Research affiliates
Research affiliates are individuals involved in aging-related research or those who, by nature of their involvement/employment in the field of aging, desire a formal affiliation with the Centre on Aging.
University of Manitoba Research affiliates
The following is a list of the current research affiliates of the Centre on Aging, based at our Fort Garry and Bannatyne Campuses. A number of our research affiliates are also based at Manitoba universities.
UM research affiliates represent 11 faculties across the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses.
The Centre has researchers affiliated from an additional three post-secondary institutions from across Manitoba. Research information is organized by the name of the institution:
- Brandon University
- Canadian Mennonite University
- University of Winnipeg
UM research affiliates Architecture
City Planning
Richard Milgrom, PhD
Associate Professor
410 Architecture 2 Building | Fort Garry campus
Research Interests
- Social impacts of sprawl in a slow growth city
- Planning and design for age-friendly communities
- Planning and design with urban aboriginal communities
- Sustainability and urban design
- Participatory planning and design processes
Interior Design
Shauna Mallory-Hill, PhD
Associate Professor
206 Architecture 2 Building | Fort Garry campus
Research interests
- researching building systems
- universal and sustainable design
- building performance evaluation
- how sustainably designed environments impact human health and productivity
UM research affiliates Agricultural and Food Sciences
Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
Christina Lengyel, PhD
405 Human Ecology Building | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Nutrition and health-related issues of older adults residing in personal care homes assisted living facilities, and in community residences, in both rural and urban areas, to improve their nutritional well-being, longevity and quality of life.
Miyoung Suh, PhD
Principle Investigator, Division of Neurodegenerative Disorders (DND)
Principle Investigator, Canadian Centre for Agri-Food Research in Health and Medicine (CCARM)
St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre
R4052-351 Tache Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6
Research interests
- Nutrition and visual function
- Effects of dietary lipids in retinal diseases (diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, and macular degeneration)
- Nutrition, alcohol and reproductive function
- Effects of lipids/functional foods/alcohol in sperm and testosterone production in chronic disease states
UM research affiliates Arts
English, Theatre, Film and Media
Brenda Austin-Smith, PhD
449 University College | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Intergenerational responses to film; seniors and popular culture; particular interest in film melodrama.
- Specialization in: Film and emotion; gender and media; audience studies; cinema history and cultural memory; narrative rhetoric in fiction and film; melodrama; Henry James; adaptation.
French, Spanish, and Italian
Enrique Fernandez, PhD
412 Fletcher Argue Bldg | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Early Modern Spanish Literature;
- Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Spanish Literature
- Death and Gender
Daniel Bailis, PhD
P407 Duff Roblin Bldg | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Social psychology and health, especially:
- relationships between adaptive traits and defensive cognitions,
- psychosocial factors in healthy aging (i.e., perceived control and social comparison), and
- integration of health status and health-related behaviours in the self-concept.
- More about Daniel Bailis
Judith Chipperfield, PhD
Professor Emerita
P435G Duff Roblin Building | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Conducts research in the Laboratory for Aging and Health Research (LAHR) to examine psychological aspects of health and illness in later life
- In the Emotion, Motivation, and Control Research (EMCOR) Group, she is studying emotions, motivation, and perceived control among younger and older populations
More about Judith Chipperfield
Steven Greening
Associate Professor
P511 Duff Roblin | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- The neurocognitive mechanisms involved in adapting to and controlling the influence of emotional events across the lifespan
- How to promote mental wellbeing in both healthy individuals and those with mental illness
- Emotion regulation
- Cognitive and emotional aging
- Exercise and emotion
Debbie Kelly, PhD
P438 Duff Roblin | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Spatial cognition
- Understanding how spatial abilities change across the lifespan of humans and animals
- How spatial cue use changes with age in healthy older adults
Sunmee Kim, PhD
Assistant Professor
P501 Duff Roblin
Research interests
- Big data analytics in Psychology and related areas
- Predictive analytics for longitudinal data
- Data-driven approaches for risk factors of cognition aging and late-life depression
Richard Kruk, PhD
Professor and Associate Department Head (graduate)
P507 Duff Roblin | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Sensory and cognitive development related to reading and language skills
Jonathan Marotta, PhD
P310 Duff Roblin Bldg | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- visual perception
- visual control of action
- aging
- stroke
- neurological disorders
- agnosia & prosopagnosia
Corey Mackenzie, PhD
Professor, Director of Clinical Training
P401 Duff Roblin Bldg | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- older adults' mental health
- caregiver stress
- geriatric psychiatric epidemiology
- anxiety disorders
- mental health service utilization
Kristin Reynolds, PhD
Associate Professor and Director, Clinical Training
P313 Duff Roblin Building | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Knowledge translation
- Access to health information and health services
- Mental health service use
- Community mental health
- Geriatric psychology
- Health psychology
Sociology and Criminology
Christopher J. Fries, PhD
Associate Professor
317 Isbister Bldg | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Health lifestyles and behaviour
- Critical public health
- Social determinants of health
- Complementary/alternative medicine (CAM)
More about Christopher J. Fries
Laura Funk, PhD
307 Isbister Bldg | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Responsibility, health and care/support across the life course
- Aspects of the sociology of health, aging, and family as well as the social determinants of health, including social support and care work
- Current focus: family care provided to older, chronically and terminally ill individuals, understood within broader social, cultural and structural contexts
- Family caregiver experiences and interactions with home care system; personal care homes
Alexander Segall, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Senior Scholar
Research Interests
- Social determinants of health
- Population health assessment
- Self-health management
- Healthy aging
UM research affiliates Education
Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology
Robert Mizzi, PhD
Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Queer, Community and Diversity Education
239 Education Building | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Adult education
- Social justice and equity studies across the lifespan
- Gender and sexual diversity
Extended Education
Diedre Desmarais, PhD
Assistant Professor, Area Director, Access and Aboriginal Focus Programs
232 Migizii Agamik | Fort Garry Campus
UM research affiliates Price Faculty of Engineering
Biomedical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Zahra Moussavi, PhD
Professor and Canada Research Chair
E3-513 Engineering Building | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s
- Neuro-cognitive enrichment for aging population
- Neurological disorder diagnosis and medical technology instrumentations for sleep apnea detection using respiratory sounds
UM research affiliates Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Max Rady College of Medicine
Biochemistry and Medical Genetics
Britt Drögemöller, PhD
Assistant Professor
Canada Research Chair in Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine
Room 309C – Basic Medical Sciences Building, 745 Bannatyne Avenue | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Genomics
- Bioinformatics
- Pharmacogenomics
- Precision Medicine
- Age-related hearing loss
Meaghan Jones, PhD
Assistant Professor
Room 309 – Basic Medical Sciences Building, 745 Bannatyne Avenue | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Epigenetics
- DNA methylation changes during development and aging
- effects of prenatal environmental exposures on long term health
- epigenetic age
Clinical Health Psychology
Nicole Haverstock, PhD, CPsych
Assistant Professor
Clinical Psychologist, Centre for Geriatric Psychiatry
Brandon Regional Health Centre
A4 Assiniboine Centre, 150 McTavish Ave E, Brandon, MB R7A 2B3
Research interests
- Psychosocial factors related to healthy aging
- Psychological well-being among caregivers
- Older adult mental health
- Geropsychology
Lesley P. Koven, PhD, CPsych
Assistant Professor
Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Health Psychology Programme, WRHA
St. Boniface General Hospital
M4-409 Tache, Winnipeg MB R2H 2A6
Research interests
- Caregiving stress
- older adult mental health,
- mild cognitive impairment,
- mental health service utilization
- geropsychology and health psychology
Colleen Millikin, PhD, CPsych
Assistant Professor, Clinical Health Psychology
St. Boniface General Hospital
M4 – 409 Tache, Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6
Research interests
- Mild cognitive impairment;
- differential diagnosis of dementia;
- delusions in dementia;
- neuropsychological and behavioural interventions
Lesley Ritchie, PhD, CPsych, ABPP-CN
Assistant Professor, Clinical Health Psychology
PZ350-771 Bannatyne Avenue | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Aging and neuropsychology
- Mild Cognitive Impairment: diagnostic criteria and progression to dementia
- Stroke and cognitive rehabilitation
- Concussion
Community Health Sciences
Malcolm Doupe, PhD
Associate Professor
Senior Research Scientist, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Director, Western Regional Training Centre, University of Manitoba
442 Brodie Centre | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Utilization of health care services by older adults
- Alternative care strategies for this population
Christine Kelly, PhD
Associate Professor
S108E-750 Bannatyne Avenue | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Self-managed/directly-funded home care in Canada
- Continuing care, personal care homes
- Intersectionality and feminist theory
- Health equity
- Qualitative methods
Mina Nouredanesh, PhD
Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in AI for Complex Health Data
Room 363, 3rd Floor, Chown Building
753 McDermot Avenue
Research interests
- Artificial intelligence for health,
- Multimodal approaches for prediction and assessment of complex age-related conditions,
- Wearable sensing technologies and free-living digital biomarkers
Assistive technologies and user-centered rehabilitation, - Physiological signal and medical image processing,
- Fall risk assessment in older adults,
- Dementia,
- Parkinson's disease,
- Gait and balance.
Kathryn Sibley, PhD
Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Integrated Knowledge Translation in Rehabilitation Science
Director, Knowledge Translation Platform | Centre for Healthcare Innovation
379-753 McDermot Avenue | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Fall prevention
- Balance control
- Exercise
- Rehabilitation
- Knowledge translation and implementation science
Kerstin Roger, PhD
220 Human Ecology Bldg | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Family and care provision
- Aging, dementia, end-of-life
- Health care and applied ethics
- Qualitative research
Shahin Shooshtari, PhD
219 Human Ecology Building | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Aging with disability
- Dementia epidemiology
- Health and aging
- Mental health
- Health services research
- Aging and immigration
Robert Tate, PhD
Senior Scholar, Director, Manitoba Follow-Up Study
Research interests
- Understanding successful aging
- Long-term cohort studies
- Biostatistics and epidemiology
Human Anatomy and Cell Science
Jason Peeler, PhD
Associate Professor
Musculoskeletal Medicine Course Director for Undergraduate Medical Education
102–745 Bannatyne Avenue | Bannatyne Campus
204-272-3146 (office) | 204-272-3147 (lab)
Research interests
- Clinical orthopaedics with an emphasis on validity and reliability testing of clinical orthopaedic assessment rehabilitation techniques designed to enhance patient care and musculoskeletal function
Family Medicine
Gayle Halas, PhD
Assistant Professor
Rady Chair in Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Associate Director, Dept of Family Medicine Research, Max Rady College of Medicine
co-Research Lead, Manitoba Primary and Integrated Health care Innovation Network (MPN)
P219-770 Bannatyne Avenue | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- interprofessional collaboration
- team-based primary health care
- care continuum and transitions
- patient/caregiver experiences of multi-provider care
- complex needs: multi-morbidity, addiction, chronic illness
Internal Medicine, Section of Geriatric Medicine
Samuel Quan, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Deer Lodge Centre, 2109 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3J 0L3
Research interests
- Dementia
- Health service utilization
- Population health and epidemiology
Philip St. John, MD, MPH, FRCPC, CCFP
Room 133 - 800 Sherbrook Street | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Rural health
- Epidemiology of cognitive impairment and depression
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Daniel Sitar, PhD
Professor Emeritus
753 McDermot Avenue, Chown Building A205 | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Clinical and renal pharmacology
Physiology and Pathophysiology
Eftekhar Eftekharpour, PhD
Associate professor
Room 631 – Basic Medical Sciences Building, 745 Bannatyne Avenue | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Role of oxidative stress in pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disease
- Neuroprotection strategies for treatment of spinal cord injury
- Examination of nuclear events in neurodegenerative diseases
- Role of thioredoxin system in health and disease
- Aging and neurodegeneration
- Neural stem cells biology and their application for human diseases
Frederick Zeiler, MD, PhD, CIP, FRCSC
Rudy Falk Clinician-Scientist Professor, Director of Research - Neurosurgery
Associate Professor, Section of Neurosurgery, Dept of Surgery
Associate Professor, Dept of Human Anatomy and Cell Science
Core Member, Biomedical Engineering, Price Faculty of Engineering
GF231 Health Sciences Center | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Functional Outcome After Brain Injury
- Biomedical Engineering/Signal Processing
- Time-Series Statistical Methodologies
- Big Data and Impact of Age/Sex
- Multi-Modal Cerebral Physiologic Monitoring
- Cerebrovascular Consequences of Injury
College of Nursing
All College of Nursing affiliates
Lorna Guse, PhD
Research Interests
- Quality of life
- Older adults in long-term care settings
Michelle Lobchuk, RN, PhD
Senior Scholar
Research interests
- family caregiver wellness
- empathic communication
- perceptual understanding
- symptom assessment
- video-feedback intervention
Genevieve Thompson, RN, PhD
Professor, UM research chair in person-directed living
Helen Glass Centre for Nursing, Room 491 - 89 Curry Place | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Palliative care
- Family caregivers
- Quality of care
- Delivery of end-of-life care in long-term care
College of Pharmacy
All College of Pharmacy affiliates
Jamie Falk, BSc (Pharm), PharmD
Associate professor
Research interests
- Drug utilization and practice patterns
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Shared decision making
- Burden of care in later stages of life
Christine Leong, BSc, BSc (Pharm), PharmD
Assistant Professor
Apotex Centre, 750 McDermot Ave. | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Medication use
- Optimization of drug therapy
- Primary care
- Pharmacy practice
Jillian Stobart, BSc, PhD
Assistant professor
Apotex Centre, 750 McDermot Ave. | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Cerebrovascular health in aging, dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease
College of Rehabilitation Sciences
Occupational Therapy
Cara Brown, PhD, MSc, BMR (OT)
Assistant professor
Room R125- 771 McDermot Ave | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Care transitions from hospital to home
- Supporting people with chronic disease to live in the community
- Occupational therapy
- Rehabilitation in primary health care
Amine Choukou, PhD
Associate Professor
Room 111 - 771 McDermot Ave | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Smart technology, independence, and quality of life
- Development of immersive simulators for visuomotor skills training
- Development and use of activity monitoring systems (wearables and non-wearables)
- Assistive technology and social participation
- Innovation and technology implementation
Ed Giesbrecht, PhD, MSc Rehab, BMR (OT), BSW
Associate professor
Room R214 - 771 McDermot Ave | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Use of assisted technologies and participation
- Wheeled mobility and participation
- Effectiveness of wheelchair skills training with older adults
Jacquie Ripat, PhD, MSc, BMR (OT), OT Reg (MB)
Associate Dean (Research), Associate professor
Room 215 - 771 McDermot Ave | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Participation amongst assistive technology users across the lifespan
- Development of client-centred practice in entry-level occupational therapy students
- Development, and use of, universally designed and/or accessible public environments
- Wheeled mobility in winter environments
Physical Therapy
Ruth Barclay, PhD, MHSc, BMR (PT)
Professor, Research Chair in Telerehabilitation
Room 106-771 McDermot Ave | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Health related quality of life post stroke
- Response shift in health related quality of life
- Outcome measurement
- Participation post stroke
- Community ambulation
- Meta-analysis
- Structural equation modelling
Mirella Veras, PT, PhD, MSc
Assistant professor
R115 - 771 McDermot Avenue | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Digital Health Equity: Investigating the equitable integration of digital health solutions, such as AI and other technologies, to enhance healthcare access and outcomes for diverse populations, including older adults.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Clinical Practice: Studying the use of AI for predictive analytics, decision support, and personalized care across various healthcare settings.
- Aging, Empowerment, and Functional Independence: Focusing on interventions to enhance physical function, autonomy, and quality of life in middle-aged and older adults, with an emphasis on empowering individuals through innovative technologies and strategies.
Sandra Webber, PhD, MSc, BMR (PT)
Professor/Associate dean, academic
Room RR311 - 771 McDermot Ave | Bannatyne Campus
Research interests
- Mobility in older adults and people with chronic disease
- Objective measurement of physical activity and sedentary behaviour
- Factors that influence community ambulation and social participation in older adults
- Evaluating capacity and performance related to mobility
UM research affiliates Asper School of Business
Malcolm Smith, PhD
Senior Scholar
Research interests
- Marketing to older adults
- Age-related differences in memory for advertising
UM research affiliates Kinesiology and Recreation Management
All Kinesiology and Recreation affiliates
Stephanie Chesser, PhD
Assistant Professor
Research interests
- Aging issues across the life course
- Inclusive communities
- Leisure
- Health and well-being
- Gender
- Citizen science
- Qualitative research
- Feminist research
Stephen Cornish, PhD
Associate Professor
117 Frank Kennedy Centre | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Exercise Immunology
- Nutritional Immunology
- Exercise and Aging
- Exercise and Health
- Oxidative Stress
- Overtraining/Over-reaching
Todd Duhamel, PhD
Associate Dean (Health Sciences), Faculty of Graduate Studies,
208 Active Living Centre | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Physical activity and health research. Research program focuses on two major research themes:
- Basic exercise physiology
- Clinical exercise physiology
Michelle Porter, PhD
338 Isbister Building | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Age-friendly environments (universities and neighbourhoods)
- Citizen science
- Physical activity and aging
- Ageism
- Long-term care
- Driving and aging
- Mobility and aging
Elizabeth Ready, PhD
Professor Emerita
225 Active Living Centre | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Physical health and functional benefits of physical activity in older adults
- Impact of age friendly neighbourhoods on physical activity and health
- Benefits of interprofessional collaboration in primary health care
Ayesha Saleem, PhD
Associate Professor
120 Frank Kennedy Centre | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Decipher the extracellular signalling as mediated through extracellular vesicles that regulates the interplay between host tissue and imposed challenges. These challenges can be
- physiological (exercise, age),
- metabolic (cancer, obesity),
- environmental (smoke, pollutants) or
- developmental (prenatal).
