Registration actions

Registration Time

The specific time assigned to a student to begin course registration

Course Add

The last day you can register/add a course in a term.

Course Drop

The last day you can drop a course in a term. Courses dropped by this deadline do not appear on your academic record and you will not have to pay for the course.


If a course is full, you may be able to join a wait list and wait for a seat to open in the course. If a student drops the class, a seat will open up and be automatically offered to the student on the list.  You will be notified by email and will have 24hours to register in the course. 

Each course section includes the following details:

  • Waitlist Capacity: The maximum number of designated Waitlist spaces
  • Waitlist Actual: The number of Waitlist spaces that have been taken
  • Waitlist Remaining: The number of Waitlist spaces remaining

Waitlists may be added to courses after they become full. You are encouraged to check back regularly to see if a Waitlist has been added to any course that you wish to take.

Voluntary Withdrawal

VW is when you drop a course between the Course Drop Deadline and the VW Deadline. When you VW from a course, it will remain on your academic record, but you will not receive a final grade. You will still owe the full tuition fees (tuition is not refunded).

Academic Policies and Exceptions

Audit a Course

Attending a course without receiving credit

Challenge for Credit

Gaining course credit by demonstrating mastery of content without taking the course


Courses that must be completed before registering for another course


Courses that must be taken simultaneously with another course


Restrictions on a student’s account that can prevent registration

Academic Standing

A student’s performance status, which can affect registration

Student Status

A student’s registration eligibility based on their enrollment status (full-time/part-time)

Fee Assessment and Financial Information

Fee Assessment

Calculation of fees owed for registered courses

Term Account Balance

Amount owed or credited for a specific term

Payment Deadlines

Final date to pay tuition and fees for each term

Term Charges

Total charges for a specific term


Any money refunded for a term


Payments made toward the student’s account

Term Balance

Remaining balance after applying credits and refunds

Balance Due

Total amount owed for a term

Course Identification

CRN (Course Registration Number)

A unique identifier assigned to a specific course section for registration purposes.


The name of the course, often providing a brief description of the subject matter.


A specific offering of a course, often used when multiple classes of the same course are available.


The academic discipline or department the course belongs to (e.g., MATH for Mathematics, BIOL for Biology).


The current enrollment status of the course, such as Open, Full, or Waitlist Available.

Meeting Times

The scheduled days and times when the course meets, including the location if applicable.


The professor or lecturer responsible for teaching the course.

Reserved Seats

– A portion of seats in the class that are held for specific groups of students (e.g., majors, first-year students, or special programs).

Credit Hours

The number of credits earned upon successful completion of the course, which contributes to degree requirements.


The physical or virtual location where the course is offered (e.g., Fort Garry Campus, Online).


A designation that identifies special characteristics of the course, such as whether it fulfills a specific requirement (e.g., Writing Requirement, Lab Component).

Course Attributes and Restrictions

Course Attributes

Academic requirements a course fulfills, such as Math or Written English

Course Capacity

Maximum number of seats available in a course

Course Seats Taken

Number of seats already filled

Course Seats Remaining

Number of seats available for registration

Linked section

A linked section refers to multiple course components that must be taken together as a unit. This usually happens when a course includes different types of instruction, such as a Lecture + Lab.

NR (No Registration)

Denotes when it’s not a student’s registration time

Reserved Seats

Spaces reserved for specific programs until a set date

Registration Restrictions

Limitations on who can register for specific courses

Spanned Courses

Courses that spread across two terms

Time Conflicts

Occurs when two courses overlap in time, preventing enrollment in both