Research and facilities
Our research focus includes honey bee parasite and disease management, insects as agents of biological control, crop and livestock entomology, landscape ecology, pollination biology, arthropod ectoparasites of mammals and birds, the study of insect bio-diversity, and conventional and molecular systematics and bioinformatics studies of Hymenoptera. Adjunct professors associated with the Department provide additional depth and breadth in the areas of forest entomology, pheromone chemistry, crop protection entomology, stored product entomology, biological control of weeds, and the role of insects in aquatic ecosystems.
The research conducted by our faculty and students can be grouped into the following themes.
Facilities and Labs
In support of teaching and learning opportunities for academics, students and partners, our department offers biological imaging facilities, pesticide analysis laboratories, livestock, field plots and commercial scale fields, molecular laboratories, and greenhouse space as well as controlled environment chambers and an area for apiculture.
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Contact Us
Department of Entomology
214 Animal Science/Entomology Building
12 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada