A clinical health psychology faculty member works with a child patient.

In the Department of Clinical Health Psychology, teaching and research are integrated with clinical service. Our faculty are committed to training the next generation of psychologists and providing them with the tools they need to make a difference in their communities and succeed in their careers. The department has contributed significantly to the outstanding practice and leadership of the professional psychology community here in Manitoba and beyond.

What we offer

In addition to our residency program, the Department of Clinical Health Psychology also provides UGME teaching (College of Medicine), resident teaching with other clinical departments and clinical practica for advanced doctoral psychology trainees.

Our story

Our comprehensive residency program

Our department offers a comprehensive residency program that provides residents with experiences in diverse settings and populations, as well as in new and emerging areas of care. Our residents have gone on to successful careers in hospitals, academia, organization leadership, community service agencies, and private practices across the country.

Building an Endowed Professorship in Clinical Health Psychology

  • A person at a computer monitoring a person wearing a virtual reality device.

About our campaign

Clinician-scientists in the Department of Clinical Health Psychology have long been harnessing research excellence to inform and improve clinical care. As both academics with the University of Manitoba and medical staff working in hospitals and health centres across the province, Clinical Health Psychology faculty in Manitoba are uniquely positioned to advance patient care and psychological health through research innovation.
Research in clinical health psychology spans a wide range of clinically relevant areas, from the epidemiology, presentation, assessment, and management of mental illnesses, to the psychological aspects of chronic disease, illness, and injury, to the interaction of physical and psychological features and its impact on patient outcomes.
Protecting academic time is critical to supporting the essential research being conducted in the field. To this end, the Department of Clinical Health Psychology is working to establish its first Endowed Professorship. This initiative will enable the creation of a clinician-scientist position with 50% protected academic time, with the goal of recruiting or promoting a leading Clinical Health Psychologist and expanding their capacity for leading-edge research in tandem with excellent patient care.
The Clinical Health Psychology Trust Fund was recently launched to fund the Professorship. The University of Manitoba is seeking to raise $1.3 million in donor support to accelerate the growth of this Trust Fund in order to establish the Professorship. This is an exciting opportunity to invest in the future of research excellence in Clinical Health Psychology.
As the Department continues to pursue innovation in psychological health and patient care, support from this Trust Fund will ensure the progression of our current work, enable the exploration of new research, and accelerate the development of collaborations in Manitoba and beyond.

Make a donation

If you would like invest in the future of research excellence in Clinical Health Psychology, you can make a donation using the button below.

Make a donation

For more information, please contact:
Sam Slutchuk
Donor relations officer

department Events

Contact Kate Walsh for registration information on upcoming events.

  • Lecturer in front of an audience
  • Grand Rounds

    The Department of Clinical Health Psychology Grand Rounds is a learning series for residents, medical students, psychologists, physicians and other health professionals.

    Presenters include local, national and international experts covering a broad range of topics in  clinical psychology, including approaches to evidence-based clinical care, learning and research. A question and answer period follows each session.

    Grand Rounds is usually held at 3:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month from September to June. View the events calendar for full details.

  • Dr. Robert Martin.
  • Robert Martin Memorial Lecture

    Dr. Robert Martin (1926-2014) was the first head of Department of Clinical Health Psychology at the University of Manitoba, serving in that role for more than two decades.

    Dr. Martin was considered a visionary for the role of psychologists in medical schools and teaching hospitals. He was a mentor to colleagues and residents alike, serving as trusted confidential advisor to the department's residents. In 2013, Dr. Martin was awarded the Canadian Psychological Association's Gold Medal for Lifetime Contribution to Canadian psychology.

    Each year, we honour his legacy with the Robert Martin Memorial Lecture, usually held in February - details will be provided in the events calendar.

    If you would like to support the lecture series, donate here.

department Research

We are dedicated to improving and advancing patient care and psychological health through research excellence. We value partnerships with colleagues in other clinical departments and disciplines locally, across the country and around the world.

Research highlights, 2023

Over the past year, our department has continued to generate important knowledge related to the risk and protective factors involved in the development of mental disorders. Our work also explored the link between physical and psychological features and the effect this interaction has on patient outcomes. 
Our researchers have been active developing and evaluating novel interventions for the treatment of a range of psychological challenges, including perinatal anxiety, sleep difficulties, posttraumatic stress disorder, chronic pain, cognitive impairment, and preoperative distress, covering the lifespan and the diverse clinical settings in which we work.

Please contact our department if you would like a copy of Clinical Health Psychology's Annual Research Report.

Our researchers

The Department of Clinical Health Psychology has a rich history of research excellence driving clinical excellence, with the goal of improving care and improving lives.

Most of our faculty are predominantly based in the clinic and have only a small proportion of time available for teaching and clinical research, which makes their academic accomplishments all the more noteworthy.

The valued collaborations with our colleagues across multiple disciplines and specialties further leverage the clinical expertise and research acumen of our faculty and create synergies for research innovation.

Anxiety and related disorders, adult

Researchers working in this area:

Funding provided by:

  • University Research Grants Program
  • Manitoba Medical Services Foundation
  • The Winnipeg Foundation


We are investigating the feasibility and effectiveness of large-group brief transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for anxiety and related disorders, individual brief CBT for compulsive checking, and group CBT for women who are pregnant or postpartum and experiencing anxiety and related disorders.

Child health and developmental disorders

Researchers working in this area:

Funding provided by:

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
  • Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM)
  • Department of Clinical Health Psychology, Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba
  • Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba
  • Manitoba Medical Service Foundation (MMSF)
  • Office of the VP (Research & International), University of Manitoba


Research questions primarily stem from our experiences working with the children and families we see within the Clinical Health Psychology Program’s Child & Adolescent Psychology Consultation Service (HSC) and the populations we serve across specialized clinics, including the Child Development Clinic, Diabetes Education Resource for Children and Adolescents (DERCA), Gender Dysphoria Assessment and Action for Youth (GDAAY), and the Manitoba FASD Centre.

Current projects focus on transgender youth receiving gender affirming care, the validity of diagnostic subtypes of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, type 2 diabetes in youth, and the neuropsychological and socio-emotional functioning of children and adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure and FASD.

We also collaborate with researchers in the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Max Rady College of Medicine, and the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, on a variety of projects, including studies examining the language abilities in preschool children with critical congenital heart disease, and the mental health of parents of children born preterm.

Future research projects are aiming to examine caregiver- and family-related outcomes of families of children with prenatal alcohol exposure, and the development and evaluation of programs and services for children and families seen across our clinics. 

Chronic pain and chronic illness

Researchers working in this area:

Funding provided by:

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research
  • Department of Anesthesia
  • Department of Clinical Health Psychology
  • Health Sciences Centre Foundation
  • Manitoba Medical Service Foundation
  • National Research Council
  • Research Manitoba

The chronic disease and chronic pain research team focuses on the intersection between chronic medical conditions and psychological/mental health. The team’s ongoing programs of research aim to:

  1. better understand the psychological factors implicated in adverse health events
  2. better understand and promote peri-operative mental health
  3. further explore the comorbidity between anxiety-related disorders and health conditions
  4. investigate the role of psychological factors in the management and clinical outcomes of different acute coronary syndrome populations

It also continuously evaluates processes and outcomes of the several group-based clinical programs it offers. Additionally, the team’s research aims to increase access to psychological care in chronic medical conditions, including chronic pain, by developing, implementing, and evaluating novel care delivery models and modalities (e.g., web-based interventions, virtual care, 1-day workshops).  

Forensic mental health

Researchers working in this area:

Funding provided by:

Canadian Institutes of Health Research


In general, our research is focused on the intersection between mental health and the legal system.

