Two group of students having a discussion on two separate tables.

News and events

  • NEW Dr. Lawrence F. Douglas Fellowship for graduate students

    The late professor Lawrence F. Douglas accepted a position in the department of sociology at the University of Manitoba in 1967. He was the first Black faculty member in the department and one of its four founding members. He taught there for 22 years until his retirement in 1989. His daughter, Delia Douglas has established the fellowship to pay tribute to my father’s legacy and to acknowledge his simultaneously unique and familiar biography which is linked to the Caribbean’s history of colonialism, village life, and the complex journeying that defines Black life in the diaspora.

    This fellowship will be awarded for the first time during the upcoming 2024-25 academic year.

    Read more about the Douglas family in UM Today

    Make a donation to the scholarship (choose: enter a fund name)

  • A woman in university graduation gowns stands with a man holding a camera.

    Delia Douglas at her PhD graduation with her father, Lawrence Fitzroy Douglas.


  • Celebrating milestones!

    The Department of Sociology and Criminology is celebrating two important milestones. 2023 - 2024 marks 100 years of sociology courses being taught at UM. It is also the 60th anniversary of our MA program in sociology. 

    Do you have a photo or story to share from your time in sociology at UM? Send it to to be added to our archives and potentially included in an anthology before the end of the year. Be sure to provide a credit on any photos, list the names of the people in the photos and provide any background you can on the year the photo was taken and what is happening in the photo.


    Photo: Faculty members Rick Linden, G.N. Ramu, Gregg Olsen, Charles Axelrod, Rod Kueneman, Elizabeth Comack and Russell Smandych circa mid-1990's.

  • Group of seven adults sitting around a lunch table looking at the camera.


Programs of study

Student resources and opportunities

Sociology and Criminology honours program testimonial videos

Watch the testimonial videos from our former students to learn more about the Sociology and Criminology honours programs.

Sociology and Criminology professional associations

  • Sociology and Criminology student advising

    Undergraduate Student Advisor

    Dr. Sonia Bookman
    Associate Professor 

    Please provide detailed information including your full name, UM student number as well as how to contact you.

    Advisors can provide useful advice and information about the academic program, information about course selections, preparing for and being accepted into graduate programs, careers in sociology and criminology and related fields or obtaining special permission to enter courses if you do not have the prerequisite(s).

    Advisors in the Department of Sociology and Criminology ONLY provide guidance on discipline specific courses. They CANNOT offer advice on degree requirements outside of sociology and criminology courses. Please contact the Academic Advisors in the Faculty of Arts if you require assistance with degree requirements (e.g., math, writing, science and humanities credits as well as 6-credit hours in 5 different subject fields) ancillary options (i.e., credits outside of your major/minor) and GPA requirements.


Sociologists and criminologists engage in a variety of community-based, local, national and international projects, presenting diverse opportunities for student research involvement.

  • Dying at Home

    Dr. Laura Funk

    Understanding the complexity of preferences for place of death and family involvement in end of life (EOL) care is especially urgent following decades of changes in Canadian health and social policies, funding and service delivery, which have increased structural pressures towards aging and dying in place.

    This study examines and compares public attitudes and policy on dying at home and responsibility for supporting home death.

    More about the research project

  • Democratizing data: Canadian Immigration Research Portal

    Dr. Lori Wilkinson
    Canada Research Chair in Migration Futures

    This new interactive map provides statistical demographic data to policy analysts, researchers, NGO workers, students and the public across Canada helping to inform discussions, support grant requests and direct programming among local partnerships, the settlement sector, government, business, and ethnocultural, Indigenous and newcomer communities.

    More about the Canadian Immigration Research Portal

  • Why Food Sovereignty Matters

    Dr. Annette Desmarais

    What is food sovereignty? What is it that makes it such a powerful idea? What is the significance of this new vision of agriculture and food? How do communities actually engage in it?

    More about the research

Community and outreach

Contact us

Department of Sociology and Criminology
318 Isbister Building
183 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada

Toll Free: 1-800-432-1960 Ext. 9260