Two researchers in a gymnasium, one stands in front of a laptop and a camera on a tripod while the other prepares to throw a basketball.


  • Our research is diverse, from studying the visitor experience at summer festivals to uncovering new treatments for hypothermia.

    Our collaborative and integrative approach provides our undergraduate and graduate students with rich experiences and opportunities that lead to findings with positive impact on our every day lives.

    FKRM Researchers

  • Three people walking together along Curry Place at the University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus.

Research labs

FKRM research activities are supported by the following laboratories:

Additional research lab spaces include:

Qualitative Research Lab

125 Frank Kennedy Centre

What is this space used for?

For undergraduate and graduate students working on qualitative research. Space to conduct and transcribe interviews, analyze data, etc. Current research topics:


  • Desktop computers

Athletic Therapy Skills Lab

128 Frank Kennedy Centre

What is this space used for?

Used in the undergraduate Athletic Therapy program where students learn to access, treat, and rehab musculoskeletal injuries.


Human Anatomy Lab

130 Frank Kennedy Centre

What is this space used for?

Used in the undergraduate Kinesiology program for a variety of classes (anatomy, advanced anatomy, biomechanics, motor learning, and athletic therapy). Also used as home base for the SPARC Program.  


Strength Training Suite

240 Applied Research Centre

What is this space used for?

Used for research projects and undergrad Kinesiology classes. Also used by Recreation Services for occupational testing.

Current research topics: 

Blood flow restriction coupled with resistance training on blood markers associated with muscle grown in 65-plus aged men.


  • Calf raise
  • Chest press
  • Leg extension
  • Leg press x 2
  • Seated row
  • Shoulder press
  • Dumbbells 
  • Kettle bells
  • Powerblock stackable dumbbells 
  • Medicine balls

Cardio Suite

240 Applied Research Centre

What is this space used for?

Used for research projects and undergrad Kinesiology classes. Also used by Recreation Services for occupational testing.

Current research topics: 

Used for conducting the warm-up in resistance training studies.


Treadmill Suite

240 Applied Research Centre

What is this space used for?

Used for research projects and undergrad Kinesiology classes. Also used by Recreation Services for occupational testing.

Current research topics: 


Assessment Rooms

233 and 237 Applied Research Centre

What is this space used for?

Primarily used by Recreation Services for occupational testing and fitness assessments. Is also for research studies and undergrad classes.  


229 Applied Research Cenrte

Purpose: Used for research projects and undergrad classes. Is also used by Bison Sports as an evaluation tool to asses effectiveness of training on injury rehab.

Equipment: Biodex Dynomometer 

Participate in research

  • A woman wearing a backpack while walking through a forest.
  • FKRM researchers are on the front lines of cutting-edge discoveries that lead to a positive impact on the lives of our global community.

    With investigations that span across a number of research themes, researchers are often looking for participants who meet specific criteria of the study in which they are engaged. Learn how you can get involved to help push the level of our understanding and innovation.


    Sign-up to participate in a research study

Research Seminar Series

  • Our annual Research Seminar Series features presentations by visiting scholars, research affiliates, and invited guests, and provides a chance to collaborate with other community organizations and other UM units.

    Research Seminar Series

  • students listening to a seminar