Withdrawal deadlines

  • Voluntary Withdrawal Deadline for Fall Term courses
  • Voluntary Withdrawal Deadline for Fall/Winter Term spanning classes
  • Voluntary Withdrawal Deadline for Winter Term courses
View all Important Dates and Deadlines

If you drop a Winter/Summer Term spanning course, before the VW date, you will receive a VW for the course, but you will not be charged the Summer Term portion of the fees.

Irregular refund and VW deadlines

Refund and VW deadlines for courses offered outside the standard term dates have specific deadlines for each course. Confirm refund and withdrawal dates with your faculty/school or refer to the Academic schedule for dates.

Calculation of deadlines: refunds are offered before the completion of 15% of the course or program term. VW's are permitted before completion of 75% of the course or program for single term courses, and 58% for courses that span two or more terms, but no refunds will be granted.

Changing a Course

Changing Course Sections after Registering

After registering for courses you may change your mind about the courses you chose or you may need to change your schedule.

To change classes or change sections within a course, you must drop the section you are currently enrolled in and add the section in which you have decided to join.

In the case of sections that are linked (i.e., lectures and labs), you should contact your faculty advising office for assistance in making the change.


You are currently registered in BIOL 1410 sections A01 and B01.

You want to stay in section A01 but switch your registration in the lab from B01 to B03.
To switch sections within a course:

  1. Check that the section you want to switch to has space. 
  2. If there is 1 space or more, you must contact an Academic Advisor in your home faculty. If you attempt to switch sections on your own, you risk losing your spot in both the lecture and the lab and may have to add yourself to the end of the Waitlist.    
  3. The Academic Advisor can drop the section you are currently enrolled in and add you to your preferred section.

Speak with an Academic Advisor if you wish to change sections. This is to avoid losing a spot in your current course section.

Dropping a Course

How to drop a course

It is advised that you speak with your faculty advisor before deciding to withdraw from a class, as this may affect your full-time student status, financial aid, and other matters. Your professor may be able to provide additional support. 

To drop a class:

  • Locate the 'Registration' Card in your Aurora account and select 'Open Registration Dashboard'.
  • Go to your summary at the bottom left. 
  • Find the course you want to be removed from and select the drop-down menu. 
  • Select the 'drop web' and select "Submit". 
  • You will see the course greyed out; you must click "Submit" to finalize your removal from the class.
A screenshot of the Registration Summary panel, showing the process of removing a course.

Difference between Dropping and Voluntarily Withdrawing from a course

  • Dropping a course is removing your course from your schedule, within the Registration Revision Period. When a course is dropped within the revision period, you will not be charged the applicable fees for the course that was dropped.
  • Voluntarily Withdrawing (VW) from a course is removing a course from your schedule after the Registration Revision Period has ended. Courses that are voluntarily withdrawn are not granted refunds. If you VW from a course, you are still required to pay the owed tuition fees. A course that is voluntarily withdrawn will appear as a VW on your transcript.


  • No refund will be issued for a VW'd course.

  • VW'd courses will be recorded on official transcripts and student records as a 'VW'.

  • Courses cannot be voluntarily withdrawn after the VW deadline applicable to that course has passed.

  • Courses that are not dropped by this deadline will be assigned a final grade.

Courses that were meant to be dropped but were not dropped will still be issued a grade, even if you stop attending class! Please be sure you are properly dropping your courses to avoid getting a grade of ‘F, no paper’ in the dropped section.

Cancelling your Registration

If after registering for courses, you decide not to attend, it is your responsibility to withdraw.

You are financially and academically responsible for all courses for which you are registered after the Revision deadline. The University of Manitoba will not cancel/de-register you from current term courses if you fail to pay your fees. If you are unsure of the dates for the current revision period, please see our Dates and Deadlines page.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Outstanding fees

Students with outstanding balances after the Revision deadline will be subject to a second late payment fee. This amount will be added to your fee account in Aurora.

Late fees 

Deregistration from courses

Students who fail to pay for courses will be placed on Hold and will be deregistered from any future term courses.

Failure to withdraw from courses that you are not attending will result in an F NP (F - No paper) grade being assigned to all courses in which you are registered at the end of the term. Students who are de-registered from courses in a future term may re-register only after their outstanding fees have been paid in full. Re-registration is subject to space availability in the course.

For example: If you fail to fail to remove your Fall Term courses before the end of the revision period, you will be responsible to pay for Fall Term and courses that span Fall/Winter terms, but will be automatically deregistered from Winter Term courses. 

Hold Status

Students who are placed on Hold will be denied access to most academic and administrative services until full payment is received.

Students on Hold must contact their home faculty for assistance in withdrawing from courses as this ‘registration’ function will not be accessible in your Aurora account.

Hold Status

Think before you drop...

You may consider voluntarily withdrawing from a class for a variety of reasons. Before you decide, be sure to:

  • Speak with your course instructor about your concerns and if there are strategies for improvement before the end of term;

  • Visit your academic advisor about your course load, study strategies, and options for possibly repeating the course later;

  • Be aware of course load requirements and the implications of a VW - if you have a government student loan, are a sponsored student, a Bison athlete, or are in any other type of situation that requires a minimum course load;

  • Refer to the First Year Planning Guide or the Academic Calendar to make sure you know where that course fits into your intended or current program;

  • Check to see if the course is required as a prerequisite for upper-level courses within your program;

  • Look at the Summer Term schedule to see if the course is offered again this year.

  • If you are an international student, your enrolment status at UM can impact whether you can remain in Canada as a student; work in Canada; and remain eligible for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP). It’s important that you consult with an International Student Advisor (ISA) before you make any changes to your enrolment status, such as voluntarily withdrawing from a course.

Temporarily leaving your studies

Leave of absence

Undergraduate students

Some undergraduate programs require registration in each academic year following admission and first registration. Other programs permit students to study in some terms and be inactive in others without the need to re-apply for admission. Consult your faculty/school section of the academic calendar or supplementary regulations available in faculty general offices for further details.

Academic Calendar


Graduate students

Students in the Faculty of Graduate Studies are expected to maintain continuous registration from admission through to graduation. Students who are unable to maintain continuous registration must contact their department to request approval for a leave of absence. There are specific regulations for parental leave and other exceptional circumstances. Contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies for details.

Faculty of Graduate Studies


Other types of Withdrawals

Authorized Withdrawal

An Authorized Withdrawal (AW) is extended to students who must withdraw from a course(s) for medical or compassionate reasons. AW requests must be supported by satisfactory documentation

Authorized Withdrawals

Required withdrawal from professional programs

Senate, at the request of some faculties and schools, has approved bylaws granting them the authority to require a student to withdraw on the basis of unsuitability for the practice of the profession to which the program of study leads.

This right may be exercised at any time throughout the academic year or following the results of examinations at the end of every year. This right to require a student to withdraw prevails notwithstanding any other provisions in the academic regulations of the particular faculty or school regarding eligibility to proceed or repeat. Where Senate has approved such a bylaw, that fact is indicated in the calendar chapter for that faculty or school. A copy of the professional unsuitability bylaw may be obtained from the general office of the faculty or school.

Attendance at class and debarment

Regular attendance is expected of all students in all courses.

An instructor may initiate procedures to debar a student from attending classes and from final examinations and/or from receiving credit where unexcused absences exceed those permitted by the faculty or school regulations.

A student may be debarred from class, laboratories, and examinations by action of the dean/director for persistent non-attendance, failure to produce assignments to the satisfaction of the instructor, and/or unsafe clinical practice or practicum. Students so debarred will have failed that course.

Course drop date

The course drop date in Fall and Winter Terms is one working day prior to the course add date. In Summer Term the deadlines to add or drop courses are the same.  Refer to important dates and deadlines

This date is of the registration revision period, which is the first two weeks of class.  You can use this time to attend classes, test out your classroom experience and determine if you will remain registered in the courses you have selected or if changes should be made.

Withdrawal policies and procedures