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Bursaries are based on demonstrated financial need. In most cases, students must be registered in a minimum of 18 credit hours to be eligible. To be eligible for bursaries at the University level and the Faculty of Science, students must submit the general bursary application. Bursary applications are available through Aurora in August. Please visit the financial aid and awards bursaries website to see the due date each year and for additional details. 

Faculty of Science Award for Excellence in Teaching Assistance

Teaching Assistants (TA) are valuable members of the Faculty of Science who help in the teaching and learning mission of the Faculty. Some TAs will go above and beyond their duty to ensure their students learn. Each year, two TAs in the Faculty of Science will be recognized for their outstanding and excellent work. ⁠

The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding TAs in the Faculty of Science and to motivate and inspire TAs to perform to the best of their ability.⁠

Awardees will receive $300 and recognition through the Faculty of Science website and social media.⁠

The deadline to apply is  April 9, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.

Apply now

2022-2023 winners

  • Skyla Dudek
  • Maryn Woo

2023-2024 winners

  • Marshall Kaatz
  • Rana Ahmed

Undergraduate scholarships and prizes

In most cases, applications are not required for these awards as they are based on academic achievement. Scholarships are normally offered to full-time continuing students, with a minimum course load of 24 credit hours. There may be some exceptions based on the terms of reference for individual awards or other considerations outlined in the student awards policy.


The following undergraduate scholarships in the Faculty of Science require an application.

The applications are now closed.

Students are also encouraged to visit the financial aid and awards website to find additional internal and external scholarships that require applications.

Prizes are based on the highest academic standing or best performance in a particular course, program, competition and so on, with a minimum grade point average requirement. Students are not required to re-register at the University of Manitoba to receive prizes.

Science Leadership Scholarships

The UM Science Students’ Association has established an endowment fund at the University of Manitoba to create annual leadership-based scholarships. The available annual income from this fund will be used to offer up to nine leadership-based scholarships of equal value in three distinct categories: community leadership, academic leadership and campus leadership.

For 2024-25, the minimum value of each scholarship will be $1,525.


For all three categories, students must:

  1. be enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the second, third or fourth year of study in any degree program in the Faculty of Science and
  2. have achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.5.

Applicants will be required to submit a written statement (maximum 500 words) and two letters of reference to demonstrate how they meet the award criteria. For additional criteria, please see the application form.

All elected and appointed past and present SSA Councillors are ineligible for these scholarships.

The applications are now closed.

Bernice Warkov Safeer Scholarship for Excellence in Mathematical Sciences

For 2024-25, the value of this scholarship is $700.


The Bernice Warkov Safeer Scholarship for Excellence in Mathematical Sciences will be offered to a female undergraduate student who:

  1. is enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the third year of either an honours program or a four-year major program in the mathematical sciences in the Faculty of Science;
  2. has achieved a minimum degree GPA of 3.5;
  3. has displayed excellence in one or more areas of the mathematical sciences (through course-work and/or independent study) and
  4. has shown herself to be a humanitarian with generosity of spirit and strength of character.

Eligible programs in the mathematical sciences include those individual and joint programs of the following departments: Actuarial Studies, Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics.

Students will be required to provide written statements to demonstrate how they meet criteria (3) and (4).

The applications are now closed.

Microbiology Students’ Club (MiSc) Community Achievement Scholarship

The Microbiology Student’s Club (MiSc) has established an annually funded award at the University of Manitoba. The purpose of this scholarship is to recognize undergraduate Microbiology, Biochemistry or Genetics students who are making significant contributions to the scientific community while maintaining academic success as well as to encourage and support strong community involvement and leadership abilities. One scholarship with a value of $1,200 will be given to an undergraduate student who:

  1. is enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in any year of study in the Faculty of Science in either:
    • a Microbiology major, honours and/or Co-operative Option program;
    • a Biochemistry major, honours and/or Co-operative Option program;
    • a Genetics major, honours and/or Co-operative Option program;
  2. has achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.0; and
  3. has demonstrated strong community involvement and leadership abilities.

In order to demonstrate how they meet criterion 3, applicants must submit a written statement (maximum 500 words) highlighting their contributions and connections to the scientific community, with an emphasis on the impact of their involvement.

The applications are now closed.

Undergraduate conference and exchange trip support

Discover the undergraduate student financial support for conference travel and longer-term international opportunities at the Faculty of Science. See if you are eligible for different opportunities and learn how to apply.

Undergraduate conference and exchange trip support

Graduate fellowships

The applications are now closed.

Faculty of Science Fellowship for Graduate Excellence

Applications are now closed.

For 2024-2025, two awards will be available. One is designated for a master’s student and one for a PhD student.


  • This award is for full-time graduate students (not including pre-masters or occasional students) who are registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba in either the master’s or PhD program offered through the Faculty of Science.
  • Eligible candidates must have a minimum B average (3.0) in the last 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of their previous degree or maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 as a current student.
  • Additionally, applicants must demonstrate exceptional research potential (for master’s students) or research achievement (for doctoral students).

Preference will be given to students identifying as agender, bigender/multigender, gender fluid, genderqueer, nonbinary, transgender, two-spirit, or woman, encouraging opportunities for underrepresented genders in the field of science.

Application process

Applicants will need to submit the application form along with a copy of current transcripts and have two letters of reference submitted on the student’s behalf.

Graduate Science Research Scholarship for Indigenous Students

The applications are now closed.

For 2024-2025, one scholarship will be available to either a master’s or PhD student.


  • This award is for students who self-declare as a First Nations, Métis or Inuit person from Canada who are enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, in any Masters or Doctoral program delivered by the Faculty of Science at the University of Manitoba.
  • Eligible candidates must have a minimum B+ average (3.5) in the last 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study.
  • Additionally, applicants must be conducting a research project with a focus on issues affecting Indigenous people (for example water quality, Indigenous health issues and more).

Candidates must self-declare as a First Nations, Métis or Inuit person from Canada.

Application process

Applicants will need to submit an application package which consists of:

  • a description of the research proposal,
  • copies of recent transcripts, and
  • two reference letters, one of which will be from the applicant’s current advisor. The reference letters must describe the student’s work experience and commitment to issues affecting Indigenous people.

Molly Weinberg Soudack Scholarship for Women in Science

The applications are now closed.

For 2024-2025, one scholarship will be available to a woman pursuing a master’s degree.


  • This award is for women enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies in any year of any master’s program offered by the Faculty of Science at the University of Manitoba.
  • Eligible candidates must have a minimum B+ average (3.5) in the last 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study.
  • To be eligible for this award, students must self-identify as a woman and have ancestral links to a Holocaust survivor or Residential School survivor.

Application process

  • Applicants will need to submit the application form along with a statement (maximum of 2 sentences) to self-declare that students meet the eligibility requirements.
  • Students will also need to submit a copy of current transcripts and have two letters of reference submitted on the student’s behalf.

Graduate student conference support

Please note that requests made after the travel date will not be accepted.

Graduate students can apply for travel support from the Faculty of Science to attend conferences. To be eligible for conference travel, the student must:

  1. be a registered graduate student in a department within the Faculty of Science,
  2. be a co-author on the accepted paper or poster,
  3. be the person presenting the work and
  4. be a recipient of no more than two travel funding awards per year.

To apply for support, the student should first make a request to their home department using the link below. Travel requests are expected to arrive prior to the travel. No guarantee of support can be made for requests arriving after the travel has taken place. In all cases, support will be made via reimbursement for expenses incurred, not provided to students up-front.

This content is available in alternate formats upon request to sci.accessibility@umanitoba.ca.

Departmental financial aid and awards

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Faculty of Science
W230, Duff Roblin, 190 Dysart Rd
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M8 Canada

Our office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.