Step 1 Get to Know Aurora

Aurora is the University of Manitoba's online registration and student information system. Review this section on Aurora, and determine whether or not you will use Aurora to register for your classes.

What is Aurora and how is it used?

The Online Registration Tutorials, as well as our Using Aurora page, provide an overview of Aurora.  Review these pages to become more familiar with the functions available in Aurora, as well as details regarding course registration.

Students typically access Aurora to register for courses, check their fees, view their class schedules, as well as access their student records and final grades. Additionally, students are also able to order documents through their Aurora account.

Do I register using Aurora?

While most students register themselves in classes using Aurora, some students do not. Students who do not use Aurora to register for classes will still use this system for other purposes.

Students who register through Aurora

You must register for courses using Aurora if you are a student in one of the following units:
University 1
Agricultural and Food Sciences
Agriculture Diploma
Art (Fine Arts)
Arts (including students in Honours degree programs)
Business/Management (Asper School)
Dental Hygiene
Environment, Earth, and Resources (Riddell Faculty)
Environmental Design
Extended Education (General Studies and Distance Education)
Graduate Studies (most programs, see the Graduate Studies section of the Registration Guide or your advisor.)
Nursing (excluding the northern program)
Physical Education and Recreation Studies
Rehabilitation Sciences
Social Work (excluding Thompson and Inner City programs)

Students who do not register through Aurora

Faculties and Schools which DO NOT Register using Aurora:
Agriculture Diploma (year 1)
Graduate Studies (some areas only, see the Registration Information Section of the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar)  
Northern Social Work program
Post Graduate Medical Education
Social Work (Inner City Social Work Program & Northern Nursing program)

If you are a member of one of the programs listed above, you will receive information about registering for courses directly from the general office or the program office.

Other Exceptions to registration using Aurora are as follows:

Students taking courses at other institutions
  • Some U of M courses are offered in partnership with the Collège Universitaire de Saint-Boniface (USB). Courses that are offered in partnership with USB are not available for registration through Aurora. If you are interested in taking a course for U of M credit at USB, contact your faculty or school for more information. If you are wanting to take a course at another university, that is not directly affiliated with U of M, you will need to request a letter of permission. For more information, see our letter of permission page.
Students who are challenging a course for credit
  • In some cases, a student may already have credit for a course that cannot be transferred to the U of M. In these situations, students can 'Challenge the course for Credit'. Students that are challenging for credit will be required to demonstrate their skills in the course(s) that they are challenging. If you wish to challenge a course for credit, you must contact your faculty directly.
Students who are auditing
  • Some students wish to participate in a course's lectures, but do not wish to be tested on the content of the course. This is referred to as auditing a course. Students who are auditing a course will not receive credit for the course. To audit a course, please contact your faculty.

Terms of Study

All registration activity is based on a term of study. When you register you must add and drop courses for each term separately.

For most courses and programs:

  • The Regular Session (September to April) consists of two terms:
    • Fall Term (September to December)
    • Winter Term (January to April).
  • The Summer Term runs from May to August.

Specific start and end dates are found in the Academic Calendar.

Who can help me with Aurora?

Students who require help using or logging into Aurora may contact the Registrar's Office for assistance. Questions about what courses to register for should be directed to your advising office: Undergraduate or Graduate.

Step 2 Know your Program

The University of Manitoba considers it a student's responsibility to be aware of program and graduation requirements. To best prepare for registration, students should be familiar with and aware of their progression in their program of study.

What courses do I need to take?

Registration is about more than just choosing courses from a list. Students need to be aware of program and graduation requirements that are in addition to coursework. Some courses may need to be taken in a certain sequence, and others may need to be taken together.

Your academic program requirements are listed in your faculty, school, and/or program section of the Academic Calendar.

Remember: Academic rules and requirements may change!

Some students will always follow the rules that existed upon their admission, while others will need to adjust to the new rules; this varies by faculty, school, and/or program.

Any questions or concerns about your program rules and requirements should be directed to your advising office.

Priority planning

This is a good time to consider your career interests and to plan your priorities as a student. This will help with time management and timetabling decisions.

Students are welcome to visit the U1 First Year Centre and the Career Services Centre for more information and guidance.

Contact your Academic Advisor

Have questions about program requirements? 

Advisors help you succeed by assisting as you, enter university, navigate program options and choices, and develop your skills and abilities to make the most of your time at the university.

Step 3 Choose your courses

Students should review the details found in the course descriptions as well as the class schedule before registration begins. This will help reduce the chances of registration errors occurring.

How do I choose courses?

Course selection can be challenging, especially if it is your first time registering. If you are having difficulty selecting your courses, take advantage of the following recourses:

Depending on your program of study and academic goals, you should consider the following details when selecting your courses.

Details might include (but aren't limited to):

  • Program requirements.
  • Course restrictions.
  • Pre- and co-requisites.
  • Lab section information.
  • Extra fees.
How do I look up courses and course descriptions?

The online Academic Calendar and the Course Catalog can be used to review descriptions of all Senate-approved courses offered by the U of M. Some of these courses may not be scheduled in the current academic term.

Run a Degree Audit!

Use UM Achieve to run a degree audit to see the requirements needed to obtain your degree. The UM Achieve resource looks at the courses you have taken and what you still need to complete in order to meet the requirements of your program.

To run a degree audit,

  1. Log in in at
  2. Enter your email and password.
  3. Run an audit.

Tutorials on Using UM Achieve can be found on the UM achieve page.

Using the Course Catalog and Class Schedule


A graphic breaking down a class schedule listing.

Course Catalog

The course catalog is a listing of all courses offered by the University of Manitoba. This catalog allows you to search for any course in our general academic calendar (meaning that courses in the catalog may not be offered in every academic term). If the course is offered in the specific term you are searching by, the course’s information will include links to its Class Schedule entry. This will indicate when and where the course is offered for that academic term.

Searching the Course Catalog

All Catalog searches begin with a selection of an Academic Term. Select the term in which you plan to register for courses in.

All courses approved by the University Senate are included in each Catalog term. Course changes approved by the Senate are normally effective for the Fall term, so the Catalogs for Fall, Winter, and Summer terms (one academic year) will normally include the same set of courses.

Course descriptions in the Catalog include links to the Class Schedule of the term being viewed. However, not all courses are taught in each term. This means that some courses in the Course Catalog will not be offered within the academic term you are searching for. When searching the Course Catalog, you can determine if the course is being offered within that term by selecting the course:

  • Once you have selected the course, you will be brought to ‘Detailed Course Information’ for that course.
  • If the course is being offered, there will be links to the class schedule – either the course name or the faculty name will be linked.
  • If no links are present, this means that the course is not being offered within the current academic term that you are searching. You can also check the Class Schedule to be sure of this.

Courses that span over two terms (for example, 6 credit hour courses) are split into two-course sections, Part A in one term and Part B in the next term. Spanned courses are identified by a course section comment in the Class Schedule. The Course Catalog will display the full credit hour value of a spanned course (e.g. 6 cr. hrs.), while the Class Schedule will display half the normal credit value (e.g. 3 cr. Hrs.). When registering for a spanned course, you will register for Part A only. Part B will automatically be added to your registration in the next term.

Subject Codes in Course Numbers

Courses in Aurora are identified with a subject code (e.g. PSYC 1200).  You must include at least one subject for each of your Catalog and Schedule searches. The drop-down menus on the online Course Catalog and Class Schedule include the names of the subjects, however, because some departments have divided their courses into several subjects, you may need assistance in identifying the subject you want. For example, the department of French, Spanish and Italian offer their courses as French (FREN), Spanish (SPAN), or Italian (ITAL). For a list of subjects in which courses are offered, check the University Codes section of the current Undergraduate Calendar.

Hint: If you would like to search for courses in more than one subject at once while searching the Course Catalog or the Class Schedule, press and hold the Ctrl or Command key while selecting subjects you wish to include in your search.

When searching the Course Catalog, keep in mind...
  • Courses displayed in search results may include courses offered in all Terms of Study.
  • Only courses that are offered during the Academic Term you selected will have an active web link to the Class Schedule.
    • If you want to see courses in another Term, you’ll need to perform another search using that Term.
  • You MUST include a Subject in each search.
  • You may include more than one subject.
  • You may enter a course number range. For example, to search for all 1000 and 2000 level courses, enter the range from 1000 to 2999.
  • To search for just the 3000 level courses enter ‘3%’ in the field.
  • If you are searching for courses that meet a specific requirement, for example, the university's Written English requirement, use the search by ‘Attribute’ field.


A graphic displaying a course listing in the course catalog.
When viewing the courses retrieved by your search, you will see:
  • Course name
  • Course description
  • Credit hours associated with the course
  • If the course is offered in the term in which you are viewing, there will be an active link to the name of the faculty offering the course beside ‘Class Schedule’.
  • To see more course details, click on the title and course number. Detailed information will inform you on whether the course is restricted to a specific group of students, by campus, level of study, faculty (college), major, etc.

Class Schedule

The class schedule is a listing of all courses being offered within a specific academic term. This schedule allows you to search for classes and view when and where the course is offered for that academic term. Each listing in the class schedule will have access links to course information in the Course Catalog.


Searching Class Schedules

Use the Class Schedule to find classes for the courses in which you intend to enrol.

  • You must plan a schedule of classes that is free of conflicts. Please refer to information on Time Conflicts in Step 6.
  • You should also note whether the classes you are selecting require registration in a laboratory section.
Class Schedule Term

All Class Schedule searches begin with a selection of a Term.
Select the term in which you wish to enrol in classes. If you want to search for classes in another term, return to the Class Schedule Term page and conduct a search in the other term.

If you are looking for a one-term course (eg. 3 credit hours), you need to search by each term to see all available classes (search by Fall Term, Winter Term, or Summer Term).
Courses that span over two terms (for example, 6 credit hour courses) are split into two-course sections, Part A in one term and Part B in the next term. Spanned courses are identified by a section comment. When registering for a spanned course, you will register for Part A only. Part B will automatically be added to your registration in the next term. Note that the credit hour value of spanned courses in the Schedule will be half the normal value that appears in the Catalog (e.g. 6 credit hours in the Catalog; 3 credit hours on each part of the course in Schedule).

Search by Subject

All searches in the Class Schedule begin with the selection of a Subject. For a description of the course numbering system and the subject areas, please see the Course Catalog section above.

Hint: If you would like to search for courses in more than one subject at once while searching the Course Catalog or the Class Schedule, press and hold the Ctrl or Command key while selecting subjects you wish to include in your search.


  • Only courses that are offered during the Academic Term you selected will appear in the results of your class search. If you want to see courses in another Term, you will need to perform another search using that Term.
  • You MUST include a Subject in each search.
  • You may include more than one subject.
  • You may select a subject and enter the four-digit course number if you know the course you are looking for.

e.g. If you’re are looking for MATH 1500: Introduction to Calculus, select the subject Mathematics and enter 1500 in the course number field.

  • If you are searching for courses within a specific course level, enter just the first digit of the level you are looking for.

e.g. To search for 3000 level courses in one or more subjects, select the subjects and enter ‘3’ in the course number field. The search results will include only 3000 level courses in the subject you selected.

  • You may search for courses based on campus. Campus is normally used to indicate a specific course delivery program or location.  Note the following campus choices: Main (Fort Garry & Bannatyne), Distance Education, Campus Manitoba, Inter-University Services, Summer Session, CUSB (St. Boniface College), Off-Campus, and the William Norrie Centre.

Note: Enrolment in some campuses is restricted to students associated with programs offered through one of the following campuses: CUSB, Campus Manitoba, Inter-University Services, William Norrie Centre. Most courses are offered on the Main (Fort Garry & Bannatyne) Campus.

  • Search by Part of Term to find courses offered within a specific period of time. This is helpful for Agriculture Diploma courses, Distance Education courses, and courses that span two terms.
  • Search for courses taught by a specific instructor.
  • Search by Class Type: e.g. Lecture, Lab, Practicum, Field Work, Thesis, Travel Study.
  • If you are searching for courses that meet a specific requirement, for example, the university's Written English requirement, use the search by ‘Attribute’ field.
  • You can also search for courses that are offered at specific times. To do so, choose start and end times and days of the week in your search.

Understanding Class Schedules

Course title – CRN – Section number
  • The CRN is the Course Reference Number. Use this number to register for courses in Aurora.
  • Most lecture sections are ‘A’ sections, while most labs are ‘B’ sections.
  • Section comments will indicate other information about registering in the course section, such as whether you need to choose a lab section, or if the course spans two terms.
  • Section comments will indicate whether you must: choose a lab if the course is one part of a spanned course or other information about registering for this section.
  • Registration dates indicate the first day and the last day the course is available for registration. Note that you may only register on or after your registration time.
  • The associated levels of the course (whether the course is applicable to undergraduate or graduate-level study).
  • Attributes list the requirements that this course would fulfil (e.g. Math requirement).
  • If an online course syllabus (or outline) is available, a link to Syllabus will appear.
  • To view more course detail, click on the title and course number link. Detailed information will display the space available in the class and inform you on whether the class is restricted to a specific group of students, by campus, by faculty (college), by major, etc.

Note: When viewing classes in your search results, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the pages to ensure that you see all results.

Other Tips for Choosing Courses

Review the following information to become familiar with some common registration situations, such as waitlist information, how spanned and repeated courses work as well as a breakdown of what each section number means.


Select courses will include a Waitlist function, allowing students to be added to a waitlist and notified when a space becomes available.


Students must have a U of M email account to receive Waitlist notifications.

Spanned Courses

Spanned Courses

Courses taught over two terms of study are referred to as ‘spanned’ courses. These courses are split into to two course sections – one part in each of the two terms.

