Awards and financial aid
The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences offers numerous awards, bursaries and prizes to students enrolled in the programs offered by the Faculty.
- Centennial Entrance Scholarship
- Diploma in Agriculture awards
- Faculty undergraduate degree awards
- Undergraduate external awards in agriculture
- Indigenous student awards
- RBC Scholars in Sustainable Agriculture
- NSERC undergraduate student research awards
- UM undergraduate student research awards
- Faculty graduate student awards
- Graduate external awards in agriculture
- UM Graduate Fellowships
Types of awards
Most awards and scholarships are presented on the basis of academic achievement. Many of the awards do not require applications as all students in the Faculty are automatically considered for them. The awards which do require an application, letter of application and/or letters of reference, are identified in the lists below.
Bursary criteria normally include a minimum grade point average requirement although financial need is the first and foremost consideration. Completion of the University of Manitoba General Bursary application will qualify you for most bursaries offered by the Faculty. Applications are available in mid-August each year through the Aurora Student portal. Students are encouraged to complete the general bursary application form in order to be considered for all bursaries for which they are eligible. Completion of one application will qualify students for most bursaries offered by the Faculty.
Convocation prizes
These are prestigious awards presented to graduating students. These awards reflect the highest academic distinction earned by a student in a faculty or program. Many are presented at the convocation ceremonies.
Entrance scholarships
Entrance scholarships recognize the achievements of recent high school graduates and are designed to assist in financing their post secondary studies. Some entrance awards require application and some do not.
Fellowships are normally offered to full time students based on academic achievement and course load only and require that the recipient re-register at the University of Manitoba for the subsequent year. In most cases, students must register for, and complete at least 80 percent of a course load per term (i.e. a minimum of 12 credit hours per term), unless otherwise specified in the terms of the scholarship by the donor (or a representative of the donor).
Graduate students do not have to adhere to credit hour minimums provided they are registered as full time students over the fall and winter terms with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Prizes and medals
Prizes are offered to full and part time students based on academic performance in a particular course or program and do not require the recipient to re-register at the University of Manitoba.
Program medals are offered to students based on academic performance in a program, and do not require the recipient to re-register at the University of Manitoba. Students must be enrolled full time, minimum 24 credit hours (excluding summer) in the last two years of study with a minimum GPA of 3.75 in the last 60 credit hours.
Additional medals are offered based on individual criteria. Refer to Terms of Reference for complete eligibility criteria.
Scholarships are awarded according to academic performance in a given program, year, or course. Scholarships are generally offered to full time students based on academic achievement and course load only, and require that the recipient re-register at The University of Manitoba for the subsequent year.
Undergraduate research awards
In summer, recipients work alongside professors in their research labs and gain valuable experiential learning in a scientific research environment. Application is required.
Centennial Entrance Scholarship
The University of Manitoba and Manitoba Agriculture are offering 10 Centennial Entrance scholarships valued at $2,000 to high school students with an interest in pursuing a degree or diploma in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.
You qualify to apply if you:
- Apply for admission to the University of Manitoba;
- Complete courses required for admission into the University of Manitoba from a Manitoba high school;
- provide a 700-word essay describing how you aim to advance the agriculture and food industry in the province based on your decision to pursue further education in this sector;
- Provide a current resume;
- Provide a transcript with most recent/interim marks;
- Provide a personal reference letter from an employer, supervisor or other (not a family member, personal friend, or Manitoba Agriculture staff member).
Diploma in Agriculture awards
The University of Manitoba General Bursary Application is available through the Aurora Student portal at the beginning of August every year with the awards given out late fall. Some bursaries require a supplemental application or an award-specific application. These requirements will be outlined in UM Learn.
