4 people study plants in a field

Students are invited to apply to be considered for the RBC Scholars in Sustainable Agriculture program. Undergraduate and graduate students will work with Faculty researchers on low-emission agriculture and food systems research.

  • Two students working in a barn smiling as a curious dairy cow reaches towards them.
  • Undergraduate students will be supervised by a Faculty member for a period of 4 months and receive hands-on training at the Glenlea Research Station by technicians and station staff. Graduate students will design, executive and report on innovative solutions in the three building block areas (fertilizer use and nutrient stewardship; regenerative and natural systems agriculture; and livestock feed additives and selective breeding). 

    All will receive training in our state-of-the-art livestock and cropping facilities and engage extensively with producers and commodity groups.

Application process


Students within or interested in studies within the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences are eligible. They must have an interest in sustainable agriculture and applying it within agricultural communities.


Undergraduate students would receive a salary of approximately $20/hour depending on year in program over the four-month summer employment.

Graduate students would receive a stipend of $25,000/year for up to two years.

Application process:

Applications must include:

  1. CV and transcript
  2. Applicant's statement (500 words describing why they wish to become an RBC Scholar in Sustainable Agriculture, what they would bring to the role, and what they hope to achieve)
  3. Letter from (potential) supervisor that briefly describes the research to be undertaken and how it relates to sustainable agriculture (2 page maximum). The letter must also give applicant permission, if selected, to dedicate time to additional knowledge translation activities pertaining to the program.

Application package to be submitted to agresearch@umanitoba.ca by noon, November 30, 2023.


Once selected, candidates will create a summary work plan (one-page maximum) at the start of their employment, and will participate in at least two knowledge transfer activities annually, including sessions featuring RBC Scholars (e.g. farm/field days, Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture Conference, development of extension resources) infographics, podcasts, videos, presentations, social media content. At the end of their work term, they will submit a final summary report on research and knowledge transfer.

Important dates:

  • Applications due November 30
  • Selections by January 15
  • Term starts: Undergraduate students May 1  |  Graduate students May 1 or September 1
  • Final summary report due December 31