
Dr. Michelle Porter’s BPHE (Laurentian University), MSc (Community Health, University of Toronto) and PhD (Kinesiology, UWO) were capped by a multi-site MRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Boston and Scandinavia. She has studied many aspects of physical activity and aging, as well as neuromuscular function and aging. For several years she has been involved with an international research team studying older drivers, called Candrive. Porter is a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America.

Porter is the Director of the Centre on Aging at the University of Manitoba, a position she has held since 2015. Porter is a leader in the global age-friendly university movement, and was instrumental in UM becoming one of the world’s first age-friendly universities (Canada’s first). She has held executive positions with provincial and national organizations, including the Transportation Options Network for Seniors (TONS) in Manitoba and Active Aging Canada.


  • PhD, University of Western Ontario (1996)
  • MSc, University of Toronto (1989)
  • BPHE, Laurentian University (1987)

Research summary

Dr. Porter's current aging-related work spans ageism, age-friendly environments and an international project in artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles. She explores other aging related topics including mobility and physical activity.


  • Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America
  • Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell Outreach Award, University of Manitoba
  • Age Inclusivity in Higher Education Workgroup, Gerontological Society of America
  • Board Chair, Transportation Options Network for Seniors (TONS)
  • Chair, Age-friendly University Committee, University of Manitoba
  • Chair, Option in Aging Advisory Committee, University of Manitoba