Program Development for Adult Learners
  • icon award


    • Certificate

  • icon graduate

    Program length

    • 15 months to 5 years

  • icon house

    Program features

    • For Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international learners
    • Part-time, online from anywhere

  • icon money

    Program fees

    • Total cost: $3,183 for required courses, plus electives and $100 non-refundable application fee
    • Each course: $285 to $828
    Pricing subject to change without notice

  • Instructor in classroom

    Develop and deliver effective training

    Program Development for Adult Learners (PDAL) is professional development for you, your employer and the people you educate. It was designed for those who develop and/or deliver teaching and training to adults including instructional designers, program planners, curriculum developers and evaluators. PDAL is an industry-leading program for those working in higher education, community development and workplace learning and development. PDAL replaced the former Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education (CACE).

  • Office of young people

    Relevant to your workplace

    Choose elective courses best suited to your career path. Core courses include an applied project of your choice so you can take your learning to the workplace. Learn first-hand how to put your learning into practice as you become your best case study.

  • classroom

    Learn what you need most

    Learn to instruct or train adults; develop, facilitate or coordinate training or education programs in business, industry, government, institutions or community organizations; provide support services to adult education; and design educational materials for adults.

Explore your career options with Program Development for Adult Learners

The knowledge and skills you acquire in this program could be valuable in the following careers. Explore these options. Learn which top skills are required, how many are currently employed, and what they are earning.

Program details

This program is for Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international learners.

International learners complete all courses online from anywhere via online learning. Please note:

  • Immigration - This program does not allow for application for a Canadian study visa or post-graduate work permit.  For programs that qualify for a study visa, see intensive program packages.
  • Health coverage - This program is not covered under the Manitoba International Student Health Plan (MISHP). If you are completing this program while residing in Canada, you need to ensure you have private health insurance or are covered under Manitoba Health (if you hold a work permit or are a dependent of an individual holding a work permit/permanent resident status in Canada). 
    MISHP student health plan

Credential: Earn a University of Manitoba Certificate in Program Development for Adult Learners.

Fees:  $3,183 for required courses, plus electives and $100 non-refundable application fee.
Pricing subject to change without notice.

Expected duration: 1 to 5 years, part-time

The Program Development for Adult Learners program is accredited by CPHR Manitoba. CPHR Manitoba members earn CPHR Continued Professional Development hours for completing courses in this program. Documentation to confirm hours earned is provided by Extended Education at the U of M upon successful completion of each course.

Keep learning: Apply this certificate towards a Bachelor of Arts Integrated Studies degree.

Program courses

Determine the courses you will need to complete this program.

This Extended Education program has open registration, which means that students can register for individual courses without being admitted to a program. Any courses taken within 10 years that are in the program will be applied to the student’s program record. Please note that the course schedule below may change based on enrollment numbers and student interest.

Students will need to be admitted to a program before they will be allowed to graduate with their credential.

Required courses

Course numberCourse nameContact hoursTerm(s) offered
PDAL 0100Adult Learners18Fall
PDAL 0110Program Design18Winter
PDAL 0120Needs Assessment18Fall
PDAL 0130Facilitation and Instruction18Fall
PDAL 0140Technology in Learning18Winter
PDAL 0150Diversity and Accommodation18Winter
PDAL 0160Program Evaluation18Summer
PDAL 0170Applied Project12Summer

Elective courses

Choose a minimum of 72 contact hours.
Course numberCourse nameContact hoursTerm(s) offered
CHRD 0110Advising Essentials25Contact us
CUCA 0102Mission, Culture, and Governance in Higher Education25Contact us
CUCA 0106The Role of Student and Student Needs25Contact us
CUCA 0116Leadership25Contact us
HRM 0130Employee Communication and Coaching18Winter
LDRS 0510Learning for Leaders in the 21st Century: Developing Personal Leadership36Winter
LDRS 0530Leading Organizational Change36Not offered
MGMT 0520Excellence in Communication36Winter, Summer
MGMT 0150Project Management36Fall

Register for courses

You can register for courses before applying to this program. Please visit courses.

How to apply

To apply to a program in UM Extended Education, you must

  • Sign in or create an account in our registration system. 
  • Choose Apply to a Program in the left menu. 
  • Select your program and pay your application fee.
  • Submit your required documents within two weeks of completing your application form.

You must be admitted to a program in order to graduate with your credential.

Find out if you may be asked to provide any documents after you apply

All UM students must meet the English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements.

Here are your results:
  • You may have to provide proof of waiver or exemption for your English language proficiency.
  • You may have to provide proof of waiver or exemption for your English language proficiency.
  • You must provide your valid test results to meet the English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements.
  • You must provide your valid test results to meet the English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements.
  • You do not have to provide your transcript.
  • You do not have to provide your transcript.
  • You must provide your transcript.
  • You must provide your transcript.
  • You must provide your high school transcript.
  • You must provide your high school transcript.
  • You may apply as a Mature Student, without a high school transcript.

Learn more about the program

  • Marie Antaya

Insights from PDAL Instructor, Marie Antaya

  • A practical program
    “PDAL is practical, so students can neatly take the ideas and apply them to the work they do. Students are trained for the classroom and beyond.”

  • Even an expert can learn from it
    “A number of students emailed me to say it was so user-friendly and a better learning experience. They work through, and find the answers they are looking for. Even an industry expert was able to learn from it.”

  • Transform your career
    “A good program can help to transform a person’s career. In our first one, students were fully engaged and learning. They made a strong connection with their classmates.”

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Contact us

Extended Education
185 Extended Education Complex
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada

Toll free: 1-888-216-7011