Beekeeping for the Hobbyist
This is a 9-week non-credit course offered by the Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba, in collaboration with Manitoba Agriculture.

Registration will close @ 4:00 pm on Friday, January 17, 2025.
Honey bees can be managed with ease by urban people. Besides the honey and bees wax they produce, and their value as pollinators of various crops, their highly developed social organization provides fascinating material for study.
This series of lectures and demonstrations will deal with the nature of beekeeping; the life history, anatomy, and social behaviour of bees; economics; how to manage colonies of bees; equipment and site selection; pollen and nectar producing plants, nectar flows; seasonal management; pests, parasites diseases and their control; regulations; honey houses; extracting equipment; grading and marketing honey and beeswax.
Fees & Payment (for 2025 Winter course offering)
$247 (includes GST) also includes the text: Honey Bee Diseases and Pests, Third ed. * Texts will be mailed to the address provided with course registration.
- Individual registrations are required for each participant as we need to set up advance access in the UM Learn system.
- Payment will only be taken via Credit Card (VISA or Mastercard).
- Participants who have paid for their course and withdraw or cancel their registration before the second class will be refunded their course fee less a $50 admin fee. No refunds will be issued after that point.
- The University reserves the right to cancel any course and refund full fee, and to reschedule classes cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances.
Recommended text
Hard copies of the recommended text Beekeeping in Western Canada can purchased through the following mechanisms:
- Hard copies can be ordered online from Alberta Agriculture for approximately $30.00 including shipping and handling (based on delivery to a Winnipeg address: actual cost will vary by location).
- They can also be purchased locally from a beekeeping supply store such as the: Manitoba Honey Producers Coop "Bee Store" at 645 Black Diamond Boulevard in Winnipeg (Industrial St. Boniface) or Dancing Bee 31060 Rosewood Rd PR501, Dufresne, MB.
- Electronic versions of the text are available online for free.
Wednesday evenings
First Class - Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Last Class - Wednesday, April 2, 2025
* This includes an Apiary demonstration in mid-April or early May 2025.
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Course delivery options:
Online class:
- Course will be accessible through the U of M UM Learn system. Lectures will be delivered "live" online (synchronous delivery) allowing immediate interaction with course instructors.
- Participants must have access to a computer capable of viewing and listening to video.
- Toll-free dial in connections by phone will be available for audio (only) for participants in areas with poor internet speed and/or connection.
- Lecture note pages will be posted online prior to each lecture and where possible most lectures will be recorded for later viewing.
In-person class:
- The in-person class capacity will be limited and will be on a "first-come, first-served" basis.
- If the in-person classes are cancelled, or if a lecture is missed participants will have the option of accessing the online class lectures which will be streamed synchronously but also recorded.
If you have any registration questions, please email:
Registration will be considered complete once full payment has been received.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I need to be a student of the University of Manitoba in order to register for the course?
No. You do not need to apply to the University of Manitoba in order to register and take the course. The course is open to the public.
I have registered for the Beekeeping course. Will I receive a University of Manitoba of student number?
No. The Beekeeping course is a non-degree/non-credit "short course" which does not require an individual to apply to the university to become a student in order to take the course.
I have registered for the Beekeeping course. Will I receive university course credits?
No. The Beekeeping course is a non-degree/non-credit "short course".
Will I receive a tax receipt for personal income tax purposes?
No. The Beekeeping course is a non-degree/non-credit "short course" and therefore a T2202 (Tuition and Enrolment Certificate) will not be issued by the University of Manitoba.
Are academic course fees waived for those aged 65+?
No. The Beekeeping course is a non-degree/non-credit "short course" and is not subject to the waiving of academic fees for Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are age 65 and over.
What are the current UM Covid-19 restrictions and/or requirements?
Please refer to:
Current Participants:
What is UM Learn?
UM Learn is the University of Manitoba’s learning management system (LMS) and is used to support the delivery of face-to-face, online and blended courses.
What are the technical requirements for UM Learn?
Your course (online or blended delivery) is offered through UM Learn and employs a number of different technologies that require a modern computer and internet access. Verify that you can meet these technical requirements prior to course registration:
- Computer with Windows 8, 10, or Mac OS 10.11+
- Latest version of either Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Edge web browsers.
- JavaScript and cookies enabled.
- Must be able to install and run Respondus LockDown Browser. Note: This should be downloaded directly from the course and not outside of UM Learn.
- Broadband internet access (minimum bandwidth of 512 Kbps)
- Speakers or headphones.
- Microphone.
- Webcam.
Not recommended:
- Tablets
- Phones (Android or iOS)
- Chromebooks
I forgot my UM Learn ID and Password. Who do I contact?
Participants of the Beekeeping course are to contact the School of Agriculture at:
In your email, be sure to include:
- first name and last name
- which course your are enrolled in
** Do not contact the IST Service Desk as they will refer you back to the School of Agriculture.
What is Respondus Lockdown Browser?
Lockdown Browser is a locked browser for taking quizzes in UM Learn. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during a test. The School of Agriculture will send further information closer to an examination date.
Next course intake
The Beekeeping (short) course is only offered once per year. Registration will open in November 2025.
Request to be notified when the January 2026 course registration opens.
** Notice Regarding Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information by the University:
Your personal information is being collected under the authority of The University of Manitoba Act. The information you provide will be used by the University for the purpose of communication regarding the Dept. of Entomolgy's Beekeeping course (i.e. registration and course information). Your personal information will not be used or disclosed for other purposes, unless permitted by The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have any questions about the collection of your personal information, contact the Access & Privacy Office (tel. 204-474-9462), 233 Elizabeth Dafoe Library, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2.
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Contact Us
Dr. Rob Currie
Department of Entomology
Phone: 204-474-6022
Department of Entomology
214 Animal Science/Entomology Building
12 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada