Registration in New Aurora - Mobile
To register for classes, begin by selecting a term. From there, you will be brought to the last panel you had open.
Navigating Registration on Mobile
Click on the "Panels" button in the bottom left corner to bring up the panels that are usually at the top of your computer browser (Find Classes, Enter CRN, Schedule and Options) or the panels that are usually at the bottom of your computer browser (Schedule, Schedule Details, Summary). See image 2 below for help finding the "Panels" button.
To toggle between the top panels, click on the hamburger button to select the one you want to view.
To toggle between the bottom panels, select it in the bar under "Register for Classes
When searching for courses, if you want more details, you can click on the course title to bring up the course details pop-up.
If you need to return to the Registration Dashboard Landing Page, click on the UM Logo in the top left corner.
Just like in your computer browser, make sure to just the "Submit" button to finalize your registration (see image 5). You will be prompted to click it twice before your action is completed.