A group of research day partcipants laughing together

Research Day

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  • Research day, may 14, 2025
  • Research Day 2025

    In line with the University of Manitoba’s Strategic Research Plan, Research Day 2025’s theme is Indigenous Health and Wellness. The theme centres the important work happening across our faculty and with our partners. In addition to themed panels throughout the day and a beading session in the afternoon, Dr. Janice Forsyth will deliver a keynote address highlighting her expertise in Indigenous sport and socio-cultural studies to inspire and challenge us. Along with the theme, we are also excited to announce an additional award for research for or with Indigenous communities.


  • Headshot of Dr. Janice Forsyth
  • Keynote speaker:

    Dr. Janice Forsyth

    Professor, University of British Columbia

    Dr. Janice Forsyth's research combines history and sociology to explore the relationship between sport and culture from Indigenous perspectives. She focuses on how organized sports have been used as tools for colonization and how Indigenous people have taken up those same activities for cultural regeneration and survival. Her work has informed policy and program development across sectors, including youth and community development, justice, education, citizenship and health, in addition to sport and physical activity.


Poster competition

The Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management graduate students (MA, MSc) are invited to participate in a poster competition for Research Day 2025.

Contest Information:

Students are to prepare a 3-5 minute talk about their research. Judges will ask presenters questions, and after their deliberations, they will select the winners based on content, quality of research, originality and presentation. The competition will be held after lunch, and presenters must be present to stand with their posters.

Prize Categories:
•    First, second and third place awards for Master’s winners
•    First, second and third place awards for PhD winners
•    First place award for FKRM Undergraduate winner


Final deadline to submit is April 30 (free poster printing included).


This is a tentative schedule and is subject to change.

8:30 a.m.Registration and refreshmentsAgora
9:00 a.m.Indigenous history, culture and nature walk with Dr. Brian RiceMeet in the Agora
9:50 a.m.Opening remarksAgora
10:15 a.m.First panel sessionAgora
11:10 a.m.Second panel sessionAgora
12:00 p.m.LunchAgora
12:15 p.m.Graduate student mentor ship session220 ALC
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Poster competition

  • 1:00 p.m. - Undergraduate poster competition
  • 1:30 p.m. - MA and MSc poster competition
  • 2:30 p.m. - PhD poster competition
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.Beading sessionsAgora
3:30 p.m.Keynote speakerAgora
4:30 p.m.Awards presentationsAgora
4:45 p.m.ReceptionAgora

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