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General information

Financial support for undergraduate students to attend scientific conferences or international travel opportunities may be available to enhance the student experience through research and/or internationalization-related activities. Eligibility for financial support is based on specific criteria (listed below) and a completed request form from each student to rationalize the details of the request (outlined below). For more information contact Nicole Walsh at the Faculty of Science office at nicole.walsh1@umanitoba.ca.

Suggested base financial support for conference and longer-term international opportunity

  • Conferences in Canada, poster presentation: up to $250.00.
  • Conferences in Canada, oral presentation: up to $350.00.
  • International opportunity (exchange trip, oral presentation, poster presentation): up to $500.00

Undergraduate travel support must be applied for at least one month before a conference or exchange trip occurs.

Conference travel

Conference attendance requires the presentation of a research project and normally lasts about one week.

Please note that conference travel funding is limited to twice per year.

Eligibility criteria for conference travel

  1. The student must be currently registered in the Faculty of Science as an undergraduate student and be in good academic standing at the time of application.
  2. For students who are near graduation, conference travel must be within four months of their last academic term. 
  3. The student must have completed at least 30 credit hours of study at the University of Manitoba.
  4. A poster or oral presentation discussing their research findings is required to support conference attendance. No funding will be provided if a presentation is not made at the conference.
  5. After completion of the conference, a brief report of the activities and benefits is required to be submitted along with your financial claims.
  6. Students must complete the Faculty of Science undergraduate conference and exchange trip support request form.

Complete the request form

Request for travel support

Students must submit a completed Faculty of Science undergraduate conference and exchange trip support request form.

The form will ask for the following information:

  1. The nature of the request, that is for attendance at a conference; and how the work was performed (that is summer employment funded by NSERC USRA, FOS summer scholarship, and more).
  2. Travel details: presentation title and type of presentation, name and date of the conference/trip, location, length of stay, and the name of the supervisor.
  3. Student benefits: student background including department and program of study, research interests and perceived benefits of the trip.
  4. Confirmation that the above “eligibility criteria for conference travel” have or will be met.
  5. The estimated total cost of the trip (preliminary budget):
    • The student must demonstrate that financial assistance is required.
    • Indication of where applications for other financial support have been made to another source, for example, UMSU, scientific society, department, and so on.
    • Confirmation of all existing financial support.
    • A financial contribution from the supervisor is preferred.

International travel

Internationalization-related activities may involve an organized exchange/transfer program that may occur over one term.

Eligibility criteria for an international travel opportunity (one term)

  1. The student must be currently registered in the Faculty of Science as an undergraduate student and be in good academic standing at the time of application.
  2. For students who are near graduation, conference travel must be within four months of their last academic term.
  3. The student must have completed at least 30 credit hours of study at the University of Manitoba.
  4. After completion of the conference, a brief report of the activities and benefits is required to be submitted along with your financial claims.
  5. Students must complete the Faculty of Science undergraduate conference and exchange trip support request form.

Complete the request form

Request for international travel support

Students must submit a completed Faculty of Science undergraduate conference and exchange trip support request form.

The form will ask for the following information:

  1. The nature of the request, that is for an international learning opportunity, why the request is being made, reasons for the choice of the country of destination, and whether the trip is part of a co-op work term or an organized exchange or transfer program.
  2. Travel details: dates of the trip, location, length of stay, contact institution and person (if applicable).
  3. Student benefits: student background including department and program, international interests, perceived benefits of the trip, and scientific relevance of the trip to the student’s program and career aspirations.
  4. Confirmation that the above “eligibility criteria for conference travel” have or will be met.
  5. The estimated total cost of the trip (preliminary budget):
    • The student must demonstrate that financial assistance is required.
    • Indication of where applications for other financial support have been made to another source, for example, UMSU, scientific society, department, international centre, and so on.
    • Confirmation of all existing financial support.
    • A financial contribution from the supervisor is preferred.