The official versions of governing documents are contained on this website, and are updated continuously as changes are approved by the Approving Bodies.  In the instance of discrepancies, the governing documents housed within the Governance web pages shall prevail. 

All Governing Documents are listed alphabetically below.  They can also be accessed by clicking on the category menu on the right side of this page. 

Any questions of a general nature, including guidance related to the development of, and approval process for, Governing Documents may be referred to the Office of Legal Counsel at 204-474-7843. Any questions regarding the specific application and administration of a Governing Document may be directed to the contact listed at the beginning of each Governing Document.

Anyone who is beginning to develop a new Governing Document, or is planning to make revisions to an existing one, is required to complete a Governing Document Proposal Form (DOCX) and provide it to the Office of Legal Counsel for approval.

All Governing Document development templates can be found on the Office of Legal Counsel page on the University of Manitoba intranet under Governing Documents.

Document availability

All documents contained within this page are available in alternate formats, upon request.  Please contact Laura Orsak-Williams at

Alphabetical Listing

  1. 0-9

  2. A

    1. Academic Appointments
    2. Academic Centres and Institutes
    3. Academic Freedom and Responsibilities
    4. Academic Guide of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
    5. Academic Program Reviews
    6. Access and Privacy
    7. Accessibility - Staff
    8. Accessibility - Students
    9. Additional Academic Appointments for Full-Time and Support Staff
    10. Adjunct Professors
    11. Administration and Control of Operating Funds
    12. Administration of Faculty and Emergency Student Loans
    13. Administrative Leaves for Academic Administrators
    14. Administrative Officers: General Statement
    15. Administrative Unit Reviews
    16. Admission Appeals (see Senate Committee on Admission Appeals)
    17. Admission Targets
    18. Admission and Transfer Credit for Students from Community Colleges, Technical Colleges, Bible Colleges and Other Accredited College Study
    19. Advertising for Senior Administrative Positions
    20. Allocation of Revenues Derived from Plant Varieties Developed at the University
    21. Animal Care and Use
    22. Appeals by Academic or Support Staff Excluded from Bargaining Units
    23. Application for Faculty Status
    24. Appointments of Deans of Faculties & Directors of Schools
    25. Appointments of Heads of Departments
    26. Approved Teaching Centres
    27. Archives
    28. Art Collections
    29. Asbestos Management Program Procedure
    30. Assignment of Room Numbers
    31. Attendance Management
    32. Audit Services
    33. Authorized Withdrawal
    34. Award of Degrees Posthumously
  3. B

    1. Biosafety (Formerly Biological Safety)
    2. Board Committees
    3. Board Composition
    4. Board of Governors Meeting Rules
    5. Brand Identity
    6. Building Access Control (Revised - see University Building Access Control)
  4. C

    1. Campus Alcohol Policy
    2. Capital Equipment Control
    3. Cash Control
    4. Categories of Awards to be Inscribed on Academic Transcripts
    5. Cessation of Staff Employment/Appointment Exit
    6. Chairs and Professorships
    7. Challenge for Credit
    8. Chancellor
    9. Chancellor Emeritus/Emerita
    10. Chancellor's Hall (repealed)
    11. Chemical Safety
    12. Clean Air Procedure
    13. Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) Monitoring
    14. Closing the University
    15. Co-Curricular Record
    16. Co-Operative Education
    17. Code of Conduct for Members of the Board of Governors
    18. College Council
    19. Commercial Advertising
    20. Conflict of Interest
    21. Conflict of Interest Between Evaluators and Students due to Close Personal Relationships
    22. Controlled Products Standard Procedure
    23. Curriculum/Course Program Changes
    24. Custody and Control of Electronic Devices and Media
  5. D

    1. Dean Emeritus/Emerita
    2. Deans of Faculties (Repealed)
    3. Deans of Faculties, Directors of Schools, and College Deans
    4. Definitions of Academic Units
    5. Degree and Diploma Parchments Printed in French
    6. Department Council
    7. Department Organization and Structure
    8. Discipline and Dismissal of EMAPS
    9. Discipline and Dismissal of Term and Contingent Academic Staff Excluded from Bargaining Units
    10. Distinguished Professor/Distinguished Professor Emeritus/Emerita
    11. Distinguished Service Award
  6. E

    1. Election by Graduates of Members to the Board of Governors
    2. Election of Academic and Support Staff to Senate
    3. Election of Senate Members to the Board of Governors
    4. Election of Students to Senate
    5. Election of the Chancellor
    6. Electronic Communication with Students
    7. Emergency Contacts (Repealed)
    8. Emergency Management Program
    9. Emeritus Appointments for Senior Administrators
    10. Emeritus/Emerita Titles
    11. Employee Organization & Employee Groups General Statement
    12. Employment Equity
    13. Employment Files
    14. Employment of Support Staff
    15. Enrolment Limitations (see Admission Targets)
    16. Enterprise Risk Management
    17. Ethics of Research Involving Humans
    18. Examination Regulations (see Final Examinations and Final Grades)
    19. Exclusive Suppliers and Administrative Systems
    20. Executive Group Appointments - Support Staff
    21. Executive Group and Academic Administrative Appointments - Academic Staff
  7. F

    1. FIPPA and PHIA (see Access and Privacy)
    2. Faculties, Schools, Professional Colleges, Departments, Divisions and Institutes
    3. Faculty and School Council
    4. Fall Protection Procedure
    5. Film Liaison
    6. Final Examinations and Final Grades
    7. Financial Administration and Control of Research and Special Funds
    8. Financial Aid and Awards
    9. Fire Safety
    10. Flag Etiquette
    11. Fraud and Financial Irregularity Reporting
    12. Fund Raising
  8. G

    1. Gifts and Gratuities Offered to University Employees
    2. Gifts to the University
    3. Governing Document Development and Review
    4. Grade Point Averages
  9. H

    1. Heads of Departments
    2. Health and Safety Policy
    3. Health and Safety Procedure - Employees
    4. Health and Safety Procedure - Role of EHSO
    5. Health and Safety Procedure - Students
    6. Health and Safety Procedure - Visitors
    7. Hiring Non-Canadians
    8. Holidays
    9. Honorary Degrees
    10. Hours of Work and Overtime for EMAPS
    11. Hours of Work and Overtime for Excluded Students and Out of Province Support Staff
  10. I

    1. Immunization Standard
    2. Inappropriate or Disruptive Student Behaviour (Repealed - see Student Discipline)
    3. Information Security
    4. Institutional Costs of Research: Recovery and Distribution
    5. Instructional Space Scheduling
    6. Intellectual Property
    7. Invoicing and Collection
  11. J

    1. Job Titles for Support Staff
  12. K

  13. L

    1. Laboratory Safety
    2. Lay-off or Resignation for Term and Contingent Academic Staff Excluded from Bargaining Units
    3. Leaves of Absence
    4. Legal Representation
    5. Librarian Emeritus/Emerita
  14. M

    1. Maternity and Parental Leave
    2. Methodology for Projecting Space Needs
    3. Minors in Laboratories and Other Hazardous Work Areas
    4. Mission, Vision and Values
    5. Multi-Sectioned Courses
  15. N

    1. Naming of Academic Units
    2. Naming of Buildings, Parts of Buildings and Spaces
    3. National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR)
    4. Nepotism
  16. O

    1. Outside Activities - Support Staff
  17. P

    1. PHIA Procedures (see Access and Privacy)
    2. Parking
    3. Payments of Scholarships, Bursaries, Fellowships, Research Grants or Prizes
    4. Payroll Authorization
    5. Performance Planning and Review of Support Staff
    6. Pets on Campus
    7. Petty Cash
    8. Physical Plant Service Requests and Charging
    9. Position Discontinuance, Lay-off and Resignation
    10. Post-Retirement Appointments
    11. Pre-University Studies
    12. President
    13. President Emeritus/Emerita
    14. Presidential Expenses
    15. Professor Emeritus/Emerita
    16. Prohibition of the Possession of Firearms
    17. Promotion of Senior Academic Administrators Outside the Faculty Bargaining Unit
    18. Provost and Vice-Presidents
    19. Purchasing
  18. Q

  19. R

    1. Radiation Safety
    2. Records Management
    3. Recruitment Relocation Allowances
    4. Reduced Appointments
    5. Repeated Course
    6. Reporting of Actions of Senate to Faculties and Schools
    7. Research Agreements
    8. Research Centres, Institutes and Groups
    9. Research Ethics Involving Human Subjects
    10. Research/Study Leave Research Grants
    11. Research/Study Leaves for Academic Staff Excluded from Bargaining Units
    12. Respectful Rematriation and Repatriation Ceremony
    13. Respectful Work and Learning Environment
    14. Response to Health and Safety Concerns
    15. Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students
    16. Responsible Conduct of Research
    17. Responsible Investment
  20. S

    1. Safe Disclosure (Whistleblower)
    2. Safety Committees
    3. Safety Management Procedure
    4. Salary Administration for EMAPS
    5. Salary Administration for Excluded Dental Hygiene Instructors
    6. Salary Administration for Medical/Dental Practitioners and Administrators Excluded from Bargaining Units
    7. Secondments
    8. Security, Surveillance and the Release of Information (Repealed - see Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) Montoring
    9. Self-Declaration for Brief or Temporary Student Absences
    10. Senate Committee on Appeals
    11. Senate Committees
    12. Senate Composition
    13. Senate Meeting Rules
    14. Senior Salaries Administration
    15. Senior Scholar
    16. Service Courses
    17. Sexual Violence (formerly Sexual Assault)
    18. Sick Leave
    19. Signing of Agreements
    20. Space Planning
    21. Space Policy
    22. Special Convocations
    23. Staff Benefits Committee
    24. Stipends for Academic Administrators
    25. Student Advocacy Office
    26. Student Awards
    27. Student Discipline
    28. Student Organization Fees
    29. Submission of Course, Curriculum and Program Changes
    30. Substance Abuse and/or Dependency
    31. Support Staff Learning and Development
    32. Support Staff Retirements
    33. Sustainability
  21. T

    1. Teaching Evaluation
    2. Temporary Absences from Work
    3. Term of Appointment and Tenure
    4. Textbook and Course Material Ordering
    5. Transference of External Grades
    6. Travel and Business Expense Claims
  22. U

    1. University Building Access Control
    2. University College
    3. University Health Service
    4. University Librarian
    5. University Librarian: Appointment and Review
    6. University Mail Services
    7. University Motorized Vehicles
    8. University Office Hours
    9. University Secretary
    10. Use of Academic Seal
    11. Use of Computer Facilities
    12. Use of Copyright Protected Materials
    13. Use of Facilities
    14. Use of Safety Footwear Procedure
  23. V

    1. Vacation Entitlement Policy for Academic Staff
    2. Vacation Plan for Excluded Management, Administrative and Professional Staff
    3. Vacation Plan for Excluded Students and Out of Province Support Staff
    4. Vacation Plan for Support Staff Medical/Dental Practitioners and Administrators
    5. Values (see Mission, Vision and Values)
    6. Violent or Threatening Behavior
    7. Vision (see Mission, Vision and Values)
    8. Visual Identity
    9. Voluntary Withdrawal
    10. Volunteers
  24. W

    1. Working Alone
  25. X

  26. Y

  27. Z