Research highlights
Publications from MCHP Researchers
Areas of expertise
These researchers are highly successful and currently hold more than $3.3 million in research grants and awards collectively. Below are some of research areas and projects MCHP researchers are leading.
Antenatal, newborn and maternal health
Dr. Chelsea Ruth
The LEOPARD study led by Dr. Chelsea Ruth is a collaborative study between Perinatology, Neonatology and Developmental Pediatrics which is building a multi-year birth based cohort to look at the effects of antenatal, perinatal and early life risk and protective factors on educational outcomes and child development. It is in the early stages of cohort formation with three study questions ready to go looking at the effects of antenatal steroids, complex congenital heart disease and gestational age at birth on our outcomes.
Dr. Marcelo Urquia
Maternal and Newborn Perinatal Outcomes of Girls aged <18 is a project led by Dr. Marcelo Urquia that aims to quantify the prevalence and distribution of child marriage and its associations with adverse perinatal outcomes, based on nationwide Canadian data and from other countries.
Child development
Dr. Marni Brownell
Leveraging Linked Administrative Data to Advance FASD Research and Inform Evidence Based Policy in Manitoba and Beyond is a study led by Dr. Marni Brownell. It was developed in partnership with Healthy Child Manitoba with the objective of using the Population Research Data Repository held at MCHP to:
- Evaluate the Manitoba government’s FASD strategy and determine the success of reducing the incidence of alcohol consumption during pregnancy;
- Describe the burden of physical and mental health co-morbidities experienced by individuals with FASD with the aim of guiding clinical management of FASD in pediatric and primary care settings.
Dr. Marni Brownell, Dr. Deepa Singal
Neonatal and Childhood Neurodevelopment, Health and Educational Outcomes of Children Exposed to Antidepressants and Maternal Depression During Pregnancy is a study led by Drs. Marni Brownell and Deepa Singal is examining neonatal health, early childhood physical and mental health, and educational outcomes for children whose mothers took antidepressants during pregnancy. The population-wide data held at MCHP has allowed us to generate a comparison group of children whose mothers were diagnosed with depression during pregnancy but who did not take antidepressants. Results provide clinicians and their patients’ information on which to base decisions about antidepressant use during pregnancy.
Dr. Nathan Nickel
Dr. Nickel is co-Director, Public Health and Causal Inference Statistics for the Manitoba Interdisciplinary Lactation Center. The Manitoba Interdisciplinary Lactation Center is a research consortium that combines a provincial infant feeding database and a human milk biorepository. Both are linked with a wealth of health and social services data at the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository.
REMAIN – Resiliency After Maternal Incarceration – A whole population study of child development outcomes after maternal incarceration. This study is led by Drs. Nathan Nickel and Wanda Phillips-Beck from the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba. REMAIN will examine the relationship between incarceration while pregnant and subsequent birth outcomes. The research team will work to understand and document the experiences of First Nations families coming into contact with the justice system compared with all other Manitobans.
Dr. Marcelo Urquia, Dr. Marni Brownell, Dr. Kate Kenney
The Relationship Between Health and Child Protection Services Involvement Among Parents in Manitoba. This study, led by Drs Elizabeth Wall-Wieler, Marni Brownell, Marcelo Urquia will examine how involvement with child protective services impacts the health of parents. The study will look at whether parents with specific health conditions are more likely to have a child placed in the care of child protective services. Métis, First Nation, and all other Manitoba parents may experience involvement with child protective services differently and therefore the research team will ask each research question separately for each group.
Data quality and use
Dr. Alan Katz
Identification of Frailty Using Administrative and Electronic Medical Records Data project will link electronic medical records and administrative data to develop a definition of frailty for the administrative data using machine learning.
Beyond Structured Administrative Data project (BEST DATA) will explore the use of Natural Language Processing to analyze free text that is recorded in electronic medical records.
Derivation of risk prediction models and a computer microsimulation model in type 2 diabetes is using Manitoba data to validate the prediction models developed in Ontario.
Implementation of the Risk Factor Identification Tool (RFIT) study is testing an algorithm based tool for patients to identify their behavioural health risk factors which is then uploaded into the electronic medical records in family practice clinics.
Dr. Lisa Lix
Accuracy of Risk Factor Diagnoses in Administrative Health Databases
This validation study will investigate misclassification biases in health risk factor diagnoses in administrative databases for diagnoses of obesity and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a proxy measure of smoking in Manitoba by evaluating the validity of the ICD diagnosis codes from hospital discharge abstracts and physician billing claims.
Evaluating the Coverage and Comparability of Electronic Health Data for Chronic Disease Research and Surveillance
This research aims to compare the assess how representative the populations captured in electronic medical records (EMRs) are to the Manitoba population and compare behavioural risk factors and chronic health conditions measured in EMRs with those measured in administrative health data to assess their comparability.
Harnessing Population-Based Electronic Healthcare Records to Construct Family Health Histories for Accurate Disease Risk Prediction and Heritability Estimation
The research purpose is to measure lifetime chronic disease histories for parents and their offspring using record linkage techniques and test the utility of these lifetime histories for predicting disease risk and estimating disease heritability.
Comparing hospitalization rates, outcomes, and treatment intensity for elderly patients across OECD countries
The purpose of this study is to compare treatment and outcomes for older adults (>66 years) from five OECD countries (US, Canada (two provinces), Netherlands, Israel and England) hospitalized with one of five conditions:
- hip fracture
- acute myocardial infarction
- ischemic stroke
- elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
- congestive heart failure
Dr. Nathan Nickel
A Data Infrastructure for Monitoring the Impact of Cannabis Legalization: Data Collection and Linkage Strategies to Inform Health and Social Policy
This study is validating a data collection tool that will record cannabis use information among Manitoba residents. This information can be linked with the administrative data housed in the repository for future research projects examining the health and social outcomes associated with legalizing non-medical cannabis use.
Family medicine
Dr. Alan Katz
A Retrospective Review of Membership within the Wellness Institute and Reh-Fit Centre's Medical Fitness Model
Comparing health outcomes of members of the two medical fitness centres with matched controls using administrative data.
The BedMed Initiative - Making Better Use of Existing Therapies
Using administrative data to monitor health outcomes of patients in a clinical trial comparing patients who take anti-hypertensive medication at bedtime vs in the morning.
Long-term Sequelae of COVID-19: Using Clinical and Administrative Data to Support Diagnosis and Treatment of Long COVID Patients
Address knowledge gaps in understanding long COVID syndrome diagnosis, risk factors for long COVID syndrome, and long COVID syndrome progression and recovery using administrative data.
Health inequities
Dr. Alyson Mahar
The goal of Understanding the Burden and Outcomes of Cancer for Canadians Living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is to determine whether or not Canadians living with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) are more likely than Canadians who do not have IDD to:
- Be diagnosed with cancer;
- Be diagnosed with incurable cancer;
- Not receive the right cancer treatment;
- Die of their cancer.
Measuring Equity and Generating ActioN in CANcer: Using research to promote equitable care delivery across Canada (MEGAN CAN) is a patient-driven research study on cancer care disparities. The research team will consult with patients, healthcare providers and policy-makers to better understand barriers to receiving and providing equitable care and identify interventions and changes to target these barriers in meaningful, concrete ways.
Dr. Marcelo Urquia
Addressing Gender-Based Health Inequities Among Children and Youth in Immigrant Families in Manitoba aims to identify whether there are sex differences in developmental outcomes among children and youth in various immigrant groups.
Indigenous health and well-being
Dr. Marni Brownell
Dr. Marni Brownell is leading a program of research called STRENGTH: Supporting Resiliency in Indigenous child Health and development. In this program of research we are partnering with researchers from the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba to evaluate the Healthy Baby program for First Nation women and their infants, and with the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre to evaluate full-day kindergarten, Boys & Girls Club of Winnipeg programs, and Roots of Empathy for First Nation children. We are also partnering with researchers from the Manitoba Metis Federation to evaluate home visiting programs, and early childhood and school-based programs for Métis children and families
Partnering with researchers from the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba Dr. Marni Brownell’s team has evaluated the Families First Home Visiting Program for First Nation children and families living off-reserve and is currently evaluating the Strengthening Families-Maternal Child Health Home Visiting Program for First Nation children and families living on reserve, in a project known as ENVISION: Evaluating Home Visiting Interventions in First Nation families.
Dr. Marni Brownell is leading research that is Quantifying Social Disparities in Youth Justice System Trajectories - Evidence to Inform Policy Change. Partnering with researchers from First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba and from Manitoba Metis Federation, this project is exploring whether more severe and/or frequent penalties are applied to Indigenous youth as they move through the justice system. We are following several cohorts of youth charged with crimes through six separate decision points in the justice system; at each decision point we will compare rates of outcomes (e.g., charge proceeds vs. charge does not proceed) among First Nation and non-First Nation youth, and separately compare Métis youth and non-Métis youth.
Dr. Mariette Chartier
PAX-Good Behaviour Game (PAX) in First Nations Communities: Enhancing and Adapting a School-Based Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention Strategy is an evidence-based, childhood mental health promotion strategy that creates a nurturing school environment for children and has been shown to decrease suicidal ideation and attempts. With Swampy Cree Tribal Council communities, Dr. Mariette Chartier’s research team aims to understand how PAX is working from First Nations perspectives in order to adapt and enhance it to be culturally grounded in their values, beliefs and traditions. With this knowledge, adaptations were made to improve the implementation of the PAX program in First Nations communities. Using data linkage to administrative data as well as interviews and focus groups, evaluation of these adaptations are ongoing.
Dr. Nathan Nickel
Dr. Nathan Nickel is leading a team to study REMAIN: Resilience after Maternal Incarceration: A Whole-Population Administrative Data Cohort Study of Children whose Mothers Experienced Incarceration. This study brings together researchers from the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat, the Manitoba Metis Federation, and the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy to understand children’s outcomes after their mother is incarcerated. This study is looking at the experiences of First Nations and Métis families separately, adopting a distinctions-based approach. We aim to identify factors that support success and positive outcomes for these children.
Mental health and addictions
Dr. Mariette Chartier
Towards Flourishing (TF): Improving the Mental Health among Families in the Manitoba Families First Home Visiting Program is an innovative mental health promotion strategy that focuses on improving the mental well-being of mothers and their infants in the postpartum period. TF has yet to be evaluated and so there remains a paucity of evidence on whether it is effective at improving maternal and child outcomes and whether further investment is warranted. Thus, in this study, Dr. Mariette Chartier’s team will determine the effectiveness of TF by examining the health and social outcomes of mothers and infants who received TF by using data linkage to administrative data.
Dr. Nathan Nickel
Methamphetamine use in Manitoba: Using whole-population data to seek out solutions and reduce methamphetamine-related harms study led by Dr. Nickel partners with Manitobans that have used methamphetamines and a multi-disciplinary group of people who provide health and social services for this study. This study will describe the population who have used methamphetamines in the past five years, the health and social services used from five years before first documented methamphetamine use to present; evaluate the effectiveness of pharmaceutical interventions, and evaluate the effectiveness of existing harm-reduction interventions.
Epidemiology of Prescription Opioid Use among Métis in Manitoba is led by the Manitoba Metis Federation and Dr. Nathan Nickel. The study will investigate the epidemiology and patterns of prescription opioid dispensations among Manitoba Métis. The Manitoba Metis Federation plans to use the findings from this study to inform the planning and implementation of harm-reduction strategies.
Older adults
Dr. Malcolm Doupe
Evaluating Sub-acute Care Hospital Transitions for Older Adults: Understanding How, Why, and for Whom a Planned Intervention Works project team of expert researchers has partnered with planners in charge in this process and with patients who have been through a new type of ‘subacute care’ to rehabilitate frail older adults after hospital admission before release home, to study how it is working.
Using Evidence to Inform Health Policy: Supportive Housing as a Case Study will investigate how evidence can be used to enhance supportive housing policies in Manitoba to ensure that Manitobans use supportive housing and nursing homes appropriately and at the right time in their lives.
Research networks
Dr. Alan Katz
The pan-Canadian SPOR Network in Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovations is a key CIHR initiative under the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research and the Community-Based Primary Health Care Signature Initiative. It is a Network of networks that builds on regional and national assets in community-based primary and integrated health care, to foster a new alliance between research, policy and practice to create dynamic and responsive learning systems across the country that develop, evaluate and scale up new approaches to the delivery services. Dr. Alan Katz is the research lead in the Manitoba network.
The SPOR Canadian Data Platform, network of data and research centres, aims to unlock the potential of Canada’s unique data assets and expertise to address the most pressing health research challenges facing the public and policymakers, was funded in 2019 after many years of development, from an idea spawned in MCHP. It is pioneering a single stop for researchers to request access to health and social data from a variety of sources across the country. Dr. Alan Katz serves on the executive and Dr. Lisa Lix leads the data Harmonization initiative of the platform.
Does Primary Care Reform Make a Difference? Cross jurisdictional study linking administrative and international survey data. The research team will compare the reforms in different jurisdictions and the associated outcomes in each jurisdiction (Ontario, British Columbia, Manitoba.)
Dr. Malcolm Doupe
Assessing Emergency Department-to-Home Transitions for Frail Older Adults An international team of researchers, doctors, health system planners, and patients will identify promising practices to support frail older adults in the community after visits to Emergency Departments.
Evaluating Older Adult Care Continuums in Alberta and Manitoba: A comparative Analysis Older people are the main users of publicly funded care continuums comprised of home care, various types of community-based housing with health services care options (called supportive housing in this research), and nursing homes. This research compares the strengths and weaknesses of care models in Manitoba and Alberta.
iSTEP: An International Student Training and Exchange Project in Transitional Care is a collaboration between Norway and Canada will give students the skills to help improve these transitions between nursing homes and emergency departments and/or hospitals.
iNET: An International Network to Enhance Older Adult Transitions between Emergency Departments and Communities iNET will enhance older adult transitions between emergency departments (EDs) and communities by establishing a world-leading network of academics and healthcare stakeholders (e.g., decision-makers and providers) from Norway and Canada.
Matt Dahl
Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies (CNODES) is a network of more than 100 scientists study the safety and effectiveness of medications using administrative data, and provide evidence for policy-makers, healthcare providers, regulators and patients.
Dr. Marni Brownell
Prevalence and Social Determinants of Developmental Outcomes Among 5-Year Old Children with Health Disorders: A Pan Canadian Study Using comparable information from three provinces (Manitoba, Ontario, British Columbia), this study is examining the developmental outcomes at school entry for children with any of seven of the most common health disorders in childhood, and the interplay between socioeconomic status and developmental outcomes.
SPECTRUM (Social Policy Evaluation Collaborative Team Research at Universities in Manitoba) The goal of SPECTRUM is to establish a collaborative partnership that will build research capacity amongst participants for conducting social policy research and evaluation.
Social science research
Dr. Marni Brownell
SPECTRUM (Social Policy Evaluation Collaborative Team Research at Universities in Manitoba) goal is to establish a collaborative partnership that will build research capacity amongst participants for conducting social policy research and evaluation.
STRENGTH: Supporting Resiliency in Indigenous child Health and development is a partnership with First Nation, Métis and local social and educational partners to evaluate home visiting programs, and early childhood and school-based programs for Métis children and families
Research studies for the Manitoba Government
Our researchers carry out research using the Repository under contract to the Manitoba Government through Manitoba Health and Seniors Care to provide analyses to support policy development or service planning. These studies usually take two to three years to complete and we publish four to five deliverables (reports) annually.
How to access published reports
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Published deliverables list by year
Link to published deliverables list by year
Published deliverables by topic
Deliverables currently underway
Needs-Based Planning for Mental Health and Substance Use Services and Supports in Manitoba
Led by Jill Hnatiuk and Nathan Nickel
RHA Indicators Atlas
Developing an Impact Evaluation Framework for Deliverables
Transitions from pediatric to adult services (age 18 transition)
COVID-19 research
Other research activity
Individual research programs
Centre researchers run their own individual research programs using the repository. View a list of current MCHP research scientists faculty and staff.
Additional external researchers use the Data Repository. View a list of current active researchers and their projects below:
SPECTRUM (Social Policy Evaluation Collaborative Team Research at Universities in Manitoba)
Partnership works together to seek ways to improve social services programs and policies in Manitoba and beyond, using information housed in the Repository for qualitative and quantitative research projects.
Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies (CNODES)
This project is a pan-Canadian program of research to use population approaches to provide rapid answers to questions about drug safety and effectiveness.
Other active research projects
Current To: March 3, 2025
Number of Active Research Projects: 210
Akinola, Samuhildebrnel: Antiseizure Medication Use During Pregnancy and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children
Alessi Severini, Silvia: CNODES: The Safety of Tofacitinib in Ulcerative Colitis
Alessi Severini, Silvia: Utilization of New Medications for the Treatment of Hepatitis C in Manitoba
Alexiuk, Mackenzie: The Association of Sarcopenia with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Decline in Kidney Function
Almojuela, Alysa: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Wait Times and Health Resource Utilization by Patients Awaiting Spine Assessment and Surgery in Manitoba
Amos, Tyler: COVID-19 EIS and Education Recoverty
Amos, Tyler: Emergency Department Overcrowding
Amos, Tyler: Heating and Human Health
Amos, Tyler: Synthetic Data Generation
Amos, Tyler: Update - Special Education Funding Formula: Projecting Special Needs Student Numbers by School Division
Anderson, Alexandrea (Lexy): Identifying potential cancer disparities for people living with HIV using population-based data in Manitoba
Arora, Rakesh: Evaluating the introduction of an institutional opioid-sparing analgesia protocol for cardiac surgery
Azad, Meghan: Manitoba Interdisciplinary Lactation Center (MILC): A provincial infant feeding database and human milk biorepository
Aziz, Md. Adbul: Antidepressant Prescribing for Mood and/or Anxiety Disorder in Manitoba, Canada: A Population-Based Cohort Study of Pharmacotherapy Persistence, Switching, and Combination/Augmentation Strategies
Balogun, Deborah: Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders among Pregnant Women living in Public Housing in Manitoba
Banerji, Versha: Evaluation of Outcomes, Costs and Resource Utilization after Implementation of Novel Treatments compared to Standard Treatments in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLLEVER: CLL EValuation of Economic Impact and Resource Utilization)
Banerji, Versha: Sex Matters: Understanding Sex Dimorphism in Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) - AIM 1 (population-based study)
Barr, Bryce: A Retrospective Review of Kidney Biopsy Data: The Manitoba Glomerular Diseases Registry
Bernstein, Charles N.: COVID-19, Mental Health and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A population-based, prospective study of disease impact, mental health and patient resilience
Bernstein, Charles N.: Manitoba IBD Long-Term Outcomes Study
Bernstein, Charles N.: The Urban Exposome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Determining Environmental Factors that Increase the Risk of IBD and the Cost of Care
Bohm, Clara: Preliminary Investigation of In-Centre Chronic Hemodialysis Patients to Guide the Dial Mag Canada Trial Study Design
Bolton, James: Enhanced mental health surveillance in community care and long-term care settings
Brownell, Marni: Across the Spectrum: Building a Multi-Sector Partnership to Conduct Social Policy Evaluation and Research Using Big Data
Brownell, Marni: Cost of Not Graduating From High School in Manitoba
Brownell, Marni: Leveraging Linked Administrative Data to Advance Population Based Autism Research and Inform Evidence Based Policy in Manitoba and Beyond
Brownell, Marni: Outcomes of Children Involved with Child and Family Services: Comparing Children in Care with Children Receiving Services without Going into Care
Brownell, Marni: PATHS: Program: Paths Equity for Children: A Program of Research into what Works to Reduce the Gap for Manitoba's Children
Brownell, Marni: PATHS: The Manitoba Healthy Baby Program
Brownell, Marni: Promoting Healthy Families: A Canadian Evaluation of the Triple P (positive parenting program)
Brownell, Marni: Quantifying Social Disparities in Youth Justice System Trajectories - Evidence to Inform Policy Change
Brownell, Marni: Solutions to Increase Youth HPV Immunization in Canada
Brownell, Marni: STRENGTH: SupporTing REsiliency in iNdiGenous child healTH and development
Brownell, Marni: The Overlap Between Child Welfare and the Justice System
Brunton, Nicole: Impact of Exposure to Diabetes in Pregnancy and Selected Social Determinants of Health on Offspring Cardiovascular Outcomes in Adolescents and Young Adulthood
Bugden, Shawn: A Cross-Sectional Review of Antibiotic Prescribing by Manitoba Dentists
Bugden, Shawn: Cross Sectional Analysis of Opioid Use in Manitoba
Butterworth, Tom: Predictors of Intensive Care Unit Admission in Manitoba Patients with COVID-19
Casidsid, Hera: The association between the Healthy Baby program and postpartum depression among women in Manitoba: A retrospective cohort study
Chateau, Dan: DSEN-CNODES Common Data Model (CDM): Natural History of Coagulopathy in COVID- 19
Chateau, Dan: Transitions from pediatric to adult services (age 18 transition)
Chochinov, Harvey: Evaluating palliative and end-of-life care for Canadians living with schizophrenia
Clair, Luc: Estimating the Cost of Peripheral Artery Disease in Manitoba
Collister, David: Analgesics and the risk of adverse events in chronic kidney disease: a retrospective population based study
Collister, David: Gender Affirmation Hormone Therapy and Changes in Kidney Function: A Retrospective Population Based Study
Collister, David: Virtual Kidney Check and Follow-up
Dart, Allison: The KIdney aNd blooD prESsure ouTcomes - Determining best fOllow-up in hospitalized Children (KINDEST-DOC) study: A national study of the FILTR-CKD study group
Davila, Isabel Garces: The Association of Perinatal Maternal Depression, Anxiety Disorders and Poverty on Children's and Adolescents' Depression, Anxiety Disorders and Educational Achievement: A Population-Based Cohort Study from Manitoba
Debbarman, Shantanu: Healthcare Costs At The End Of Life Among The Immigrant And Non-Immigrant Groups In Manitoba
Decker, Kathleen: Assessment of Cancer Surgery Quality in Manitoba
Decker, Kathleen: Dysfunction within the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Immune MicroEnvironment and the Effect on Patient Outcomes Over Time “CLIME – It Changes” Aim 3
Decker, Kathleen: Evaluating the impact of the health care system’s response to COVID-19 on cancer patients in Manitoba
Decker, Kathleen: Measuring the impact of nurse navigation on inequities in care and outcomes for women diagnosed with breast cancer in Manitoba
Delisle, Megan: Improving Cancer Surgery through Continuous, Province-Wide Feedback for Surgeons
Doupe, Malcolm: Evaluating Older Adult Care Continuums in Alberta and Manitoba: Administrative Data Analysis
Doupe, Malcolm: Evaluating Sub-Acute Care Hospital Transitions for Older Adults: Understanding How, Why, and for Whom a Planned Intervention is Working
Doupe, Malcolm: Patterns and Consequences of Support Housing and Nursing Home Use in Winnipeg, Manitoba; Trends Since 2006
Doupe, Malcolm: Program: Linking Unique Clinical and Health Care Use Files to Better Understand Nursing Home Quality Care
Doupe, Malcolm: Public Reporting Template for LTC Quality Indicators?
Doupe, Malcolm: Supporting Healthcare Improvement through Facilitation & Training
Ducas, John: Evaluation of Clinical Predictors for the Safe Repatriation of Patients with St-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) from a Single, Regional Cardiac Care Centre
Durksen, Anita: Identification of determinants of healthy development after adversity in children born between 2000-2012 in Manitoba using administrative health, social, justice and education data
Elgubtan, Heba: Assessing the Long-Term Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Individuals with Primary Glomerular Disease: A Population Cohort Study
Eltonsy, Sherif: Canadian Mother-Child Cohort Active Surveillance (CAMCCO)
Eltonsy, Sherif: CNODES: Intentional Self-Harm with GLP-1 Receptor Agonists for Diabetes
Eltonsy, Sherif: CNODES: Safety monitoring following Ozempic use in patients with diabetes
Eltonsy, Sherif: Comparative Safety of Antiepileptic Therapies during Pregnancy
Eltonsy, Sherif: DSEN-CNODES: Corticosteroid use among outpatients with COVID-19
Eltonsy, Sherif: Safety of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccines during Pregnancy
Eltonsy, Sherif: The impact of population-level physical distancing during COVID-19 pandemic on health care services in Manitoba: a focus on vulnerable populations
Faisal, Nabiha: Accuracy of Manitoba Administrative Health Databases to Identify Patients with Cirrhosis
Farooq, Faiza: Determinants and safety of COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy and childhood
Friesen, Kevin: Signal and Noise: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Relationship between Medication Use and Alzheimer's Disease
Gray, Kristen: Post-tracheostomy outcomes in the mechanically ventilated ICU patient: A retrospective cohort study
Grierson, Lawrence: An appraisal of grassroots Patient Medical Home practice developments in Canada: A College of Family Physicians of Canada commissioned study
Guillemette, Laetitia: Impact of Exposure to Diabetes in Pregnancy and Selected Social Determinants of Health on Offspring Cardiovascular Outcomes in Adolescents and Young Adulthood
Hamad, Amani: DSEN-CNODES: Utilization of Antidiabetic Drugs During Pregnancy
Hamm, Naomi: Improving Chronic Disease Case Definitions: The Added Value of Longitudinal Data
Haque, Md Ashiqul: Model-Based Algorithms to Ascertain Chronic Disease Risk Factors from Electronic Health Data
Hasan, Md.: Spatial and Temporal Trends of Pneumonia in Manitoba
Haworth-Brockman, Margaret: Modeling Transmission of COVID-19 in Winnipeg Long-Term Care Facilities
Haworth-Brockman, Margaret: Why does equity in health matter? An equity analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and active Tuberculosis in Manitoba
Hensel, Jennifer: Evaluating the impact of emergency telepsychiatry support in Winnipeg on length of stay in the emergency department and patient outcomes
Hildebrand, Hailey: The Effect of Heart Failure Hospitalizations on the Development and Progression of Sarcopenia: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Hingwala, Jay: Evaluation of LDL cholesterol treatment, cardiovascular events, and healthcare costs among individuals with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in Manitoba
Hitchon, Carol: Safety and Immunogenicity of COVID19 vaccine
Hnatiuk, Jill: Mental Health and Substance Use in Manitoba
Hong, Jonathan: Long Term Functional Survival After Surgery on the Thoracic Aorta in Manitoba (see 2016- 033)
Katz, Alan: Beyond Structured Administrative Data (BEST – Data project) - Evaluation of low back imaging tests
Katz, Alan: Beyond Structured Administrative Data (BEST Data)- Adverse Drug Events in Primary Care
Katz, Alan: Beyond Structured Administrative Data project (BEST DATA)
Katz, Alan: CNODES: Outpatient Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir (Paxlovid) and Remdesivir utilization in Canada
Katz, Alan: Does Primary Care Reform Make a Difference?
Katz, Alan: DSEN-CNODES Common Data Model (CDM): Impact of communications and recalls related to the nitrosamine impurities on the utilization of angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs)
Katz, Alan: DSEN-cNODES: Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies
Katz, Alan: Evaluating the differential impact of what we have done, as we prioritize what to do next: a multi-provincial intervention modeling study using population-based data
Katz, Alan: Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 vaccine policies on vaccine equity: A multi-province comparative study
Katz, Alan: Long-term Sequelae of COVID-19: Using Clinical and Administrative Data to Support Diagnosis and Treatment of Long COVID Patients
Katz, Alan: Pan-Canadian Study of Psychiatric Care (PCPC)
Katz, Alan: Surgical Projection Models
Katz, Alan: Vaccine Distribution Approaches for Equity-Deserving and At-Risk Populations under COVID- 19: Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Canada
Katz, Cara: Sibling Outcomes among probands with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Population-wide Longitudinal Cohort Study
Kidane, Biniam: Understanding and predicting long-term outcomes of older adults undergoing cancer surgery
Kloss, Olena: Looking Backwards to Plan for the Future: COVID-19 Surveillance of Red River Métis
Komenda, Paul: A Retrospective Review of Membership within the Wellness Institute and Reh-Fit Centre’s medical Fitness Model
Komenda, Paul: An observational study of Lyme disease in Ontario and Manitoba, Canada: Incidence and healthcare resource utilization
Komenda, Paul: How Much Does Prolonged QTc Contribute to Sudden Cardiac Death in Dialysis Patients: The Definitive Epidemiology Study
Komenda, Paul: SAFEty of Proton Pump Inhibitors in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (the SAFE PICK Study)
Larose, Gabriel: Impact of socioeconomic factors and comorbidity on the initial treatment and early outcomes of fragility fractures of the proximal humerus in the Manitoba population
Lavoie, Josee: Developing Strategies to Support FN Communities' Decision-Making During COVID-19 Outbreaks
Lavoie, Josee: Using linked administrative data to describe the trajectories of Inuit families' involved in Manitoba's child protection system
Lavu, Alekhya: Antiepileptic treatments during pregnancy and birth weight outcomes
Leggett, Sidney: Finding minopimatowin in chaos: opioid harms through the COVID-19 pandemic amongst First Nations Peoples in Manitoba 2019-2022
Leong, Christine: Evaluating the Impact of COVID-19 Public Health Measures on Healthcare Utilization, Psychotropic Drug Use, and Mortality Among Individuals Living with Mental Illness: a population-based study using administrative data
Leslie, William D.: Bone Density Measurement For Fracture Prediction: Frax And Novel Applications Of Population-Based Data.
Leslie, William D.: Program: Bone Density Measurement and Fracture Prediction: Secondary Causes of Osteoporosis
Leslie, William D.: Program: Epidemiology of Osteoporosis in Manitoba
Lim, Lily: Machine Learning to Detect Juvenile Arthritis in Manitoba: A Pilot Study
Lix, Lisa: Comparing hospitalization rates, outcomes, and treatment intensity for elderly patients across OECD countries
Lix, Lisa: Comparing Methods to Construct Chronic Disease Histories from Administrative Data: Application to Family Disease Studies
Lix, Lisa: Effectiveness and Safety of Long-term Antiresorptive Treatment for Osteoporosis in Canada: Improving Shared Decision-Making
Lix, Lisa: Harnessing Population-Based Electronic Healthcare Records to Construct Family Health Histories for Accurate Disease Risk Prediction and Heritability Estimation
Lix, Lisa: Leveraging Synthesized Data: Assessing MASK for De-Identification of Free-Text Fields within Electronic Medical Records
Lix, Lisa: Validation of the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System
Loewen, Keely: Childhood immunization and atopic conditions in the CHILD Cohort Study
Logsetty, Sarvesh: Long-Term Outcomes in Survivors of Necrotizing Fasciitis Compared to Matched Controls
Logsetty, Sarvesh: Workplace related injury health outcomes: A population-based, longitudinal study
Louis, Deepak: Healthcare Utilization and Developmental Outcomes Among Siblings of Children Born Preterm: A Multi-Provincial Population-based Study
Lum Min, Suyin: Pediatric Congenital Surgical Anomalies Long-Term Follow-Up Study - Manitoba Centre for Health Policy link for Gastroschisis and Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Mahar, Alyson: Understanding the Burden and Outcomes of Cancer for Canadians Living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Mahmud, Salaheddin: A Rapid Analytics Platform for Influenza Vaccine Evaluation and Transitional Research
Mahmud, Salaheddin: COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness in Manitoba, Canada
Mahmud, Salaheddin: Role of Long-Term Use of Common Medications in Prostate Cancer Prevention: A Population-Based Case-Control Study
Marrie, Ruth Ann: A Novel Multiple Sclerosis-targeted Comorbidity Index (MSCI): Development and Validation using Administrative Data
Marrie, Ruth Ann: Prescription Drug Safety and Effectiveness in Multiple Sclerosis [DRUMS]: a population- based, multi-province platform for comprehensive pharmacovigilance
McDonald, Neil: Traumatic spine injuries and prehospital treatment
McGavock, Jon: Expansion of urban trails and health outcomes in Winnipeg: A natural experiment
Mota, Natalie: Does Psychiatric Hospitalization Increase Suicide Risk?