For example, if a course is taught from September to April, over both Fall and Winter Terms - Part A will be taught in Fall Term; Part B will be taught in Winter Term.

Important: You must complete both Part A and Part B to be given credit for the course.

Registering for a spanned course

To register in a course that spans Fall and Winter, or in the case of some Distance and On-line Education courses – Winter and Summer, all you have to do is add ‘Part A’ of the course.  The Aurora Student system will automatically register you in the corresponding ‘Part B’ section.

Dropping or Voluntarily Withdrawing from a spanned course

No matter when you Drop or Voluntarily Withdraw from a spanned course, you will be removed from both parts of the course.

  • Choose the Fall Term when dropping or withdrawing from a spanned course in Fall and Winter Terms.
  • Choose the Winter term when dropping or withdrawing from a spanned course in Winter and Summer Terms.

You will automatically be dropped from both Part A and Part B terms of the course.  You will not receive any credit if you have completed the first half of the course.

Section Number Meanings

Common section types:

  • Axx Lecture Section (Primary meet)
  • Bxx Lab Section (Secondary meet)
  • Dxx Distance & Online course
  • Kxx Field Trip/Field Work
  • Txx Topics Courses
Less common section types:
  • Exx Extended Education
  • Gxx Special Fees
  • Nxx W. Norrie Centre only

Repeated Courses

You are not required to repeat courses with unsatisfactory grades unless you have failed to achieve an acceptable grade in a course required in your program of study or for admission to another program. There may be circumstances, however, when repeating a course to improve your grade point average is desirable.

What is considered a repeated course?

If you have previously taken a course and received a final grade, or voluntarily withdrawn from the course (VW)*, any future attempt to take that course or its equivalent is considered a repeated course.

Do I need to get permission?

Students may need permission to register for some, or all, of their classes. Additionally, permission may be required if you wish to audit a course, because of a course restriction, if you have a lab exemption, or if your program requires that your course selections be pre-approved.

The following are situations where you may need permission to register:

Auditing a Course

Auditing students are those admitted for the purpose of attending one or more courses for personal or professional interest, and not for any academic credit.  No documentation other than the information requested in the application form is required for admission. Auditing students are not entitled to examination or other evaluation privileges, and in no instance may credit standing be obtained for a course that has been audited. Once admitted, the written consent of the instructor of the course(s) which the student wishes to audit must be presented at the time of registration for approval by the faculty or school. (Students admitted in a category other than auditor may audit courses with the approval of the dean or director, provided written permission of the instructor is presented at registration). Students may change their course registration status to Audit, with permission, up until the end of the revision period.

Challenge for Credit

The purpose of Challenge for Credit is to provide students of the university with some means of obtaining academic credit in University of Manitoba courses (not otherwise obtainable as a transfer of credit from other institutions) for practical training and experience, or reading and study previously completed. Students who have registered to challenge would normally not attend classes or laboratories. Courses which have previously been taken at the University of Manitoba may not be challenged for credit.

To be eligible to challenge for credit a student must first be admitted to a faculty or school of the University of Manitoba. Eligible students will be required to demonstrate their competence in the courses which they are challenging for credit. Where formal, written examinations are required, these will be generally scheduled during the regular examination sessions in April/May, June, August, or December.

For information regarding requirements, procedures, applications, and fees, a student should contact the office of the faculty or school in which the student is enrolled, or, in the case of new students, the faculty or school to which the new student has been admitted.

Laboratory Exemptions

Only certain courses (usually courses in the Faculty of Science) offer laboratory exemptions.

If you wish to repeat a course for which you have passed the laboratory, see the general office of the department offering the course to determine if you are eligible for a laboratory exemption and obtain approval. If you are eligible, you must take your approval form to your home faculty or the University 1 Student Help Centre (U1 students only). Once your approval is entered on your record, you may then register for the laboratory exemption section, either B98 (Fall term) or B99 (Winter term) in Aurora Student.

Studying at Another University (LOP)

If you plan to take courses at another institution while remaining a U of M student, you will need to request a Letter of Permission in order to take courses at the other institution.

For more information, please see our Letter of Permission page.

Letter of Permission

Step 4 Schedule & Timetable

To plan your schedule and create your timetable, you will need to use the information that you found in the class schedule. Continue reading to find out more about creating your timetable.

Course Registration

Once you have viewed courses in the Class Schedule and have an idea of the courses you want to take, you can start to create your Schedule.

To start your schedule, you should take note of the courses you want to register for. The following information is good to note when making your schedule:

A graphic showing where to find course information
  • CRN (Course Reference Number).
  • Course name and number (Ex. MATH 1020).
  • Course section number (Ex. A01, B01 etc).
  • Lab sections (If courses have lab components).
  • Course times.
  • Course location.

Remember, several sections of the same course may be offered, and restrictions may vary by section.  Be sure to review this information in the Class Schedule and obtain any necessary permission before your registration date.

Students may need permission to register for some, or all, of their classes. Additionally, permission may be required due to a course restriction if you wish to audit a course, if you have a lab exemption, or if your program requires that your course selections be pre-approved.

Creating Your Timetable

After you are familiar with the class schedule information for the courses you want to take, you can begin creating your timetable.

To create your timetable you must follow a process that prioritizes the scheduling of some courses before others until all the courses you want to take have a place to fit into your timetable.

It is best to physically layout your timetable to ensure that your courses do not overlap and that you are happy with the course schedule that you chose.

For assistance on creating a timetable, you may use the Timetable planning form, or visit the First Year Centre for further assistance.

Anatomy of a Timetable

Most lectures/labs follow the guidelines below, however, there may be exceptions.

Lectures: Classes are generally 3 hours a week, and can be offered in the following ways:

  • M/W/F (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) - 50 minutes per class
  • T/R (Tuesday, Thursday) - 75 minutes per class
  • Once per week classes - 3 hours per class

Labs:  Lab periods are most often held once a week for 1 to 3 hour time periods

An example breaking down the timetable planning form.

Building your Timetable

Use the Timetable Planning Form (PDF) and the timetable building process outlined below to prepare a timetable that is free of Time Conflicts.

  1. Start by scheduling the courses that are offered the least number of times; courses with more offerings can be scheduled later in the process as there are more options to fit them in around your other courses.
  2. Schedule courses that require both a Lecture and a Lab section; some Lectures must be taken with specific Labs, which may restrict your options.
  3. Schedule spanned courses that require the same day and time to be available in both terms; get this done early before too many of your spaces are filled up with other courses.
  4. Continue through your list until you have scheduled all of your courses.
  5. In the Fall/Winter Session, complete this process for both Fall and Winter, as you will register for both sessions during your initial registration time.

Timetabling Tips

  • Balance your course load over the Fall and Winter Terms.
  • Schedule breaks, for lunch and for study.
  • Keep a list of alternative sections that fit your schedule, in case your first choices are not available when it's your turn to register.
  • Pay attention to prerequisites and corequisites – you may have to schedule these courses in a specific order.
  • Be aware of sections with reserved spaces – you may want to avoid selecting one of these sections in your initial timetable, as you may have to wait until the reserves expire before you can register for these sections.
An example breaking down the timetable planning form with a course from Aurora

Step 5 Registration Eligibility

Students will use Aurora to confirm that they will be able to register. Continue reading so that you can check your registration eligibility.

