The following awards and grants listed below are available to graduate students:
Faculty of Graduate Studies awards database
The Faculty of Graduate Studies maintains a comprehensive awards database. It discusses the full range of ways to finance graduate studies at the University of Manitoba. When searching the awards database, consider a range of keywords or phrases that might embrace your field of interest, such as: housing, environment etc. You may also need to contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies directly to confirm status of some of the terms of reference information.
Faculty of Graduate Studies travel award
Through the Faculty of Graduate Studies Travel Award, funds are allocated to assist master’s and PhD students with costs for travel for presentations of papers, posters, or other creative work pertinent to their studies.
UMGSA conference grant
The University of Manitoba Graduate Student Association (UMGSA) conference grant is available to University of Manitoba graduate students attending or presenting at conferences. The award amount varies depending on the location of the conference and whether the applicant was attending or presenting.
UMGSA emergency grant
The University of Manitoba Graduate Student Association (UMGSA) emergency grant program provides assistance to students who experience unexpected and immediate financial difficulties, constraints, or hardship. This includes, but is not limited to, unanticipated personal living costs, unexpected delays in government loans, and other award funding.
Emergency assistance student bursary program
The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (RFHS) offers three funding opportunities for graduate students. This includes the Emergency Assistance Student Bursary Program which provides short-term assistance to students who encounter unanticipated financial need within the five (5) colleges of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences or a program of the Rady Faculty (e.g. Interdisciplinary Health Program).
For more information or to apply, email