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning proposals for three Professorships in the Department of Radiology, Max Rady College of Medicine, including the:

  • Professorship in Radiology Research
  • Professorship in Diagnostic Radiology Research
  • Professorship in Interventional Radiology Research

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated September 20, 2023].

June 21, 2023

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on June 21, 2023:

THAT Senate approve:

  • the revisions to the 2023-2024 Academic Schedule concerning the Master of Social Work in Indigenous Knowledges effective upon Senate approval; and
  • the reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Program, and Regulation Changes regarding the Department of Community Health Sciences and the Department of Philosophy, effective for the next available term.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on May 17, 2023, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Program, and Regulation Changes concerning the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Department of Biological Sciences
  • Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
  • College of Dentistry
  • Department of Educational Administration, Foundations, and Psychology
  • Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science
  • College of Nursing

THAT Senate approve the renewal of an articulation agreement between the University of Manitoba, I.H. Asper School of Business, and Red River College Polytechnic concerning advanced standing in the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree at the University of Manitoba for graduates of the Diploma in Business Administration, for a five-year term beginning September 1, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning modifications to the institutional English language proficiency requirements, effective for the 2024 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning modifications to the English language proficiency country waiver list, effective for the 2024 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning a new admission category for the cohort delivery site for the Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, as amended, effective for the 2024 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the regulation on Introductory / Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences, for the Doctor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, as amended, effective for the 2023 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the following academic regulations for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), I.H. Asper School of Business, effective September 1, 2023:

  • Probation Regulations
  • Program Requirements for the Asper Co-op Program
  • Asper International Exchange Program

May 17, 2023

The following motions were approved by Senate during the Open Session of its meeting on May 17, 2023:

THAT the candidates recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT Senate approve a request from the Faculty of Law for an exception for four candidates for the Juris Doctor degree, to allow three students to receive credit for two successful attempts at LAW 3034 and one student to receive credit for two successful attempts at LAW 3354, toward the 92 credit hours required for the degree.

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the University Registrar and Executive Director, Enrolment Services, be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the University Registrar up to May 19, 2023.

THAT the report on medals and prizes provided to the University Secretary be approved by Senate.

THAT Senate approve:

  • modifications to the 2023-2024 Academic Schedule concerning the Master of Applied Human Nutrition Program, effective upon Senate approval;
  • the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course and Program, and Regulation Changes regarding the Department of Community Health Sciences and the Asper School of Business, effective for the next available term.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on April 5, 2023, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the following nominations to the Senate Committee on Nominations:

  • Professor Pamela Perkins (re-appointment) representing Arts and Professor Robert Biscontri (re-appointment) representing Management, Law, and Social Work, for three-year terms ending on May 31, 2026;
  • Mr. Christopher Yendt (student member), for a one-year term ending on May 31, 2024.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Program, and Regulation Changes concerning the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Faculty of Graduate Studies
  • Department of Biosystems Engineering
  • Department of Civil Engineering
  • Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
  • Faculty of Social Work

THAT Senate approve a proposal for concurrent Juris Doctor / Master of Business Administration degrees, effective for the 2024 Fall term.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Micro-Diploma in Mythology and Folktale, Department of Classics, Faculty of Arts.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Micro-Diploma in Introduction to German Language, Life, and Culture, Department of German and Slavic Studies, Faculty of Arts.

THAT Senate approve a proposal for a Micro-Certificate in Songmaking.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Juris Doctor degree, Faculty of Law, effective for the 2024 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the two Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Education degree, Faculty of Education, effective for the 2024 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees concerning revisions to the Honorary Degrees policy, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification to the breadth requirement for Bachelor of Arts degrees, Faculty of Arts, effective September 1, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the Supplemental Examinations regulation for the Doctor of Dental Medicine, Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, effective September 1, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning new and revised academic regulations for programs in the Faculty of Science, effective September 1, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised academic regulations for the Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, effective September 1, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the establishment of an English Language Proficiency Requirement for the Baccalauréat en travail social, Université de Saint-Boniface, effective September 1, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the periodic review of the Centre on Aging, including a recommendation that the Institute be renewed for a term of five (5) years, beginning September 3, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the periodic review of the Winnipeg Institute on Theoretical Physics, including a recommendation that the Institute be renewed for a term of five (5) years, beginning September 3, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated May 8, 2023].

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes, Spring 2023.

April 5, 2023

The following motions were approved by Senate during the Open Session of its meeting on April 5, 2023:

THAT Senate approve the:

  • appointment of Professor J. Anderson, Faculty of Science, to the Board of Governors as member-at-large for Senate for the remainder of his term on the Board, which expires May 31, 2024.
  • Reports of the Faculty Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning course changes for the Department of Environment and Geography and the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, effective for the next available term.
  • Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning course, curriculum and regulations changes for the following units, effective for the next available term:
    • Asper School of Business
    • Department of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics
    • Faculty of Education
    • Department of Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology
    • Department of German and Slavic Studies; and
    • Department of Philosophy

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on February 1, 2023, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning course, curriculum, and regulation changes for the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Department of Landscape Architecture
  • Faculty of Law
  • Natural Resources Institute
  • Department of Psychology

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for programs in the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, including (i) the Doctor of Dental Medicine, effective for the 2024 Fall intake and (ii) the International Dentist Degree Program, effective for the 2025 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Interdisciplinary Health Program, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, effective for the 2024 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the regulation for a Voluntary Minor, Interdisciplinary Health Program, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, effective September 1, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning academic regulations on Evaluation, Practice-based Learning, and Progression Rules for the Juris Doctor, Faculty of Law, effective September 1, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning revisions to the Senate Meeting Rules regarding the election process for Senate members to the Board of Governors and the Senate Executive Committee, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the periodic review of the Manitoba Institute for Materials, including a recommendation that the Institute be renewed for a term of five (5) years, beginning May 29, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee and Process Review Working Group [dated February 7, 2023].

February 1, 2023

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on February 1, 2023:

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the University Registrar be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the Registrar up to February 3, 2023.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on January 11, 2023, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning major changes to the curriculum of the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), Faculty of Management (Asper School of Business), effective for the 2023 Fall Term.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Business Analytics, in the Faculty of Management (Asper School of Business).

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Strategy and Global Management, in the Faculty of Management (Asper School of Business).

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Advanced Entry admission requirements for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), Asper School of Business, effective for the 2024 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the following academic regulations for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), Asper School of Business, effective September 1, 2023:

  • Completing Two Majors (Second Major)
  • Degree Grade Point Average Requirement for Graduation
  • Probation Regulations
  • Repeating, Substituting and Extra Courses
  • Withdrawal from Individual Courses.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee and Process Review Working Group [dated January 5, 2023] concerning the following recommendations, which are to take effect upon Senate approval:

  • Approve the Key Principles to Guide the Senate Committee System.
  • Approve the revised terms of reference for the Senate Committee on Medical Qualifications.
  • Approve revised terms of reference for the Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees.
  • Disband the Senate Committee on Academic Dress.

January 11, 2023

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on January 11, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Revisions to the 2022-2023 Academic Schedule concerning the Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective upon Senate approval;
  • Report of the Division of Extended Education Council regarding the proposal for a Micro-Certificate in Governance in Canadian Universities, effective for the 2023 Winter Term;
  • Report of the Faculty Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies regarding the Department of Psychology, effective for the next available term;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Medical Qualifications concerning Dr. Juliano Offerni’s registration and licensure under Subsection 181 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on December 7, 2022, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal from the Faculty of Graduate Studies for a Master of Art in Art and Architectural History in the School of Art.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning a policy on Learner Immune Status Requirements, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, effective August 1, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the policies on Formative Assessment and Narrative Assessment, for the Doctor of Medicine degree, Max Rady College of Medicine, effective August 1, 2023.

2022 meetings

December 7, 2022

The following motions were approved by Senate in the open session of its meeting on December 7, 2022

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes on Course and Program Changes
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning revisions to the curriculum of the Preliminary Engineering Program, effective for the Fall 2023, and the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revisions to the admission requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering, effective for the Fall 2023 intake;
  • revisions to the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Academic Schedules;
  • Reports of the Division of Extended Education Council concerning the closure of the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Applied Leadership and the closure of the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in E-Learning;
  • Reports of the Faculty Executive Committee and the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning course, curriculum, and/or regulation changes for the following units, effective for the next available term:
    • Department of Mathematics
    • Faculty of Graduate Studies, Option in Disability Studies
    • Department of Entomology
    • Department of Restorative Dentistry
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Medical Qualifications concerning Dr. Juanita Romero-Diaz’s registration and licensure under Subsection 181 of the Regulated Health Professions Act.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on November 2, 2022, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning course, curriculum, and regulation changes for the following units, effective for the next available term, except where otherwise indicated:

  • Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Law
  • Desautels Faculty of Music
  • Department of Physical Therapy (effective Fall 2025)
  • Université de Saint-Boniface

THAT Senate approve undergraduate course changes beyond nine credit hours and modifications to the Juris Doctor, Faculty of Law, effective for the 2023 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning major revisions to the Diploma in Art, School of Art.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Academic Dress concerning new Indigenous-designed academic robes for the Chancellor and for the President and Vice-Chancellor, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the following programs, effective for the Fall 2024 intake:

  • Bachelor of Education degree, Faculty of Education;
  • Baccalauréat en éducation, Université de Saint-Boniface;
  • Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Major), Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the items listed below, effective for the September 1, 2023:

  • revisions to the regulation on Repeating a Course, Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education;
  • the proposed regulation on Concentrations, for the Juris Doctor, Faculty of Law;
  • revisions to academic regulations on entrance, continuation, and graduation for the following programs in the Faculty of Science:
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Science (Major) in Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Science (Joint Honours) in Computer Science and Physics and Astronomy
  • Bachelor of Science (Major) in Microbiology.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated November 8, 2022].

November 2, 2022

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on November 2, 2022:

THAT Senate approve the:

  • 2023-2024 Academic Schedule
  • Report of the Senate Committee on University Research regarding the periodic review of the University of Manitoba Transport Institute, including a recommendation that the Institute continue in its present form until June 30, 2023.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on October 6, 2022, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to establish a Master of Science in Pediatrics and Child Health and a Doctor of Philosophy in Pediatrics and Child Health, in the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Max Rady College of Medicine.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to establish a Doctor of Philosophy in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, in the Department of Pathology, Max Rady College of Medicine.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to convert the Manitoba Public Insurance Professorship in Neuroscience to a Chair.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the periodic review of the Centre for Earth Observation Science, including a recommendation that the Centre be renewed for a term of five years, from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2026.

October 6, 2022

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on October 6, 2022:

THAT the candidates recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the University Registrar be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the University Registrar up to October 8, 2022.

THAT the report on medals and prizes provided to the University Secretary be approved by Senate.

THAT Senate approve modifications to the 2022-2023 Academic Schedule, involving revisions to the dates for 2023 Spring Convocation.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on June 22, 2022, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to establish a Micro-Diploma in Science Communication, in the Department of Immunology, Max Rady College of Medicine.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Doctor of Medicine, Max Rady College of Medicine, effective for the 2025 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Midwifery, College of Nursing, effective for the 2023 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated September 12, 2022], as amended.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to establish the Manitoba Multiple Sclerosis Research Centre, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.

THAT Senate approve a revision to the Governing Document Development and Review policy.

June 21, 2022

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on June 21, 2022:

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management concerning the modification of the Certificate in Sport, Physical Activity, and Recreation in the Community, effective for the 2022 Summer Term;
  • Reports of the Division of Extended Education Council, effective for the 2022 Fall Term, concerning:
    • a proposal for a Micro-Certificate in Facilitating Older Adult Learning;
    • the modification of the Certificate in Applied Counselling;
  • Reports of the Faculty Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning course and curriculum changes for the following units, effective for the next available term:
    • Department of History
    • College of Nursing
    • Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
    • Department of Restorative Dentistry;
  • Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning course, program and regulations changes for the following units, effective for the next available term:
    • Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
    • Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
    • Department of Linguistics
    • Department of Plant Science
    • Department of Preventive Dental Science
    • Department of Soil Science;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Academic Dress concerning a hood for the Doctor of Pharmacy, which is lined with olive green satin and has a 1.5 inch trim of khaki velvet, effective upon Senate approval;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective for the 2023 Fall intake.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on May 18, 2022, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the following nominations to the Senate Committee on Nominations:

  • Professor Silvia Alessi-Severini (Senator, Health Sciences), for a three-year term ending on May 31, 2025;
  • Professor Ute Köthe (Science), for a two -year term ending May 31, 2024;
  • Mr. Oluwafolahanmi Ige (student member), for a one-year term ending on May 31, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Statement concerning the University’s ability to carry out its public responsibilities, as presented.

Senate Statement

At the University of Manitoba’s Senate meeting on March 4, 2020, Senate passed a statement1  specifying the UM’s role in advancing the cultural, social, economic, and environmental well-being of the people of Manitoba, Canada, and the world through education, research and community service. The statement enumerated the activities that underlie our service to the common good, and the specific dimensions of that service. The statement specifies the core principles of autonomy, academic freedom, and collegial governance. Together, these principles enable this institution to do “much more than simply train students for today’s labour market”. Indeed, through its diverse offerings, the University of Manitoba educates students to be leaders in diverse fields of endeavour, attracting and retaining highly skilled individuals to Manitoba.

Today, the University of Manitoba Senate, in reaffirming its March 2020 statement, expresses its urgent concern that the past pattern of provincial government intervention in matters of UM governance, and its intended policy of intervention in academic matters through Bill 33 (the Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act), critically jeopardizes the ability of UM to live up to its public responsibilities in serving the long-range best interests of the public good.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning course, program and regulation changes for the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Department of Biosystems Engineering
  • Department of Community Health Sciences
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Department of Occupational Therapy.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning course, program and regulation changes in the Asper School of Business, including graduate course changes beyond nine credit hours, effective for the next available term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Joint Senate Committee on Master’s Programs concerning the modification of the Master of Arts in Art History, Archival Studies stream, effective for the next available term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Academic Review concerning a recommendation that Ongomiizwin, the Institute of Indigenous Health and Healing, be renewed for a term of five years, from April 18, 2022, through April 17, 2027.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Academic Review concerning a recommendation that the James W. Burns Leadership Institute be renewed for a term of three years, from February 17, 2022, through February 16, 2025.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Diploma in Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, effective for the 2023 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art History, School of Art, effective for the 2023 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning a revised Reinstatement policy for the Diploma in Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, as amended, effective September 1, 2022.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning a proposal to establish a Supplemental Exam regulation and revisions to the Degree Reinstatement policy, for undergraduate degree programs in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, as amended, effective September 1, 2022.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the following policies for the Undergraduate Medical Education program, Max Rady College of Medicine, effective August 1, 2022:

  • Examination Conduct policy
  • Forward Feeding Clerkship Summative Evaluation Information policy
  • Invigilation of Examinations policy
  • Remediation policy.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the establishment of a Chair in Technology-Assisted Living, College of Rehabilitation Sciences.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the establishment of a Chair in Natural Systems Agriculture for Climate Solutions, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a Professorship in Global Infectious Diseases Research, Max Rady College of Medicine.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated June 7, 2022].


May 18, 2022

The following motions were approved by Senate during the open session of its meeting on May 18, 2022:

THAT the candidates recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the University Registrar and Executive Director, Enrolment Services, be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the University Registrar up to May 20, 2022.

THAT the report on medals and prizes provided to the University Secretary be approved.

THAT the nomination of Tristan Dobrowney (Engineering) to serve as the voting student member on the Senate Executive Committee be approved.

THAT Senate approve:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes, Spring 2022, effective for the 2022 Fall Term or as otherwise noted in the Report;
  • Modifications to the Preliminary Engineering Program, Price Faculty of Engineering, with revisions to the admission criteria effective for the 2023 Fall intake and revisions to the curriculum effective for the 2022 Fall Term;
  • Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions and Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning a one-year extension and revisions to the Articulation Agreement between the University of Manitoba and Red River College Polytechnic for advanced standing for graduates of the Diploma in Business Administration in the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree, effective upon Senate approval;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Diploma in Dental Hygiene, Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, effective for the 2023 Fall intake;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Midwifery, College of Nursing, effective upon Senate approval;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective for the 2023 Fall intake;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning a revised admission process for the Bachelor of Nursing, University College of the North Cohort, College of Nursing, effective for the 2023 Fall intake;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised residency requirements for Bachelor of Arts (Honours) programs, Faculty of Arts, effective September 1, 2022;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised continuation requirements, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English, Faculty of Arts, effective September 1, 2022;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised Academic Regulations for the Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective September 1, 2022, contingent upon the President’s approval of an increase to the admission target;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Medical Qualifications concerning Dr. Fernando Zampieri, effective upon Senate approval;
  • Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies concerning the Department of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, effective for the next available term;
  • Revisions to the 2022-2023 Academic Schedule for the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, and the Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on April 6, 2022, be approved as circulated.

THAT the nomination of Professor Philip Ferguson (new appointment), representing Architecture and Engineering, and Ms. Lori Giles-Smith (re-appointment), representing Libraries and Student Affairs, to the Senate Committee on Nominations, be approved by Senate for three-year terms ending May 31, 2025.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulations Changes concerning the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Faculty of Graduate Studies
  • Asper School of Business
  • Department of Earth Sciences
  • Department of Indigenous Studies
  • Desautels Faculty of Music
  • Department of Physical Therapy
  • Department of Psychology
  • School of Art

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Baccalauréat de travail social, Université de Saint-Boniface, effective for the Fall 2023 intake.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning the closure of the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Operational Research / Operations Management, I.H. Asper School of Business.

