The doctor and the sociologist
Join Dr. Marcia Anderson and Dr. Delia Douglas for a discussion of racism-related issues that impact us all.
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Ininew, Anisininew, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. More
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, R3T 2N2
Racism is a key determinant of health, undermining physical and mental health and wellbeing. Racism in health care breeds distrust, it also results in unequal access and treatment, leading to fatal consequences for Indigenous, Black and racialized minority peoples. If we want equality, we have to address racism, in all its forms. The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences recognizes the pervasive impact of the history of racial discrimination and systemic racism in the present and is committed to addressing the racial inequities that exist within our learning and work environments to close the profound gaps in professional education and health service delivery.
Source: Ijeoma Oluo, Be a revolution, p. 141. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2024.
In 2020, the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences’ Faculty Executive Council approved the Disruption of all forms of racism policy, the first anti-racism policy to be passed by any faculty or post-secondary institution in Canada.
Why an anti-racism policy specifically? Well, if a policy does not take race into account in a meaningful way, then racism can remain “invisible” or can be deemed to be nonexistent and therefore allowed to persist and potentially increase. We must be proactive not reactive.
This policy constitutes a formal recognition of racial harassment, discrimination, vilification, and racism.
It is an affirmation of:
Visit the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences policy page to read the full text.
This is a slide show intended for students, staff, faculty and external parties to provide an introductory understanding of the concepts related to racism and the issues the policy was created to address as well as providing a historical context.
Anti-racism learning module (.pptx)
Note: to open the downloaded file, select "read only". No password is required.
The Rady Faculty of Health Science’s Offices of Anti-Racism and Equity, Access and Participation have been leading the work to set standards for anti-racism and social justice in our faculty, and provide educational resources and opportunities.
Materials to support, educate and inform our community.
Edmonton's Race-based Data Table: A municipal approach to addressing systemic racism through the collection and use of disaggregated, race-based data
Through the Lens of Societal Norms and Experiences: Students' Conceptualization of Patient Case Data When Diversity is Apparent
Embedding anti-racism in Schools of Public Health: a pathway to accountability for progress towards equity
“We’d really love to but we’re really busy”: Silence, precarity and resistance as structural barriers to anti-racism in nursing education
White supremacy culture: From Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups, by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun, ChangeWork, 2001
Embracing ‘the beauty of diversity’ on International Women’s Day
‘Breaking the bias’ goes beyond gender: Rady women reflect on International Women’s Day
Title | Author | Publisher | Year |
How to be a revolution: How everyday people are fighting oppression and changing the world | Ijeoma Oluo | HarperOne, New York | 2024 |
The good ally: A guided anti-racism journey from bystander to changemaker | Nova Reid | HQ London U,K | 2021 |
Unlike the rest: A doctor’s story | Chika Stacy Oriuwa | HarperCollins Publishers, Toronto | 2024 |
Antiracism as daily practice | Jennifer Harvey | St. Martin’s Press, New York | 2024 |
The fallacies of racism | Jennifer Patrice Sims | Polity, Cambridge UK | 2024 |
The war on critical race theory: Or, the remaking of racism | David Theo Goldberg | Polity, Cambridge UK | 2023 |
NOTE: Documents will be provided in an alternate format on request.
To create a shared understanding, we have posted a selection of terms taken from the Rady Faculty of Health Science's Disruption of all forms of racism policy. This is not an exhaustive list.
Join Dr. Marcia Anderson and Dr. Delia Douglas for a discussion of racism-related issues that impact us all.
To enhance our knowledge and create a shared understanding of our community the following calendar contains cultural, religious, national, and international Days of Significance. This is a living calendar; some dates will change from year to year according to various religious and/or cultural calendars.
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences is committed to addressing the varied health disparities and inequities that affect Black communities.
In December 2014, the UN General Assembly, passed Resolution 68/237, proclaiming the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024). “The Decade is a unique platform that emphasizes the important contribution made by people of African descent to every society, and promotes concrete measures to stop discrimination and promote their full inclusion.”
In 2016, at the invitation of the Government of Canada, the Working Group of experts on People of African descent visited Canada. Their findings confirmed that across the country people of African descent live in poverty experience poor health and low rates of educational achievement and are over represented in the criminal justice system. These resources are part of the RFHS’s response to the UN Working Group’s Recommendations and the Scarborough Charter to improve Black health through education and research and to address anti-Black racism and the interconnected systems that impact the health and wellbeing of Black communities across Canada.
The pandemics of racism and COVID-19 constitute a meeting-grounds of life and death for Indigenous, Black and racialized people. Racism is a public health crisis - the pandemic is a health crisis - racism is a pandemic.
A message from President Michael Benarroch regarding Scholar Strike Canada
'A teaching moment': Manitoba academics join hundreds in Scholar Strike for Black Lives Canada
Buffalo, NY, shooting reflects worsening racism, even in Canada, Winnipeg organizer says
Expression of solidarity with Muslim community
Joint message on the one-year anniversary of the discovery of the first 215 unmarked graves
Legacy of residential schools and ongoing racism in today’s health care
President’s message on becoming an anti-racist community
Rady Faculty statement in response to shooting in Buffalo
Sacred fire, tobacco offerings honour residential school victims
The Office of Anti-Racism will be hosting a range of activities over the course of the academic year to enhance our racial literacy.
Some of the topics will include:
Office of Anti-Racism
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
465 Chown – 753 McDermot Ave
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3E 0T6