- Bell, James Reynolds Memorial Bursary
- Campbell, Bruce D. Bursaries
- Comrie, Robert and Irene Bursary
- Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Bursary
- Eastern Grassland Society Bursary
- FASO (Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Student Organization) Bursary
- Lange, Eugene H. Memorial Bursary
- Lange, Dr. Eugene H. Papa Lange Memorial Bursary in Agriculture
- Manitoba Canola Growers Association Bursary Diploma
- Manitoba Egg Farmers Bursary
- Nutrien Ltd. Indigenous Student Bursaries in Agriculture
- Stelmaschuk, Prof. Paul and Anna Bursary
Convocation prizes
These awards do not require application and are generally handed out to a graduating student who has achieved highest standing in selected course(s) or program.
- Agronomy Award (crop management option)
- Anderson Cyril L. - Feed-Rite (Masterfeeds) Prize (selected animal science courses)
- Governor General's Academic Medals (no application required)
- James Farms Award (farm management)
- Jonk, Brad Award (Management Planning Project)
- Lange, Dr. Eugene H. Papa Lange Memorial Prize in Agriculture (communications courses)
- Laudin, Rylan Memorial Prize
- Manitoba Ag Days Convocation Prize in the School Of Agriculture
- Manitoba Pork Council Prize
- Mcginnis, Robert and Lenore Meritorious Student Award
- Pallister Farm Award (agricultural marketing and policy)
- President's Medal in Diploma Agriculture (application required)
- Prof. Paul and Anna Stelmaschuk Awards (Management Planning Project)
- Seddon, Ian R. Memorial Awards
Entrance awards
Entrance awards require application.
Scholarship and prizes
Scholarships and prizes are awarded according to academic performance in a given program, year, or course. Some require application, some do not. Specific course/program requirements are identified in the list below where applicable.
- Access to Agriculture - application required
- Agriculture Faculty – Walter Williamson Awards
- Back-to-the-Land Association Prizes – application required
- Dr. A.W. Hogg Undergraduate Scholarships
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Student Organization Prizes
- Keystone Agricultural Producers Nesbitt Leadership and Communications Scholarship – application required
- Manitoba Agricultural and Food Sciences Grads Association (Diploma) Award
- Manitoba Egg Farmers Scholarships (selected animal science courses)
- Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers Association Diploma Scholarship (interest in pulse and soybean crops) – application required
- Nevin Estate - Scholarship (course: Animal Biology and Nutrition)
- Noventis Credit Union Prize (course: Advanced Agricultural Financial Management and Lending)
- Pugh, Stewart External Study Scholarship – application required
- Winnipeg Livestock Exchange Scholarship
Faculty undergraduate degree awards
Awards open to all students in Faculty degree programs are categorized below by award type. Further below, awards where specific areas of study or program form part of the eligibility criteria are grouped accordingly.
Bursaries - general
The University of Manitoba General Bursary Application is available through the Aurora Student portal at the beginning of August every year with the awards given out late fall. Some bursaries require a supplemental application or an award-specific application. These requirements will be outlined in UM Learn.
- Agriculture Degree Class of 1968 Memorial Bursary
- Anderson, Dr. Wayne R. Family Centennial Bursary
- Campbell, Bruce D. Bursaries (yr 1)
- Carlberg, Monica and Jared Bursary
- Comrie, Robert and Irene Bursary
- Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Bursary (dairy related courses)
- Eastern Grassland Society Bursary (yr 3)
- Elliot, James I. Bursary in Agricultural and Food Sciences
- FASO (Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Student Organization)
- Freeman, Rhoda Clarice and Kris Bursary
- Interlake Grasslands Societies Bursaries (animal science, forage crop interest)
- Manitoba Canola Growers' Association Award (yr 3, 4)
- Nutrien Ltd. Indigenous Student Bursaries in Agriculture, Indigenous
- Paterson Bursary
- Rempel, Bill and Leola Bursary (yr 1 from U1 or transfer)
- Shebeski, Len Bursary in Agricultural and Food Sciences (yr 4)
- Simons, Marguerite and Family Bursary
- Southam, Douglas & Isabelle Bursary in Agriculture
- Westdal, Helga Nielson Memorial Bursary (yr 3, 4, horticulture)
- Woodhouse, Jack Memorial Bursary
Convocation awards - general
These awards do not require application and are generally handed out to a graduating student who has achieved highest standing in selected course(s) or program.
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences BSA Medal (no application required)
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences B.Sc. (Food Science) Medal (no application required)
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences B.Sc. (Agribusiness) Medal (no application required)
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences B.Sc. (Agroecology) Medal (no application required)
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences B.Sc. (Human Nutritional Sciences) Medal (no application required)
- Lieutenant Governor's Gold Medal in Agriculture (application required)
- McGinnis, Robert and Lenore Meritorious Student Award
- Roth, John Memorial Award
- Seddon, Ian R. Memorial Awards (prescribed animal science course)
- University Gold Medal (no application required)
Scholarships and prizes - general
Scholarships and prizes are awarded according to academic performance in a given program, year, or course. Some require application, some do not. Specific course/program requirements are identified in the list below where applicable.
- Agricultural and Food Sciences Loan Fund and Human Ecology Loan Fund
- Agriculture Faculty – Walter Williamson Awards (yr 3)
- Animal Nutrition Association of Canada (ANAC) Manitoba Division Scholarships - application required
- Barchet, Fred and Rita Emergency Loan Fund
- Class of 1963 Scholarship in Agriculture
- Cuthbertson, William Siverwright and Alice Cuthbertson (nee Patterson) Scholarship (yr 2)
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Student Organization Prizes (high standing in 1st yr) - application required
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Student Organization Prizes (high standing in 2nd yr) - application required
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Student Organization Prizes (high standing in 3rd yr) - application required
- Fetterman, William W. Scholarship (yr 2)
- Foster, David C. Memorial Award (yr 2, 3, 4)
- Goldstein, Goldie Prize in Nutrition, prescribed HNS course
- Hogg, Dr. A.W. Undergraduate Scholarships
- Imperial Seed Company Ltd. Scholarship, agronomy interest
- Kennedy, H.W. Prize, prescribed entomology course - application required
- Keystone Agricultural Producers Leadership Scholarship (yr 4) - application required
- Kraft, Daryl F. Undergraduate Student Paper Prize in Agricultural Policy - application required
- Manitoba Ag Days Scholarship in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (yr 2) - application required
- Manitoba Agricultural and Food Sciences Grads Association (Degree ) Award ( yr 2 completed)
- Manitoba Canola Growers Association Scholarship (yr 3, 4) - application required
- Manitoba Institute of Agrologists Scholarship - application required
- Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers Association Degree Scholarship (pulse, soybean crops, yr 2 completed) - application required
- Mckenzie, Roderick Scholarship, prescribed courses (yr 3)
- Milner, Roy W. Scholarship (yr 3)
- Paulley, Frederick L. Prize in Horticulture
- Pugh, Stewart External Study Scholarship (yr 3, 4) - application required
- Racz, Geza and Trudi Scholarship in Soil Science - application required
- Reimer, Catherine E. Memorial Scholarship (food chemistry)
- Robertson, Ernest E Scholarship, interest in biomass energy - application required
- Sharpe Memorial Prize, prescribed animal science course (final term)
- Stewart, James Scholarship (yr 2)
- Stewart, Paul Memorial Transportation Prize (prescribed agribusiness course)
- Weston Family Scholarship - application required
- Wight, E.L. Memorial Scholarship (yr 3)
- Access to Agriculture Scholarship - application required
- BASF Canada Agricultural Products Scholarship - application required
- CIBC Agricultural Scholarships - application required
- Gray, William A Memorial Scholarship
- Hacault, Anastasie Agribusiness Scholarship - application required
- Kraft, Daryl F. Undergraduate Student Paper Prize in Agricultural Policy - application required
- Mckenzie, Roderick Scholarship
- Sair, Rachel and Issac Scholarship
- Stewart, Paul Memorial Transportation Prize
Agronomy, plant science, plant biotechnology, agroecology
Bursaries (application required)
- Bristow, R.A. (Bob) Memorial Bursary
- Interlake Grasslands Societies Bursaries
- Manitoba Egg Farmers Bursary
- Miasnik, Rebecca and Jacob Bursary
- Stefansson, Baldur Bursary
- Westdal, Helga Nielson Memorial Bursary
- Zilkey, Bryan F. Bursary
Convocation awards
- Manitoba Pork Council Prize
- Syngenta Achievement Award
- Access to Agriculture Scholarship - application required
- BASF Canada Agricultural Products Scholarship - application required
- Imperial Seed Company Ltd. Scholarship
- Manitoba Institute of Agrologists Scholarship - application required
- Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers Association Degree Scholarship (yr 2 completed) - application required
- Mckenzie, Roderick Scholarship (yr 3)
- Paulley, Frederick L. Prize in Horticulture
- Rossnagel Scholarship for Academic Improvement
- Sair, Rachel and Issac Scholarship
- Stefansson Award in Plant Science (yr 3, 4)
- Storgaard, Anna Scholarship, agronomy - application required
- Thomson, W.W. Scholarship
Animal systems
Bursaries (application required)
- Anderson, Dr. Wayne R. Family Centennial Bursary
- Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Bursary - application required
- Interlake Grasslands Societies Bursaries, yr 4
- Manitoba Pork Council Bursary
- Nevin Estate - Bursary
- Woodhouse, Jack Memorial Bursary (yr 3, 4)
Convocation awards
- Anderson Cyril L. - Feed-Rite (Masterfeeds) Award in Animal Science - Degree
- Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Awards - application required
- Manitoba Pork Council Prize
- Seddon, Ian R. Memorial Awards
- Stothers, S.C. Award in Animal Science
- Stringam, E.W. Award for Excellence in Animal Science
- Syngenta Achievement Award
- Animal Nutrition Association of Canada (ANAC) Manitoba Division Scholarships - application required
- Apostle, Albera and Morag Scholarship (admittance to Western College of Medicine required)
- Canadian Society of Animal Science Book Prize
- Manitoba Egg Farmers Scholarships
- MB Hog and Poultry Days Awards
- Nevin Estate - Scholarship (Degree)
- Sair, Rachel and Issac Scholarship
- Sharpe Memorial Prize
- Stanger, Norman E. Award in Pre-Veterinary Studies (admittance to Western College of Veterinary Medicine) required
- Swine Health Professionals Ltd. Scholarship
- Thomson, W. W. Scholarship
- Garland, Dr. J.A. Summer Research Award in Entomology (prescribed course)
- Kennedy, H.W. Prize
Food and human nutritional sciences
Bursaries (application required)
- Anderson, Lee Dunlop Centennial Bursary
- Ball, Elizabeth Josephine Bursary
- Danyluk, William and Olga Bursary (St. Andrew's College)
- Everett, Lila MacDonald Goodspeed Centenary Bursary
- Goodwill, Jean - Jean Steckle Bursary in Human Nutritional Sciences
- Johnson, Doris Marjorie Bursary
- Lount, Bette Primrose Bursary
- Manitoba Hog and Poultry Days Award (Bursary)
- Manitoba Egg Farmers Bursary
- Thorne, Anne Christine Poczyniak Memorial Bursary
Convocation awards
- Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Awards, FS - application required
- Eva, William J. Sr. Memorial Prize, FS
- Hechter, Shirley Joy Memorial Prize, HNS - application required
- Rose, Elizabeth Lewis Memorial Book Prize in Human Nutritional Sciences
- Smith, Dr. Elizabeth B. Convocation Prize, HNS (application required)
- Anders Fleming, Joan Scholarship in Nutrition, HNS - application required
- Bolton, Dorothy M. Scholarship, yr. 3 HNS - application required
- Broughton, Helen Fowler Scholarship, HNS - application required
- Canadian Society of Animal Science Book Prize, FS
- Cansfield, Dr. Peter E. Award, FS
- Collins, Roma Memorial Scholarship, HNS - application required
- Fairgrieve McBane Awards (yr 2, 3, 4) HNS
- Goldstein, Goldie Prize in Nutrition (prescribed course)
- Manitoba Egg Farmers Scholarships (yr 4) FS
- Manitoba Egg Farmers Scholarships (yr 4) HNS
- Manitoba Pork Council Prize - Human Nutritional Sciences (yr 4)
- McNaughton, Charles H. Food Science Award
- Morton, Margaret I. Scholarships in Human Nutritional Sciences (yr 1)
- Morton, Margaret I. Scholarships in Human Nutritional Sciences (yr 2)
- Morton, Margaret I. Scholarships in Human Nutritional Sciences (yr 3)
- Nagler, Lara Onalee Memorial Scholarship, HNS - application required
- Raymond, Dian Travel Award in Dietetics (yr 2, 3, 4) HNS - application required)
- Reimer, Catherine E. Memorial Scholarship
- Russell Hendrix Foodservice Equipment Scholarship, HNS - application required
- Storey, Judy Memorial Scholarship (yr 4) HNS -application required
Soil science
Bursaries (application required)
- Manitoba Institute of Agrologists Scholarship - application required
- Paulley, Frederick L. Prize in Horticulture
- Racz, Geza and Trudi Scholarship in Soil Science - application required
- Wight, E.L. Memorial Scholarship (yr 3)
Undergraduate external awards in agriculture
Entrance and undergraduate
- University of Manitoba Entrance Scholarships - students who apply to the U of M are automatically considered for these awards
- AACT John Kitt Memorial Scholarship - The American Association of Candy Technologists is offering the AACT John Kitt Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to a second year or higher undergraduate student who has demonstrated an interest in food science (confectionary preferred) and meets the criteria noted.
- Canadian Agri-Business Education Foundation - six $2,500 scholarships for students enrolling in a post-secondary agricultural degree or diploma program
- Canadian Meat Science Association Scholarships- The CMSA is now accepting scholarship applications for both graduate (2 x $3,000) and undergraduate (2 x $2,500) students interested in meat science research.
- Career Trek Scholarships - for graduates of any Career Trek program who meet the other requirements listed in the application.
- Federated Co-operatives Limited Excellence in Ag Program for students enrolled in or entering an agriculture or business degree or diploma program. Scholarships, paid summer internships and fulltime career opportunities upon graduation.
- FMC-CADAP Excellence Award for Agricultural Students - encourages students to enhance their communication skills and raise awareness of the importance of farm business management. Students must submit multimedia presentation, a video, a Twitter chat, a blog or a Wiki.
- Future of the Breed Scholarship - supports who have made outstanding contributions to the Hereford industry. Valued at $1,000.
- Hereford Youth Scholarship - supports excellence in ongoing studies in any undergraduate program leading to a career related to the livestock industry. Valued at $2,500.
- Holstein Canada Education Awards - 6 awards of $1,000 for agricultural students across Canada
- Keith Gilmore Foundation Awards - for Canadian citizens who are diploma, degree, and graduate students engaged in studies leading to a career in the beef industry.
- KGF Prize for Beef Cattle Innovation - supports excellence and leadership for applicants in advanced studies leading to a career in the beef industry. Valued at $10,000,
- Kirchner Food Fellowship program - fosters the development of individuals who have the practical skills and knowledge to make effective investments in emerging agricultural technologies that have the possibility of addressing global food security.
- Lallemand Animal Nutrition Forward Scholarship - for students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in agriculture. Applications are open to students in the United States, Mexico and Canada.
- Major Jay Fox Memorial Scholarship - developed by the Manitoba Outstanding Young Farmers, this annual scholarship recognizes a student continuing in the field of agriculture that has made a significant difference in their communities. One bursary will be awarded annually in the amount of $500.
- Manitoba Beef Producers Scholarship - for Manitoba Beef Producers members or their children attending a university, college or other post‐secondary institution or pursuing trades training.
- Manitoba Canola Growers Association - valued at $1,000. Applicants must be from a farm that is a member of the MCGA and must plan on attending a Canadian post-secondary institution within two years of graduating from high school.
- Manitoba Crop Alliance Bursary - valued at $2000. Students must have completed first or second year at the college or university level (Diploma or Degree) and be enrolled fulltime in an agricultural program in Manitoba. Must have minimum CGPA of 3.0 and must also be from a farm that is a member in good-standing of Manitoba Crop Alliance.
- Manitoba Schools Science Symposium Scholarships - participants at the MSSS are eligible to apply for these entrance scholarships
- Masterfeeds Future Masterfeeder Scholarship - $1000 scholarship to an individual (ages 17-19) pursuing post-secondary education in the area of agriculture within Canada. Preference will be given to students majoring in animal science or biology.
- Precision Agriculture Scholarship – offered by, this US$2,000 scholarship will be presented to a Canadian student who is enrolled FT in a college or university program (undergraduate or graduate) and whose social media video on a “new precision agriculture idea that will have a positive impact on the environment, or is socially responsible” is selected as the winner by a panel of judges.
- Red River Exhibition Foundation - Agriculture & Agri-Food Scholarships - entrance and travel scholarships for agriculture students
- Skip and Margaret Skaptason Memorial Scholarship - valued at $750. This scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the University of Manitoba. Application forms available by contacting Alicyn Goodman. Candidates are selected on the basis of academic excellence, good citizenship and leadership potential.
- WestGen Education Awards - available to post-secondary students from Western Canada who are pursuing studies in agriculture or veterinary medicine. Applicants must be a WestGen member or son/daughter of a WestGen member.
Indigenous student awards
Awards for indigenous students
- Racz, Geza and Trudi Entrance Scholarship in Agricultural and Food Sciences
- Nutrien Ltd. Indigenous Student Bursaries in Agriculture
- Anderson, Lee Dunlop Centennial Bursary
- Carlberg, Monica and Jared Bursary
RBC Scholars in Sustainable Agriculture
Undergraduate and graduate students will work with Faculty researchers on low-emission agriculture and food systems research located at the Glenlea Research Station.
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards
Experience research!
Become immersed in the research environment working alongside professors in their research labs over a 16-week period from May to August.
Application timeline:
Applications open on UM Learn in December and close in early February. Successful applicants are notified at the end of February.
Award value:
Typically 10-14 awards, valued at minimum $6,000 each
How to apply:
If you are a student from the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences who would like to work with a professor from Agricultural and Food Sciences:
- Apply through UM Learn: Faculty of Science Agricultural and Awards Course
- Awards Application Submission
- NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs) - Summer 2025
If you are a student outside of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences who would like to work with a professor from Agricultural and Food Sciences
- Fill out the application form and e-mail it to
List of faculty members with active research grants in Summer 2025
Animal Science
Anna Rogiewicz
Argenis Rodas-Gonzalez
Gabriel Dallago
Hooman Derakhshani
Meagan King
Karmin O
Kim Ominski
Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
Filiz Koksel
Plant Science
Robert Gulden
Soil Science
Alistair Brown
Xiaopeng Gao
UM undergraduate student research awards
UM is the first Canadian university to offer an Undergraduate Research Award open to undergraduate students.
Open to all fields and ranges of research, scholarly works, and creative ideas, this is a unique learning opportunity for undergraduate students. Interact with the best minds and research leaders outstanding in their fields and open up new possibilities for your research career in government, academic or industry sectors.
Faculty graduate student awards
The graduate student awards below are categorized according to the general areas of research. All require an application unless otherwise specified.
