Areas of focus

For many years we have been studying treatments for accidental hypothermia to determine which are most effective.

Recently, our lab developed a human model to compare treatments for patients suffering from severe non-shivering hypothermia, and we are also studying why some patients suffer from rewarming collapse (rewarming shock) when rescued from cold stress. We are now working on developing portable data acquisition systems so we can non-invasively measure the effects of sustained exercise in extreme environments on large groups, such as during scientific or military operations.

Our lab features an environmental chamber, immersion tanks, and restraints for tethered swimming. We measure metabolism, heat transfer, and cardiovascular variables, as well as quantify thermoregulatory responses such as sweat rate, shivering, and cutaneous or whole limb blood flow.

Primary investigator Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht working in the Exercise and Environmental Medicine lab.

Current research projects

Current projects include:

  • Effect of water temperature and skin insulation on breath-holding ability
  • Exercise in cool water as a recovery method for repeated high intensity exercise
  • Effect of core and peripheral cooling on neural control of shivering
  • Effect of body position and tilt angle on lower body blood flow and oxygen delivery

Primary investigator

Graduate students

Lab alumni
