Academic information

This information is relevant for all students throughout the course of their program.


Appeals are available to students who wish to have term work grades or final grades reconsidered or reevaluated.

First level - Informal

Contact the course leader as soon as possible for an appointment to discuss your concerns. This must be no later than 10 working days of receiving the term work or final grade. They may provide you with valuable feedback or may be willing to review your paper or exam again.

Second level - Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs

If the results of the informal discussion are unsatisfactory, you may bring your concern to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs. Please note that appeal timelines and processes are different for term work grades and final grades. Details are available from the Registrar's Office.

Third level - Student Appeals Committee

If you still wish to pursue an appeal following discussions with the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs, you may bring your concerns to the Student Appeals Committee. However, you are encouraged to speak with  Student Advocacy first. For further details, consult the related policy on UM Learn.


Illness or other disruptive life circumstances can happen at any time, which can result in absences or incomplete coursework.

The university will consider a declaration in lieu of other documentation (such as a doctor’s note). Therefore, if you miss an assignment or are absent from the following:

  • Clinical time
  • Skills lab
  • Term test

You must:

  1. Notify your CEF and unit immediately for clinical absences
  2. Complete and submit a declaration form within 24 hours of your absence. Ensure you have spelled your course leader’s email correctly. One copy will be kept on file and one copy will be sent to your course leader.

A completed declaration form is required for each day you are absent.

False statements regarding a declaration may result in disciplinary action, up to removal of a student from the program.


Class schedules

Class schedules are available through Aurora.


All courses approved by the university senate are included in Aurora.


Students will receive a specific timetable assignment and can only register in the assigned timetable.

Full-time students will be given preference, and there may be limited space for part-time students.

Students needing special consideration for their timetable (e.g., registered with Student Accessibility Services or Bison Athletes) should contact us upon admission.

Once assigned, cohorts cannot be changed. Timetable assignments will be emailed before registration. For returning students and fall term admits, expect instructions in the first or second week of July. New winter term students will receive instructions in late November or early December.

Student responsibilities

Students are responsible for:

Fulfilling both academic and non-academic course requirements.

Following the policies, regulations, and deadlines specified in the Academic Calendar. If you have questions, schedule a meeting with a student advisor.

Keeping your contact information current in Aurora Student, especially if you change your address. If you change your name, complete a Change of Name form at the Registrar’s Office and submit a copy to the College of Nursing.

Abiding by the requirements and regulations of your degree program as detailed in the Academic Calendar.

Ensuring the completion of all degree requirements.


Dress code for clinical area:

  • Wear a navy blue uniform.
  • Choose white, wipe-able, non-mesh shoes.
  • Display the UM College of Nursing crest on the left sleeve of your uniform.
  • Wear a name tag.
  • Purchase crests and name tags from the UM Bookstore.

Under your uniform, you can wear navy blue or white sweaters or long-sleeved undershirts, available for purchase anywhere.

You have two clinical days per week, so ensure your uniform is clean at the start of each day. Consider buying a minimum of two tops and two pants.

For uniform fittings, contact the Nursing Students’ Association (NSA).

Voluntary withdrawal

What if I’m considering withdrawing from a course?
If you are considering withdrawing from a course, please discuss this with a student advisor or the nursing registration consultant as this will significantly impact your program progression. Immediately inform the course leader when you withdraw. Please ensure you are familiar with the College of Nursing academic regulations regarding voluntary withdrawals.

When does a withdrawal go on my student history?
Withdrawing from a course during the Registration Revision period is not counted as a voluntary withdrawal. Only courses for which a ‘VW’ code appears on the Student History are considered voluntary withdrawals.


As a professional degree program, the Bachelor of Nursing program is designed for students to develop competencies, behaviors, and attitudes which reflect the public’s expectations of a practicing health care professional. This document provides the guidelines necessary for students to meet professionalism expectations in practice-based courses in the Bachelor of Nursing program.

Guidelines for professional behaviour

In the Bachelor of Nursing program, all practice-based learning courses require students to exhibit professional behavior consistently.

Professionalism involves demonstrating seriousness, maturity, punctuality, full engagement (mentally and physically), preparation, and adherence to safety and confidentiality principles.

Students are expected to actively participate in all learning opportunities.

Instances of unprofessional conduct will be reported to the Course Leader and Program Directors. Failure to improve may lead to the risk of failure in the course.

Approach nursing courses (theory, labs, simulation-based education, and clinical practice) with the same attitudes and standards of practice expected in a professional setting.