THAT Senate approve, the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised academic regulations for the Baccalauréat de travail social, Université de Saint-Boniface, effective September 1, 2022.

THAT Senate approve, the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning the addition of the Executive Lead (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) as an Assessor to Senate, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning a recommendation that the Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research be renewed for a term of five years, from May 18, 2022, through May 16, 2027.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning a recommendation that the Centre for Human Rights Research be renewed for a term of five years, from May 18, 2022, through May 16, 2027.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning a proposal to establish a Professorship in Anesthesiology, in the Max Rady College of Medicine.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approved the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning a proposal to establish the Manitoba Strategic Research Chair in Sustainable Protein, in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.

April 6, 2022

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on April 6, 2022:

THAT Senate approve the

  • revision to 2021 – 2022 Academic Schedule concerning Winter/Summer spanning distance and online courses, effective upon Senate approval;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, effective for the 2023 Fall intake;
  • Report of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee concerning the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, effective for the next available term.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on March 2, 2022, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Master of Applied Human Nutrition, Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of the Faculty of Science regulations on Academic Assessment, effective September 1, 2022.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of the Faculty of Science regulation concerning Attendance at Other Institutions, effective September 1, 2022.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to Professional Unsuitability Bylaw, Bachelor of Midwifery, College of Nursing, effective September 1, 2022.


March 2, 2022

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on March 2, 2022


THAT the candidates recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the Professional Unsuitability Bylaw, Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective September 1, 2022;
  • Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the periodic review of the Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research and the Centre for Human Rights Research, including a recommendation to extend their terms to September 30, 2022, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on February 2, 2022, be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Bachelor of Science (Major) and a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Geoscience, Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes and the Senate Planning and Priorities Committee concerning major revisions to the curriculum of the Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, effective for the 2023 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revisions to the admission requirements for the Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, effective for the 2023 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised General Entrance admission requirements for Direct Entry admission, effective for the 2023 Fall intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the following academic regulations, Postgraduate Medical Education Program, Max Rady College of Medicine, effective August 1, 2022:

  • PGME Resident Assessment, Progression/Promotion, Remediation, Probation, Suspension and Dismissal/Withdrawal Policy for Competency-Based Medical Education Residency Programs [Scope: RCPSC Residents]
  • PGME Resident Assessment, Progression/Promotion, Remediation, Probation, Suspension and Dismissal/ Withdrawal Policy for Competency-Based Medical Education Residency Programs [Scope: CFPC Residents]
  • PGME Resident Assessment, Promotion, Remediation, Probation, Suspension and Dismissal Policy [Scope: PGME Residents in Time-Based Residency Cohorts]


February 2, 2022

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on February 2, 2022.

THAT the candidate recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT Senate approve revisions to the 2022 – 2023 Academic Schedule concerning the Master of Occupational Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Science, effective upon approval.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on January 12, 2022 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated January 17, 2022].

THAT Senate delegate to the Provost authority to modify the 2021 – 2022 Academic Schedule, specifically to revise the last date to drop without penalty for the 2022 Winter Term and for 2022 Winter/Summer Term spanning courses.

January 12, 2022

The following motions were approved by Senate in the open session of its meeting on January 12, 2022

THAT Senate approve:

  • the Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes on Course and Program Changes, effective for the 2022 Fall Term or as otherwise indicated in the Report;
  • revisions to 2021 – 2022 Academic Schedule RE: Spring 2022 Convocation Dates, Fort Garry Campus, effective upon Senate approval;
  • the Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning revisions to the curriculum of the Preliminary Engineering Program, effective for the 2022 Fall Term, and the Report of Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revisions to the admission requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering degrees, effective for the 2023 Fall intake;
  • the Reports of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee on Course and Curriculum Changes concerning the Departments of Anthropology and Immunology, effective for the next available term;
  • the Reports of the Faculty of Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning the following Departments and Faculties, effective for the next available term except changes to the admission requirements for the Master of Occupational Therapy, which would take effect for the 2023 Fall Term:
    • Department of Anthropology
    • Asper School of Business
    • Faculty of Education
    • Department of Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology
    • Department of Occupational Therapy
    • Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology
    • Faculty of Social Work
    • Department of Sociology and Criminology.
  • Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction concerning Revised Entrance Regulations, Bachelor of Arts (General Major) and Minor in Labour Studies, Faculty of Arts, effective September 1, 2022;
  • Revisions to 2021 – 2022 Academic Schedule concerning the Master of Occupational Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of Senate meeting held on December 10, 2021 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Bachelor of Arts (Single Advanced Major) and Bachelor of Arts (Double Advanced Major) in German, Faculty of Arts.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Global Political Economy, Faculty of Arts.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal for a Micro-Diploma in Workplace Health and Safety, Faculty of Arts.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty of Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning the following Departments, effective for the next available term:

  • Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
  • Department of Environment and Geography
  • Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science, as amended
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Immunology.

THAT Senate approve undergraduate curriculum changes and course changes beyond nine credit hours in the Faculty of Law, effective for the 2022 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the Academic Progression policy for the Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective September 1, 2022.

2021 meetings

December 15, 2021 - Senate Executive Special Meeting

The following motion was approved by the Senate Executive Committee, on behalf of Senate, at the Special Meeting of Senate Executive on December 15, 2021:

THAT Senate Executive approve, on behalf of Senate, revisions to the 2021 – 2022 Academic Schedule for the programs listed below, effective upon approval:
•    Master of Physician Assistant Studies, Max Rady College of Medicine
•    Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education
•    Doctor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy
•    Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing.


Excerpt from the agenda of the Senate Executive Special Meeting

December 10, 2021 - Special Meeting

The following motion was approved by Senate at a Special Meeting on December 10, 2021:

THAT Senate approve the recommendation of the Academic and Research Team, that with a return to teaching of striking UMFA members on December 7, 2021, the Academic Schedule modifications as presented in the revised Scenario 4 be implemented, effective upon Senate approval.


December 6, 2021 - Senate Executive Special Meeting

The following motion was approved by Senate Executive at a Special Meeting on December 6, 2021:

THAT Senate Executive approve, on behalf of Senate, a request from the Faculty of Law to establish an irregular Academic Schedule for the 2022 Winter Term, with the applicable dates for the Juris Doctor, Master of Laws, and Master of Human Rights programs set out in the agenda.

[Secretary’s note: Item III (1), with recommendations from the Academic and Research Team of the Continuity Steering Committee regarding Academic Schedule revisions (Scenarios 5 – 7) was withdrawn given the tentative agreement reached between UMFA and the University the previous day.]


December 1, 2021 - CANCELLED

The Senate meeting scheduled for December 1, 2021 has been cancelled.

November 17, 2021 - Senate Executive Meeting

The following motions were approved at the Meeting of Senate Executive on November 17, 2021:

THAT Senate Executive approve, on behalf of Senate:

  • THAT should there be a return to teaching of striking UMFA members between November 24th, 2021 and up to, and including, November 30th, 2021, the Academic Schedule revisions as presented in Scenario 3 would be implemented;
  • THAT should there be a return to teaching of striking UMFA members between December 1st, 2021 and up to, and including, December 7th, 2021, the Academic Schedule revisions as presented in Scenario 4 would be implemented; and
  • THAT Senate Executive cancel the December 1, 2021 meeting of Senate.


November 10, 2021 - Senate Executive Special Meeting

The following motions were approved by Senate Executive at a Special Meeting on November 10, 2021:

THAT Senate Executive approve, on behalf of Senate:

  • THAT should there be a return to teaching by striking UMFA members on or before November 15th, 2021, the Academic Schedule revisions as presented in Scenario 1 would be implemented;
  • THAT should there be a return to teaching of striking UMFA members between November 16th, 2021 and up to, and including, November 23rd, 2021, the Academic Schedule revisions as presented under Scenario 2 be implemented;  and
  • THAT no assignments be due, or tests held, for the first 72 hours following the first class session after the return to teaching by striking UMFA members; and
  • THAT, recognizing that some students will have ongoing classes during the exam period in December, academic unit heads and academic staff shall ensure that students are not disadvantaged with respect to any missed classes, materials, assignments/tests when there is a scheduling conflict between a class and an exam.