Current projects include an examination of forensic mental health assessments and trajectories of accused persons with mental health problems, comparing similarities and differences between individuals who are referred for an assessment of criminal responsibility and are found eligible versus ineligible for the defence, and studying the opinions of legal professionals about their experiences with the forensic mental health program.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Researchers working in this area:

Funding provided by:

  • Canadian Institutes of Health 
  • Crohn’s and Colitis Canada


Faculty have been active in research investigating the role of psychological factors such as stress, psychiatric comorbidity, fatigue, and adherence in aspects of GI illnesses including disease course, health care utilization, and quality of life.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been the predominant focus through close partnership with the IBD Clinical and Research Centre as team members. There are also strong collaborations and ongoing research in celiac disease and other immune mediated inflammatory diseases.  

Additionally, there is a research emphasis on psychological interventions for patients with GI disease in order to improve care and outcomes.  

Current projects underway include:

  • development and trialing of an internet-based cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) program tailored for IBD patients with elevated stress, anxiety or depression
  • program evaluation of a CBT-based treatment program for irritable bowel syndrome and impact of shift to virtual delivery via video conference during the pandemic vs in-person
  • integrating coordinated psychological and nutritional care in the IBD specialist clinic utilizing innovations in clinical screening and clinic process improvements

Mental health intervention 

Researchers working in this area:

Funding provided by:

  • Department of Clinical Health Psychology, Max Rady College of Medicine Internal Grants
  • Health Sciences Centre Foundation 
  • Manitoba Medical Service Foundation
  • Research Manitoba
  • The Winnipeg Foundation


CHP faulty are leading a number of exciting research projects examining hospital-based mental health intervention, including a novel group-based treatment to reduce suicidality among individuals with recent a suicide attempt, and a cognitive remediation intervention for young adults with psychosis.  

Research in the area of psychosis is also examining mental health literacy and information needs of patients and caregivers. Evaluation of patient satisfaction with these efforts as well as satisfaction with virtual delivery of group treatments across sleep, anxiety and depression services is being conducted.

Among university students, our team has examined the efficacy of an intervention website to reduce depression comorbid with alcohol use dependency.  

Extending further to primary care, our team is examining a brief, virtually delivered Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) program for anxiety and depression, and through use of an app to facilitate outcomes in individual treatment of depression. 

Military and veteran health

Researchers working in this area:

Funding provided by:

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research
  • Deer Lodge Foundation Research Award
  • Department of Clinical Health Psychology Early Career Grant
  • Worker’s Compensation Board


Cumulatively, our research studies the epidemiology of mental disorders in members and veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces in order to understand the burden of traumatic experiences (e.g., military sexual trauma) and mental disorders in this population, as well as the risk and protective factors that impact the development and recovery of these conditions.

We are also involved in developing and evaluating innovative and effective interventions for the treatment of mental disorders in military members and veterans, including for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), chronic pain, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Examples of specific, ongoing studies include examining the effectiveness of group Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD, the effectiveness of a brief treatment for GAD targeting intolerance of uncertainty, and understanding sex differences in premature military release and difficult transitions to civilian life following military service.

Neuropsychology and rehabilitation 

Researchers working in this area:

Funding provided by:

  • MS Society of Canada 
  • Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba


CHP faculty in neuropsychology and rehabilitation are engaged in collaborative research which is examining neurocognitive and psychological functioning across a range of different clinical populations including concussion, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, acquired brain injury, long COVID, and older adults.

Studies are currently investigating underlying neural mechanisms, the role of comorbidities, neuropsychological correlates, and longitudinal trajectories. 

Sleep and sleep-wake disorders

Researchers working in this area:

Funding provided by:

  • Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute 
  • Department of Clinical Health Psychology, Max Rady College of Medicine Internal Grants
  • Health Sciences Center Foundation


Our team has focused on the evaluation of evidence-based treatments for insomnia and how to make such treatments more accessible to the public. A major focus has been the development of web-based and virtual interventions for insomnia and for drug dependency among those with insomnia.  

Intervention websites have been used for those with insomnia disorder extending to those with traumatic brain injuries and type 2 diabetes, and virtual participation in group sessions through telehealth or videoconferencing has been expanded and evaluated.  We are engaged in ongoing program evaluation of these services with the goal of identifying the potential contributing role of comorbid conditions and the optimal sequencing of treatments for these. 

Our team also developed and is evaluating the effectiveness of a new protocol for parasomnias (e.g., sleep walking, night terrors, REM sleep behavior disorder, nightmare disorder) and the efficacy of a protocol to improve adherence to CPAP treatment in obstructive sleep apnea among hospital outpatients.  In these efforts, we have assessed engagement, preferences, satisfaction, in addition to improvements in symptoms and quality of life.   

Lastly, our team has evaluated the ability of sleep to predict disease recurrence among children with inflammatory bowel disease, post-partum depression among pregnant females, fear of cancer recurrence among cancer survivors, and nocturnal epileptic seizures among those with epilepsy.  
We welcome collaborations with others in the areas of sleep and sleep disorders.

Trauma and health

Researchers working in this area:

Funding provided by:

  • Chronic Pain Network
  • Department of Anesthesia Operating Grant
  • Health Sciences Centre Foundation General Operating Grant
  • National Research Council New Beginning Initiative
  • Tri-Agency New Frontiers in Research Fund 
  • University of Manitoba 


Our research focuses on three primary areas within trauma and health.

The first involves understanding the relationships between anxiety and trauma-related disorders (e.g., PTSD) and physical health conditions, including chronic pain. We examine the co-occurrence of these conditions, mechanisms that elucidate their co-occurrence, and correlates/outcomes of these co-occurring conditions (e.g., substance misuse, healthcare utilization).

The second area explores psychological sequelae (e.g., PTSD, delirium) of adverse health events such as the onset of a life threatening illness, major surgery/surgical complications, admission to the intensive care unit, and COVID-19. We are interested in identifying pre- and peri-event factors that contribute to particular outcomes.

Finally, we develop and evaluate targeted interventions aimed at mitigating negative psychological outcomes following adverse health events. For example, we evaluate preoperative psychological interventions (e.g., mindfulness-based stress reduction, virtual reality) aimed at improving both mental and physical health outcomes before and after surgery. 

A student presenting a research poster to judges.

Research Day

The Department of Clinical Health Psychology holds an annual research day every April. The event features the John R. Walker Keynote Address, poster session and rapid-fire presentations.

The date for this year's research day will be posted in our department's events calendar.

Dr. John Walker.

John R. Walker Keynote Address

Named in honour of Dr. John Walker (1949 - 2018), this keynote address is a highlight of our annual Research Day.

Dr. Walker was a professor emeritus with the Department of Clinical Health Psychology at UM and worked as a clinical psychologist for nearly 35 years at St. Boniface Hospital. He was well known in Canada and internationally as a passionate scientist and clinician of great integrity, intelligence, humour and warmth. He embodied the scientist-practitioner, and excelled as a psychotherapist, a researcher, a teacher and a community advocate.

Dr. Walker was a trailblazer through his research in anxiety and knowledge translation, shaping the way mental health services are delivered in Manitoba and across Canada.

Student working with a test-tube.

Undergraduate Research Awards

Each year, the University of Manitoba provides a multitude of unique learning opportunities through the undergraduate research awards. This program allows undergraduate students to interact with the best minds and research leaders in their fields. This experience opens them up to new possibilities for a research career in either government, academic or industry sectors.

Faculty and staff

Our licensed psychologists are leaders in developing and delivering high-quality, evidence-based psychological services to Manitobans.

They are engaged in a diverse range of research, with local, national, and international collaborations. Our faculty are medical staff, sited in hospitals and health centers in the health regions across Manitoba. They provide lifespan assessment and treatment services for toddlers to seniors with mental health conditions, developmental disorders, medical disease, and injury.

Our team

Our faculty and staff are committed to supporting learners, colleagues and the community. Contact us to learn more about our department and what we have to offer.

Faculty and staff directory

Career opportunities

We are recruiting clinical psychologists—beginning career through to senior professionals are welcome!

Doctoral candidates nearing completion of their degree will also be considered.

Manitoba Healthcare Providers Network

UM Careers

Manitoba is hiring clinical psychologists

Psychologist services are expanding in the Manitoba health system through significant government investment. We are recruiting for newly funded full-time permanent doctoral positions, based primarily in Winnipeg hospitals and health centres, with opportunity for rural adult and lifespan practice as well. Learn more in the tab below.

Opportunities in MB: clinical psychologists


Clinical Health Psychology (CHP) is both a provincially-led clinical service in Shared Health, responsible for psychological services throughout the Manitoba health system, and an academic department in the Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at UM.

Our clinical psychologists are medical staff who work in interprofessional team-based care environments, enjoying well-established collaborations with physician, nursing, and allied health colleagues to provide innovative and effective care. Many also hold clinical faculty appointments.

CHP psychologists connect regularly with each other, whether based in Winnipeg or in rural or northern health regions, and have a respectful and caring community of professional practice.

Opportunities include mental health and medical areas across the lifespan. We offer competitive salary, comprehensive benefits, relocation support, clinical supervision until licensed for independent practice, ongoing professional development, professional license reimbursement; and opportunity for supervision of psychology residents and clinical research through integrated clinical/academic roles.

Current residents/interns, beginning career and established psychologists are welcome to apply.


  1. Doctoral degree (PhD or PsyD) in Clinical Psychology from a CPA/APA-accredited program; completion of a CPA/APA-accredited internship/residency.
  2. Registered or eligible for registration as a Psychologist (C.Psych.) in Manitoba

Available opportunities

Winnipeg – child and adolescent

  • Developmental disorders (preschool)
  • Diabetes
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • Medical Psychology-consult/treatment
  • Mental Health – consult/treatment
  • Pediatric Neuropsychology
  • Transgender Health

Winnipeg – adult 

  • Bariatric Surgery
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Pain
  • Psychodiagnostic/Cognitive Assessment
  • Transplant


Interlake-Eastern health region

  • Lifespan Mental Health (Oakbank)

Northern health region

  • Lifespan Mental Health

Prairie Mountain health region

  • Adult Mental Health (Brandon)
  • Lifespan Mental Health (Dauphin)

How to apply

Submit your CV and cover letter indicating your area(s) of interest by email to rperinot@hsc.mb.ca.


Please call 1-204-787-5163  or email rperinot@hsc.mb.ca with any questions and we'll be happy to assist.

Community and outreach

Making a difference province-wide

The mission of the Clinical Health Psychology program is to provide evidence-based and cost-effective psychological evaluation and treatment services that facilitate diagnosis, expedite recovery and, wherever possible, prevent the occurrence and/or worsening of illness and dysfunction. We strive to address health inequities and approach patient care with cultural humility and sensitivity, serving patients and communities in Winnipeg and throughout the province.

Provincial regions

Our department’s clinical faculty and trainees works across Manitoba's health regions:

Shared Health Manitoba 


In Winnipeg, collaborations with community partners for clinical services and/or training and research include KlinicCentre de Sante, Aurora Newcomer Trauma Services, Rehabilitation Centre for Children and the Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre (MATC).

First Nations northern communities

We work closely with Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO)’s health service, Keewatinohk Inniniw Minoayawin Inc., and the UM Department of Pediatrics and Child Health to provide coordinated psychological and medical care for children in northern communities through the Jordan’s Principle program. 

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Contact us

Clinical Health Psychology
PZ350-771 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba, Bannatyne Campus
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3N4 Canada