Veronica Silva, PhD
Assistant Professor
179D Extended Education | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Falls prevention
- Balance, locomotion, and mobility
- Visual control of balance and locomotion
Jonathan Singer, PhD
Associate Professor
179 Extended Education | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Biomechanics/neuromechanics
- Control of static and dynamic stability
- Gait/locomotor mechanics
- Falls prevention
- Development of new measures/techniques to assess balance control
Rodrigo Villar, PhD
Assistant Professor
227 Active Living Centre | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Sex differences and exercise
- Aging, health and exercise
- Chronic diseases and exercise
- Cardiovascular and respiratory adaptations to exercise
UM research affiliates Law
All Law affiliates
Mary Shariff, PhD
Professor, Director, Master of Human Rights Program
224 Dysart Road | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Bioethics, biotechnology, genetics and the law
- Life extension, anti-aging and mortality and the law
- Legal strategies
- Natural resources, the environment and the law
- Legal pedagogy
UM research affiliates Science
Biological Sciences
Fuat Balci, PhD
Associate Professor
222 Biological Sciences Building | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Cognitive health and training
- Age dependent alterations of time perception and decision-making
- Computational models of cognition
Computer Science
Rasit Eskicioglu, PhD
Associate Professor
E2-574 EITC | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Wireless sensor networks and their real-world applications, including indoor localization, object tracking, and monitoring
- Tracking and monitoring older population with decreased cognitive skills (e.g., Alzheimer’s, Dementia)
Celine Latulipe, PhD
E2-481 EITC | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Technology for aging in place
- Technology for older adults and caregiving
- Patient portal use by older adults
- Older adult and caregiver use of eGovernment, eBanking, eHealth, and eShopping
James Young, PhD
E2-582 EITC | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
- Robotic assistants, companions, and aides
- Technology supporting people to continue to live in their homes for longer
- Human-robot interaction, involving all people affected in technology design
External research affiliates
The Centre on Aging attracts researchers interested in aging from across the province. In addition to the UM, researchers are affiliated from three additional Manitoba post-secondary institutions.
Brandon University
Scott Forbes
Assistant Professor | Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education
Research interests
- Exercise and Aging
- Exercise and Health
- Nutrition
- Muscle Health
- Brain Health
Rachel Herron
Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Rural and Remote Mental Health | Faculty of Science, Department of Geography
Research interests
- Rural ageing
- Support for people living with dementia
- Informal care and caregiving
- The role of the voluntary sector in service provision
- Ethics in research with vulnerable populations
- Gendered dimensions of care and caregiving
Nancy Newall
Associate Professor | Faculty of Science, Department of Psychology
Research interests
- Loneliness and social isolation
- Age-friendly communities
Canadian Mennonite University
Heather Campbell-Enns, PhD
Associate Professor | Psychology; Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Families and Aging
204-487-3300 (x360)
Research interests
- Aging and eldercare
- Family-centred care and caregiving
- Psychosocial health and wellbeing
- Social determinants of health
University of Winnipeg
Yannick Molgat-Seon, PhD
Professor | Department of Kinesiology & Applied Health
Research interests
- Respiratory Mechanics
- Pulmonary Function
- Respiratory Muscles
- Exercise Physiology
- Kinesiology
More about Yannick Molgat-Seon
Natalie Richer, PhD
Assistant Professor | Department of Kinesiology and Applied Health
Research interests
- Aging
- Kinesiology
- Sports/Exercise
- Postural control and balance
- Neural control of movement
Kathleen Venema, PhD
Associate Professor | English Department
Research interests
- auto/biography and life writing
- narratives of aging, illness, disability, and care
- graphic narratives of aging, illness, disability, and care
Contact us
Centre on Aging
338 Isbister Building
183 Dafoe Rd
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
UM research affiliates Social Work
All Social Work affiliates
Peter Donahue, PhD
Dean and Associate Professor
522 Tier Building | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
More about Peter Donahue
Hai Luo, PhD
Associate Professor
212 Tier Building | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
More about Hai Luo
Blessing Ojembe, PhD
Assistant Professor
Room 500C Tier Building |Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
More about Blessing Ojembe
Michael Yellow Bird, PhD
173 Dafoe Rd | Fort Garry Campus
Research interests
More about Michael Yellow Bird