Students must be recommended by their department or unit to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for a UMGF


ValueUMGF master’s: $20,000 per year
UMGF doctoral: $25,000 per year
DurationUMGF master’s: 12 or 24 months
UMGF doctoral: 12, 24, 36 or 48 months
Application deadline and processPlease contact your department

Value and duration

UMGF master’s awards are valued at $20,000 per year for 12 or 24 months, for up to a total of $40,000.

UMGF doctoral awards are valued at $25,000 per year for 12, 24, 36 or 48 months, for up to a total of $100,000.

Departments/units determine the value and duration of an award and all recommended students must meet the eligibility criteria as outlined in the eligibility table.

Period of support available

Here are the number of months of UMGF funding a student can receive, based on the number of months they have completed in their program. Total UMGF support for one student is (4) years

Master’s students 
Time in Program (Program Start Date)Number of months eligible to
receive the UMGF
0 Months (beginning of program)24 months of funding
1 - 12 months12 months of funding
13 or more monthsNot eligible
PhD students 
Time in Program (Program Start Date)Number of months eligible to
receive the UMGF
0 Months (beginning of program)48 months of funding
1 - 12 months36 months of funding
13 - 24 months24 months of funding
25 - 36 months12 months of funding
37 months or moreNot eligible

Students who are unable to accept their award within this academic year must decline the award.


  • Academic Standing: Students must have achieved a minimum admission GPA of 3.0, to be considered for this award. Please contact your department as they may have a higher GPA requirement.
  • Citizenship: All students regardless of citizenship are eligible to apply.
  • Fields of study: Students in all fields of graduate study are eligible to apply provided their program is eligible for Tri-Agency funding.  

To hold a UMGF award, recipients must also:

  • Have been admitted to a graduate program at the University of Manitoba as a Master’s or Ph.D. student. Pre-master’s and Occasional students are not eligible.
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, and not receive a grade lower than C+ (including AX courses).
  • Show great promise as researchers and graduate students.
  • Not have an active, admission‐related hold on their student account during their provisional admission period.
  • Be registered full‐time in a graduate program of study in the unit that recommends them for a UMGF, and be progressing satisfactorily in the program for which they are funded.
  • Not have held UMGF support for more than 4 years in total.
  • Not be receiving any other award or scholarship that is of equal or greater monetary value than the annual value of the UMGF. Students offered an award that is equal to, or exceeds, the value of the UMGF can no longer hold the UMGF and must notify FGS Awards Office at to terminate their award.
  • Not change programs or departments/units while receiving the UMGF award.
  • The above is not a complete list of conditions. Please refer to the University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies FGS Award Holder’s Guide for additional conditions and other information for award holders.

Application and process

Please consult your department or unit for their UMGF application process and deadline. Once the department/unit determines their selection, students are recommended to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. FGS will review the recommendations and notify award recipients with an official letter via email.