Student health and wellness
Health and wellness play a critical role in student success. Explore a wide range of services that are available to you that support your physical and mental well-being.

Student health and wellness
Health supports on campus
Find the health and wellness supports you need on the Fort Garry or Bannatyne campuses. Student Support services are integrated so you can get connected with the care you need no matter where you start.
Resources for your well-being
Health and wellness can look different for everyone. Sometimes you need to talk to someone or access services, but other times, you want a self-care resource or reliable information on a specific topic. Getting involved in different activities both on and off campus can also be part of your personal wellness plan. Here are some resources to consider.
Building healthy habits
Staying healthy and well means developing and maintaining a set of healthy habits that create an overall sense of physical, social and mental well-being. Just a few small changes in your life can have long-term effects on your overall health.
Online support resources
From the Student Counselling Centre, these resources can be used by students who prefer to look online prior to seeking professional help. Others may use these resources in conjunction with or while awaiting professional help.
Counselling workshops and groups
Counselling workshops and groups are an effective way to get help for a variety of difficulties. For many problems, workshops and groups are better options than individual counselling. SCC groups and workshops are offered regularly throughout the year.
Healthy U
Healthy U is a UM student group made up of a team of friendly volunteers who are trained student health educators. They provide students with reliable health information through health packages and outreach events.
Student support at Migizii Agamik
Migizii Agamik is the permanent home of the Indigenous Student Centre advisors, and several student support providers spend dedicated time at Migizii Agamik each week to make it easy for you to take advantage of the guidance they offer.
Spiritual Care and Multi-Faith Centre
UM’s Spiritual Care and Multi-Faith Centre is open to all, whether you identify as spiritual, atheist, religious or agnostic. The team recognizes, affirms and works with your existing values and beliefs.
Sexual violence support and education
Sexual violence affects people of all ages, sexual orientations, genders, gender identities, abilities and relationship statuses. The Sexual Violence Resource Centre, located at 537 UMSU University Centre on the Fort Garry campus, provides support, resources, information and referral services for any student, faculty or staff member who has been affected by sexual violence.
Empower Me
Empower Me is a mental health and wellness service that seeks to contribute to a resilient student community by supporting existing on-campus and Studentcare mental health resources.
Recreation Services
UM Recreation Services offers a wide variety of options for students and the larger UM community. Explore gym memberships and recreational programs, try out the climbing wall, join a REC Club or intramural sports or sign up for personal training.
Ways to support your fellow students
Peer support and peer education can be valuable tools for creating a positive culture of well-being on campus. Sometimes, the best person to connect with is a friend or classmate who understands what you’re going through because they’ve been there too. Students can get more involved by signing up for peer programming, attending peer education sessions, or championing mental health initiatives with their student group, residence or sports team. Here are some ways you can get involved.
Create your Mental Health and Well-being action plan
Make mental health and well-being a priority for you and your peers! This practical how-to guide will help you create an action plan for health and wellness. The plan is centred on three main themes: community health and well-being; support, understanding and inclusion; balance and flexibility.
Become a Healthy U volunteer
Do you have a passion for Health and Wellness? Do you want experience and training in health promotion and prevention? Are you interested in an opportunity to be involved in the health and well-being of your peers? Then Healthy U at the University of Manitoba is looking for you!
Attend a Healthy Relationships workshop or apply to become a facilitator
This peer-facilitated workshop fosters a shared culture of consent on campus by providing students with a broad and practical knowledge of consent, sexual violence and boundaries, with special focus on university-related relationships, campus community responsibilities and related resources. The workshop is designed to be highly interactive, with small group activities and larger group discussions included in each session. Healthy Relationships is currently offered in an in-person format only.
Find out how to give support if you receive a disclosure of sexual violence
People typically disclose to someone they trust, not because that person is an expert. You don’t have to be an expert to be supportive. Key suggestions from the Sexual Violence Resource Centre.