November 3, 2021

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on November 3, 2021:

THAT Senate approve the recommendations of the Academic and Research Team, including:

THAT academic unit heads and academic staff ensure that students who choose not to cross picket lines, real or virtual, are reasonably accommodated with respect to any missed material, assignments, or tests and that all students, whether they choose to attend classes or to not cross the picket line, be treated fairly;

THAT student requests for incomplete or continuing grade/course status be sympathetically considered, wherever appropriate, and that such requests not be denied, up to the point of undue hardship;

THAT students be permitted to request deferred examinations and that such requests not be denied, up to the point of undue hardship;

THAT section 2.6 of the Voluntary Withdrawal policy for the Fall 2021 Term be suspended, and that the Provost be authorized to amend the Voluntary Withdrawal date for the Fall 2021 and Winter 2022 Terms, if required and report thereon to Senate;

THAT the verification of enrolment processes for Senate-approved scholarships and bursaries for the 2021-2022 academic year be suspended in response to a possible increase in the number of voluntary withdrawals;

THAT the Senate Executive Committee, in accordance with its normal powers “to deal with contingencies that arise between meetings of Senate” is empowered to:

  •  approve revisions to the Academic Schedule for the Fall 2021 and Winter 2022 Terms, as recommended by the Academic and Research Team; including, but not limited to, changes in dates to the first and last days of classes, term breaks, exam periods, and any unit or program specific changes requested by the Faculties, Colleges and Schools; and
  • approve the temporary modification or suspension of academic policies required to facilitate the completion of the Fall and Winter Terms.

THAT Senate approve:

  • the proposed 2022 – 2023 Academic Schedule;
  • a proposal for a Micro-Certificate in Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning Solutions, Division of Extended Education.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on October 6, 2021 be approved as circulated.

THAT the nomination of Kimberly Nicolasora and Stefan Urbano (student members) to the Senate Committee on Nominations be approved by Senate, for terms commencing upon Senate approval and ending May 31, 2022.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Arts concerning a proposal to change the name of the Department of Native Studies to the “Department of Indigenous Studies,” effective January 1, 2022.

THAT Senate approve changes to the program names for the General Degree and Minor in Geological Sciences to “Earth Sciences,” effective 2022 Fall Term; and

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to change the credential for the Bachelor of Science Geological Sciences to “Bachelor of Science,” effective upon approval by the Province of Manitoba.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning a proposal to establish Basic Regulations for Micro-Diploma Programs in the Faculty of Arts, effective for the 2022 Winter Term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning a proposal for a Self-Declaration for Brief and Temporary Absences policy and procedure, effective September 1, 2022.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated October 7, 2021].

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning revisions to the Animal Care and Use policy, effective upon approval.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning revised terms of reference for the Evelyn Wyrzykowski Research Chair in Cardiology, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve revisions to the Election of the Chancellor policy, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors.

October 6, 2021

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on October 6, 2021:

THAT the candidates recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the University Registrar be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the University Registrar up to October 8, 2021.

THAT the report on medals and prizes provided to the University Secretary be approved by Senate.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee on Course and Curriculum Changes concerning the Max Rady College of Medicine (Physician Assistant Studies Program).

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on June 16, 2021 be approved as circulated.

THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of Senate meeting held on August 31, 2021 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Senate Planning and Priorities Committee concerning graduate curriculum and course changes beyond nine credit hours in the Asper School of Business, effective for the next available term.

THAT Senate approve changes to the membership of Interdisciplinary Health Program Council, as set out in the revised Interdisciplinary Health Program Council Bylaw, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT the Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated September 8, 2021].

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning proposals to establish the Professorship in Family Medicine Research and Innovation and the Professorship in Quality Improvement, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning revised terms of reference for the MPI Professorship in Neurosciences, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a supplement to the Strategic Plan, Our Shared Future, Building on our Strategic Plan, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors.



August 31, 2021 - Special Meeting

The following motion was approved at a Special Meeting of Senate on August 31, 2021:

THAT Senate approve revisions to the 2021 – 2022 Academic Schedule, to accommodate the closure of the University on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, on September 30, 2021.

July 13, 2021

The following motion was approved by Senate Executive on behalf of Senate:

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, a modification to the format of FA 1990 – First Year Field Trip, to remote delivery of an online symposium in place of a field trip, for the 2021 Fall Term exclusively, effective upon approval.

June 16, 2021

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on June 16, 2021:

THAT Senate approve:
•    revisions to the 2021 – 2022 Academic Schedule for the Max Rady College of Medicine, effective upon Senate approval;
•    the Reports of the Faculty Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course and Curriculum Changes concerning the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning and the Department of History, effective for the next available term.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on May 19, 2021 be approved as circulated.

THAT nominations to the Senate Committee on Nominations be approved by Senate for:
a)    three-year terms beginning June 1, 2021 and ending May 31, 2024, for:

  • Professor Steven Passmore (re-appointment, Senator), representing Education, Kinesiology and Recreation Management, and Extended Education;
  • Professor Colette Simonot-Maiello (new appointment, Senator), representing Music and School of Art; and
  • Professor Jennifer van Wijngaarden (new appointment), representing Science;


b) a six-month leave-replacement beginning July 1 and ending December 31, 2021, for:

  • Mr. Hal Loewen (new appointment), representing Libraries and Student Affairs; and
  • Professor Victoria Sparks (new appointment), representing Music and School of Art.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning the Department of Community Health Sciences, including a proposal to close the Master of Science in Family Social Sciences.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Department of Architecture
  • Asper School of Business
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
  • College of Nursing
  • College of Rehabilitation Sciences
  • Department of Religion.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Academic Dress concerning the Master of Human Rights, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, involving the Music and Physical Education teachable majors and minors, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Admission Requirements for the Juris Doctor, Faculty of Law, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Advanced Entry admission requirements for the Bachelor of Health Studies, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Midwifery, College of Nursing, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Advanced Entry admission requirements for the Faculty of Science, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning revisions to the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Council Bylaw, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate recommend to the Board of Governors, the Report of the University Discipline Committee concerning revisions to the Student Discipline Bylaw and the related procedures on Student Non-academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviour and Student Discipline Appeal, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve revisions to the Academic Schedule for the 2022 Winter Term, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve revisions to the 2021-2022 Academic Schedule for the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry and School of Dental Hygiene, effective upon Senate approval.

May 19, 2021

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on May 19, 2021:

THAT the candidates recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the Registrar be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the Registrar up to May 21, 2021.

THAT the report on medals and prizes provided to the University Secretary be approved by Senate.

THAT the nomination of William Dowie (Graduate Studies) to serve as the voting student member on the Senate Executive Committee be approved.

THAT Senate approve:

  • the Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes [dated April 1, 2021]
  • the appointment of Professor Prentice as member-at-large for Senate, for the remainder of her term on the Board of Governors, which expires on May 31, 2022.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on April 7, 2021 be approved as circulated.

THAT the nomination of Professor Jitendra Paliwal (re-appointment), representing Agricultural and Food Sciences & Environment, Earth, and Resources, to the Senate Committee on Nominations, be approved by Senate for a three-year term ending May 31, 2024.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning a new admission category for students applying to the Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, and Bachelor of Science in Agrology, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions and the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning a revised Diploma to Degree Transfer Pathway, for graduates of the Diploma in Agriculture to receive transfer credit upon admission to a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, or Bachelor of Science in Agrology, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, effective for the Fall 2021 intake.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal from the Desautels Faculty of Music, for a Master of Arts in Music Research.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art History degrees, School of Art, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Advanced Entry admission requirements for the Bachelor of Environmental Science degrees, Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Advanced Entry Admission Requirements for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), Asper School of Business, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised academic regulations for the Co-operative Education Program, Diploma in Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the regulation on Assessment of Student Academic Performance, Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Education, Faculty of Education, effective September 1, 2022.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning regulations on Graduation with Distinction and Credit Hours Per Term, Desautels Faculty of Music, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning the addition of Associate Vice-Presidents (Indigenous) as Assessors to Senate.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning a recommendation that the University of Manitoba Institute for the Humanities be renewed for a term of five years, from June 30, 2021 through July 1, 2026.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated April 19, 2021].

THAT Senate approve the extension of temporary revisions to the graduation requirements for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), including the Co-operative Education Option, as outlined in the proposal, for the 2021 – 2022 Academic Session.

THAT Senate approve revisions to the 2021 – 2022 Academic Schedule for the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, and the Master of Occupational Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, as outlined in the proposals, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve temporary revisions to the Supplemental Examination regulation for the Doctor of Dental Medicine, Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, for the 2020 – 2021 Academic Session, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve a recommendation from the Faculty of Council of the Faculty of Arts, that the University of Manitoba Senate send our colleagues, staff, and students at Laurentian University a message of support, as outlined in the Report.

April 7, 2021

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on April 7, 2021:

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Medical Qualifications RE: Dr. Jongho Kim;
  • Proposal for a Certificate in Building Information Modeling Management, Division of Extended Education;
  • Revision to 2020 – 2021 Academic Schedule RE: Spring Convocation Dates;
  • Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes RE: BFAR Statements:
    • Department of Dental Diagnostics and Surgical Sciences
    • Department of French, Spanish and Italian
    • Faculty of Law, Master of Human Rights
    • Université Saint-Boniface, Études canadiennes et interculturelle;
  • Reports of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee on Course and Curriculum Changes:
    • RE: Department of Community Health Sciences
    • RE: Department of Immunology
    • RE: Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on March 3, 2021 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Recreation Management and Community Development, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Diploma in Dental Hygiene, Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning the modification of institutional English language proficiency requirements, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning revisions to the Standing Rules of Senate relating to the Members Elected Under Section 27 of The University of Manitoba Act, effective for the next round of Senate elections.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations concerning revisions to the terms of reference and committee composition, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to change the name of the Department of Geological Sciences, in the Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, to the “Department of Earth Sciences,” effective July 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulations Changes concerning revisions to the Academic Guide, Faculty of Graduate Studies, effective for the 2021 Fall Term.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulations Changes concerning the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Asper School of Business
  • Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
  • Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Max Rady College of Medicine (Master of Physician Assistant Studies)
  • Department of Soil Science.

THAT Senate approve revised degree exit requirements for programs in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, for students graduating in the Spring 2021, effective upon Senate approval.


March 3, 2021

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on March 3, 2021:

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee on Course and Curriculum Changes concerning the Department of Community Health Sciences.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on February 3, 2021 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to establish a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics, in the Faculty of Arts.

THAT Senate approve undergraduate course changes beyond nine credit hours in the School of Art, effective for the Fall 2021. 

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, effective for the Fall 2022 intake. 

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning a proposal to establish a Professorship in Lab-on-Chip Technology, in the Faculty of Science, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors. 

February 3, 2021

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on February 3, 2021:

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the Registrar be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the Registrar up to February 5, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the revised Academic Schedules for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on January 6, 2021 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning the closure of the Integrated Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education and Desautels Faculty of Music, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning a revision to the Rules Governing Meetings of Senate, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the ad hoc Committee of Senate Executive to Review the Non-Degree Programs Taxonomy, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve revisions to the Academic Schedule for the 2021 Winter Term, to permit in-person academic activities to be held during the Winter Term break (February 16 – 19, 2021) and/or during the Winter Term final examination period (April 19 - May 1, 2021), in the particular situations outlined in the proposal.

THAT Senate approve revisions to the Academic Schedule for the 2021 Winter Term, involving changes to the Term End and Graduation dates for programs in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, as outlined in the proposal, due to impacts of COVID-19 restrictions on training opportunities for students.

THAT Senate approve a temporary revision to the admission requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, to remove the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (PCAT®) requirement, for the Fall 2021 intake, effective upon Senate approval.

January 6, 2021

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on January 6, 2021:

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions RE: Correction to Report of June 15, 2020;
  • Reports of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee on Course and Curriculum Changes
    • RE: Department of Native Studies
    • RE: Université de Saint-Boniface, M. en Ed.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on December 2, 2020 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve graduate program changes and course changes beyond nine credit hours in the Faculty of Law, effective for the next available term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of Progression Regulations for the Faculty of Science, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning a proposal to establish the Manitoba Crop Protection Chair in Weed Management, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on University Research and the Senate Planning and Priorities Committee, concerning a proposal to establish the Earth Materials and Archaeometry Centre, for a term of five years, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors.

THAT Senate approve a temporary revision to the admission requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, effective for the Fall 2021 intake, to remove the Critical Skills Essay requirement, in the event that the College could not administer the requirement in the Spring 2021 due to any COVID-19 restrictions that might be in place at that time.

THAT Senate approve a proposal to waive the Degree Exit Requirements, including Current CPR Level C and Emergency or Standard First Aid Certification, for students graduating from a degree program in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, at the end of the 2020 Fall Term, effective upon Senate approval.

2020 meetings

December 2, 2020

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on December 2, 2020:

THAT Senate approve:

  • the Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes on Course and Program Changes
  • a revision to the 2021 Summer Term Academic Schedule, College of Nursing

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on November 4, 2020 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes and the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revisions to (i) the Preliminary Engineering Program and (ii) advanced entry admission requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering degrees, with curriculum changes effective September 1, 2021 and admission changes effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve an articulation agreement between the University of Manitoba, Price Faculty of Engineering, and UCSI College, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, concerning advanced standing in Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree programs at the University of Manitoba, for students who have completed a minimum of sixteen courses, including eight Preliminary Year courses, in the American Degree Transfer Program at UCSI College, for a five-year term effective Fall Term 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes from the following units, effective for the next available term:

  • Faculty of Architecture
  • Department of Environment and Geography
  • Faculty of Graduate Studies, Individual Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Department of History
  • Faculty of Law, Master of Human Rights
  • Department of Occupational Therapy
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Department of Preventive Dental Science
  • Department of Sociology and Criminology

THAT Senate approve a temporary revision to the admission requirements for the Doctor of Dental Medicine, Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, to waive the Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) requirement, as appropriate, only for the 2021–2022 admission cycle, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve, effective upon approval, a grading accommodation for the 2020 Fall Term and the 2021 Winter Term, to give students the choice to exclude a grade(s) from their University of Manitoba Grade Point Average, following either option (a) or (b):

(a) up to one (1) grade received in the Fall Term, and up to one (1) grade received in the Winter Term, or

(b) up to one (1) grade received in a spanned course which runs through both the Fall and Winter Terms.

These options are not applicable to grades with a DISC notation.

November 4, 2020

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on November 4, 2020:

THAT Senate approve:

  • the Reports of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee on Course and Curriculum Changes concerning the Departments of Anthropology, Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, and Physiology and Pathophysiology;
  • the 2021-2022 Academic Schedule.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on October 7, 2020 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the temporary suspension of the Writing Session requirement for admission to the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, effective upon approval.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning a proposal for a Dual Credit High School Admissions Category, Faculty of Science, effective for the Fall 2021 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised institutional undergraduate English language proficiency requirements, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning modifications to the graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts degrees, Faculty of Arts, to include an Indigenous Content requirement, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of entrance, continuation, and graduation requirements, for Bachelor of Arts degrees, Faculty of Arts, to align with the Grade Point Averages policy, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of entrance requirements, for the Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) degree, Faculty of Arts, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of entrance requirements, for the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree, Faculty of Arts, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of entrance requirements and the option for a Minor, for the Bachelor of Arts (General) and Bachelor of Arts (Single Advanced Major) in Global Political Economy, Faculty of Arts, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of the policy on Essential Skills and Abilities (Technical Standards) for Admission, Promotion or Graduation in the PGME Program, and Accommodation, Max Rady College of Medicine, effective August 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning proposed academic regulations for the Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning proposed Essential Skills, Attributes and Abilities Required for the Study of Respiratory Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the proposed Master of Occupational Therapy Professional Unsuitability Bylaw, Department of Occupational Therapy, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures concerning revisions to the Desautels Faculty of Music Council Bylaw, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate approve recommendations from the COVID-19 Recovery Steering Committee concerning adjustments to the 2020 Fall Term Academic Schedule, effective upon approval, including to permit:

  • final examinations to be held in the Fall Term extension (January 5 – 15, 2021);
  • in-person academic activities to be held during the Fall Term break (November 9 – 13, 2020), the December final examination period (December 12 – 23, 2020), or the Fall Term extension (January 5 – 15, 2021).

October 7, 2020

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on October 7, 2020:

THAT the candidates recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency be approved.

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the Registrar be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the Registrar up to October 9, 2020.

THAT the report on medals and prizes provided to the University Secretary be approved by Senate.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Medical Qualifications concerning Dr. Giuseppe Retrosi.

THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of Senate meeting held on September 2, 2020 be approved as circulated.

THAT the nomination of Mr. Md Tanvir Hasnine (student member) to the Senate Committee on Nominations, for a term ending May 31, 2021, be approved by Senate.

THAT Senate approve, effective for the next available term, the Reports of the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning the:

  • Department of Architecture
  • Natural Resources Institute
  • Department of Physical Therapy
  • Faculty of Social Work.

THAT Senate approve changes to the clinical agency requirement on Respirator Mask Fit Testing, for the Bachelor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective upon approval.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Education degree, Faculty of Education, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the periodic review of the Centre for Defense and Security Studies, including a recommendation to renew the Centre for a five-year term, from January 7, 2021 through January 8, 2026.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the periodic review of the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics, including a recommendation to renew the Centre for a five-year term, from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2025.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning a recommendation to close the Centre for Research and Treatment of Atherosclerosis, effective upon approval by the Board of Governors.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated September 25, 2020].

THAT Senate approve the Report of the ad hoc Committee of Senate Executive on the Summer Term Academic Schedule.

THAT Senate approve the Academic Schedule for the 2021 Summer Term, as amended.

September 2, 2020 - Special Meeting

The following motions were approved at a special meeting of Senate on September 2, 2020:

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on August 5, 2020 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve changes to clinical agency requirements for the Bachelor of Nursing, effective upon approval, including: (i) lifting the suspension of the regulation on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification (CPR); (ii) amendments to the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification (CPR) regulation; (iii) rescinding the regulation on Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Workshop.

THAT Senate approve a temporary revision to the Scholastic Progress regulation, for students in the Bachelor of Social Work, granting a one-year extension of the nine-year rule, for students whose courses and program would expire at the end of the Summer Term 2020, to the end of the Summer Term 2021.

THAT Senate approve COVID-19 related changes and corrections to the Academic Schedule for 2020 – 2021, for the College of Nursing.

August 5, 2020 - Special Meeting

The following motions were approved at a special meeting of Senate on August 5, 2020:

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on June 24, 2020 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Temporary Modifications to the Faculty of Science Co-Op Regulations, section 3.5 of the Faculty of Science section of calendar, as presented, effective upon approval.

THAT Senate approve the temporary revisions to section 3.2 of the Max Rady College of Medicine’s Promotion and Failure Policy (UMGE), effective upon approval.

June 24, 2020

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on June 24, 2020:

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes (Addendum to Report of April 30, 2020);
  • Modification of the Certificate in Applied Management, Division of Extended Education;
  • Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes RE: BFAR Statements, Departments of City Planning and Native Studies;
  • Reports of the Faculty Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course and Curriculum Changes
    • RE: Department of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics;
    • RE: Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on May 13, 2020 be approved as amended.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committees on Curriculum and Course Changes and Instruction and Evaluation, concerning modifications to the program requirements and academic regulations for the Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Education, Faculty of Education, effective September 1, 2022.

THAT Senate approve undergraduate curriculum changes and course changes beyond nine credit hours in the Faculty of Law, effective Fall 2020.

THAT Senate approve a proposal from the College of Nursing to establish the delivery of the Bachelor of Nursing program to a Collaborative University College of the North Cohort, which also entails (i) the establishment of a Collaborative University College of the North (UCN) Cohort admissions category, (ii) the introduction of a regulation concerning Transfer to an Alternate Delivery Site within the Bachelor of Nursing Program, and (ii) revisions to the Professional Unsuitability Bylaw for the Bachelor of Nursing, effective for the Fall 2021 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning revisions to the Academic Guide, Faculty of Graduate Studies, effective Fall 2020.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning the closure of the Diploma in Population Health, Department of Community Health Sciences.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning a proposal for a Graduate Specialization in Engineering Education, Department of Biosystems Engineering, effective for the next available term.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning a proposal for a concentration in Pharmacoepidemiology, College of Pharmacy, effective for the next available term.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes, effective for the next available term, with the exception that the various course and curriculum changes proposed by the Department of Political Studies, would take effect for either the Fall 2020 or the Fall 2021, as specified in that Report:

  • RE: College of Dentistry
  • RE: Faculty of Education
  • RE: Faculty of Engineering, M.Sc., Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
  • RE: Department of Community Health Sciences
  • RE: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • RE: Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
  • RE: Faculty of Graduate Studies, Individual Interdisciplinary Studies
  • RE: Department of Linguistics
  • RE: Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
  • RE: Natural Resources Institute
  • RE: College of Nursing
  • RE: Department of Political Studies
  • RE: Department of Preventive Dental Sciences
  • RE: Department of Psychology

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Academic Review concerning (i) the revised mission statement, including vision, values, and goals, for the Centre for Engineering Professional Practice and Engineering Education, effective upon Senate approval, and (ii) the renewal of the Centre for a period of five years, ending on June 23, 2025.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the International Dentist Degree Program, Dr. Gerald Niznick, College of Dentistry, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Direct Entry admission requirements for the Faculty of Science, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, effective for the Fall 2021 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the policy on Requisite Skills and Abilities for the Bachelor of Nursing Program, College of Nursing, effective September 1, 2020.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the regulations on Criminal Record, Child Abuse Registry, and Adult Abuse Registry checks, College of Nursing, effective September 1, 2020.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning a proposed policy on Requisite Skills, Abilities and Standards for Capacity for the Bachelor of Midwifery Program, College of Nursing, effective September 1, 2020.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the following academic regulations for the Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, effective September 1, 2020:

  • Scholastic Progress
  • Field Instruction
  • Transfer Credit Equivalency Policy.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning a proposal to establish the Manitoba Quantum Institute.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated June 11, 2020].

THAT Senate approve COVID-19 related revisions to the Academic Schedule for 2020-2021, for the School of Agriculture, the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Education.


May 27, 2020 - Special Meeting of Senate Executive

The following motions were approved at a special meeting of Senate Executive on May 27, 2020:

THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of the Senate Executive Committee held on May 20, 2020, be approved as circulated.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, candidates recommended for a degree notwithstanding a deficiency.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the Registrar, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the Registrar up to May 29, 2020.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, the report on medals and prizes provided to the University Secretary.

May 20, 2020 - Special Meeting of Senate Executive

The following motions were approved at a special meeting of Senate Executive on May 20, 2020:

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Senate Executive Committee held on April 29, 2020, be approved as circulated.

THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of the Senate Executive Committee held on May 6, 2020, be approved as circulated.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, the Report of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Management (I.H. Asper School of Business) concerning temporary revisions to the graduation requirements for the:

  • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), Co-operative Education Option, specifically, that a requirement that “the program will include 12 months spent in co-op work terms with a co-op office approved employer, typically taken in three, 4-month-long co-op work terms with a minimum grade of ‘C’ in each co-op work term course and combine the work terms together to satisfy 3 credit hours of Business Options” be temporarily amended to allow students graduating in February 2021 or May 2021 to substitute the third co-op work term, IDM 4982 (1 credit hour), with IDM 4050 Applied Small Business Consulting (3 credit hours) with a minimum grade of ‘C’; and
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), specifically, that the stipulation that “Students are limited to a maximum of six hours of readings and research courses” be amended to “Students are limited to a maximum of nine hours of readings and research courses,” for students graduating in February 2021 or May 2021.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, the Report of the College Executive Council of the College of Pharmacy concerning a proposal to establish a Special Consideration admission category for the Doctor of Pharmacy Program, for the Fall 2020 and Fall 2021 intakes.

May 13, 2020

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on May 13, 2020:

THAT the nomination of Mr. Evan Podaima to serve as the voting student member on the Senate Executive Committee be approved.

THAT Senate approve the:

  • Report of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes;
  • Reports of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation and the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning revised Science and Faculty of Arts Course Requirements for undergraduate programs in the Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, effective September 1, 2020;
  • Reports of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee on Course and Curriculum Changes, effective for the next available term:
    • RE: Modification of GRAD 7300, Faculty of Graduate Studies
    • RE: Department of Occupational Therapy
  • Report of the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies on Program and Curriculum Changes concerning BFAR Statements for the College of Dentistry, Department of Psychology, and Faculty of Social Work, effective for the next available term;
  • Reports of the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes, effective for the next available term:
    • RE: Department of Biosystems Engineering
    • RE: Department of Classics
    • RE: Department of French, Spanish, and Italian
    • RE: Department of Interior Design
    • RE: Department of Landscape Architecture
    • RE: College of Pharmacy
    • RE: Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology
    • RE: College of Rehabilitation Sciences
    • RE: Department of Sociology and Criminology
    • RE: Université de Saint-Boniface (M.A. in Canadian Studies)

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on March 4, 2020 be approved as circulated.

THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of Senate meeting held on March 16, 2020 be approved as circulated.

THAT the following nominations to the Senate Committee on Nominations, for three-year terms beginning in June 1, 2020 and ending May 31, 2023, be approved by Senate:

  1. Professor Pam Perkins (re-appointment) representing Arts;
  2. Dean Reg Urbanowski (re-appointment, Senator) representing Health Sciences;
  3. Professor Robert Biscontri (re-appointment, Senator) representing Management, Law, and Social Work.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to establish a Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Department of Supply Chain Management, Asper School of Business.

THAT Senate approve a proposal to establish a Graduate Focus on Aging concentration, in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, effective September 1, 2020.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes and the Senate Planning and Priorities Committee concerning major curriculum revisions proposed by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, effective September 1, 2021.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee Admissions and the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes concerning a revised transfer pathway from the Diplôme en administration des affaires to the Baccalauréat en administration des affaires, Université de Saint-Boniface, including revised admission and curriculum requirements, effective September 1, 2020.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Academic Review concerning revisions to the Academic Program Reviews policy and procedure, effective September 1, 2020.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Direct Entry admission requirements for the Diploma in Dental Hygiene, Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning a proposal to create a Casual Student Admission Category, Faculty of Arts, effective for the Fall 2021 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Doctor of Dental Medicine degree, Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Physical Geography, Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, effective for the Fall 2021 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Advanced Entry and Direct Entry admission requirements for the Interdisciplinary Health Program, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, effective for the Fall 2021 and Fall 2022 intakes, respectively.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Direct Entry admission requirements for the Bachelor of Music, Desautels Faculty of Music, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning proposals from the College of Pharmacy, to revise the admission requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree; one concerning changes to the Statistics courses required, effective for the Fall 2021 intake, and one concerning changes to the Chemistry and elective courses required, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve a revised instrument for Student Ratings of Instruction, as described in the Final Report and Recommendations, Teaching and Course Evaluation Review Sub-committee, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT the Final Report and Recommendations, Teaching and Course Evaluation Review Sub-committee be referred back to the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation for further consideration.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revisions to the following policies for the Undergraduate Medical Education program, Max Rady College of Medicine, as amended, effective August 1, 2020, with the exception that the revised definition for the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Exam, in section 2.7 of the first two policies would take effect upon Senate approval:

  • Examination Results policy, including to rename the policy “Assessment Results”;
  • Promotion and Failure policy;
  • Mid-Point In-Training Evaluation (MITER) and Final In-Training Evaluation (FITER) Preparation, Distribution and Completion and Essential Clinical Presentation (ECP) Preparation, Distribution, Audit, and Remediation policy.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of a regulation on Time Limits and Lapse of Credit, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, effective September 1, 2020.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning a revision to the regulation on Available Minors in Departments and Faculties, Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, effective September 1, 2020.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning revised academic regulations for the Baccalauréat ès sciences avec majeure conjointe en biochimie-microbiologie, et volet coopératif, Université de Saint-Boniface, effective September 1, 2020.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning the periodic review of the Legal Research Institute, including a recommendation that the Institute be renewed for a term of five years, from May 31, 2020 through May 30, 2025.

THAT the Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to establish a Professorship in Anesthesiology.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated May 5, 2020].

May 6, 2020 - Special Meeting of Senate Executive

The following motions were approved at a special meeting of Senate Executive on May 6, 2020:

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, a revised Academic Schedule for the 2020 Fall Term and the 2021 Winter Term (PDF).

That the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, revised admission and clinical agency requirements for the Bachelor of Nursing and Baccalaureate Program for Registered Nurses, College of Nursing, including:

  • THAT the regulation requiring newly admitted students to the Bachelor of Nursing program to provide evidence of current Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification at the health care provider level prior to starting the program be suspended indefinitely; and
  • THAT the regulation requiring all continuing students in the Bachelor of Nursing program to provide evidence of current CPR re-certification by June 1st of each year be suspended indefinitely; and
  • THAT the regulation requiring all students in the Baccalaureate Program for Registered Nurses to maintain current CPR certification be suspended indefinitely.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, that the regulation, for the Bachelor of Nursing program, allowing only one voluntary withdrawal per Nursing course in the College of Nursing be suspended for the Winter Term 2020.


April 29, 2020 - Special Meeting of Senate Executive

The following motions were approved at a special meeting of Senate Executive on April 29, 2020:

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Special Meeting of Senate Executive Committee held on April 8, 2020, be approved as circulated.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, the Report of the College Executive Council of the College of Pharmacy concerning revised admission requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy Program; specifically:

  • For the Fall 2020 and Fall 2021 intakes:
    • A requirement for 60 credit hours of core and elective courses, with no grade less than a “C” by April of the year of application, be amended to allow no more than a single grade of less than a “C,” but no lower than a “D;” and, further, that where pass/fail assessment has been accepted and may be the only grade available that pass/fail be accepted to meet the subject requirement;
    • A requirement for a minimum of two Regular Fall/Winter sessions (September - April) where each Regular Fall/Winter session contains a minimum of 24 new credit hours of university level degree-credit courses, with no grade less than a “C,” be amended to allow for no more than a single grade of less than a “C,” but no lower than a “D,” and the ‘W’ requirement be suspended for applicants from other academic institutions;
    • A requirement for a minimum Adjusted Grade Point Average of 3.5 be amended to a minimum Adjusted Grade Point Average of 3.0.
  • For the Fall 2021 intake:
    • A requirement for a Critical Skills Essay be reinstated;
    • The full time (24 credit hour) academic year requirement be suspending for 2021.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, a proposal from Enrolment Services that the University of Manitoba assess applicants from Nigeria and Ghana using mock examination results, if available, and Senior level grade 12 courses, for fulfilling admission eligibility criteria for admission to University 1 for the Fall 2020, Winter 2021, and Summer 2021 intakes.

April 8, 2020 - Special Meeting of Senate Executive

The following motions were approved at a special meeting of Senate Executive on April 8, 2020:

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Special Meeting of Senate Executive Committee held on April 1, 2020, be approved as circulated.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, a further extension to the Voluntary Withdrawal deadline to May 10, 2020, for courses taught in the 2020 Winter Term, including spanned courses scheduled over the 2019 Fall - 2020 Winter Terms.

April 1, 2020 - Special Meeting of Senate Executive

The following motions were approved at a special meeting of Senate Executive on April 1, 2020:

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Special Meeting of Senate Executive Committee held on March 25, 2020, be approved as amended.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, a revised Academic Schedule for the 2020 Summer Term (PDF).

That the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate:

  • THAT, in addition to allowing students to choose whether or not to include a grade received for any course completed in the 2020 Winter Term in any Grade Point Average Calculation (previously approved, Senate Executive, March 25, 2020), students, with the exception of those enrolled in the Faculty of Law, be allowed to choose whether or not to receive a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ grade instead of a letter grade (for Winter Term or spanned courses ending in April 2020). Credit will be granted for courses for which a ‘pass’ grade is granted; and
  • THAT a ‘pass’ grade will be available only if the original letter grade is ‘D’ or higher; and
  • THAT the ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ designation would appear on the transcript with a notation indicating the student made this selection owing to the difficult learning situation during the COVID-19 pandemic; and
  • THAT, in the event a student chooses to receive a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ grade, no letter grade will be retained or associated with the student’s performance in the course; and
  • THAT students will have until May 10, 2020 to declare to the Registrar’s Office using a method put into place by that Office, if they choose to exercise an alternative grading option (either pass/fail option or to exclude a course grade from Grade Point Average calculations); and
  • THAT students’ academic transcript as at May 10, 2020 will be used for the purposes of assessing any application for admission to a program at the University starting September 2020, or to determine eligibility to graduate in Spring 2020; and
  • THAT students who file a grade appeal, in accordance with the Final Examinations and Final Grades procedure, may elect a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ grade categorization within seven (7) days of notification of the conclusion of their grade appeal; and
  • THAT regardless of any choice made with respect to course grading, students will remain obliged to meet all existing admission, prerequisite, progression, degree, and graduation policies and requirements that may apply to them.

That the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, THAT alternative approaches to grading for 2020 Winter Term courses, will be restricted to those approved by Senate Executive as of April 1, 2020.

That the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate:

  • THAT any failing grade received by a student in the 2020 Winter Term will be automatically excluded from all Grade Point Average calculations; and
  • THAT such grades will be denoted on the transcript as having been excluded from Grade Point Average calculations; and
  • THAT, unless otherwise specified, this restriction will not apply to Grade Point Average calculations that are used for admission purposes.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, the waiver of Degree Exit Requirements, including Current CPR Level C and Emergency or Standard First Aid Certification requirements, for students graduating from the degree programs listed below following the 2020 Winter Term:

  • Bachelor of Kinesiology
  • Bachelor of Kinesiology – Athletic Therapy
  • Bachelor of Physical Education
  • Bachelor of Recreation Management and Community Development

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, a revised admissions process for the Fall 2020 intake into the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program; specifically, that the Critical Skills Essay will not be required and eligible applicants will be ranked for selection based on the following:

  • Adjusted Grade Point Average (AGPA) weighted at 66 percent;
  • Pharmacy College Admissions Test (PCAT®) weighted at 34 percent.

April 1, 2020

The April 1, 2020 Senate meeting was cancelled.