- Ellis, Miriam Green Bursaries (animal science, plant science)
- Skinner, George F. Memorial Bursary (agribusiness and agricultural economics)
- Procter, P. John Entomology Bursary
- Murphy Foundation Incorporated Graduate Student Awards (Bursary)
Scholarships, fellowships and prizes-general
- Barchet, Fred and Rita Emergency Loan Fund
- Caldwell, Orval G. & H. Ruth Gardner Caldwell Fellowship in Sustainable Agriculture/Agroecology
- Campbell, Douglas L. Graduate Fellowship
- Canadian Wheat Board Graduate Assistantship Program
- Fletcher, James Gordon Graduate Fellowship in Agricultural and Food Sciences
- Hawirko, Roma Zenovea Graduate Scholarship
- Lord Selkirk of Rupertsland Agriculture Scholarship
- Lord Selkirk Association of Rupert's Land Agriculture Scholarship
- Manitoba Horticulturalists Graduate Fellowship
- Muir, William Wilson Graduate Fellowship
- MZTRA Soil Conservation Fellowship
- NCLE Graduate Research Scholarship
- Prairie Improvement Network Graduate Fellowship
- Syngenta Graduate Scholarship
- Thomson, W.W. Scholarship
- Wersh, Kenneth G. Fellowship
- Western Grains Research Foundation Endowment Fund Graduate Scholarship
- Wiebe, Willy Graduate Fellowship in Agricultural and Food Sciences (Canadian Western Red Spring Wheat)
Scholarships, fellowships and prizes-agribusiness and agricultural economics
Scholarships, fellowships and prizes-animal science
- Anderson, Cyril L. - Feed-Rite (Masterfeeds) Graduate Scholarship in Animal Nutrition
- Canadian Bio-Systems Inc. Graduate Scholarship (animal science)
- Canadian Dairy Commission Scholarship
- Meredith, W.O.S. Fellowship in Barley Research
- Morantz, Sydney L. Scholarship for Research in Poultry Science
- Nevin Estate - Fellowship
- Parker, Robert J. Fellowship in Animal Science
- Young, Norval C. Graduate Award in Animal Science
Scholarships, fellowships and prizes-entomology
- Dueck, John Graduate Entrance Scholarship
- Jay, Dr. Cameron Memorial Scholarship
- Robinson, A.G. Memorial Scholarship
Scholarships, fellowships and prizes-food science
- Barlow, James W. Graduate Fellowship in Food Science
- Campbell, Marian Scholarship in Community Nutrition
- Canadian Dairy Commission
- Kristjansson, Holmfridur Graduate Award in Nutrition
- McDonald, Bruce Award in Clinical Nutrition
- Meredith, W.O.S. Fellowship in Barley Research
- Middleton, Katherine M.S. Scholarship
- Vogel, Garson N. (Gerry) Memorial Award
Scholarships, fellowships and prizes-human nutritional sciences
- Barlow, James W. Graduate Fellowship in Food Science
- Campbell, Marian Scholarship in Community Nutrition
- Kristjansson, Holmfridur Graduate Award in Nutrition
- McComb, Janet Fabro Scholarship
- McDonald, Bruce Award in Clinical Nutrition
- Meredith, W.O.S. Fellowship in Barley Research
- Middleton, Katherine M.S. Scholarship
- Morton, Margaret I Scholarships in Human Nutritional Sciences
- Vogel, Garson N. (Gerry) Memorial Award
Scholarships, fellowships and prizes-plant science
- Dueck, John Graduate Entrance Scholarship
- Imperial Seed Co. Ltd. Scholarships (plant genetics)
- Manitoba Association of Plant Biologists Graduate Student Awards
- McVetty, Peter B.E. Plant Breeding Scholarship in the Dept. of Plant Science
- Meredith, W.O.S. Fellowship in Barley Research
- Morrison Travel Award for Graduate Students in Plant Science
- Morrison, Ian N. Award for Advanced Studies in Crop Protection
- Muir, William Wilson Graduate Fellowship
- Rue, Gwen Memorial Scholarship (Plant Science)
- Western Grains Research Foundation Endowment Fund Graduate Scholarship
- Wiebe, Willy Graduate Fellowship in Agricultural and Food Sciences (Canadian Western Red Spring Wheat)
Scholarships, fellowships and prizes-soil science
Travel awards
- Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Graduate Travel Award
- Clark, Dr. Kenneth Travel Award in Plant Science
- Helgason Travel Award for Graduate Students in Plant Science
- Lamari Travel Award for Graduate Studies in Plant Science
- Morrison Travel Award for Graduate Students in Plant Science
- Shaykewich, Carl Graduate Travel Award in Agricultural Meteorology
- Vaisey-Genser, Marion Graduate Travel Award
Graduate external awards in agriculture
- Animal Nutrition Association of Canada Graduate Scholarships - Since 2004, ANAC has offered annual scholarships for graduate students enrolled in Animal Science or a related field of study at a Canadian university, with a specific interest (research project/course selection) in animal nutrition. There are two annual scholarships of $2,000 each, one awarded to applicants east of the Manitoba/Ontario border, and the other awarded to applicants west of the Manitoba/Ontario border.
