University 1
Welcome to University 1 – one of your options for direct entry admission at the University of Manitoba.
University 1 (U1) is a unique, flexible approach to your first year at UM. It allows you to meet the admission or first year requirements for one or more target degree programs, even if you are not yet sure which degree path is right for you.

University 1
Programs of study
Student resources
First Year Centre
The First Year Centre is your go-to resource for everything you need to know about being a first year student at the University of Manitoba.
Making decisions about your first year can be challenging when there are so many choices and opportunities. Registration advisors and academic advisors at the First Year Centre can help you figure it out!
As a first year student in U1 or any degree program, the First Year Centre can:
- Answer questions about program and degree requirements, as well as university policies and procedures
- Review your progress, evaluate your academic plans and connect you to campus resources as needed
- Provide assistance and support if you experience challenges or difficulties that affect your studies
- Discuss the impact of academic decisions before you take action
Scholarships for University 1
The following awards are exclusive to those attending University 1.
Robert Alan Kennedy Scholarship
Amount: $5950
Awarded/Year: 1
Selection Criteria: Highest standing in University 1. Was registered full-time (min 80 per cent course load) in University 1 at the University of Manitoba; has achieved the highest standing in University 1 (min DGPA of 3.5); continues to be registered full time (min 80 per cent course load) in any faculty, college or school at the University of Manitoba in which the award is tenable.
Application Instructions: None required.
Isbister Scholarship in University 1
Amount: $2825
Awarded/Year: 9
Selection Criteria: Highest Standing in University 1 and continuation in any degree program at UM — must have completed 24-30 credit hours.
Application Instructions: None required.
University 1 Honour Roll
Students on the University 1 Honour List have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.75 while completing at least 12 credit hours of study in one term. The First Year Centre is proud to recognize the achievements of the Honour List students for the 2023-2024 academic year.
How to calculate your grades
Use the resources below to help you calculate your current grades in a course, or to calculate your GPA (Grade Point Average). Having this information about your current standing will help you make informed decisions about your next steps.
Calculating your Grades - Video tutorial
Watch this video to learn how to calculate your current grades using the Grade Tracker (PDF).
Leaving University 1
University 1 students will eventually leave U1 to move into another faculty. Students typically leave U1 after their first or second year of university studies, depending on how many credit hours they've completed and what faculty they are targeting.
U1 students could be eligible to transit (move) to the Faculty of Arts or Faculty of Science if they have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours over Fall and Winter term.
If you were admitted in Fall 2021 or later, you will also have to meet GPA requirements to transit. Please see Transiting to the Faculty or Arts or the Faculty of Science in the Academic Calendar for more details.
Transit opens mid-June in Aurora, before students register for Fall and Winter courses.
If you have fewer than 24 credit hours, you will continue in University 1 for an additional year.
How to transit to the Faculty of Arts
Transit opens mid-June. Before you register for Fall/Winter courses:
- Log onto Aurora
- Select Enrolment and Academic Records
- Select Declarations
- Select Transit from University 1
- Choose Arts-BA General
- Submit
After you transit to Arts, you can declare your major by using the Declarations menu in Aurora or submitting a declaration form to the Faculty of Arts.
How to transit to the Faculty of Science
Transit opens mid-June. Before you register for Fall/Winter courses:
- Log onto Aurora
- Select Enrolment & Academic Records
- Select Declarations
- Select Transit from University 1
- If you meet the requirements to declare your major:
- Select BSc-Major
- Choose your major from the dropdown menu
- Submit
- If you do not yet meet the requirements to declare your major:
- Select BSc-General
- Submit
- After you meet requirements to declare your major, contact a Science advisor.
If you are unsure about the requirements to declare your major in the Faculty of Science, please review the program page for your chosen major in the First Year Planning Guide.
If you have 24-27 credit hours you may:
• continue in University 1,
• transit to the Faculty of Arts,
• transit to the Faculty of Science, or
• apply to your target faculty, if you are eligible.
If you have 30 credit hours or more you cannot continue University 1. You must:
• transit to the Faculty of Arts,
• transit to the Faculty of Science, or
• apply to your target faculty, if you are eligible.
Contact us
First Year Centre
205 Tier Building
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada