Step 1 Review requirements and prepare your application

The application process will go more smoothly if you've reviewed all requirements and gathered all your materials before you begin. First, read through the content on this page to get familiar with the process.

Ensure you've met all the admission requirements for your program

Admission requirements are minimum qualifications, experiences and skills you need in order to be considered for admission into a program. Each program has its own unique set of requirements, and they may differ depending on whether you've attended university before. 

Review the basic and program-specific admission requirements and deadlines

Gather what you need to complete your application 

Undergraduate applications are completed online. Step-by-step instructions are included within the application. Before you begin, it can be helpful to make sure you're ready to provide the following:

  • Your basic information (including address, date of birth, etc.)
  • Details of your current and prior education, including start and end dates

Depending on your background and program of study, you may also need to provide:

These application requirements vary by program, so please be sure to check the admission requirements for your program.

Application and documentation deadlines vary by program. Both the application form and the application fee must be received in our office by the application deadline date in order to be considered.

Step 2 Start your online application

Once you've checked requirements and gathered what you need, it's time to begin your online application.

The application is split into different sections and asks you for your personal information, post-secondary education, and may ask more detailed questions related to your program of application.

If you've already gathered required materials, the online application will take about 30 minutes to complete. For your security, you will be logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity. Make sure to save your progress before leaving your application. You can save and return to your application at any time using the login ID and password that you chose.

Education history

  • A complete listing of your educational background from Grade 12 (or highest grade level), College and University (including the University of Manitoba) is required as part of your application. Also required is the listing of institutions attended on an exchange or letter of permission.

Avoid application fraud or misconduct

If you commit application fraud or misconduct, your University of Manitoba acceptance and registration may be withdrawn and you may be disqualified from consideration, not only in the year of application, but also in all subsequent sessions. If discovered in a subsequent session it may result in dismissal from the university. 

Application fraud or misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Failure to declare attendance at another post-secondary institution
  • Presenting falsified academic documentation or causing or encouraging another person to falsify records through translation or data changes
  • Presenting falsified personal documentation, e.g. using a false name, date of birth, country of origin, etc.
  • Presenting falsified or fictitious reference documentation
  • Cheating on or having another person write a standardized entry exam such as TOEFL, IELTS, MCAT, LSAT or DAT
  • Presenting another person's standardized test score as one's own to falsify a test result
  • Failure to report suspensions from another post-secondary institution
  • Paying for an application fee with a fraudulent credit card

Making changes to your application after submission

Once you've submitted your application, you can make changes to your email address, mailing address, and release of information under the "Application Summary" tab in your application portal.

If you've made an error in your application, please contact your admissions team. You can find their contact information in either the admission requirement PDF for your program or in the "Questions" tab under "Contact Us" in your application portal.

Step 3 Pay your application fee

You must pay the application fee for each application you submit for consideration in an undergraduate program.

The application fee is:

  • $100 for Canadian Citizens, permanent residents and refugees
  • $120 for international students
  • $130 for international students starting Fall 2025

The application fee is non-refundable. You are responsible for ensuring that all required documentation and fees are submitted in time to meet application deadlines.

Your application to the university will be evaluated only after we have received your payment.

How to Pay

You can pay your application fee either online using Visa or MasterCard (this includes Visa/MasterCard debit or gift cards) or by paying through Convera (formerly GlobalPay) or PayMyTuition. Credit card is the preferred method to submit application fee payments, as the payment is processed right away. You can alternatively pay using Convera or PayMyTuition, however the processing time is longer (about five to ten business days).

Pay via Credit Card

  • Login to your application portal and select the appropriate submitted application. Please note, payment can only be made on submitted applications
  • You will be directed to the Payments tab on your submitted application to make the payment
  • Complete the information as required, then select "Submit Payment"

Once your application fee has been paid, you will receive a confirmation email.

Pay with Convera

When using Convera (formerly GlobalPay), please include your email, student number (or application reference ID), full name as it appears on your application and indicate ‘Application Fee’ to avoid any delays in applying your payment. 

Convera payments are received outside of our office by our Finance department. As such, when you pay through Convera, five to ten business days are required for processing your payment. Once the payment is received in our office from our Finance department, your application portal will be updated promptly.

If your payment was made more than ten business days ago and is not reflected on your application portal, please email our Application Help Desk at Please use the email address used to apply and include your student number (if known), or your application reference ID, and a screenshot of your payment receipt. 

Pay with Convera

Pay with PayMyTuition

When using PayMyTuition, please include your email, student number (or application reference ID), full name as it appears on your application and indicate "Application Fee" to avoid any delays in applying your payment. 

PayMyTuition payments are received outside of our office by our Finance department. As such, when you pay through PayMyTuition, five to ten business days are required for processing your payment. Once the payment is received in our office from our Finance department, your application portal will be updated promptly.

If your payment was made more than ten business days ago and is not reflected on your application portal, please email our Application Help Desk at Please use the email address used to apply, include your student number, if known, or your application reference ID, and include a screenshot of your payment receipt. 


Step 4 Submit your documents

Your application is almost complete! But first you may need to submit some documents.

Some documents can be uploaded directly into your online application, while others require the submission of an official document. Specific submission instructions are provided within the online application.

Submit documents by the deadline and in the format specified

  • Please ensure you submit all documents by the deadline and in the format specified. Transcripts and other documents for your application may be due on the same date or later than your online application. For details, check your program's applicant requirement PDF by selecting your faculty, college or school on the Undergraduate admission requirements page.

What is an official transcript?

Official transcripts are your academic records from the institution attended or are issued by the Department of Education or examination board. To be official, it must be sent directly from the issuing body to the Admissions Office.

Transcripts from the University of Manitoba are not required.

Applicants must declare and submit official transcripts from all recognized, post-secondary institution attended, whether or not you earned a degree from the institution. This includes transcripts from an institution attended on an exchange and letter of permission. 

How do I submit official transcripts?


In order to be considered official, electronic transcripts must be sent directly from the email of the office responsible for issuing transcripts to

Transcripts emailed or forwarded by the applicant are considered unofficial. 


In order to be considered official, hard copy transcripts must be sent directly from the office responsible for issuing transcripts to the following address: 

Undergraduate Admissions
University of Manitoba 
424 UMSU University Centre 
65 Chancellors Circle 
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 

If you are submitting hard-copy original documents, please send them by registered mail or courier to ensure they don't get lost. 

Transcripts and other academic documents become university property once they are submitted and will not be returned.

Secure Electronic Delivery Service

Official transcripts can be mailed or sent electronically through certain secure electronic delivery services, such as Parchment, e-Script-Safe, MyCreds or National Student Clearinghouse.

The University of Manitoba is a registered receiving organization with MyCredsTM. Applicants from participating member universities and colleges can release their transcripts to the University of Manitoba through their MyCredsTM portal.

  • For institutions that issue transcripts through MyCreds, send transcripts through
  • Select the "Send my document to a registered organization" in the MyCreds "Document Sharing" form. Select the "University of Manitoba" in the "Recipient" field and enter the program you are applying for the "Program of Application" field.
    • Do not use email option when sending transcripts through MyCreds

Credential Evaluation Services

When using any of the following services, a copy of the official original language transcripts must accompany the report sent from the Credential Evaluations Service Organization for it to meet the official transcript requirement.

Please note that while the University of Manitoba can use these services for official transcripts, we will complete our own admission assessment.

WES International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP) – Preferred evaluation service

  • We will accept the International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP) assessment packages only. 
  • This report will include the credential evaluation assessment, evaluation report and verified copies of the original language transcripts. 

Comparative Education Services (CES) - Univ of Toronto – School of Continuing Studies

  • We will accept the Educational Program Pre-Assessment along with the Duplicate Copies of Official Transcripts.
  • The report lists the educational credential earned and compares it to similar credentials offered by Canadian institutions.  The duplicate copies form will allow the applicant to send duplicate copies of the Official Transcripts to Admissions along with the Educational Program Pre-Assessment.

International Credential Assessment Service of Canada (ICAS)

  • We will accept the Postsecondary Comprehensive Assessment Report along with copies of the documents on which the assessment was based.
  • The report will describe the post-secondary (college/university) education completed outside Canada.  For each credential it will indicate the comparable level in Ontario/Canada.  The report also provides a list of courses/subjects completed with the comparable credit values and grades. 
  • Because of the quantity of personal information which is available in many education documents (including national identity numbers), and the fact that most applicants do not require that transcripts be sent with reports, this is a service that will be provided only at the request of the applicant with their signed authorization.

International Credential Evaluation Service (BCIT)

  • We will accept the Comprehensive Evaluation Report along with copies of the official transcripts. 
  • The report will list each fully or partially completed educational credential and its comparable credential in Canada. It will also list courses, convert both grades and credits or units, and provides a calculation of the grade point average.
  • The applicant will need to request that copies of the official transcripts accompany the Comprehensive Evaluation report.

English translations

In addition to submitting the official transcript, a translation of international transcripts in languages other than English must be provided by the issuing institution or by a certified English translator. A translation must include a copy of the document on which the translation is based. The certified translator must include the original language photocopy and the English translation in sealed envelopes and endorse the envelopes by signing across the seal. If being sent electronically, it must be sent directly from the office of the certified translator to

Transcripts emailed or forwarded by the applicant are considered unofficial. 

Document return

  • All documents submitted in support of an application become the property of the University of Manitoba and cannot be returned. If applicants require irreplaceable originals to be returned, contact Admissions for assistance. Please note, after two years from the submission date, all documents will be destroyed.

How to upload unofficial documents to your application portal 

Uploaded documents are considered unofficial – once we have reviewed your file and updated your requirements on your application portal, you will see a complete listing of what is required for your application.

Please submit your documents as PDFs, Word documents, or JPEGs. We do not accept .zip or .rar, or any other type of compressed file formats. 

You can submit documentation when you first apply or after submission of your application. To upload documents post-submission, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Application portal
  • Select the appropriate submitted application. 
  • Select the Required Documentation tab
  • You can either upload your document under the Update details section or the Upload Materials section. Follow the instructions given in the portal.
  • After the document has been uploaded, please allow our team time to review the documentation and update your portal accordingly.

After you apply

Congratulations on completing your application! You will receive an email notification when a decision has been made on your application. All applications that are submitted and paid will receive a decision.

Check your application status

Once you've submitted an application, check your application status to ensure that your application is complete and your fee has been paid.

All communication regarding your application is sent to the primary email address indicated in the application. Applicants are expected to continue to check this email until the start of classes for any updates to their application.

It is important to check your email and application portal regularly and specifically around the deadlines and important dates listed in the program's Admission requirements PDF

Receiving an admission offer

If you have received an admission offer, your letter of offer will be available within the online application portal. Follow the steps in that letter to accept your offer. Make sure you accept your offer:

  • by the deadline provided, and
  • before you claim your UMnetID or register for classes.

UM will require a non-refundable $2000 CAD tuition deposit, paid by credit card, for students requiring a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) for study permit applications. This deposit will need to be paid within 10 business days once a decision has been made on your application.

Contact us

Mailing address
Attn: Undergraduate Admissions
Room 424 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba 
65 Chancellors Circle
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
Office location
Room 424 UMSU University Centre
65 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)

Submit a question

Toll-free: 1-800-224-7713 ext. 8808
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.