Using the Libraries
Learn more about borrowing and account information, study spaces, printing, technologies and research tools we have to offer our UM community.
Not a current student, staff or faculty member?
Study spaces
Each of the UM libraries have designated spaces both for quiet individual study or for group study or work. Talk Zones and Quiet Zones help you to find the right place for you to work.
Learn more about Study spaces in UM Libraries or contact the Service Desk at any of our library locations to learn more about these study spaces:
See Study spaces in UM Libraries
Computers, labs, Wi-Fi
A limited number of desktop computers are available to use at each of our library locations.
Campus Wi-Fi networks can also be accessed using laptops and other mobile devices anywhere in the libraries.
Library computer labs are open to students at select locations when not in use for instruction.
Borrow a laptop
UM students may borrow a laptop from the lending locker at the Elizabeth Dafoe Library on the entrance level across from the Brown Lab. The loan period is 4 hours.
Learn more about laptop lending.
Borrow a portable charger
UM students may borrow a portable charger from the kiosk at the Elizabeth Dafoe Library on the entrance level across from the Brown Lab. The loan period is 4 hours. Borrowers must provide their own cord or cable.
Print, scan, photocopy
- Printing is available in open libraries.
- You can use one of the Libraries' computers or print from your mobile device.
- Your library print account is associated with your UMNetID (student card).
- To print you will need to add funds to your Library Print account. You can login and manage your Library Print account online, from anywhere, at any time.
- Flatbed scanners are available in most libraries.
- There is no cost for scanning.
- Photocopying is available in:
- Eckhardt Gramatté Music Library
- Elizabeth Dafoe Library
- Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library - To photocopy you will need to add funds to your Library Print account. You can login and manage your Library Print account online, from anywhere, at any time.
Borrowing and account information
Using your library account
All regular University of Manitoba students, faculty, and staff are given a personal library account and have access to library collections.
Sign in to your account to:
- Request physical items that are available in the Libraries' collection.
- Access online resources such as databases and eBooks.
- View and make changes to items you currently have checked out, such as renew physical books.
- Save item records to the "My Favorites" list when using Library Search, allowing you to access this content at a later time.
- Check account balance and pay fines.
For more information about signing into and using your account, watch our video.
Library borrowing privileges, such as the number of items you can checkout or request, will depend on your user group (Faculty/Staff, Student, Alumni, etc.).
All libraries have self-checkout kiosks that you can use to borrow library materials.
Try the Self-Checkout app
UM Libraries Self-Checkout app also allows you to checkout materials using your personal device from wherever you are in the library.
If the self-checkout kiosk in your location is not working, and library staff are unavailable, please use the app.
Off-campus services
Students living outside of Winnipeg and enrolled in the following areas are eligible for off-campus mailing services:
- Distance and Online Learning
- Distance Delivery Social Work Program
- Certificate Programs
- Graduate Students
- Campus Manitoba
For current students living within Canada (excluding Winnipeg), materials will be distributed with a postage-paid return label. If you are studying outside of Canada, however, it’s your responsibility to cover return postage fees.
Accessibility services
Accessibility is incredibly important to the Libraries.
Where the use of our library facilities and services are difficult or impossible for people with disabilities, we will accommodate users to examine sources, retrieve materials, and access services.
Digital tools for using the libraries
These tools can make your online research easier and more pleasant.
Browse and subscribe to journals in your field.
Lean Library
A browser extension that will let you know when you're on a website the University of Manitoba Libraries have a subscription to, and let you log in.
Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews.
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Contact us
Libraries Administration
25 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada