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Funding applications

Procedures and deadlines

All funding applications must be signed and approved prior to submission to the funding agency. The process is as follows:

  1. Submit your completed grant application or contract along with a Funding Application Approval Form (FAAF) via email for signing to your Department Head (check with your department regarding any departmental deadlines).
  2. Submit the FAAF and application to the Faculty of Science at fosfaaf@umanitoba.ca for signing by the Associate Dean (Research) by 4:30 PM two business days in advance of the ORS deadline.
  3. After signing, the Dean’s Office will forward your application directly to ORS where it will be assigned to the appropriate contact. Applications are typically due to ORS by 4:30 PM five business days prior to the agency deadline unless otherwise noted in the Upcoming Major Funding Opportunities site or in the ORS Newsletter. Major tri-agency applications (e.g. NSERC Discovery Grants, NSERC RTI, CIHR Project Grants are due ten business days prior to the agency deadline).

Review and support

The Faculty of Science offers support for researchers in identifying potential funding sources and preparing grant applications. Faculty members are encouraged to contact the Research Facilitator and Business Development Officer for information on funding programs and for review of application materials.

Internal funding support programs

Bridging Support Program

The Faculty of Science partners with the Office of the Vice President Research and International (VPRI) and individual departments within the Faculty of Science to provide bridging support for researchers who have had difficulty renewing their NSERC Discovery Grants. The exact details of this program are determined by VPRI and may vary from year to year.

Questions regarding eligibility, requirements, and extent of support can be directed to Steve Whyard, associate dean of research.

Faculty of Science Enhancement of Grant Stipends (SEGS)

Faculty of Science Interdisciplinary Research Grants

The purpose of these grants is to stimulate and encourage interdisciplinary research collaborations that initiate and strengthen research in new directions.  Collaborations can be within the Faculty of Science at the University of Manitoba (UM), or across Faculties at the UM as long as the PI is a Faculty of Science faculty member. “Interdisciplinary” is broadly defined and may be found within departments, across departments, and across faculties.

The deadline to apply is December 16, 2024. (If this day falls on a weekend, then the deadline will be the next business day)

Program details and application guidelines (PDF)

Field Work Support Program


The purpose of the Faculty of Science Field Work Support Program (FWSP) is to support fieldwork in both research and teaching activities within the Faculty of Science at the University of Manitoba. The focus is on enabling fieldwork by offsetting the actual costs of doing work in the field. The program is not intended to provide alternative support in lieu of other sources of funding.


All full-time academic staff members in the Faculty of Science are eligible to apply to the FWSP in support of both research and teaching. Applications may be made on behalf of the staff members themselves or on behalf of students working with or studying with eligible staff members.

Nature and extent of support

FWSP funds are to be used to support field work-related travel costs (e.g., mileage, vehicle rental, airfare, accommodation, per-diems, etc.). Funding is explicitly intended to be used in the field (or to get to/from the field), including other travel (e.g., rental/purchase to get to sampling sites). Requests for costs associated with lab work after the collection of specimens, research equipment, or student stipends will not be considered. The maximum amount of support is $7,500. Applications for exploratory as well as established fieldwork activities or teaching are welcome. All necessary approvals and certificates (whether for research or teaching-related requests) must be either in place at the time of application or provided prior to receipt of awarded funds. Applications from groups of eligible staff will also be considered.

Competition procedure and program administration

Submit completed proposals as a single PDF file with the title format “surname_FWSP24” to Nicole.Walsh1@umanitoba.ca. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2024. Please respect page limitations. A brief 2-page report is required from all successful applicants, due at the time of submission of the next year’s application date. The report should outline the degree to which the proposed objectives were met and list all documents (papers, manuals, etc.) resulting. Recipients are also asked to acknowledge the Field Work Support Program in all publications and media coverage resulting from the support provided. Questions and help with the application may be directed to the Research Grant Facilitator, Ryan Sestric via e-mail at Ryan.Sestric@umanitoba.ca.

FWSP application 2024 (in PDF)
FWSP application 2024 (in Word format)

Faculty of Science Research Innovation and Commercialization Grant

Faculty of Science awards

Faculty of Science Outreach Award


To recognize faculty members, both researchers, and instructors, for outreach activities. Nominees should demonstrate commitment to developing, coordinating, and/or sustaining projects or activities that extend the communication of science to the community (both within and outside the University). The nomination can be for a single activity or for engagement in multiple outreach activities within the past academic year.

Examples of eligible outreach activities:

  • Significant participation in University of Manitoba outreach and recruitment events such as Let’s Talk Science, IB Great Escape, Evening of Excellence, etc.
  • Building connections with the community through off-campus outreach such as visiting schools to give research talks or on-campus activities such as hosting K-12 students in your lab or classroom.

The award is valued at $1000 and can be used for research, summer student support, travel, or other professional development. Early Career Faculty (defined as individuals being within five years of their first academic appointment) and Established Faculty (more than five years of experience in an academic appointment) are eligible.
Faculty cannot receive multiple awards for the same outreach activity but are eligible for additional awards if they participate in new areas of outreach.

Nomination Process

Nominations may come from students, faculty, staff, and community organizations, or departmental awards committees (if appropriate) (self-nominations are not admissible).

To nominate an individual, please complete the following:

1) Inform the individual of your intention and if they agree to proceed, request that they prepare a brief impact statement (max 1 page) that outlines the following:

  • nature of the activities undertaken
  • role/commitment of nominee
  • perceived impact on the community

2) Prepare a letter of support

The next call for Outreach Award nominations is TBD.

Faculty of Science Early Career Research Excellence Award


To recognize outstanding accomplishments by Early Career Research Faculty in the physical sciences, life sciences, or computational/mathematical sciences. The Award is valued at $1000 and can be used for research, summer student support, travel, or other professional development. Early Career Faculty (defined as individuals being within five years of their first academic appointment) are eligible.

Applicants for the Early Career Research Excellence award will display the following:

  • exceptional promise as demonstrated through original new research
  • Application of innovative research methods and approaches
  • Ability to form new disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaborations
  • Patent filings and collaboration between industry or the community would also be considered an asset

Application Process

Nominations may come from UM faculty members, or departmental awards committees (if appropriate) (self-nominations are not admissible)

To nominate an individual, please complete the following:

1)  Inform the nominee of your intention and request the following application materials from them if they wish to proceed:

  • A current CV of the nominee
  • A brief statement of impact (max 1 page) which summarizes the nominee’s most significant contributions

2) Prepare a letter of support that addresses each of the above evaluation criteria.

The next call for Early Career Research Excellence Award nominations is TBD.

UM research services and resources

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