Reimagine aging
Aging – the worst of times or the best of times?

Program details
The Centre on Aging hosted a free six-week community program, to help individuals reimagine their own aging. Currently, there are no offerings scheduled.
Contact us
For more information, email:

Program description
We live in a very youth-oriented society. People are constantly bombarded by messages that celebrate youth and are negative about aging and older people. This program will help you reimagine your own aging and discover your own value in older adulthood. This program hopes to provide you with an opportunity to learn and discuss these negative messages about aging, how they might affect you or others, and how you might challenge them. We hope that your participation in this program will result in positive changes in how you think about your own aging and aging in general.
Stay tuned for more opportunities
Email for information on future upcoming sessions.
Contact us
Centre on Aging
338 Isbister Building
183 Dafoe Rd
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada