Research themes

Land use and soil map of Manitoba.

Environmental impacts of livestock and modelling systems

The Sustainable Agriculture Modelling Group aims to optimize the use of nutrient, water and land resources through agro‐ecosystems modelling using a systems approach.

Woman conducting color evaluation of bison steaks under retail display conditions.

Meat science and muscle biology

Focus is on improving animal carcass outcomes and value in domesticated (beef, pork and chicken) and exotic species (bison), and the study of packaging, meat shelf life, palatability and food safety.


Our state of the art facilities are available to undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers.

Resources and policies

Policy and procedures for animal use and reporting

Please note, the information below describes general policies and procedures regarding animal use and reporting. If you require clarification on what is required for your activity, please contact the Animal Care Coordinator (ACC), Veterinary Services (VS) or the Chair, Local Animal Users Committee (LAUC)

Animal Use Protocols

All vertebrates and cephalopods used for research, teaching or testing, or for display purposes or eventual use in research, teaching or testing must be the subject of a clearly written animal use protocol to be approved by the institutional Animal Care Committee BEFORE any animal-based work can begin.

Please make yourself aware of lead times required for approval of new protocols and renewals as these will be strictly adhered to.

Full animal use protocol forms are required under the following conditions:

  • Maintenance of colonies, herds, flocks etc.
  • Teaching and research projects that involve handling and/or culling live animals including (but not limited to) restraint or nonstandard husbandry procedures, modification of environment, culling not related to normal husbandry, etc.

Abbreviated protocols for minimal animal involvement (minimal use protocols) are required under the following conditions:

  1. Use of animals not culled specifically for the research or teaching in question, including those sourced from the course of established industry or commercial practices and animal tissues shared from other approved protocols;
  2. animals observed only where there is no amendment of their environment or interaction of any kind.

Animal care forms, processing times and meeting deadlines may be found at the following link.

Animal Order Forms

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) requires that there be a means of ensuring that animals are not obtained or used unless there is an approved protocol in place for that use and that the number of animals used does not exceed the number requested in the approved Animal Use Protocol. Animal order forms provide the mechanism for doing this and allow for reconciliation of number of animals requested/approved vs number of animals used. The UofM is required to report the number of animals used to the CCAC on an annual basis. The CCAC then reports national animal use to the Canadian public.

Required for all teaching and research purposes as outlined in approved protocols which includes:

  • Any intervention/modification from normal husbandry practices e.g., restraint, nonstandard husbandry procedures, modification of environment, etc.
  • Use of animals at external facilities that are manipulated for the purpose of UofM teaching/research.
  • Receiving animals from an external facility, shipping/receiving within UofM facilities, use of animals within a UofM facility on approved protocols.


*Animal order forms must be completed and submitted to Jackie Edelson ( a minimum of TWO WEEKS before the planned animal use. An approved order form must be in place PRIOR TO the receiving/shipping/release of animals for all research/teaching purposes. Upon approval, this form will be signed and returned to the requester. The approved form must be included with the order for animals (typically done through EPIC).

**The requester MUST contact Jackie Edelson to confirm when and how many animals have been received upon their arrival

Animal ordering form (PDF)

Animal Use Student Feedback Forms

Required for teaching purposes for all approved teaching protocols using live animals at the UofM or external facilities excluding abbreviated protocols for minimal animal involvement (see below).

The student feedback forms are not required for abbreviated protocols for minimal animal involvement where specimens are being sourced from commercial abattoirs or from UofM facilities where they are being euthanized/culled as part of normal husbandry practices (for example, depopulation of a flock).

Instructions for completion and submission of forms may be found at this Teams link.

Animal science safety manual

The Animal science safety manual (PDF) serves to maintain a safe environment for all in the department. The department relies upon each individual to use due diligence when working or studying in the various lab spaces. People who are aware of their responsibilities and who undertake tasks with due caution are critical to a safe working environment.

Faculty biosecurity protocol

This protocol document (PDF) defines agricultural biosecurity principles and procedures aimed at minimizing the spread of plant and animal pests and/or harmful biological entities.

New staff/student onboarding

This document (PDF) serves as a general training reference for all new Department of Animal Science staff and graduate students.

Workplace-specific new worker health and safety orientation training record

This document (PDF) is a record of workplace-specific health and safety orientation training provided to new employees. 

Nutrition lab analysis

Contact Us

Department of Animal Science
201 Animal Science/Entomology Building
12 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