March 25, 2020 - Special Meeting of Senate Executive

The following motions were approved at a special meeting of Senate Executive on March 25, 2020:

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve on behalf of Senate:

  • THAT, for the 2020 Winter Term only, students will have the option to include or exclude a final course grade in calculating their Grade Point Average at the University. This option will apply to all courses using standard letter grades scheduled in the 2020 Winter Term or spanned courses scheduled over the 2019 Fall – 2020 Winter Terms; and
  • THAT students can opt to exclude a course grade following receipt of the final grade and can elect to do so on a course-by-course basis; and
  • THAT grades excluded in the calculation of the Grade Point Average will not be used in calculating Grade Point Averages for the purpose of program progression and/or overall graduation Grade Point Average requirements; however, course grades will continue to be used to satisfy prerequisite requirements for entry into other courses and to satisfy any other program requirements; and
  • THAT grades will show on an official transcript but will be flagged (by an asterisk or something similar) with a notation that the course was excluded in the Grade Point Average calculation due to the COVID-19 response; and
  • THAT grades, by default, will be included in the Grade Point Average; students must opt to exclude the course and inform the Registrar’s Office by May 15, 2020, to ensure that the course is removed from the Grade Point Average calculation; and
  • THAT Section 2.3 of the Grade Point Averages policy, be revised, for final term grades for the 2020 Winter Term only, as follows:
  • Section 2.3. The following rules apply in regards to calculating GPA at the University:

    1. Standard letter grades (A+ to F) will be included in GPA calculations, unless a student opts to exclude a grade, and will be displayed on a Student’s Official Record in the Term they were completed.

    2. When a Student repeats a course or takes an equivalent course or mutually exclusive course (for example, a course that may not be held for credit with the original course), all attempts at that course, with the exception of those courses students opted to have excluded, shall be used in the calculation of the TGPA and CGPA. Whether or not grades for repeated courses are used toward the DGPA will be subject to Faculty policy.

    3. Grades not included in GPA calculations (for example: Pass/Fail, VW, AW) are displayed on a Student’s Official Record. This includes any standard letter grades where students opted to exclude in GPA calculations.

    4. Courses completed from another institution by means of a Letter of Permission shall be used in the calculation of CGPA and DGPA, but shall not be used in the calculation of TGPA.

    5. Courses completed by means of Challenge for Credit shall be used in the calculation of CGPA, DGPA, and TGPA.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve on behalf of Senate, the extension of:

  • the deadline for the Election of Academic and Support Staff to Senate, to be completed and reported to the University Secretary by May 15, 2020; and
  • where necessary, appointments of faculty and student members to Senate Committees, whose terms end on May 31, 2020, until such time that the Senate Committee on Nominations is able to make recommendations to Senate for new appointments; and
  • incumbent student Senators’ terms until such time as a successor is elected, where elections of student Senators have not been held by April 30, 2020.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, that all Juris Doctor (J.D.) courses offered by the Faculty of Law, including (i) spanned courses offered over the 2019 Fall and 2020 Winter Terms, including first-year courses, and (ii) 2020 Winter Term courses, be graded on a mandatory pass-fail basis.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve, on behalf of Senate, a four-month extension to the maximum time allowed for the completion of graduate degree requirements for all graduate students.

March 18, 2020 - Special Meeting of Senate Executive

The following motions were approved at a special meeting of Senate Executive on March 18, 2020:

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve on behalf of Senate that registration for Summer Term courses (defined as courses offered May – August) be suspended indefinitely.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve on behalf of Senate that Duo-lingo be approved as an acceptable test of English Language Proficiency (ELP) for the purposes of applying for admission for the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 intakes. The proposed minimum acceptable test score is 115 which equates to approximately 7.0 on the IELTS test.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve on behalf of Senate that section 2.5(a) of the Repeated Course Policy be suspended indefinitely.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve on behalf of Senate that students not be required to provide medical notes in support of absences from class activities/requirements and from evaluations including final examinations. Students will be required to self-declare through an email note to an Advisor in the relevant faculty that they will be unable to meet their course obligations. This declaration will be treated as necessary and sufficient for the student to be afforded reasonable accommodation.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve on behalf of Senate that no in-person final examinations be held for any courses offered in whole or in part in the Winter 2020 term, and that all assessments be completed by alternative means. Instructors will have the latitude and responsibility to adjust assessments as they deem most suitable and appropriate (e.g., online tests, take-home tests, new assignments, adjusted weightings of completed assessments, etc.) and to communicate these changes promptly to students and unit heads. The current exam period (April 13-25) will be maintained to provide a dedicated period within which online examinations may be scheduled. Faculty offices must consult with the Registrar’s Office regarding any intention to offer a scheduled online final examination.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve on behalf of Senate that no in-person instruction or assessment for any courses take place until at least September 1, 2020. All instruction will take place by alternate methods until at least September 1, 2020.

THAT the Senate Executive Committee approve on behalf of Senate that summer courses (broadly defined as courses that were scheduled to take place between early May and the end of August) begin no earlier than June 1, 2020 and be completed no later than August 31, 2020. The Registrar’s Office will be responsible for determining an academic schedule for this period. At this time, recognized Distance Education (DE designated) courses, already scheduled to commence in early May, are excluded from this recommendation.

THAT Senate Executive cancel the April 1, 2020, meeting of Senate due to a state of emergency at the University related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

March 4, 2020

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on March 4, 2020:

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Medical Qualifications concerning Dr. Nicola Disma and Dr. Leila Mameli.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on February 5, 2020 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Statement, as presented.

Senate Statement

The mandate of the University of Manitoba is to create, preserve, communicate, and apply knowledge. In doing so, the University contributes to the cultural, social and economic well-being of the people of Manitoba, Canada, and the world. The university serves the common good, through searching for, and disseminating, knowledge and understanding, and through fostering independent thinking and expression. We undertake basic, applied, and inquiry-based research and teaching. We are organized by core principles of autonomy, academic freedom and collegial governance.

The University of Manitoba believes that education has a transformative power for students, their families and communities. We are committed to inspiring minds through innovative and quality teaching. We drive discovery and insight through excellence in research, scholarly work and other creative activities. We create pathways to Indigenous achievement. We promote equity, inclusion, and excellence. We forge connections to foster high impact community engagement that build on the advantages of a diverse and inclusive workplace.

The University of Manitoba is the province’s only research-intensive university, and all assessments of our contributions to the dynamic social and economic life of our province must recognize our broad mandate and inclusive mission, which has short-term, mid-term, and long-term effects and implications. Our 30,000-plus full and part-time undergraduate and graduate students and our 5,000-plus faculty members undertaking teaching and research are part of a complex institution, one that does much more than simply train students for today’s labour market. Higher education generates social, as well as individual, benefits. We provide a public good that helps to promote wisdom and to build a just, inclusive, and prosperous province for all people.

THAT the nomination of Dean Reg Urbanowski to the Senate Committee on Nominations, for the balance of a term ending May 31, 2020, be approved by Senate.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Advanced Entry admission requirements for the Diploma in Dental Hygiene, Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, effective for the Fall 2021 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Academic Review including a recommendation that the Centre for Engineering Professional Practice and Engineering Education continue for a period of three years, ending June 23, 2023.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on University Research concerning a proposal to establish a Professorship in Diabetes Research, in the Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Faculty Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, effective for the next available term:

  • RE: Faculty of Education, as amended;
  • RE: Department of Occupational Therapy;
  • RE: Department of Psychology.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve a proposal to establish a Bachelor of Science (Major) in Data Science, including a Co-operative Option, Faculty of Science.

February 5, 2020

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on February 5, 2020:

THAT the list of graduands provided to the University Secretary by the Registrar be approved, subject to the right of Deans and Directors to initiate late changes with the Registrar up to February 7, 2020.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on January 8, 2020 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Academic Dress concerning a stole for the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Medical Physiology and Pathophysiology, which is silver in colour with two half inch royal blue strips in a V pattern.

THAT the Report of the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures be referred back to the Desautels Faculty of Music for further consideration.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Nominations [dated January 27, 2020].

January 8, 2020

The following motions were approved by Senate at its meeting on January 8, 2020:

THAT Ms. Tanjit Nagra be nominated to serve as the voting member on the Senate Executive Committee.

THAT the minutes of the Senate meeting held on December 4, 2019 be approved as circulated.

THAT Senate approve the Reports of the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Course Changes and the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning modifications to the Preliminary Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, with curriculum modifications to take effect September 1, 2020 and revised admission requirements effective for the Fall 2021 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning revised Direct Entry admission requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree, Faculty of Arts, effective for the Fall 2022 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Admissions concerning a proposal for a Dual Credit High School Admission Category, Faculty of Arts, effective for the Fall 2020 intake.

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation concerning the modification of the Professional Unsuitability By-law, Department of Psychology, effective upon Senate approval.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the establishment of an Institute for Global Public Health, for a term of five years (December 4, 2019 through December 3, 2024).

THAT Senate approve the Report of the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning the Faculty of Law, effective for the next available term.

THAT Senate recommend that the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the Departments of Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Respiratory Therapy, in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences, effective upon approval by the Board.

THAT Senate approve the recommendations set out in the Report of the Implementation Working Group for the Cooper Commission Report.