Any student displaying unprofessional behaviors toward peers, colleagues, faculty, clients, or the public may face disciplinary action according to the University of Manitoba Student Discipline By-Law.

Preparedness and participation

Prepare for Learning Activities:

  • Review assigned readings, reference materials, and self-study directions.
  • Familiarize yourself with this material before attending classes, labs, simulations, and clinical practice.

Bring Required Materials:

  • Learning Materials: Laptop, textbooks, handouts, instructional videos, etc.
  • Personal Equipment: Stethoscope, skills lab kits, etc., as specified in course communications (e.g., syllabi, UM Learn).

Attend All Sessions:

  • Classes, Labs, Simulations, and Clinical Shifts: Regular attendance is required.
  • Excused Absences: Stay home when ill to prevent spreading illness and aid in recovery. Notify the course leader as soon as possible if you cannot attend.
  • Consequences of Absence: Missing practice-based courses may affect your progression and could lead to debarment or failure if persistent.

Participate Actively:

  • Engage in communication, collaboration, hands-on practice, critical thinking, and reflection.
  • Learning activities are designed to help you practice and master both technical and non-technical skills.

Reflect on Learning:

  • Develop problem-solving skills through reflective practice.
  • Reflect on your values, beliefs, and behaviors to keep up with the rapidly evolving health sciences field.

Punctuality and attendance

Professional Standards

CRNM Requirements: Nurses must:

  • Demonstrate professional behaviors, attributes, and values.
  • Promote responsibility, professional development, and a respectful practice environment.
  • Take personal responsibility for conduct and fitness to practice (CRNM, 2018).
  • Nursing Students: Must meet the same standards.

Health and Responsibility

  • Maintain Health: Manage your health responsibly, as ill health can impact patients and colleagues.

Attendance Requirements

  • Clinical Days: Attendance at all scheduled clinical days is required.
  • Reporting Absences: Inform your Course Leader, Clinical Education Facilitator (CEF), and/or preceptor as soon as possible if you are ill or face unforeseen circumstances.
  • Consequences of Absence: Missing days may lead to withdrawal from the course and a need to restart at a later date. Your situation will be reviewed by the Course Leader, Director Clinical or Skills/Simulation, and the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs.


  • Punctuality: Be on time for all learning activities and clinical shifts.
  • Instructor Schedule: Classes and clinical shifts will start and end on time.
  • Impact of Late Arrivals: Late arrivals are disruptive and unprofessional.

Professional behaviour – incivility, rudeness and disrespectful behaviour

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and the College of Nursing are committed to ensuring safe, respectful, and supportive working and learning environments in which all of the RFHS community are enabled and encouraged to excel.

Discrimination and harassment of and by students, faculty and staff are prohibited.

People and equipment must be treated with respect at all times.

Rudeness and incivility are unacceptable.

Please see the University’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment policy for detail.


Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Attire and Dress Code Guidelines:

Staff, faculty members and learners have the right to express themselves, including in decisions about attire, along with a shared responsibility to maintain respectful, safe and positive learning and working environments.

Attire should be respectful of a community that is anti-oppressive, equitable, accepting and inclusive of a diverse range of social and cultural identities.

Dress shall not promote offensive, harassing, hostile or intimidating environments.

Attire must be suitable for a professional environment.

Discretion and good judgment should be exercised in attire, taking into consideration:

  • The safe performance of work or learning duties, so that dress does not interfere with health or safety requirements for the intended activity
  • The specific work or learning environment, ensuring that attire is appropriate to the environment
  • Interactions with clients, care team colleagues, learners, faculty members and staff
  • The importance of reducing the risk of spreading pathogens from person-to-person

College of Nursing Uniform Requirements

Unless otherwise directed by the Course Leader or Facilitator to accommodate certain learning activities or site dress code policies, the following attire is required in the Skills and Simulation Labs and clinical areas:

  • Navy blue uniform
  • UM College of Nursing crest displayed on the left sleeve of the uniform
  • Name tag

Crests and name tags are available through the UM Bookstore.

Under your uniform you may wear sweaters or long-sleeved under shirts. These must be navy blue or white and may be purchased anywhere you choose.

All uniforms should fit well and be professional, clean, neat, and in good condition and may not be inappropriately revealing.

White, wipe-able, non-mesh shoes are required for clinical areas.

Any flat, closed-toe shoe is acceptable in the Skills and Simulation Labs.

Do not wear your hospital shoes on campus.

