2025 John Adair International Lecture
Motivations for and Effectiveness of Social Protest: What I think we know and don't know yet
Dr. Martijn Van Zomeren
Professor and Chair, Political and Cultural Psychology of Social Relationships, University of Groningen
Friday, February 14, 2025
Talk at 1:30 p.m. in 122 Drake Centre
Wine and cheese to follow in P408 Duff Roblin building
Why do people protest? And when they do, does social protest have any effect? In this talk, I will outline a new relational-psychological theory of social protest that is grounded in a motivational and a strategic pillar. The motivational pillar offers an integrated portrait of the protester on the basis of empirically supported "core motivations" for social protest (i.e, social embeddedness, identity, morality, anger and efficacy). The strategic pillar is based on emerging insights from recent research on the effectiveness of social protest and on the theory's assumptions about the protester as a socially embedded actor, and offers a so-called "tactical triad" for effective social protest. After outlining what I think we know and don't know yet about motivations for (e.g., Agostini & Van Zomeren, 2021) and effectiveness of social protest (e.g., Shuman et al., 2023), I will present a newly developed simulated-society research paradigm that is uniquely able to track how social protest emerges. I close with outlining directions for future research and with recommendations for the practical art of social protest.
Everyone welcome!