Have I been assigned a Registration Time? 

Students are assigned a Registration Time in Aurora, normally one week prior to the start of registration. Students who accept their offer of admission after the start of registration will be assigned a Registration Time the following day.

Your Registration Time

Accessing your Registration Time and Status in Aurora

  1. From the 'Enrolment and Academic Records' tab in Aurora, click on ‘Registration & Exams’, then ‘Registration Time and Status.’ 
  2. Choose the term you want to verify your eligibility for from the drop-down menu.

Your Registration Time

Bannatyne Campus:

Your Registration Time for Fall and Winter Terms will be available in your Aurora account before Fort Garry Campus registration opens. 

Fort Garry Campus:

Your Registration Time for Fall and Winter Terms will be available in your Aurora account approximately end of June. There will be 3 types of registration periods: 

  • Advanced registration 
  • New student registration 
  • Returning student registration

Use Aurora to verify your registration time. If you accepted your offer of admission after the start of the registration period will be assigned a Registration Time the following day.

If you plan to register for both Fall and Winter courses, check your eligibility for both terms by returning to the ‘Registration & Exams’ menu to select a new term.

If you don’t have a Registration Time, contact your faculty, school, or program office (UndergraduateGraduate) to verify when and how you can register for classes.

Fall & Winter Term Registration

When registering for the Fall and Winter terms, you are encouraged to register for courses on the date and time that is listed here. You will continue to have access to the registration system until the end of the respective Fall and Winter term registration periods.

Summer Term Registration

For Summer registration, you will be assigned one day to register for courses during the first week of registration. After this first week has passed, the system will become open to all students. You may continue to register or change your courses until the registration revision period applicable to that course is over.

Am I eligible to register?

At the end of each term of study, a student's academic standing is calculated.  A student's academic standing will affect their registration eligibility.

Registration Eligibility Status

Your ability to register is dependent on four things:

  • Whether you have any holds on your account.
  • your Academic Standing.
  • Your Student Status.
  • Your assigned registration time.  

Your registration eligibility

Read the messages on the Registration Time and Status page carefully; verify that you see 3 checkmarks - one for each of these items:

  • You must not have any holds.
  • Your academic standing must permit registration.
  • Your student status must permit registration.

If there is a yellow triangle beside any of these items, you will not be able to register for courses:

  • Academic Standing or Student Status: If your Academic Standing or Student Status does not permit registration, you must speak to your faculty, school, or program office: UndergraduateGraduate.
    See also: Returning to Study.

  • Hold may be put in place for various reasons, and many of these affect your ability to register for courses - get more information about being placed on "Hold Status".

While on this page, it’s also a good idea to verify your program information. Program information is listed at the bottom of the page. Questions about your curriculum information should be directed to your faculty, school or program office: UndergraduateGraduate.

Am I "On Hold"?

A Hold may be put in place for various reasons; many holds affect a student's ability to register for additional courses.

Step 6 Register Using Aurora

Use Aurora to register in the classes you have selected!

Registering for courses

By registering for courses, you are agreeing to be bound by the rules and regulations of the University of Manitoba. Read the Important Notice in the Academic Calendar for more information.

Registration can be challenging. Please see the resources below for help with registration

Remember! Any questions or concerns about what courses you should register for should be directed to your faculty or school office.

Register for Courses

To begin your registration:

  1. Log in to Aurora
  2. Select the “Open Registration dashboard” card. 
  3. Select Enrolment and Academic Records
  4. Select Registration; from here you will have two ways to register.

Method 1 - Add or Drop Classes

If you know the course, section and CRN for the class you want to add, you may choose to Add or Drop Classes. You will need to select the term for which you are registering. You will then see the Add or Drop Classes page, which provides instructions and an Add Classes Worksheet where you may type the CRN of the sections you wish to add. Read the instructions carefully before attempting to add sections. To process your registration requests you must click on the Submit Changes button.

If you would like to find more classes to add to your Add Classes Worksheet, click on the Get Courses link at the bottom of the page. This will take you to the Look Up Classes page. 

Course Drop Date – the last date to drop a course with a refund.
Course Add Date – the last date to add a course in the revision period.

The Course Drop Date is one working day prior to the Course Add Date. Refer to Important Dates and Deadlines.


Method 2 - Look up Classes

If you need to search for classes, or you do not know the CRN for the class, select Look Up Classes on the Registration menu. You must select a term.

(Note: if you selected Get Courses on the Add or Drop Classes page you will search for courses in the same term that was selected in the Add or Drop Classes page.)

Next, search for classes in the same way you would in the Class Schedule. You may search by course subject, the course title, class type, part of term, attribute, day, time offered, or a combination of these. For more information on searching for classes, refer to the Class Schedule information.

Enter your search by clicking Get Courses. Each course section listed will include:

  • CRN    (Course Registration Number)
  • Subj     (Subject)
  • Crse    (Course number)
  • Sec     (Section Number)
  • Cmp    (Campus)
  • Cred    (Credit Hours)
  • Title     (Course Title)
  • Days    (Days scheduled)
  • Time    (Time scheduled)
  • Cap     (Class Capacity)
  • Act      (Actual number of student enrolled in the class)
  • Rem    (Number of seats remaining in the class)
  • WL      (refers to Waitlists)
  • Instructor
  • Date    (Start and End dates for the course)
  • Attributes
A graphic explaining course section codes

Beside each CRN you will see:

  • A Checkbox: Section is available for registration.
  • SR (Student Restriction): Check your registration eligibility and time.
  • NR (No Registration): It is not your registration time, or the course registration period is over.
  • C (Closed): Section is already full.

Once you have determined the course section you want to add, check the box beside the CRN. Next, scroll down to the bottom of the page and either:

  • Click Register to add the course immediately;
    • confirm the course was added.


  • Click Add to Worksheet if you would like to search for more classes.
    • Continue to find more classes and add them to your worksheet.
    • Once you have entered all your courses into your worksheet, click Submit Changes.

Once the system has processed your requests it will show the course section that could be successfully processed, followed by an explanation for each of those which could not. Refer to the Registration Errors section for a description of the type of registration errors that may be encountered.

Follow the links in Aurora to view your schedule, registration records, and fee assessment. Read these carefully to ensure the accuracy of your registration.

Reserved Seats

Space in course sections may be reserved for students in specific programs until the first week of August.  Unused reserved spaces will be available to eligible students after the reserve has been lifted.  All reserve details including dates and number of spaces are made available on the Class Schedule.

Several faculties require students to take courses offered by other faculties. In some cases, a certain amount of space is reserved to ensure that sufficient space is available to students in these programs.