Do not wear uniforms or work shoes in public places after your shift, such as, to the grocery store, to the gym or on the bus.

Please change at the site.

Wash your uniforms regularly.

General guidelines for presentation

  • Introduce yourself using your full name and designation as a U of M nursing student
  • Appearance must be neat and well-groomed, wear deodorant, shower daily.
  • Please wear your U of M ID and mask fit-test ID at all times.
  • Other ID (such as Shared Health or WRHA ID) may also be required in the clinical practice environment per site policy.
  • Always have your stethoscope, a pad of paper, a pen, and a watch.
  • Hair must be neatly styled in such a way as to not interfere with required activities.
  • Long hair should be pulled back and secured.
  • Jewellery should be appropriate for the situation, taking into account any related safety or infection control issues.
  • Fingernails must be clean and trimmed.
  • Artificial and gel nails are an infection prevention and control risk and are prohibited in clinical areas.
  • False eyelashes are an infection prevention and control hazard and are not recommended in the clinical area.
  • Scented products should not be worn in patient care areas or the College of Nursing.
  • Many areas are designated Scent Free Environments, and anyone using heavily scented products will be asked to leave.
  • Cell phones are not permitted for personal use in patient care areas.
  • If you are observed using your cell phone in this manner, in a patient care area, you may be sent home.
  • If you need to use your phone to take an important call or look something up, you must move to a private area such as a break room or office.

Student advisors

  • Student advisors are available to you for consultation

    Appointments are available in person or by virtual video call through Microsoft Teams. Drop in appointments are not currently available.

    Each appointment is 30 minutes in length between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

    UM students are also encouraged to use UM Achieve

  • What do student advisors do?

    They advise and oversee the admission and registration of students in the nursing program. They answer course/program planning questions and provide advice regarding college, faculty and university policies, procedures and regulations. Advisors assist with registration issues and program completion questions.

    Student Advisors are not responsible for notifying you if you have outstanding degree requirements.

Scholarships and bursaries


Scholarship recipients are selected by the College of Nursing, or through an application process.

Entering year

The scholarships listed below are degree grade point average (DGPA) based (recipient is selected by the College of Nursing); submitting an application is not required.

Gladys Burns Entrance Scholarships 

Eligibility: Enrolled full time in second year (minimum 80 per cent course load) in the Bachelor of Nursing program and have achieved a minimum adjusted GPA for admission into the program of 3.5. 
Award amount: Three (3) awards valued at (approximately) $2,400 each

How to apply: Recipients are selected by the College of Nursing

All years

The scholarships listed below are degree grade point average (DGPA) based (recipient is selected by the College of Nursing); submitting an application is not required.

Dr. A. W. Hogg Undergraduate Scholarship

Eligibility: Highest academic standing in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program, enrolled full time (minimum 80 per cent course load) and a minimum degree GPA of 3.75 (Dean's Honour List).

Award amount: $1,500

How to apply: Recipient is selected by the College of Nursing

Elizabeth Russell Award 

Eligibility: High academic standing in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum 80 per cent course load) and a minimum degree GPA of 3.5.

Award amount: $600

How to apply: Recipient is selected by the College of Nursing

Marie Pauline Wood Steiman Memorial Scholarship 

Eligibility: Self-declared as a First Nations, Metis or Inuit person from Canada. Enrolled full-time (80 per cent course load) in any year of study in the Bachelor of Nursing program. Achieved the highest degree grade point average in the program among the students who meet the noted criteria. 

Award amount: TBD 

How to apply: recipient is selected by the College 

All years: scholarships requiring application submission

The scholarships listed below are application-based opportunities, submitting an application is required.

Nursing Students' Association Scholarships (Indigenous)

Eligibility: Applicant has self-declared as a First Nations, Métis, or Inuit person from Canada; enrolled full time (minimum of 80 per cent course load) in the Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Midwifery program; achieved a minimum cumulative Degree GPA average of 3.0.

Award amount: Three (3) awards valued at $1,500 each

How to apply:  Online application form is linked at the bottom of this section

Deadline: May 31, annually

Nursing Students' Association Scholarships (International)

Eligibility: Applicant is an international student enrolled full time (minimum of 80 per cent course load) in the Bachelor of Nursing program; has achieved a minimum cumulative Degree GPA of 3.0.

Award amount: Three (3) awards valued at $1,500 each

How to apply: Online application form is linked at the bottom of this section.

Deadline: May 31, annually

Nursing Students' Association General Scholarships

Eligibility: Applicant is enrolled full time (minimum 80 per cent course load) in the Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Midwifery program; has achieved a minimum cumulative Degree GPA of 3.5.

Award amount: Three (3) awards valued at $1,500 each

How to apply: Online application form is linked at the bottom of this section.

Deadline: May 31, annually

Nursing Students' Association Scholarships (Single Parent)

Eligibility: Applicant is a single custodial parent; enrolled full time (minimum 80 per cent course load) in the Bachelor of Nursing or Midwifery program; has achieved a minimum cumulative Degree GPA of 3.0.

Award amount: Three (3) awards valued at $1,500 each 

How to apply: Online application form is linked below

Deadline: May 31, annually

NSA scholarships application form

Complete and submit one (1) NSA scholarships application form to be considered for all NSA scholarship opportunities.

Year 2

The scholarships listed below are degree grade point average (DGPA) based (recipient is selected by the College of Nursing); submitting an application is not required.

Enid Evans Scholarship in Nursing 

Eligibility: Completed second year of the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum of 80 per cent course load) and achieved a minimum degree GPA of 3.5; achieved a passing grade in all courses, and never failed a clinical course. 

Award amount: $1,800 

How to apply: Recipient is selected by the College of Nursing

Gladys Burns Scholarships 

Eligibility: Completed second year of the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum of 80 per cent course load) and achieved a minimum degree GPA of 3.5.

Award amount: $3,000 

How to apply: Recipients are selected by the College of Nursing

Isbister Scholarships in Nursing 

Eligibility: Completed second year of the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum of 80 per cent course load) with the highest academic standing. 

Award amount: $2,900 

How to apply: Recipient is selected by the College of Nursing

Maggie Katzeley Scholarship for Mature Nursing Students 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time or part-time in second year of study in the Bachelor of Nursing program. Minimum degree GPA of 3.5. Granted admission to the University of Manitoba with Mature Student status. 

Award amount: $1,175 

How to apply: Recipient is selected by the College 

Mildred I. Lucky Scholarship in Nursing 

Eligibility: Completed second year of the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum 80 per cent course load); achieved a minimum degree GPA of 3.5; achieved a passing grade in all courses and never failed a clinical course. 

Award amount: $3,000 

How to apply: Recipient is selected by the College of Nursing

Year 3

The scholarships listed below are degree grade point average (DGPA) based (recipient is selected by the College of Nursing); submitting an application is not required.

Elizabeth Russell Award 

Eligibility: Completed (second or) third year in the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum 80 per cent course load); and achieved high academic standing.  

Award amount: $600 

How to apply: Recipient is selected by the College of Nursing

Esther Brina Erenberg Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility: Completed third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program, enrolled full time (minimum of 80 per cent course load); achieved a minimum degree GPA of 3.5; a passing grade in each course and never failed a clinical course.

Award amount: $400

How to apply: Recipient is selected by the College of Nursing

Gladys Burns Scholarships

Eligibility: Completed third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program, enrolled full time (minimum of 80 per cent course load); achieved a minimum degree GPA of 3.5, a passing grade in each course and never failed a clinical course.

Award amount: $3,000

How to apply: Recipients are selected by the College of Nursing

Isbister Scholarships in Nursing 

Eligibility: Completed third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program (minimum of 80 per cent course load) with the highest academic standing. 

Award amount: $2,900 

How to apply: Recipient is selected by the College of Nursing

Kathleen Winnifred Ruane Undergraduate Nursing Scholarships

Eligibility: Completed second year of the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum of 80 per cent course load).  Achieved a minimum degree GPA of 3.5 in corresponding theory courses and clinical courses.

Award amount: Two (2) awards valued at $1,500 each

How to apply: Recipients are selected by the College of Nursing

Year 4

The scholarship listed below is degree grade point average (DGPA) based (recipient is selected by the College of Nursing); submitting an application is not required.

Kathleen & Winnifred Ruane Undergraduate Nursing Scholarships

Eligibility: Completed third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum of 80 per cent course load). Achieved a minimum degree GPA of 3.5 in corresponding theory courses and clinical courses.

Award amount: Two (2) awards valued at $1,500 each

How to apply: Recipients are selected by the College of Nursing.

Year 4: scholarships requiring application submission

The scholarships listed below are application-based opportunities, submitting an application is required.

Florence Pauls Prize in Nursing 

Eligibility: Completed second (or third year) in the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum 80 per cent course load); high academic standing and demonstrated proficiency and shows promise of professional competence. 

Award amount: $250 

How to apply:  Write a letter outlining why you feel you have demonstrated proficiency and show promise of professional competence. Refer to the "submit your application" button at the bottom of this section to upload your letter.

Deadline: May 31, annually 

Jean Margaret Mitchell Memorial Award  

Eligibility: Has completed (second or) third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum of 80 per cent course load); has achieved a minimum DGPA of 3.75 (Dean’s Honour List); and has demonstrated a commitment to, and leadership and scholarship in, the field of community health nursing. 
Award amount: $1,700 

How to apply: Write a letter demonstrating a commitment to, and leadership and scholarship in, the field of community health nursing. Refer to the "submit your application" button at the bottom of this section to upload your letter.

Deadline: May 31, annually 

Julia Alice Saddington Memorial Scholarship 

Eligibility: Completed third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; enrolled full time (minimum 80 per cent course load); have a career interest in community health nursing; and a minimum degree GPA of 3.5  

Award amount: $1,000 

How to apply:  Submit an application that includes the following—

  • a letter demonstrating evidence of achievement in the theory or and the application of concepts in community health nursing or in the practice of community health, and indication of intent to pursue a career in community health nursing or public health nursing;
  • a brief personal biography outlining your aptitude for and interest in a career in community health through your studies, work experience, and career goals (maximum 500 words); and
  • a copy of your resume. 

How to apply: Refer to the "submit your application" button at the bottom of this section to upload your documents.

Deadline: May 31, annually

Thomas & Helen Smerchanski Nursing Scholarship 

Eligibility: Completed (second or) third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program enrolled full time (minimum 80 per cent course load); has achieved a minimum DGPA of 3.5; has achieved a passing grade in all courses; has never failed a clinical course; has demonstrated potential for becoming a successful, contributing member of the nursing profession.

Award amount: $2,000

How to apply: Write a letter (minimum 500 words) outlining why you feel you have the potential for becoming a successful, contributing member of the nursing profession. Refer to the "submit your application" button below to upload your letter.

Deadline: May 31, annually

The button below is to submit your application/upload your documents for the following awards: 

  • Florence Pauls Prize in Nursing
  • Jean Margaret Mitchell Memorial Award 
  • Julia Alice Saddington Memorial Scholarship
  • Thomas & Helen Smerchanski Nursing Scholarship

Submit your application


Bursary recipients are selected by the College of Nursing. Students  must register and complete a minimum 60 per cent of a full course load (or as specified) over the regular academic session with registration in both Fall and Winter terms; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; and have demonstrated financial need. Please visit the Financial Aid and Awards page for further information. 

The deadline to apply for bursaries is October 1, annually. 

All years

Alice Meredith Jones Memorial Bursary

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in the Bachelor of Nursing program, achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5, has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.

Award amount: Variable

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Barbara I. McGregor Bursary in Nursing 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in any year of study in the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba 

Award amount: Variable 

How to apply: complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA

Deadline: October 1, annually 

Betty Stoddart Memorial Bursary in Nursing

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in any year of Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form; has demonstrated caring and compassion through university, volunteer and extra-curricular endeavours on the supplemental application (see below).

Preference in selection shall be given to students from Neepawa, MB. 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form in AURORA. Students must also complete the Supplemental Application under Step 4: Special Applications.

Deadline: October 1, annually

College of Nursing 75th Anniversary Legacy Fund Bursaries 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in any year of study in the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; and has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: $1,000 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA

Deadline: October 1, annually

College of Nursing Undergraduate Student Bursary

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; and has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: $475

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

College of Nursing Bursary — Indigenous

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; are Canadian Indigenous (Status, Non-Status, Métis, Inuit); has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.

Award amount: Two (2) awards valued at $1,500 each. 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

College of Nursing Bursary – BN-BPRN Program 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing or the Baccalaureate Program for Registered Nurses; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: Two (2) awards valued at $1,500 each 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA

Deadline: October 1, annually 

Dr. Harvey and Mrs. Irene Bergner Bursary 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; successfully completed the Health and Illness: Older Client course (NURS 2518); achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. For Nursing students who are interested in the “care of the older person”. 

Award Amount: $1,125 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA

Deadline: October 1, annually 

Dr. Max Rady Memorial Bursary

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. . 

Award amount: $1,000

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA

Deadline: October 1, annually

Elizabeth Scaife Nursing Education Bursary 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing or Baccalaureate Program for Registered Nurses; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.0; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: $750 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA

Deadline: October 1, annually

Florence Nightingale Paulson Bursary    

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: Variable

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Gladys Burns Bursaries    

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: Variable

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Gutie & Misha Newman Bursary in Nursing

Eligibility: Enrolled Full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.  

Award amount: $850

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Harvey & Merle Boyd Bursary 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in any year of study in the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: Variable 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Helen Johnson Shelton Memorial Bursary

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: $600

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Iwasiw Family Bursary

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: $1,150

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Jane Davie Memorial Bursary 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.
Award amount:  $1,000 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Margaret Scott Nursing Mission Scholarship        

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.

Award amount: Variable

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Natalia and Albert Recksiedler Bursary 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

This bursary will be offered to students in College of Nursing in odd-numbered calendar years. 

Award amount: $1,800  

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Marie Pauline Wood Steiman Memorial Scholarship 

Eligibility: Self-declared as a First Nations, Metis or Inuit person from Canada. Enrolled full-time (80% course load) in any year of study in the Bachelor of Nursing program. Achieved the highest degree grade point average in the program among the students who meet the noted criteria. 

Award amount: TBD 

How to apply: recipient is selected by the College 

Phyllis Martin Memorial Bursary 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) or part-time (less than 60% course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: Variable  

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Phyllis May-Rolfe Memorial Bursary     

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) or part-time (less than 60% course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: $975

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Zonta Club of Winnipeg        

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) or part-time (less than 60% course load) in any year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: $850

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Year 2

College of Nursing Bursary  - BN Year 2

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in the second year of the Bachelor of Nursing program, achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5, has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.

Award amount: Two (2) awards valued at $1,000 each

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

College of Nursing Bursary — Indigenous Year 2

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in the second year of the Bachelor of Nursing program, achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; are Canadian Indigenous (Status, Non-Status, Métis, Inuit); has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.

Award amount: Two (2) awards valued at $1,000 each

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Gwen Kent Memorial Bursary in Nursing

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum 60 per cent course load) in the second year of the Bachelor of Nursing program, achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5, has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.  

Award amount: Variable

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Thomas and Helen Smerchanski Nursing Bursary

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in second (or third) year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; never failed a clinical course; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.  

Award amount: $1,000

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Year 3

College of Nursing Bursary - BN Year 3

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.

Award amount: Two (2) awards valued at $1,000 each

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

College of Nursing Bursary — Indigenous Year 3

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; are Canadian Indigenous (Status, Non-Status, Métis, Inuit); has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.

Award amount: Two (2) awards valued at $1,000 each 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Foundation for Registered Nurses of Manitoba Inc. Undergraduate Bursary 

Eligibility:  Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) or part-time (less than 60% course load) in third or fourth year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.
Award amount:  $500 - $1,500 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Kathleen and Winnifred Ruane Undergraduate Nursing Bursaries 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in third (or fourth) year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 
Award amount:  Total of four (4) awards valued at $1,000 each 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Mildred I. Lucky Bursary in Nursing

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: $4,100

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Thomas and Helen Smerchanski Nursing Bursary

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in third (or second) year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; never failed a clinical course; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.

Award amount: $2,000

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Year 4

College of Nursing Bursary - BN Year 4

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in fourth year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.

Award amount: Two (2) awards valued at $1,000 each 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

College of Nursing Bursary — Indigenous BN Year 4

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in fourth year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; are Canadian Indigenous (Status, Non-Status, Métis, Inuit); has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: Two (2) awards valued at $1,000 each 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Foundation for Registered Nurses of Manitoba Inc. Undergraduate Bursary 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) or part-time (less than 60% course load) in third or fourth year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form.  

Award amount:  $500 - $1,500

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually

Kathleen and Winnifred Ruane Undergraduate Nursing Bursaries 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in (third (or) fourth) year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 
Award amount:  Total of four (4) awards valued at $1,000 each 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually 

Nettie Peters Undergraduate Bursary in Nursing 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in the fourth year of study of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: $3,200 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually 

Rosemary Armstrong Memorial Bursary 

Eligibility: Enrolled full-time (minimum of 60 per cent course load) in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Nursing program; achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 2.5; registered in Family/Child Health (currently NURS 4510); has demonstrated financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form. 

Award amount: $900 

How to apply: Complete the standard University of Manitoba bursary application form available in AURORA.

Deadline: October 1, annually 

Contact us

College of Nursing
Helen Glass Centre for Nursing
89 Curry Place
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus) 
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
