Summer camp information

2025 Dates


* Indicates a 4 day week due to observation of a statutory holiday.
** The pool will be closed for annual maintenance during week 9.

2025 summer camps at a glance (for ages 12+)

 Wk 1*Wk 2Wk 3Wk 4Wk 5Wk 6*Wk 7Wk 8Wk 9
Active Games: Level Up!209982108421085210862108721091210882108921090
Archery, Fencing, Racquetball  21317    21318 
Becoming a Mini U Leader21117 21119 21135 21136  
NEW Flag Football   21360  21362  
Glow in the Dark 12+ 21041 21350213512135221353  
Rec Basketball 21047  21356   21357
Rec Volleyball21032 21363  21364   
Senior Science210992109221093214412109521100210962109721098
Wall Climbing III210362105421287212902129321297213002130321307

Swimming lessons

Swimming lessons (Daytime)

 AgesWk 1Wk 2Wk 3Wk 4Wk 5Wk 6Wk 7Wk 8Wk 9
Camp Swimming lessons5-14 20779207802078120782 2078320784 

Swimming lessons


Session 1

June 30-July 4

Session 2

July 14-25

Session 3

July 28-Aug. 8

Session 4

Aug. 11-22

Private/Semi-private lessons4:30 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.5-14









Private/Semi-private lessons5:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.5-14









Group ICS4:30 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.5-1420735207482076120771
Group ICS5:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.5-1420736207492076220772


Pick up/Drop off locationAgesWk 1Wk 2Wk 3Wk 4Wk 5Wk 6Wk 7Wk 8Wk 9
Charleswood SchoolAll209212092720933209392094520975209622096320969
Ecole Sage Creek SchoolAll209222092820934209402094620976209572096420970
Garden City CollegiateAll209232092920935209412094720977209582096520971
Grant Park High SchoolAll209242093020936209422094820978209592096620972
Lord Wolseley SchoolAll209252093120937209432094920979209602096720973
Ness Middle School All209262093220938209442095020980209612096820974

Summer Camp Details 2025

  • kids playing video games
  • Active Gamers: Level Up!

    With two hours of gaming and 4 hours of physical activity each day, you'll get the best of both worlds—immersive gaming experiences and active fun. It’s a great way to balance screen time with exercise. With the latest systems from Xbox, PlayStation, Meta, and Nintendo at your disposal, you'll have plenty of options to stay engaged and entertained.

    Instructor: Qualified Mini U Programs classroom leader
    Hours/Day: 2 Gaming; 4 Rec
    Dates: Weeks 1*, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6*, 7, 8 & 9
    Price: $299 (short week* $239.20)
    Ages: 12-15

    Register Here!

  • fencing
  • Archery, Fencing and Racquetball

    Join us for the opportunity to try these three sports in a fun and safe environment. In conjunction with our Sport Manitoba organizations, learn sport specific skills from experienced players in archery, fencing and racquetball while developing an understanding of fair play. 

    Instructor: Sport Manitoba trained staff
    Hours/Day: 4 AFR Sport; 2 Rec
    Dates: Weeks 3 & 8
    Price: $299
    Ages: 12-14

    Register Here!

  • A senior Mini U participant working with other Mini U kids.
  • Becoming a Mini U Leader

    Be a leader at Mini U! Develop your skills in the areas of responsibility, behavior management and goal setting and get a powerful glimpse into what it takes to be a leader on the Mini U team. Receive hands-on training through an in-depth orientation that includes learning behavior management techniques, customer service, creating games for kids and teamwork. During the first week, our leaders will prepare you to lead at Mini U and Junior Bisons Programs. During the second week, you’ll work alongside a Mini U mentor and assist with leading one of our summer camps. After the program has been completed, you will have the chance to volunteer at our programs! 

    Please note: we have changed the starting age of Becoming A Mini U Leader to 14 (from 13).  

    Instructor: Qualified Mini U Programs classroom leader
    Hours/Day: 3 Leadership; 3 Rec
    Dates - 2 Week Program: 
    Weeks 1*/2, 3/4, 5/6*, 7/8
    Price: $345 (short week* $310.50)
    Ages: 14-15

    Register Here!

  • Glow
  • Glow in the Dark
    (NEW activities for 2025)

    Join us for a week packed with high-energy games and activities, all played under neon black lights! 

    This year, we’re cranking up the excitement with Blaze Pods, which will help you level up your speed, agility, and strategy as you challenge your friends in epic showdowns of new games! We are also adding LED lit bunkers to glow in the dark dodgeball and bringing back glow favorites like; 9 Square in the Air, Tchoukball, and Omnikin. Take on awesome team challenges that will have everyone moving, laughing, and glowing with excitement!

    Each camper will get a special glow-in-the-dark t-shirt to keep the fun shining even after the week ends!

    Instructor Qualified Mini U Programs coach
    Hours/Day: 3 Glow; 3 Rec
    Dates: Weeks 2, 4, 5, 6* & 7 
    Price: $299 (short week* $239.20)
    Ages: 12-14

    Register Here!

  • A group of campers bouncing basketballs in a line
  • Rec Basketball

    Experienced U SPORTS athletes lead you through drills, competitions, and daily scrimmages to help improve your play. Learn shooting, passing, dribbling, offensive and defensive strategies and conditioning. Our coaches emphasize transitional situations and advanced shooting techniques.

    Instructor: Bisons student-athletes, with mentorship and curriculum development support, provided by Bisons Basketball head coaches Kirby Schepp and Michele Sung
    Hours/Day: 3 Basketball; 3 Rec

    • Note: if you are looking for an immersive, high performance basketball camp, please consider the camps offered by our friends at Junior Bisons.

    Dates: Weeks 2, 5 & 9
    Price: $299
    Ages: 12-14

    Register Here!

  • Three girls from the Mini U Senior Program during volleyball
  • Rec Volleyball

    Bisons student-athletes will lead you through drills, daily scrimmages and mini competitions to help build on your volleyball skills. You will learn offensive and defensive strategies and systems, approach, attacking, blocking, hitting, setting, serving and passing.

    Instructor: Bisons student-athletes, with mentorship and curriculum development support provided by Bisons Volleyball head coaches Ken Bentley and Arnd Ludwig.
    Hours/Day: 3 Volleyball; 3 Rec

    • Note: if you are looking for an immersive, high performance volleyball camp, please consider the camps offered by our friends at Junior Bisons.

    Dates: Weeks 1*, 3 & 6*
    Price: $299 (short week* $239.20)
    Ages: 12-14

    Register Here!

  • Science
  • Senior Science

    See how far science can take you with this new and exciting camp! Come with us as we explore science buildings on campus and perform hands on experiments following the scientific method. Campers will learn what scientific discovery looks like at the university level by covering topics in biology, chemistry, physics, and more!

    Potential allergens: hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodide, isopropanol, spinach, half & half, vanilla extract, hairspray, turmeric.

    *All program content and activities are newly created each summer. If you loved Senior Science last year, we're sure you'll love the new lessons and activities this year as well!

    Instructor: Qualified Mini U Programs classroom leader
    Hours/Day: 3 Science; 3 Rec
    Dates: Weeks 1*, 2, 3,4, 5, 6*, 7, 8 & 9
    Price: $299 (short week* $239.20)
    Ages: 12-14

    Register Here!

  • A girl climbing the climbing wall in the advanced climbing skills class.
  • Wall Climbing III

    Learn new skills or refine your previous climbing skills as you build confidence and experience on the wall. This program will focus on a range of techniques for the new climber and additional intermediate to advanced climbing techniques for the experienced climber.  One hour per day will be spent on our 1500 square foot climbing wall in the Active Living Centre and one hour per day on our bouldering wall with our new Kilter board. 

    Instructor: Qualified climbing leader
    Hours/Day: 2 Climb; 4 Rec
    Dates: Weeks 1*, 2, 3,4, 5, 6*, 7, 8 & 9
    Price: $299 (short week* $239.20)
    Ages: 12-14

    Register Here!

Junior Bisons Summer Camps

  • Athletes holding a basketball
  • Junior Bisons

    Our friends at Junior Bisons will be offering various day-time, high-performance training opportunities in volleyball, basketball and soccer.

    Age: 12-18

    Visit the Junior Bisons website for full program details.




Spring Break Camps 2025

March 31 - April 4, 2025

Swimming for this week has been tentatively scheduled for Tuesday & Thursday.  Please pack a bathing suit and towel for your child.  An email confirming swim dates will be sent prior to start of Spring Break Camps. 

  • Climbing
  • Wall Climbing III

    Advanced Climbing Skills are designed to help climbers with experience on the wall to continue to develop their skills. The focus of this program will be on intermediate to advanced techniques while teaching you what it takes to train for a competition. Participants will be encouraged to set longer term goals for themselves and be taught strategies for achieving these goals.

    Instructor: Qualified Mini U Programs Coaches
    Hours/Day:  2 Climbing; 4 Rec
    Price: $299

    Register Here!

Spring Programs

  • climb 3
  • Wall Climbing III

    Advanced Climbing Skills are designed to help climbers with experience on the wall to continue to develop their skills. The focus of this program will be on intermediate to advanced techniques while teaching you what it takes to train for a competition. Participants will be encouraged to set longer term goals for themselves and be taught strategies for achieving these goals.

    Spring Session
    Ages: 12+
    Instructor: Qualified Mini U Programs leaders
    Days:   Saturdays 11:30 - 1:00pm
    Dates:  April 5 - June 21 (no class April 19 & May 17)
    Number of classes: 10 
    Price:  $340

    Register Here!

12+ Experience

Leadership Skill Building

  • Mentoring young campers 
  • Building relationships 
  • Collecting leadership cards 
  • Developing teamwork skills 
  • Increasing communication skills 

Self Sign Out

Participants of Mini U Programs and Junior Bisons who are at least twelve years of age can be granted permission to sign themselves out of camp at 4:00 PM each day with the preauthorization from a guardian. Please see this form for authorization.