Biological Sciences financial aid and awards
On this page, you can find the list of awards and scholarships available to you through the Department of Biological Sciences. Please make sure you read the eligibility criteria before applying. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
On this page
Graduate and undergraduate students Travel award
Graduate students
The Department of Biological Sciences provides funds to MSc and PhD students to assist with conference travel costs. The amount is $350.00 for North American travel if you are presenting (poster or oral talk), and the amount of $500.00 for International travel if you are presenting (poster or oral talk). Note that this award is available only once to you per year (April 1 to March 31), and ONLY until funds are exhausted, and matching funds from the Faculty of Science have been granted.
Please note that applications are now closed!
To apply for these funds please complete the application form, attach a copy of your abstract and registration confirmation, if available, and email it to for approval.
You must apply for this award at least 6 weeks prior to the conference you will attend.
These funds need to be used according to UM travel and expenses policies, and where possible through the Concur system. The office staff can assist with this process.
You will also need to have a copy of the conference program (at least the outline that is usually on a meeting website) and keep ALL receipts for travel, hotel, meals (itemized) and taxi and complete a travel claim for reimbursement after your return.
Funds may also be available from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Students Association.
Undergraduate students
The Department of Biological Sciences provides funds to undergraduate students to assist with conference travel costs. The amount is $250.00 if you are presenting (poster or oral talk) and $100 if you are not presenting. Note that this award is available only once to you per year (April 1 to March 31), and ONLY until funds are exhausted.
To apply for these funds please complete the application form (under "graduate student conference support" section). You must apply for this award at least 6 weeks prior to the conference you will attend. Once your application is approved you will receive a letter from the department that you MUST use to request matching funds from the Faculty of Science Dean’s office. These funds need to be used according to UManitoba travel and expenses policies, and where possible through the Concur system. The office staff can assist with this process.
You will also need to have a copy of the conference program (at least the outline that is usually on a meeting website) and keep ALL receipts for travel, hotel, meals (itemized), and taxi, and complete a travel claim for reimbursement after your return.
Graduate students
The following list describes some but not all available scholarships, bursaries, and prizes for graduate students in Biological Sciences. For further details, you may contact the Financial Aids and Awards Office at the University of Manitoba.
Before applying to each, please read the instructions for awards applications.
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Graduate department awards are now closed.
Dalgarno Graduate Fellowship
Value 2024: $8,025
Eligibility: Awarded to a graduate student enrolled full-time, with a minimum GPA of 3.5, conducting research with a focus on plant or fungal biology.
Dana Schroeder Memorial Scholarship
Value 2024: 2 awards, each $1,250
Eligibility: for those students who are enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Masters or PhD program, achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.5 based on the last 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study, and conduct research with a focus on genetics.
E. Scherer Memorial Scholarship
Not available in 2024
Eligibility: Awarded to a full-time graduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.5, who is undertaking or has proposed to undertake thesis research in the field of ecology.
Eugene Reimer Scholarship for Biological Sciences
Value 2024: $19,225
Eligibility: Awarded to a full-time graduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.5, who is undertaking or has proposed to undertake thesis research with a focus in botany or fungi.
G.A. Lubinsky Memorial Scholarship
Value 2024: $6,100
Eligibility: For breadth and depth of scholarship and research beyond the 1st year of the graduate program with a focus on animal biology. A minimum GPA of 3.5 is required for this award.
Harold E. Welch Memorial Scholarship
Value 2024: $5000.00
Eligibility: For students entering or in 1st year of graduate study in zoology who do not hold a major scholarship or similar support valued at $10,000 or more.
Jennifer M. Shay Scholarship
Value 2024: $10,050
Eligibility: For a full-time MSc or PhD student in any program offered through the Department of Biological Sciences with good academic standing and demonstrated exemplary in the area of field Botany or field Ecology.
Josefine C. Rauch Memorial Prize for Teaching Assistants
Value 2024: $650
Eligibility: Recognizes outstanding undergraduate teaching by graduate students. One of four awards annually.
Major G.E.H Barrett-Hamilton Memorial Scholarship
Value 2024: $10,475
Eligibility: For academically excellent students in their 1st or 2nd year of full-time graduate studies in the area of animal biology who demonstrate research potential based on reference letters, and demonstrate scholarship based on project reports, publications, conference presentations, or related accomplishments. A minimum GPA of 3.5 is required for this award.
Manitoba Association of Plant Biologists Award
Value 2024: $1550
Details: Scholarship and bursaries available.
Phoenix Biological Sciences Graduate Fellowship
Value 2024: 2 awards, each $9,100
Eligibility: Awarded to a graduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.5, who is conducting research in any area of biology and is supervised by a faculty member in the Department of Biological Sciences.
Roger Evans Memorial Scholarship
Value 2024: $5125
Eligibility: Awarded to a full-time graduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.5, who is working in the fields of animal behaviour or ecology and intends to present their research at a national or international conference. In order to be considered for this scholarship, eligible students will be asked to submit a brief summary of their research and to provide details on when and where they intend to present this research at a suitable meeting.
Nature Manitoba
Value 2024: $1,700
Eligibility: Awarded to a student who has graduated from a University in Manitoba and who, in the following September either enters or continues with a graduate program in Biological Sciences.
Bursaries and prizes
Bursary applications are available at the Financial Aids and Awards Office.
Ileen Stewart Memorial Award
Value: TBA
Deadline: Same deadline for the University of Manitoba bursary applications.
Eligibility: Available to any full-time graduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.5 and demonstrated financial need based on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.
William O. and Erna Pruitt Graduate Bursary
Value: TBD
Deadline: Same deadline for the University of Manitoba bursary applications.
Eligibility: Available to any full-time graduate student in a Master’s or Doctoral program offered by the Faculty of Science, with a minimum degree grade point average of 3.0, who is undertaking or proposes to undertake research in the natural history of the boreal forest. The student must also be able to demonstrate financial needs based on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application.
Manitoba Association of Plant Biologists Grad Student Awards
Value: TBA
Deadline: Same deadline for the University of Manitoba bursary applications.
Eligibility: Available to any full-time graduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.5 who has shown great potential for research, as judged by the selection committee, and who has demonstrated financial need based on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.
Dr. Michael Bruser Memorial Bursary
Value: TBA
Deadline: Same deadline for the University of Manitoba bursary applications.
Eligibility: Available to any full-time 4th year Biological Sciences undergraduate student or Biological Sciences graduate student (any year) who has been active in biological and axiological studies and is interested in the preservation and conservation of flora and fauna, as judged by the selection committee, and who has demonstrated financial need based on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.
Ronald K. Stewart-Hay Memorial Bursary
Value: TBA
Deadline: Same deadline for the University of Manitoba bursary applications.
Eligibility: Available to any full-time 4th year Honours Biological Sciences student who has a minimum GPA of 3.0 and has demonstrated financial need based on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.
Shirley Ann Akins Bursary
Value: TBA
Deadline: Same deadline for the University of Manitoba bursary applications.
Eligibility: Available to any full-time 3rd year Biological Sciences student who has a minimum GPA of 2.5 and has demonstrated financial need based on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.
Undergraduate students
Awards, bursaries and prizes
The following list describes some but not all available scholarships, bursaries, and prizes for graduate students in Biological Sciences. For further details, you may contact the Financial Aids and Awards Office at the University of Manitoba.
Bursary applications are available on the Financial Aids and Awards Office website.
Dr. Michael Bruser Memorial bursary
Value: $600
Deadline: TBA
Eligibility: Available to students currently registered in 4th year or higher in Botany or Zoology, active in Biological or ecological studies with an interest in the preservation and conservation of flora and fauna.
Leon Provancher Prize in Systematic Zoology
Value: TBA
Deadline: TBA
Eligibility: For a collection or essay done by an undergraduate in an area of systematic zoology.
H. E. Welch Award
Value: $750
Deadline: TBA
Eligibility: For a student completing a BSc honours of major in Zoology or Biological Sciences with the highest standing in the core courses.
Jennifer M. Shay Bursary
Value: $500
Deadline: Same deadline for the University of Manitoba bursary applications.
Eligibility: Awarded to a student in good standing in Biological Sciences honours or major, with demonstrated financial needs based on a standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.
David Ian MacKenzie medal
Value: $200
Deadline: TBA
Eligibility: For highest standing in Honours Zoology.
J.C. Rauch Award
Value: $200
Deadline: TBA
Eligibility: For highest standing in BIOL 2410 and BIOL 2420 taken in regular session in the same academic year.
Shirley Ann Akins Bursary
Value: TBD
Deadline: Same deadline for the University of Manitoba bursary applications.
Eligibility: Available to a student in the third year of a BSc. The program is delivered by the Department of Biological Sciences with a minimum degree point average of 2.5 and has demonstrated financial need on the university bursary application form.
Shirley Ann Aikens Undergraduate Thesis Proposal Prize
Value: TBD
Eligibility: Awarded to a student who has completed the third year of a BSc. (Honours) degree in any area of study offered by the Department of Biological Sciences has achieved a minimum degree point average of 3.0 and has submitted a strong research proposal for Honour’s thesis project.
Dr. Lane Graham Honours Thesis Prize for Biological Sciences
Value: TBD
Deadline: TBA
Eligibility: Awarded to a student who has successfully completed the requirements for a BSc (Honours) degree in any theme of study offered by the Department of Biological Sciences has achieved a minimum degree point average of 3.5 and has submitted the top Honours thesis, as determined by the selection committee, with a minimum grade of 4.5.
Deborah McCallum Prize in Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
Value: TBD
Deadline: TBA
Eligibility: Awarded to an undergraduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada who has achieved the highest degree grade point average with a minimum of 3.5 in an Honours or Major degree program specializing in Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology.
Corinne Nemy Bursary in Natural Sciences
Value: TBD
Deadline: Same deadline for the University of Manitoba bursary applications.
Eligibility: Available to full-time undergraduate students you have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours of course with a minimum degree point average of 2.0. This bursary is available to students who have declared an Honours or Major in one of the following: Astronomy, Biological Sciences, Anthropology, Geological Sciences, or Physical Geography. Students must be able to demonstrate financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.
Morton Stall Memorial Book Prize
Value: $100.00
Details: Awarded to a student who attains the highest combined standing in BIOL 1020 and BIOL 1030 respectively.
Ronald K. Stewart-Hay Memorial Bursary
Value: TBD
Deadline: At the deadline for the U of M bursary application
Eligibility: Available to undergraduate students who have completed the third year of student in a BSc (Honours) in Biological Sciences with a minimum degree grade point average of 3.0, and demonstrate financial need on the standard UManitoba bursary application form.
Contact us
Department of Biological Sciences
212B Biological Sciences Building
50 Sifton Road
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2 Canada