You are financially and academically responsible for all courses for which you are registered after the Revision deadline. The University of Manitoba will not cancel/de-register you from current term courses if you fail to pay your fees. If you are unsure of the dates for the current revision period, please see our Dates and Deadlines page.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Outstanding fees
Students with outstanding balances after the Revision deadline will be subject to a second late payment fee. This amount will be added to your fee account in Aurora.
Late fees
Deregistration from courses
Students who fail to pay for courses will be placed on Hold and will be deregistered from any future term courses.
Failure to withdraw from courses that you are not attending will result in an F NP (F - No paper) grade being assigned to all courses in which you are registered at the end of the term. Students who are de-registered from courses in a future term may re-register only after their outstanding fees have been paid in full. Re-registration is subject to space availability in the course.