

Dr. Blessing Ojembe is a Commonwealth scholar and a gerontological social worker. Her current research agenda which uses a community-based model specifically focuses on exploring the aging experience of Canadian-born and immigrant Black older adults on a broader context and understanding how it constructs ideas about their lives and social context. Her research uses a qualitative research design, data collection and analysis to conceptualize Black older adults’ experience of aging. 

Blessing has ten years of experience in individual, group and community-based practice with older adults in Africa and Canada. As a registered Social Worker with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers, Blessing has direct practice experience in the field of aging and working with older adults and continues to work with organizations in promoting quality care provision for older adults and their families. 

Areas of interest:

Teaching and supervision

Dr. Ojembe teaches in the undergraduate and graduate programs. Example courses include: SWRK 7600 – Critical Perspective and Social Work, SWRK 7014 – Qualitative Research in Social Work, SWRK 4282 – Social Work with older adults

Dr. Ojembe is open to taking new students in Fall 2025. If you are interested in working with Dr. Ojembe, please contact her early in your planning to discuss your goals and research interests.

Service and membership

Blessing is a co-founder and sits as the Vice Scientific Director, Grants and Scholarship of the Emerging Researchers and Professionals on Aging – African Network (ERPAAN) and continues to conduct aging research in the Sub-Saharan region of Africa. 


Selected Publications

Egbumike C.J., Ojembe B.U., Ezulike C.D., Oluwagbemiga O., Nwachukwu E., and Kalu M.E. (2021). Older Adults with Mobility Limitations: Narratives of Unmet Social Needs following Discharge from Inpatient Rehabilitation Units in Northern Nigeria. Submitted for publication at the Accepted for publication at Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 2024 

Akinrolie O, Iwuagwu AO, Kalu ME, Rayner D, Oyinlola O, … Ojembe, B.U., et al., (2024). “Longitudinal Studies of Aging in Sub-Saharan Africa: Review, limitations, and recommendations in preparation of projected aging population”. Innovation on Aging, 8(4), 1-12 

Ojembe, B., Kapiriri, L., Griffin, M., & Schormans, A. (2023). “You’re Not Understood, and You’re Isolated”: A Narrative Account of Loneliness by Black Older Adults in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement, 43(2), 203-216. doi:10.1017/S0714980823000594

Ojembe, B. U., Kapiriri, L., Griffin, M., & Fudge Schormans Ann, (2023). Narrative analysis of exclusion from social participation and loneliness among Black Older adults in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work,

Ojembe, B.U., Kalu, M.E., Ezulike, C.D., Iwuagwu, A.O., Ekoh, C.P., Oyinlola, O., Osifeso, T., Makanjuola, J., Kapiriri, L. (2022). Understanding Social and Emotional Loneliness among Black Older Adults: A Scoping Review. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41(12), 1-15.   

Kalu, M. E., Okeke, C., Nwachukwu, E, Okoh, A., Akinrolie, O., Ezulike, C., Abandom, H., Onyeso, O., Egbumike, J., Olatunji., F., Ugwuodo, E., Ojembe, B. U., … (2022). Methodology and reporting quality of 544 studies related to ageing: a continued discussion in settling priorities for ageing research in Africa. Journal of Global Health Economics and Policy, 2022010, 

Ojembe, B. U., Kalu, M. E., Ezulike, C. D., John, M. O., Oyinlola, O., Osifeso, T. A., ... & Kapiriri, L. (2021). Exploration of Loneliness Among Black Older Adults. Social Science Protocols, 4, 1-11. 

Kalu, M. E., Ojembe, B. U., Akinrolie, O., Okoh, A. C., Adandom, I. I., Nwankwo, H. C., ... & Obi, P. C. (2021). Setting priorities for ageing research in Africa: A systematic mapping review of 512 studies from sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Global Health, 11:15002. 

Ojembe, B.U. & Kalu, M.E. (2019). ‘Television, Radio and Telephone: Tools for reducing loneliness among older adults in Nigeria. Journal of Gerontechnology, 18 (1), pp. 36-46.   

Ojembe, B.U. & Kalu, M.E. (2018). Describing reasons for loneliness among older people in Nigeria. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 61(6), 640-658. 

Grenier, A., Griffin, M., Andrews, G., Wilton, R., Burke, E., Ojembe, B., Feldman, B., Papaioannou, A. (2019). Meanings and Feelings of (Im)mobility in Later Life: Case Study Insights from a ‘New Mobilities’ Perspective. Journal of Aging Studies, 51:100819. 

Nwankwo H, Akinrolie O, Adandom I, Obi CP, Ojembe B.U. & Kalu ME (2019). The clinical experience of Nigerian physiotherapists one managing environmental and socio-economic determinants of mobility for older adults. Journal of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1-13

Book chapters
Grenier, Amanda and Ojembe, Blessing (2020). Culture, Mental, and Older People. In R. Moodley and E. Lee. The Routledge International Handbook of Race, Culture and Mental Health. Routledge: New York.