Award eligibility

Applying for awards is a competitive process, and in most cases all eligibility criteria must be met in order to apply. However, some awards do permit an “allowable inclusion” addendum to be submitted with the application form, outlining why a particular criterion was not met due to exceptional circumstances. Please read the instructions for each particular award for more information.

Submitting your award application

  • Carefully read and follow all instructions. Incomplete applications may be considered ineligible. 
  • Ensure all information is typed. Proofread your application carefully. 
  • Proposals should be written clearly and concisely. Avoid using overly technical language; it may be reviewed by committee members who do not have a background in your area of research. 
  • Include your name on each page and number all pages if applicable (e.g., when submitting a research proposal). 
  • All supporting documentation must accompany the application. 
  • Submit transcripts and student histories in sealed and stamped envelopes. If ordering a student history, request that the name of the award appear on the envelope addressed to our office. 
  • For reference letters:  
    • Ensure your referee is willing to provide a positive reference.
    • Provide your referee with enough time to review your application and provide a well-written reference.  
    • Ask the referee to provide the name of the award in their letter. 
    • Ensure the letter is sealed and has the referee’s signature across the flap. 
  • Ask your advisor to review your application and provide constructive criticism.
  • We will not review extra information that is not part of the required documentation. 
  • Any documents you fax to us must also be mailed to us. 

How to create a new award application

Submitting transcripts 

You must provide a set of transcripts for each award you apply for. Some award applications require original transcripts, particularly external awards such as NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR. It may be possible to request departmentally certified copies of transcripts for award purposes or to submit a  student history from the Registrar’s Office. 

Please carefully review the instructions for the specific award you are applying to receive. Note that Student Aurora printouts from the web are not acceptable in place of official transcripts. Transcripts must always be in a sealed envelope when submitted, regardless of whether they are original transcripts or departmentally certified copies.

You must provide transcripts for each academic institution you have attended. If the award application instructions indicate that all transcripts must be submitted, this means that transcripts for all academic institutions attended, whether a degree was obtained or not, must be submitted. 

Award applications that are submitted without the required documents will be considered incomplete and therefore ineligible. Please note that failure to disclose an academic institution attended is a serious offence.

Receiving your award payments

Most award notices will include information on payment. Please carefully review your award notice and any information that accompanied the award notice.

Major fellowships and scholarships such as the UMGF is administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. These awards are paid biweekly with a one-week delay by direct deposit. The Faculty of Graduate Studies also administers Tri-Agency (SSHRC, NSERC and CIHR) award payments, which are paid in the same manner. These awards are not automatically applied to your tuition.

Departmental awards are usually paid by Financial Aid and Awards. These awards may be applied to your tuition and any remaining funds are then paid to you by cheque. Review your award notice for specific details.

Award maximum value and duration

The maximum value and duration of graduate awards such as the UMGF is based on the length of time spent in a program. The UMGF cannot be held beyond the maximum value and duration stated in the award notice. For information on renewals and extensions, contact Graduate Studies.

Award taxation

Please visit the Canada Revenue Agency for current information on the taxation of awards.

Funding for conference or other academic travel

Application forms for conference travel awards are available on-line. Travel and conference awards are also available through the Graduate Student Association (GSA). You should also check with your department to see if they offer any funding for conferences and travel. Additionally, there are conference and travel awards offered by organizations besides the University of Manitoba. To see a list of all travel awards go to the Graduate Studies awards database and type in “travel” or “conference” as a search parameter. 

Application deadline dates differ depending on the award; therefore, you should check the web site for the specific deadline date. It is important to note that you do not have to have proof of acceptance to a conference at the time of application, but you must show proof at least one month prior to the conference date.

Contact us

Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
65 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada

(204) 474-9836
(204) 474-7553