Deferred and Missed Final Exams
There is a final exam period at the end of each term.
Students are advised to check their final exam schedule on Aurora under Registration & Exams – My Exams. For detailed final exam information, refer to Registrar’s office website Final Exams | University of Manitoba (
Exam Schedules are typically available by the voluntary withdrawal date of each term.
Students are obligated to be available for the entire duration of the examination period (if they have final exams scheduled), as their exam can be scheduled at any time during the period. Students should not plan travel during exam period as it is not a valid reason to defer a final exam.
A deferred examination is a privilege that may be granted to a student who is unexpectedly unable to write an examination as scheduled or a student who knows in advance that they are not able to write an examination at the scheduled time due to medical illness or compassionate reasons.
Students may request a deferred examination(s) on the grounds that they are unable to write due to reasons as follows:
-Sudden illness or injury on the day of an exam
-Unexpected compassionate circumstances
-Participation in an inter-university, provincial, inter-provincial, national, or international scholastic or athletic event
-Known conflicts of religious obligations.
Deferred application including all supporting documentation must be filed within 48 hours of the date of the missed examination. If more than one exam is missed, the deferral application must be submitted within 48 hours of the last exam missed.
Supporting documentation must satisfy the following criteria:
-Specifies that the final exam was missed for the reasons noted.
-Dates specified on the document must match the date(s) of the missed exam.
-Document submitted must be official correspondence on letterhead: obituary, death certificate, funeral program for compassionate reasons, medical certificate, counselling/treatment letter of support for medical reasons, letter/email confirmation of participation in university’s academic or scholastic competitions, or any document that demonstrates your inability to write the exam(s) such as legal document, police report etc.
A deferred exam is not granted until complete documentation is submitted, and approval email notification is given by the Undergraduate Program Office.
Making a false or misleading claim will be considered an offence under the Student Discipline Bylaw. Penalties may range from a failed grade in the course to suspension or expulsion.
Deferred examinations are typically scheduled within the 30 working days from the end of the examination period from which the exam was deferred. Students must remain available until all exam obligations have been fulfilled.
Use of Self Declaration for Brief or Temporary Absences Policy
Policy details including valid and non-valid reasons for use of policy can be viewed: Self-Declaration form for brief or temporary absences policy:
Self-declaration form for brief or temporary absence can be used in lieu of medical/compassionate document for short term absences (lasting no more than 120 hours/five days).
Submission of multiple Self-declaration forms may not be permitted.
Important Note applicable to current asper students:
Asper students with any previous record of university exam deferral(s) must provide supporting documentation for their deferral request. Please be aware that Self Declaration form alone will not be considered sufficient. Those students who may have used this form as a supporting document in previous terms, must submit additional document(s) in support of a deferral request e.g., medical note stating the date of absence due to sickness.
Note: Prior to completing an exam deferred application form, Asper students must review the exam deferral information above.
All applications are reviewed individually by an academic advisor in Asper Undergraduate Program Office Room 268, Drake Centre Bldg. (Advising hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm). To schedule an appoinment please click here.
Important web links:
Re-deferrals will only be considered in exceptional circumstances on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs).
To obtain an exam deferral approval, Asper students will be required to meet with the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs in - person. Students must submit their exam re-deferral request through the Undergraduate Program Office. Students should not contact Associate Deans office directly for approval purposes.
If approved, a re-deferral will be scheduled for the next regular examination period in which the course in question is offered (could be up to one year from the date of the originally scheduled exam, or possibly more if the course is not offered annually).
Note that subsequent requests for exam re-deferral may result in the student being denied registration in the current or a future term until all outstanding examination obligations are complete. An Advisor Hold on student’s aurora account will be placed on student’s aurora account to prevent them from future registration.