Students collect ticks in wooded area using drag sheets.

Undergraduate programs

  • Students with a light trap at night.
  • The Department of Entomology offers a variety of courses for both diploma and undergraduate degree students.

    Our courses will immerse you in the amazing world of insects! Pollination, forensics, collection, identification, behaviour, physiology, insects as pests and agents of pest control; our courses cover it all.

    Students can take a Minor in Entomology or can take individual courses in Entomology, as part of an undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, or as part of a degree program in several other faculties within the University of Manitoba. Minor programs consist of a minimum of 18 credit hours. Students contemplating taking an entomology minor should first contact the department head for assistance with planning their program.

Minor in Entomology

To qualify for a Minor in Entomology, students must obtain passing grades in 

and in a minimum of five (15 credit hours) of the following courses:

Many courses are offered in alternating years, so please consult the Department Head of Entomology to plan your program.

Course outlines

Program information is available in the Academic Calendar

More about the Minor in Entomology

Diploma in Agriculture

The Department of Entomology offers three courses that can be taken as part of this program

Course outlines

Program information is available in the Academic Calendar

More about Diploma in Agriculture

Graduate programs

Our graduate degree programs offer the opportunity to study and conduct research with internationally recognized researchers and one of a kind facilities.

  • Student working in the lab.
  • The department has a strong graduate program for both MSc and PhD degrees. Our graduate students must achieve a high standard in a research project and in a thesis reporting their results. Course offerings are broad and include advanced insect taxonomy, insect population management, and advanced pollination biology, just to name a few. A course intended to develop written and oral communications skills, to promote critical thinking and to provide exposure to diverse fields of entomology and related sciences is also a part of the graduate studies programming.

University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship

  • The Department of Entomology at the University of Manitoba is inviting interested students to apply for a University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) to be held to support their graduate program with a Faculty member in the Department of Entomology.   Students applying should consult with potential Faculty to ensure they would be willing to act as their supervisor and coordinate the rest of the funding necessary to carry out the proposed research.  The UMGF will provide partial funding for a graduate student for up to two years at the MSc level or four years at the PhD level to fund a student with the remainder of the stipend made up from a combination of other sources.  

    Applicants should submit their application to  Application forms should be completed submitted by 25 June 2021, but will be accepted until a suitable candidate is selected.  Applicants should have a minimum GPA of at least 3.0 in each of the last two years of their studies.

    UMGF application form

Student awards and opportunities

Research and facilities

The Department's primary focus is undergraduate and graduate teaching and research. Research in the Department is equally divided between basic and applied studies. All academic staff conduct research and supervise graduate work in a variety of research areas.

  • Beekeepers and bee hives captured with infrared camera.
  • Our faculty have expertise in the areas of apiculture and pollination biology; physiological, population, community, and landscape ecology of insects; insect systematics; and insect-vertebrate interaction.

    Departmental research facilities include the J.B. Wallis/R.E. Roughley Museum of Entomology, controlled environment chambers and an area for apiculture. Other accessible facilities include biological imaging facilities, pesticide analysis laboratories, livestock, field plots and commercial scale fields, molecular laboratories and greenhouse space.


Courses offered to the public

  • Beekeeping for the hobbyist

    A non-credit course offered jointly by the Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba, and Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development. The 9-evening lecture series begins in January and covers a broad range of topics about the nature of beekeeping. A "hands-on" field component with honey bees occurs in the spring.

    For more information please contact


  • A beekeeper handling frames of bees.

Entomology in North Amercia

Learn more about us

Contact us

Department of Entomology
214 Animal Science/Entomology Building
12 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