- Aviagen Postgraduate Scholarship in Poultry Genetics - Aviagen and the Canadian Poultry Research Council offer this $5,000 postgraduate scholarship in poultry genetics. Applicants will be studying/conducting research on poultry genetic issues.
- Canadian Dairy Commission Scholarship Program - maximum of $20,000 per year for up to two years for a full-time Master’s students and maximum of $30,000 per year for up to three years for a full-time Ph.D. students. Both scholarships include $5,000 for the development of soft competencies including additional elements of study that benefit employability such as internships, presentations at industry conferences (national or international), training in product development, marketing, human resources, etc.
- Canadian Meat Science Association Scholarships - The CMSA is now accepting scholarship applications for both graduate (2 x $3,000) and undergraduate (2 x $2,500) students interested in meat science research.
- Canadian Meat Science Association Travel Award - The CMSA is offering a $2000 travel award to attending the International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (an international scientific conference focused on meat science and technology.
- Canadian Plant Breeding Innovation Awards - Four CPBI Scholarships (Formerly Seed of the Year Scholarships) will be awarded to students enrolled in plant breeding or genetics at a Masters or PhD level. Recipients will be selected from the following Canadian Universities: University of Alberta, University of Guelph, University of Manitoba, University of Saskatchewan, or McGill University. Two applications will be submitted from each university for consideration. Four scholarships will be selected from the 10 submitted.
- CSA Group Graduate Scholarship - This $10,000/year (max 2-year) award supports graduate students in the pursuit of knowledge generation related to standards. Open to Masters students studying at public Canadian universities in any field, and must include standards as a component of the research.
- Karl C. Ivarson Agricultural Scholarship - The Canadian Society of Soil Science offers a scholarship for students entering second or subsequent year of graduate studies in soil science (in areas of agriculture, agro-ecology, resource management, environment, geology or other related disciplines) at a recognized Canadian university.
- Karl C. Ivarson Soil Science Scholarship - The Canadian Foundation for Food and Agricultural Education provides a scholarship for students entering second or subsequent year of graduate studies in soil science (in areas of agriculture, agro-ecology, resource management, environment, geology or other related disciplines) at a recognized Canadian university.
- Keith Gilmore Foundation Awards - for Canadian citizens who are diploma, degree, and graduate students engaged in studies leading to a career in the beef industry.
- Kirchner Food Fellowship program - fosters the development of individuals who have the practical skills and knowledge to make effective investments in emerging agricultural technologies that have the possibility of addressing global food security.
- Lallemand Animal Nutrition Forward Scholarship - for students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in agriculture. Applications are open to students in the United States, Mexico and Canada.
- Precision Agriculture Scholarship – offered by, this US$2,000 scholarship will be presented to a Canadian student who is enrolled FT in a college or university program (undergraduate or graduate) and whose social media video on a “new precision agriculture idea that will have a positive impact on the environment, or is socially responsible” is selected as the winner by a panel of judges.
UM Graduate Fellowships
The UM Graduate Fellowships (UMGF) are valued for a 12-month period at $14,000 for Masters students and $18,000 for PhD students. Please check with your department for how to be considered for a UM Graduate Fellowship.
Application deadline: Please contact your department.
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
160 Agriculture Building
66 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada