Registration Dates

Upcoming Registration Dates

  • Advanced Registration Period
  • Jul. 9, 2024 -
    Jul. 15, 2024
    New Student Registration in U1, Direct Entry from High School & Mature Status Students
  • Jul. 18, 2024 -
    Aug. 6, 2024
    Registration for returning UM students
  • Sep. 4, 2024 -
    Sep. 18, 2024
    Registration Revision Period
Important dates and deadlines

Registration tips for Fall, Winter and Summer Term

Fall and Winter Term Registration

  • Registration access: Once it is your registration date and time, you will have 24-hour access to the registration system until the final registration date for that course. Although students may register on weekends, no registration times will begin on the weekend.
  • Reserved space in classes:  Spaces in some course sections may be reserved for students in specific programs, normally only until the first week of August.  Reserve details are included in the Class Schedule.
  • Select courses will include a Waitlist function, allowing students to be added to a waitlist and notified when a space becomes available. *
  • Limited Access does not currently apply: Students will be able to register to repeat a course (or equivalent) during their initial registration time.
  • Course Drop and Add dates:
    • Course Drop date – the last date to drop a course with a refund.
    • Course Add Date – the last date to add a course in the revision period.

* Students must have an active UM email account to receive waitlist notifications. 

Summer Term Registration

Registration Access Times

  • The initial registration period for Summer Term 2024 will begin on April 1st, 2024.
  • Your Registration Time for Summer Term will be visible in your Aurora account on Monday, March 25th.

Course Registration

  • During the initial Registration Period, registration is restricted by student number, and you will have one date to register for courses, between 9:00 am and 11:59 pm.
  • Following the initial registration period, registration will be available to all students on a 24-hour basis until the final registration date for that course.

Revision Deadlines

  • Unless otherwise noted in the Class Schedule Listing, the following registration revision deadlines will apply. Please see the appropriate category below.
  • The Last Date to Drop a course and the Last Date to Add a course will be the same date.
  • If you are uncertain in which session your class is being offered, refer to the "Part of Term" information in the Class Schedule or see the chart below. 

Gradual Space Release

  • During the initial registration period, spaces in some high-demand courses are released each day in equal numbers to ensure fair access for all students. 
  • For example, a course has 60 spaces and 15 spaces are released each day of the 4-day initial registration period. These courses will be identified by a comment included in the Aurora Class Schedule a few days before the start of registration.

Summer Term Course Loads

  • Students are advised not to take too many courses during the Summer term due to the academic term being compressed.
  • Most students may register for a maximum of 18 credit hours, though some faculties/schools may have different limits.
  • Course load limits may be extended, but this is entirely dependent on the faculty, school, or college that you are registered in.

Course Cancellations

  • Every effort is made to ensure that all of the courses listed in the Summer Session course catalogue are available for registration.
  • In the event that a course is cancelled, all students who are registered in the cancelled course will be notified and receive all paid fees associated with it.


  • The Summer Term class schedule includes Final Exam dates for many classes. Students may not register for courses where exams are scheduled for the same day and time. 
  • Accommodations may not be made for students who register for courses that result in Exam Conflicts - please check with a Student Advisor in your faculty, school, college or advising office.

Be sure to check your fees after you make any changes to your Summer Term registration. Changing or removing courses can influence your fees.

Steps to register for UM classes

Registration errors

When registering, you may receive an error message. If that occurs, below are the most commonly received error messages, what they mean, and what to do to resolve the error.

Registration errors and what to do if you get one



What it Means

What to Do

Account Disabled – Your web access has been disabled due to too many unsuccessful attempts.

Your Aurora account has been disabled.

Contact IST at (204) 474-8600 or by live chat.

An error has prevented the processing of your transaction. Please inform your Registrar that a Communication Error has occurred. Processing error. Log out of Aurora and re-login using an incognito window. If this does not work please try using a different browser/device. Clearing your cache may also help. If the problem persists and you still receive this error, please contact the Registrar’s Office Help Line at 204-474-9420
Authorization Failure – Invalid User ID or PIN
Verify that your student or employee number is correct and re-enter in User ID. If you have forgotten your PIN click on Forgot PIN? to reset it.
Your User ID or PIN is incorrect. Verify that your student number and PIN are correct. Click on Forgot PIN? To reset your PIN.
Available space is being offered to students on the waitlist. If you would like to join the waitlist, select 'Waitlist' under Action. The course is full and available space is being offered to a student already on the waitlist. If you would like to join the waitlist, select 'Waitlist' under Action.
Campus Restriction - This course or section is restricted to students associated with a specific campus. Restrictions can be viewed in the Detailed Class Information.

You are not associated with the campus offering this course.

Search for a course available on your campus.
Cohort Restriction - This course or section is restricted to students in a certain Cohort. Restrictions can be viewed in the Detailed Class Information. You do not have the required cohort to take this course. Search for a course available to your cohort; contact your advising office if needed.
Corequisite Required - CRN XXXXX must be taken concurrently with this course. You must register for both course sections at the same time. You must register for both co-requisite courses at the same time. Register for the co-requisite course on the same worksheet.
Closed - this section is full. The course is full. Look for a class that has space available.
Closed - This section is full; XX students waitlisted. If you would like to join the waitlist, select 'Waitlist' under Action. The class is full but you can go on the waitlist. If you would like to join the waitlist, select 'Waitlist' under Action.
Degree Restriction - This course or section is restricted to students in a specific degree program. Restrictions can be viewed in the Detailed Class Information. You are not in the program designated for this course. Look for a course that is available to your program.
Duplicate Course with Section You are currently registered in another section of the course this term. Look for another course to take; contact your advising office if needed.
Duplicate Equivalent Course - This course is equivalent to CRN XXXXX. You may register or go on the waitlist for only one of these courses. You are currently registered in an equivalent course. Decide which of the two courses you would like to take.
Faculty/School Restriction - This course or section is restricted to students in a specific faculty/school. Restrictions can be viewed in the Detailed Class Information. You are not a student in the faculty/college/school designated for this course. Look for a class that is available to your faculty/college/school.
Field of Study Restriction - This course or section is restricted to students with a certain field of study. Restrictions can be viewed under Detailed Class Information. You do not have the major, minor, or concentration designated to take this course. Look for a course that is available to your major, minor, or concentration.
Level Restriction - This course or section is restricted to students in a certain level of study. Restrictions can be viewed in the Detailed Class Information. You are not in the correct level to take this course. Look for a course that is available to your level of study.
Linked Course Required - This course must be taken as a lecture and lab/tutorial combination. You must register for both the lecture and the lab/tutorial sections at the same time. You must register for both the lecture and the lab/tutorial sections at the same time.

Register for both the lecture and the lab sections on the same worksheet.

Note: Some courses have a specific lecture/lab combinations. View the Class Schedule for details.

Maximum Hours - You have registered for the maximum number of credit hours that you are permitted to take in this term. You may contact your faculty for more information. You have registered for the maximum number of credit hours that you are permitted to take in this term. Contact your advising office if needed.
Mutual Exclusion – Course XXXXX is similar to this course OR the sequence in which you take these courses matters OR the topic matters. Please contact your faculty for permission and more information. You have already taken a course that is similar to this course; or you are trying to take courses out of sequence; or you have already taken a different topic of this course. Contact your advising office if needed. Depending on the circumstances, you may not be able to hold credit for both courses.
Prerequisite Error - You do not appear to have the correct pre/co-requisite to take this course. Please review the course description for pre/co-requisite requirements; contact your faculty if needed. You do not appear to have the correct pre/co-requisite to take this course. Review the course description for pre/co-requisite requirements and ensure you have the requirements for this course.
Program Restriction - This course or section is restricted to students in a specific program. Restrictions can be viewed in the Detailed Class Information. You are not in the designated program to take this course. Look for a course that is available to your program.
Repeated course (or equivalent) - Refer to the Academic Policy Changes page. You have already taken this course, an equivalent course, or have transfer credit for the course or equivalent course.


Reserve Closed - Available spaces for your student type have all been taken. Refer to the section comments in the Class Schedule for more details. There is no space available for your student type during initial registration. Plan to register for the course when reserves are released in early August.
Reserve Closed – XX students on the waitlist for your student type. If you would like to join the waitlist, select 'Waitlist' under Action. There is no space available in the course for your student type and there are already XX students with your student type on the waitlist. If you would like to join the waitlist, select 'Waitlist' under Action.
Student Attribute Restriction - This course is restricted to students with a certain Attribute. Restrictions can be viewed in the Detailed Class Information. You do not have the required attribute to take this course. Search for another course that does not have this attribute; contact your advising office if needed.
Term Span Error in CRN XXXXX You are not able to be registered in one Part of the course. Contact your advising office for assistance.
Time Conflict with CRN XXXXX - This section overlaps with another course that you have registered for (CRN XXXXX); you cannot register for both of these sections. You are registered in another course at the same time. Look for a course offered at a different time, or drop the course with the time conflict.
Year Class Restriction - This course or section is restricted to students in a certain Year Class. Restrictions can be viewed in the Detailed Class Information. Your year class differs from the restrictions on this course. Look for a course that is available to your year of study.
Waitlist Notification Expired on XXXXX Your time period to move from the waitlist into this course has expired. If you would like to go back on the waitlist, add the course to the worksheet and select 'Waitlist' under Action.

UM policies you may need to review

Registration revisions

The registration revision period is the first two weeks of the start of term.  This period is considered the 'add and drop' period, where you can make changes to your course or timetable choice without academic or financial penalty. Courses dropped during this period are not recorded on official transcripts or student records, and a tuition refund will be granted for dropped courses that have already been paid for.

During the registration revision period, you can: 

  • Add a new class if you changed your mind about your course subjects, or if a course that was previously full is now available.  
  • Switch a lecture or lab to a more preferred day/time. 
  • Register in a course for which you were waitlisted if you receive notification that space is available. 

Once the registration revision period ends, you can still Voluntarily Withdraw from a class, however, it will be recorded on your transcript and student history and you will not receive a tuition refund. 


Contact the Registrar's Office

In-person  If you are visiting in-person, you are required to check in to our virtual queue.

400 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2

General Questions?Email us

Inquire about convocation:
Transcript inquiries:

1-877-474-9420 (toll free)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Subject to change based on University closures.