Graphical Representation of a Diverse Group of People

Traditional Territories Acknowledgement 

 The Asper School of Business recognizes that we are located on Treaty 1 Territory, the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the Homeland of the Métis Nation. The Asper School of Business is committed to moving forward on the path to reconciliation and recognizes the Indigenous land we occupy as a community while understanding historical events that have led us to present day.

The Asper School firmly believes that the infusion of Indigenous perspectives in education, research and business practice is essential to ensuring that the 94 Calls to Action outlined in the final report produced by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada are implemented and practiced. As such, the Asper School of Business’ 2019-23 Strategic Plan, Pursuing our Asper-ations , identifies six key priority areas for action, that includes advancing reconciliation through business education.

What we do

To support our commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), the School has formed a faculty wide EDI task force with a mandate to proactively address sources of exclusion and inequity head-on. With representation from faculty, administration, staff, students and alumni, the task force is working to raise awareness of barriers and challenges faced by groups and individuals in our community. Through data from a wide range of sources and inputs, our task force aims to drive a cultural shift to foster an inclusive learning environment for every single student who attends or interacts with the Asper School of Business.

The EDI task force working group is represented by Asper faculty, staff, students and alumni along with UM EDI representatives. The diverse team has a mandate to focus on analyzing and developing recommendations for the following themes:

Teaching and learning: Inside the classroom

  • To consider all aspects of instruction across all programs at the Asper School (excluding extra-curricular), course materials, guest speakers, and group formation;
  • Executive Education, MBA, MFin, MSCM, MSc, Ph.D., and Undergraduate Programs. 


Jenny Moose, Rhiannon Leier Blacher, Sean Buchanan, Winnie Zhang, Chi Liao.


Extra-curricular student experience

  • To consider career placement, co-ops, student competitions, student trips, social media content;
  • All aspects of the student experience;
  • School-sponsored events, student association-sponsored events.


Gurkamal Dhaliwal, Reyna Olivares, Michelle Gazze, Shreeraj Patel, Katie Derksen, and David Stangeland.


Structural matters relevant to EDI and student experience

  • Admission criteria and processes;
  • Diversity among faculty and staff;
  • Senior leadership;
  • School-organized events.


Peter Pomart, Lani Jones, Melissa Gayle, and Wenlong Yuan.

Tools for EDI climate assessment

  • Townhall meetings;
  • Focus groups; 
  • Climate survey. 


Fang Wan, Stephanie Kalo, Justin Monton, Jingnan Li, and Valerie Williams.

EDI task force members


Faculty members


Staff members

Students & alumni



  • portrait of Gurkamal Dhaliwal
  • Gurkamal Dhaliwal

    Undergraduate Student
    Asper School of Business

  • photo of Jingnan Li
  • Jingnan Li

    Ph.D. Student
    Asper School of Business

  • Nicholas Lu
  • Nicholas Lu 

    Undergraduate Student
    Asper School of Business

  • Tessa Robert-Betzold_EDI
  • Tessa Robert-Betzold

    Undergraduate Student
    Asper School of Business



  • photo of Shreeraj Patel
  • Shreeraj Patel [BComm(Hons)/02]
  • photo of Justin Monton
  • Justin Monton [BComm(Hons)/14]


  • photo of Reyna Olivares
  • Reyna Olivares BComm(Hons)/14]

Spotlight on

Asper EDI Stories

University's commitment

Contact us

Asper School of Business
Drake Centre - 181 Freedman Crescent
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V4 Canada