Several courses that are required in specific Majors are over-subscribed. To ensure that students in Majors have available access to required courses, faculties will set aside some, or all, of the space in specific course sections until the end of the initial registration period.

Registration Restrictions

When an entire section is restricted for the entire registration period for students in a specific program, registration restrictions are set. These restrictions may be set up to limit registration to the teaching faculty only, students in another faculty, or to students in specific programs (Majors).

Faculties may also limit the registration of their students in courses offered by other faculties.

Registration restrictions set up by the teaching faculty or the registration faculty in this manner are effective throughout the registration period.

To view registration restrictions look at the Schedule Detail by clicking on the Course title and number link when viewing the class schedule.


Schedule Entry – Click on the Course Title and Number to see Detailed Class Information.

A graphic displaying how to access the course restrictions in Aurora.
A graphic displaying how to access the course restrictions in Aurora.

Time Conflicts

A time conflict is when you attempt to register for a course while already being registered in the same time slot.

It is up to you to prepare a timetable that is free of conflicts. Aurora helps by not letting you register in courses and laboratories when there is a time conflict.

If you are registering in a course that spans two terms, you must ensure that both Part A and Part B do not conflict with other course sections in which you enrol. Part B will be automatically added when you add Part A of the course.

Some course sections include information about the date and time of mid-term tests. In the case of courses that are offered in many sections, mid-term tests are scheduled in the evening or late afternoon, outside the normally scheduled class times. Be aware Aurora will not check for conflicts involving mid-term tests. It is your responsibility that you ensure that you are available for the mid-term test as scheduled.

The Summer Session class schedule on Aurora will include the final exam date, this cannot conflict with other courses in which you want to register.  Do not register for courses that have final exams scheduled for the same time, or for courses that result in three examinations on the same day; deferred examinations will not be granted.

Course and Waitlists seats

Courses have a limited number of spaces available. This means that some course sections will fill up. When a course section is full, you will have the option to join the waitlist for that course, if a waitlist has been set up for that section.

You can view both course seats and waitlist seats in Aurora. When viewing a  course section, the course seats are displayed beside the courses meeting times:

A graphic breaking course and waitlist seat spaces.

Course Capacity -  Maximum course seats.

Course Seats Taken Seats that have been taken.

Course Seats Remaining - Seats open for registration.

Waitlist Capacity - Maximum waitlist capacity.

Waitlist Seats Taken - number of people on the waitlist.

Waitlist Seats remaining - Waitlist seats remaining.


Select courses will include a Waitlist function, allowing students to be added to a waitlist and notified when a space becomes available.

Students must have a U of M email account to receive Waitlist notifications.

Registration Video tutorials

These short videos demonstrate how to plan your timetable, register for courses, add yourself to a waitlist, and confirm your registration. For more detailed instructions, check out these pages in the First Year Planning Guide.

Step 7 Check and Pay your Fees

Students will use Aurora to obtain a fee assessment - you will not be sent a statement in the mail. It is your responsibility to be aware of your fee balance and to make payment by the appropriate deadline.

Fee Assessment

Reviewing your fee assessment is the final step of the registration process - you should do this after any registration changes you make, and verify that your fees have been adjusted accordingly.

You are financially and academically responsible for all courses in which you are registered after the revision deadline, even if you do not attend class. Non-payment of fees will not cancel your registration.

How to check your Fees

Fee statements are available after you register for courses. Fee statements can be retrieved from your Aurora Account.

To get your Fee Statement:
  1. Log into Aurora.
  2. Select Enrolment and Academic Records.
  3. Select Student Records.
  4. Select View Account Summary by Term.
  5. You will be brought to the following page:
A graphic breaking down an account summary in Aurora.

This menu allows you to select which fee statement you would like to view.

  • Term Account Balance: This section shows the amount owed per term.
  • Payment Deadlines: Displays the Fee Payment Deadline for each respective term that you have been assessed tuition.
  • Account Balance: Displays the overall balance on your account.
    • If this balance is a positive value (i.e. $150), this would be the amount owed to the school.
    • If this balance is a negative value (i.e. -$70), this would mean that have overpaid into your account. A negative balance is a credit owed to you.

If you would like to see a detailed breakdown for a specific term, select one of the linked terms under 'Term Account Balance'. You will be brought to an account summary for that term:

A graphic breaking down an account summary in Aurora.

An account summary will break down all the fees assessed and owed for that term (i.e. all fees assessed and owed for Fall 2021). This summary will display:

  • Term Charges: Term charges is the total of all the charges on your account summary. It is the total amount charged for that term.
  • Refunds: This displays any refunds processed for that term.
  • Credits: Credits reflect the amount you have paid into your account.
  • Term Balance: Reflects the remaining balance for the term.
  • Balance Due: Reflects the amount owing to pay for that term, regarding both credits and refunds.

For more information on tuition fee rates, or if you would like to request an account summary on letterhead, please see the following:

Undergraduate Tuition and Fee Rates  

Graduate Tuition and Fee Rates

Requesting an Account Summary

How do I pay my Fees?

Fee payments are made through the Cashier's Office. For more information on fee deadlines and fee payment options, please visit their webpage.

Fee Payment and Deadlines 

What happens to my fees if my Residency Status changes?

If your residency status has changed (i.e. you have recently become a Permanent Resident (PR) or Citizen of Canada), you are eligible to pay domestic fees. Make sure you update your status on your Aurora account before the end of the revision period. Requests received after the revision period will not go into effect until the next  academic term

Residency Status Change

What if I change or drop my classes?

You may want to make changes to your schedule or remove a course. Before you do so, make sure you are familiar with the rules and regulations!

What else should I be aware of?

There are many financial aid and award opportunities available to students. Whether it be an entrance scholarship or a faculty-specific bursary, see what funding opportunities may apply to you!

Step 8 Accounts and ID

As a U of M student, you are given access to various services and accounts. Some services, such as borrowing library books, require the use of a Student ID Card. Other services are offered through online accounts, which you will have to activate once you have registered for courses.

Step 9 What's Next?

There are plenty of things for you to do before and after the start of classes that will help you start off on the right foot in your university career - find out more using these links!

Registration Glossary

A breakdown of common university language and definitions of what they mean. Select the drop-down menu below to view the glossary.

Registration Glossary Terms

Academic Calendar

  • This is UM’s official publication containing course descriptions, program and graduation requirements, as well as UM and faculty/school-specific rules, regulations and policies. More information can be found on the Academic Calendar.

Academic Integrity

  • UM expects the highest standard of academic integrity in all its educational and research activities. As students, you should be aware that UM treats any form of academic dishonesty very seriously. Students should realize that behaviour such as cheating, plagiarizing, reporting false data, falsifying medical certificates, etc. are unacceptable under the Student Discipline Bylaw. The sanctions can be quite severe and students who engage in academic dishonest behaviour are jeopardizing their academic careers.

Academic Schedule

  • A detailed list of Senate-approved important UM dates and deadlines, published in the Academic Calendar.

Academic Term

  • This describes the way the University organizes when it holds courses. For example, the academic year consists of three terms:
    • Fall Term (September - December)
    • Winter Term (January - April)
    • Summer Term (May - August)
  • 'Term' is commonly used to describe one of the above Academic Terms.
    • I.e. "Fall Term Registration begins in July)
    • I.e. "The current Term ends in..."

Academic Year

  • The Academic Year (September to August) is divided into three terms of study: Fall, Winter and Summer Term.

Account Balance

  • Fees are normally assessed at the time of registration, and can be viewed in Aurora, under "View Account Summary by Term." An Account Balance and fee payment deadline is provided for each Term.


  • Admission means becoming a student at the University of Manitoba. Once you have been admitted to the University, you may register for courses.
    • I.e. "If you were admitted for the Fall of 2021..."
    • Keep in mind - Admission and Registration mean different things!


  • Students have the right to challenge any administrative, academic or disciplinary decision directly affecting them which they feel is unfair, improper or wrong. The appeal process is formally laid out in academic unit and Senate policies and procedures.


  • Regular attendance is expected of all students in all courses. An instructor may initiate procedures to debar a student from attending classes and from final examinations and/or from receiving credit where unexcused absences exceed those permitted by the faculty, college and school regulations. 


  • These describe the topics and subjects the course will cover. Attributes can be found under the course description, under 'course attributes'.
    • I.e. The course ANTH 1210 (Human Origins and Antiquity) has   the following attributes: 
      • Anthropology
      • Introductory
      • Social Science
      • Recommended Intro Courses.

Auditing (AU)

  • Attending a course for personal interest and NOT for credit. An Auditing Student may not write any tests or examinations and is not entitled to any evaluation privileges. The written consent of the instructor of the course(s) the student wishes to audit is required. The fee for auditing a course is half the fee normally associated with that course.


  • The primary information center that students can access for personal and academic records and registration. For more information, see Using Aurora.

Board of Governors (BOG)

  • The final decision-making body of the University. Responsible for the fiscal management and well-being of the institution. Members include appointees by the Manitoba Government, representatives of Senate and other university bodies.


  • A financial award made on the basis of need.


  • The University as a whole, both in physical and digital work and study spaces.

Certificate of Illness

  • A letter from the TREATING physician outlining: that the student was ill, the dates of the beginning and end of the illness and what duties could not be specifically done, e.g. write an exam or attend a class. Some courses require a certificate of illness for missed examinations; others for missed classes. The individual academic unit determines the need.

Challenge for Credit (CH)

  • The means of obtaining academic credit for practical training and experience and/or previous study (non-UM). Eligible students must demonstrate their competence in the challenged course, normally by writing the final examination of that course during the regular examination sessions. Challenged courses may not be used to fulfill any part of the Residency requirement of a degree program. 


  • Cheating in examinations or tests may take the form of copying from another student or bringing unauthorized materials into the exam room (e.g., crib notes or cell phones). Exam cheating can also include exam personation. A student found guilty of cheating or contributing to cheating in examinations or term assignments is subject to serious academic penalty.

Class / Course / Section

  • These are attributes of a course that provide user-friendly information about a course, such as the name of the course or the days of the week/time slot of a course.

Class Schedule

  • A list of course offerings, called course sections, for a particular academic term. Some courses are not offered every term or every year, while some courses will have multiple sections available.

Course Section

  • An individual offering of a course, listed in the Class Schedule.


  •  A course that must be completed in the same term as a second course. 

Co-Curricular Record (CCR)

  • A formalized, university-certified record of UM approved and facilitated activities that support student development in venues that are not for academic credit.

Compulsory Withdrawal (CW)

  • A grade classification indicating student debarment from courses; students will receive an 'F' grade accompanied by a 'CW'.

Continuing Course

  • For those graduate level courses which continue beyond the normal academic term, which are being taken by students enrolled in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the instructor shall recommend that a grade of "CO" be used until such time as a final grade can be established.


  • The formal ceremony for the granting of degrees by the Chancellor or President of the University. Convocation ceremonies for students completing degree/diploma requirements in Winter Term include: Agriculture Diploma Program (April or May), College of Medicine (May or June), and for all other programs, Spring Convocation (May or June). In addition, there is a Fall Convocation in October for students completing requirements in the Summer Term, and a February graduation (without ceremony) for students who complete their requirements in the Fall Term. February graduands are invited to participate in the May/June Convocation ceremony.


  • A course that must be completed in the same term as a second course.

Course Catalog

  • List of courses offered by UM found in the Academic Calendar and available to view using Aurora. Some courses are not offered every term or every year.


  • The basic unit of recognition of academic work applied towards a degree.

Credit Hours

  • The hours of credit assigned to a course, indicating its relative weight. There is a correlation between hours of class time and hours of credit.
  • Credit hours are offered for successfully completing and meeting the criteria of a course.
    • Courses that are one term long (I.e. Sept - Dec) are typically 3 credit hours in length. Courses that run the length of two terms (Sept - Apr) are typically 6 credit hours in length.
    • Credit hours are used towards completing your degree.

CRN (Course Reference Number)

  • This is a unique identifier given to each course at the University of Manitoba. Each course will have a different CRN, even courses of the same topic. This code is used for registration and administrative purposes. 


  • A student may be debarred from class, laboratories, and examinations by action of the dean/director for persistent non-attendance, failure to produce assignments to the satisfaction of the instructor, and/or unsafe clinical practice or practicum. Students so debarred will have failed that course.

Deferred Examination (DW)

  • The privilege to write an examination at a later date that may be granted to a student who is unexpectedly unable to write a final examination as scheduled, or who requests one in advance based on approved grounds. Deferrals will not be granted for completed examinations.

Degree Audit

  • The University of Manitoba has entered into an agreement with CollegeSource to purchase the u.achieve® degree audit system. Known at the U of M as 'UM Achieve', this tool will enhance the student experience and support student persistence and academic success.


  • Students who are On Hold for outstanding fees and may be deregistered from their courses in subsequent terms. Registration access will be reinstated only after the outstanding fees are paid and the Hold has been removed.

Distance Education (DE)

  • Online courses that do not include a scheduled lecture time where you need to be logged in. Students complete course work independently, on their own time. 


  • Most programs have a certain number of credit hours that you are free to choose. An elective may be any course from the Recommended Introductory Courses List. 

Exam Schedule

  • For the Fall / Winter Session the schedule of examinations, by course and section number, is produced by the Registrar's Office approximately five weeks after the beginning of each Term. For Summer Term courses, refer to the Summer Term Class Schedule.

Examinations (Final)

  • Students (with the exception of those students auditing courses) are required to write all final examinations.


  • An academic or disciplinary penalty which results in a withdrawal of all rights or privileges available to students for either a definite or indefinite period of time.

Extended Education

  • The Extended Education Division extends the academic power of the university to a number of varied communities with specifically-designed programs. Extension Credit programs are designed for those in search of professional development or industry-specific designations. English Language programming is available for newcomers and international students and Aboriginal Focus Programs serve the post-secondary and development needs of Aboriginal peoples and communities. The Military Support Office evaluates military service and training towards university credit and Extended Degree Studies offers degree courses in alternate formats including Summer Session.

Faculty / School / College

  • Refers to the group within the University that offers your degree program.
    • I.e. Faculty of Arts offers Bachelor of Arts degrees.
    • I.e. School of Agriculture offers the Agriculture Diploma.
    • I.e. College of medicine organizes and offers medicine courses.

Fee Appeals

  • Any appeal of tuition or other academic fees assessed must be submitted in writing on a Fee Appeal Form to the Registrar's Office. Appeals may be granted on medical or compassionate grounds. Please note that not being aware of a date or policy is not grounds for appeal.

Fee Assessment

  • The calculation of a student's tuition and other fees is initiated by registration. The calculation of fees is based upon program choice, course load, citizenship and residency.

Final Grade

  • Students completing a course for credit will be assigned a letter grade reflective of their aggregate performance in the course.

Financial Aid

  • Assistance in the form of grants, loans, bursaries and scholarships to provide for the payment of tuition and other expenses incidental to attendance at university. Sources of funding include federal and provincial governments as well as the public sector and private individuals. UM provides assistance through its endowment funds. For complete information, visit Financial Aid and Awards.

Full-Time Student

  • For most purposes, a student who is registered in at least 60% of the normal full load of courses for their program is considered to be full-time.

Grade Appeals (Final)

  • A student may enter an appeal, through the Registrar's Office, for assessment of a final grade. A student wishing to make a final grade appeal must do so by the deadlines set for each term (for deadlines, see the UM Calendar). There is a charge per appeal, which is refunded if the grade is raised. No grade may be lowered as a result of filing an appeal.

Grade appeals (Term Work)

  • The appeal of term work that has been returned or made available to students before the last day of classes shall be subject to policies and procedures established by Faculty, College or School Councils. Term Work appeal forms are available from the department offering the course. There is a charge per appeal, which is refunded for any grade that is changed as a result of the appeal.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

  • A number representing the average value of final grades. 

GPA, Cumulative (CGPA)

  • The GPA of all courses, institutional and transferred, taken at the same level (non-credit, undergraduate, or graduate, subject to repeat rules. 

GPA, Degree (DGPA)

  • The GPA of all courses, acceptable for credit for a students' current degree/program, subject to repeat rules. 

GPA, Term (Term GPA)

  • The GPA of all courses taken during a single term. Excludes courses taken elsewhere on a Letter of Permission.

Grade Reporting

  • UM will report final grades, cumulative and term GPA's for all students through Aurora.

Grading System (Letter Grade)

  • Final grades in most courses are expressed as letters, ranging from F to A+. A grade of D is the lowest passing grade, although a C may be required in some cases. Each letter grade has an assigned numerical value which is used to calculate grade point averages. Grading scales used to determine the final letter grade may vary between courses and programs.

Grading System (Pass/Fail)

  • Some courses are graded on a PASS/FAIL basis and because no numerical value is assigned to these courses, they do not affect grade point averages. Courses graded in this way are clearly identified in course descriptions and program outlines.


  • The term used when a student has completed all the requirements for their program, AND UM Senate has approved the student to be granted the degree/diploma that they are eligible for. A student has graduated once the UM Chancellor or President confers degrees to all graduands for that term. Students will receive a letter confirming Senate approval, indicating to them what their official graduation date is; for many students this will differ from their Convocation Ceremony date.

Hold Status

  • A student on Hold Status has an outstanding obligation to UM. These may range from overdue fees, fines, library books etc., transcripts or documents requested, or pending disciplinary action. No administrative services are provided until the "Hold" is lifted. For more information, see Holds.

ID (Identification)

  • Refers to Identification, usually in conjunction as “Identification Card” or “ID Card”. The University of Manitoba will ask you to confirm your identification when you contact us for services. This may be in the form of your student ID card or your government-issued ID. When you call the university, we will confirm your Identification by other means.
    • Student Cards are available after you have registered for courses, for more information, see Photo ID.

Inappropriate Collaboration 

  • Inappropriate collaboration is a form of plagiarism that often results from students not understanding limits of helping each other. Students are frequently requested to work in groups and the guidelines for group work should be clearly established by the instructor. When not otherwise indicated, students are expected to work as individuals and submit original, independent assignments and papers. When students collaborate on course work beyond the criteria set out in class and on the course outline, the students may be sanctioned under the Student Discipline Bylaw.

Incompletes (I)

  • A student who is unable to complete the term work prescribed in a course may apply to the instructor, on or before the End Date for the term in which the course is offered, for consideration of a grade classification of Incomplete and a time extension for work completion.


  • The IST Office is the University's Information Technology department. The IST Office is available when you have questions about or need support with your school accounts.
  • IST can assist with:
    • Email issues.
    • Your UMNet ID and SignUM.
    • Wifi and University network access.
    • Password resets (all accounts except for Aurora, for Aurora support, please contact the Registrar's Office).

Late Payment

  • Student accounts with outstanding fee balances at the end of the revision periods during Fall /Winter Session will be assessed a late payment fee, will be placed On Hold. 

Labs (Laboratory Sections)

  • Instructional teaching periods for practical hands-on learning in addition to lecture time.

Lecture Sections

  • Time spent in class for course instruction.

Letter of Permission

  • A Letter of Permission (LOP) is an application you complete and submit in order to attend courses at another university or college while remaining a student at the University of Manitoba.
    • LOP's are time-sensitive and take 6-8 weeks to process.
    • If you take a course at another institution without an LOP, you will need to reapply to the University of Manitoba.
    • For more information, please see Letters of Permission.

Limited Access

  • A registration rule that allows students who have never before completed or voluntarily withdrawn from a course (or its equivalent) the opportunity to register for the course before students who are repeating it.

Mathematics Requirement (M)

  • All students at UM are required to complete a minimum of one 3 credit hour course with significant content in mathematics. Some programs require a math course(s) for admission. Courses that satisfy the mathematics requirement are noted the course's attributes. In the First year planning guide, courses that fulfil the math requirement will have an (M) after the course code.


  • An area of academic study chosen as a field of specialization. Generally, at least 30 credit hours of course work in one academic area constitutes a "major."


  • A secondary area of academic study. Generally, at least 18 credit hours of course work in one academic area constitutes a "minor."

‘May Not Be Held With’

  • Some courses have significant content overlap and may not be held for credit together. (ex. BIOL 1000 and BIOL 1020). In these situations, you will receive this registration error. Review the course's description to determine the specific reason you got this error. You can view all registration errors on our listing of common Registration Errors

Occasional Student (OS)

  • An admission category of the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate students who wish to take graduate courses, but are not in a graduate degree program.

Part-Time Student

  • A student who is registered in less than 60% of the normal full load of courses for their program is considered to be part-time.


  • To plagiarize is to take and use another person's thoughts, writings or inventions as one's own, without acknowledging or giving the source of the ideas and expressions.


  • A course which must be satisfactorily completed before a more advanced course may be taken. When registering for courses, add the prerequisite course first. 


  • An academic standing which reflects that performance is not up to standard and warns that failure to improve that performance in the next Session may result in academic suspension. Refer to specific faculty /school regulations in the Academic Calendar.

Professionally Unsuitable

  • Some professional programs have the authority to determine that a student is deemed professionally unsuited for the practice of the profession to which their program leads, and may require such a student to withdraw from the program on this basis. If the professional unsuitability bylaw is applicable, the faculty / school section of the Academic Calendar will indicate this. A copy of the professional unsuitability bylaw may be obtained from the general office of the faculty / school.

Refund Schedule

  • A refund for a course already paid for is only available if the course is dropped before the end of its Registration Revision Period, as listed in the Academic Schedule. More information available on the Pay your tuition webpage. 


  • Registration is the action of adding yourself to courses. You are not considered 'registered' until you have added a course to your schedule.
    • Registration is different from admission - registration happens after being admitted to UM.
    • I.e. "You must register for the following courses..."

Registration Revision Period

  • The first two weeks of classes in the Fall and Winter terms when changes can still be made to your registration without academic or financial penalties. Once this deadline has passed, any course dropped will be considered a voluntary withdrawal and no refund will be granted.

Regular Session

  • The academic session when courses are offered between the months of September to April. (Also see Academic Term).

Remote Learning (RL)

  • Online courses that have a scheduled lecture time where you need to be logged in to participate in the class.

Repeat Rule

  • Where a student repeats a course or an equivalent or mutually exclusive course is taken, the grade received in the last attempt shall be used in the calculation of CGPA and DGPA. Prior attempts not included in a student's CGPA shall be counted toward the Term GPA for the term in which the attempt was made.

Required to Withdraw

  • Students who do not maintain the minimum academic performance requirement of their degree program following an academic probation period will be required to withdraw from further studies according to their faculty / school regulations.


  • The minimum number of credit hours a student must complete at the U of M, in order to graduate from one of its programs. Normally a minimum of one year residency is required for a three-year degree, and a minimum two years residency for a four-year degree.


  • Restrictions are placed on courses to ensure that those registering for the course have the necessary skills and knowledge to take the course. Restrictions are also placed on a course to reserve space for certain student-types.
    • Restrictions can be found in the course description of the course section.
    • Different course sections may have different restrictions.

ROASS Policy

  • A policy detailing the Responsibilities of Academic Staff to Students.


  • A financial award given primarily on the basis of academic excellence and/or special talents and not dependent on financial need.


  • The academic decision-making body of the University. The membership of Senate includes senior administrators, faculty members, students and representatives of university and government bodies.


  • (See Term)

Spanned Course

  • A class that is scheduled over multiple terms of study, usually Fall-Winter or Winter-Summer.

Special Student (SS)

  • An admissions category for undergraduate students who are not admitted to a specific undergraduate degree program.

Student Discipline Bylaw

A UM bylaw, accompanied by related procedures, that provides guidance to those individuals charged with administering disciplinary actions while, at the same time, outlining the prohibited conduct and the right of appeal.

Student Number

  • This is your personal Identification number as a student at the university, used to track all manner of your personal and academic records.

Student Status

  • Student status refers to your course load and is considered on a term-by-term basis. Student Status will reflect if you are a full or part-time student.
  • For most purposes:
    • Full-time students are students registered in at least 9 credit hours a semester (60% of a full course load).
    • Part-time students are students registered in less than 9 credit hours a semester (less than 60% of a full-time course load).
    • For more information see Student Time Status.

Summer Term

  • The academic session when courses are offered in the months of May, June, July and August.

Supplemental Exam

  • Offered by some faculties to students who have not achieved the minimum result in required courses. Within the conditions established by the student's academic unit, a student who is granted a Supplemental Examination is given the opportunity to rewrite a final examination.


  • An academic or disciplinary penalty which prohibits a student from registering at the University for a stated period of time.


  • An outline of the entire course which includes all assignment and test dates as well as the grading scale used for the course. 


  • A Canadian tuition tax receipt issued to all students who paid tuition for courses in the previous calendar year. These show the amount of eligible tuition and fees that can be deducted for income tax purposes as well as the number of Fall and Part Time months eligible for the education deduction, as per the rules established by the Canada Revenue Agency.

Time conflicts

  • This refers to an error you will receive when you attempt to register for courses that are offered at the same time, or have times that overlap. You will not be able to add a course with a time conflict.

Time Ticket

  • Time ticket refers to your registration time. Registration times for fall and winter are released to students at the beginning of July. The Registration time you are assigned is visible on your Aurora account.


  • The official printed record of academic work at UM.

Transfer of Credit

  • The granting of credit for studies completed at another institution or from a previous degree program at UM.

UM Learn

  • The University of Manitoba’s online learning management system is where you can access course information and materials. Visit UM Learn.

Undergraduate Degree

  • The first degree program completed within university-level studies. For example, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).

Visiting Student

  • A student who is attending UM on a Letter of Permission from another institution.

Voluntary Withdrawl (VW)

  • A VW is the act of dropping a course after the end of the registration revision period and before the Voluntary Withdrawal deadline.

Written Requirement (W)

  • All students at UM are required to complete a minimum of one 3 credit hour course with significant content in written English. Some programs require a written course(s) for admission. Courses that satisfy the written English requirement are noted the course's attributes. In the First year planning guide, courses that fulfil the math requirement will have a (W) after the course code.

Diagrams Glossary

A graphic breaking down a class schedule listing.

Fig 1. Course Catalog Listing


A graphic displaying a course listing in the course catalog.

Fig 2. Class Schedule Listing


An example breaking down the timetable planning form.

Fig 3. Timetable Planning Example 1


An example breaking down the timetable planning form with a course from Aurora

Fig 4. Timetable Planning Example 2


A graphic explaining course section codes

Fig 5. Aurora Registration Codes 


A graphic displaying how to access the course restrictions in Aurora.

Fig 6. Course Restrictions Example 1


A graphic displaying how to access the course restrictions in Aurora.

Fig 7. Course Restrictions Example 2


A graphic showing where to find course information

Fig 7. Basic Course Information for Timetabling


A graphic breaking course and waitlist seat spaces.

Fig 8. Course Seat Example


Graphic explaining the Registration History page in Aurora.

Fig 9. Course Status Example


A graphic breaking down an account summary in Aurora.

Fig 10. Account Summary Example 1


A graphic breaking down an account summary in Aurora.

Fig 11. Account Summary Example 2



Contact the Registrar's Office

In-person  If you are visiting in-person, you are required to check in to our virtual queue.

400 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2

General Questions?Email us

Inquire about convocation:
Transcript inquiries:

1-877-474-9420 (toll free)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Subject to change based on University closures.