Nayak, Jasmir: A Population Based Analysis of Urologic Oncology Outcomes in Manitoba
Nickel, Nathan: A Distinction-based Study on Equity in COVID-19 Testing and Associated Outcomes for Manitoba First Nations, Metis and Inuit
Nickel, Nathan: Alcohol and the associated health and healthcare burden in Manitoba
Nickel, Nathan: Antibiotic Use and Asthma Incidence: Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Investigation in Manitoba
Nickel, Nathan: Equity in Childhood Vaccinations during Public Health Emergencies: Experiences of Red River Métis Families in Manitoba
Nickel, Nathan: HDRN Common Data Model Develop information models for creation and maintenance
Nickel, Nathan: Health, Well-Being, and Disease--Birth to Adulthood in Manitoba
Nickel, Nathan: Health, Well-Being, and Disease--Birth to Adulthood in Manitoba
Nickel, Nathan: Investigating Use of Prescription Opioids and Multiple Psychotropic Medications During Pregnancy: Impact on the Mother and Developing Child - Priority Funding
Nickel, Nathan: Manitoba Infant Feeding Database Study
Nickel, Nathan: Manitoba RHA Indicators Atlas 2024
Nickel, Nathan: MCHP Training Data Repository, Development of a Training Resource
Nickel, Nathan: Methamphetamine consumption in Manitoba: A whole population descriptive study
Nickel, Nathan: Methamphetamine use in Manitoba: Using Whole-Population Data to Seek out Solutions and Reduce Methamphetamine-Related Harms
Nickel, Nathan: Real World Evidence Service (RWES) Initiative, Use Case 1 - Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
Nickel, Nathan: Real World Evidence Service (RWES) Initiative, Use Case 2 - Dementia
Nickel, Nathan: REMAIN: Resilience after Maternal Incarceration: A Whole-Population Administrative Data Cohort Study of Children whose Mothers Experienced Incarceration
Nickel, Nathan: Structural harms and COVID-19 policy responses in Manitoba: Exploring the experiences of the Red River Métis
Nickel, Nathan: Understanding the Opioid Crisis among Manitoba Metis: Evidence to Support Interventions
Oberoi, Sapna: Mental health outcomes of adolescents and young adults with cancer in Manitoba: a population-based matched cohort study
O'Conaill, Carrie: Cervical cancer elimination in Manitoba: An exploration of current state and opportunities for successful elimination in the future
O'Gorman, Melanie: Health Effects of Flooding/Relocation of Chemawawin Cree Nation
Paradoski, Brandon: Learning from the past to prepare for the future: what can we learn from the data, processes, and outcomes of the University of Manitoba’s policy-setting for COVID-19 vaccination of students aged 18-29
Patel, Premal: Major adverse cardiovascular events amongst rural and urban patients with a history of erectile dysfunction and testosterone deficiency
Paunovic, Bojan: A mixed-methods study to develop a jurisdiction-level resource allocation framework to guide the use of triage and triage-avoidant strategies during an overwhelming surge in demand for critical and acute care
Quan, Samuel: Network Analyses to Explore Multimorbidity Among Older Adults with Dementia Residing in Personal Care Homes and the Community
Ratnayake, Iresha: Linking quality of colorectal cancer to outcomes and health services utilization in Manitoba
Ricci, Florencia: Exploring the Association Between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Immigration in Manitoba, a population-based approach
Rigatto, Claudio: Emergency Department Utilization by End Stage Renal Disease Patients in the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Rigatto, Claudio: Magnitude of the Potential Screening Gap for Fabry Disease in Manitoba
Rigatto, Claudio: Validation of predictive models for the progression of kidney disease and its adverse outcomes
Righolt, Christiaan: Manitoba arthroplasty project to improve treatment (MAP-IT)
Roos, Leslie L.: BIGS- Birth Cohorts and Intergenerational Studies in Manitoba
Russell, Kelly: Health, education, judicial and social outcomes of Manitoba children exposed to intimate partner violence: A population-based study
Ruth, Chelsea: Long-term Educational Outcomes, Perinatal, Antenatal Risks and Development (LEOPARD Study)
Ruth, Chelsea: The association between neonatal jaundice, breastfeeding and kindergarten readiness using the LEOPARD study
Salman, Michael: Investigating Risk Factors and Prognosis in Patients with Septo-Optic Dysplasia and Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
Sareen, Jitender: Preventing youth homelessness: A life journey approach using linked multi-sector administrative data and community engagement (Phase 1)
Schroth, Robert: Mixed Methods Evaluation of Health Canada’s Children’s Oral Health Initiative (COHI). Does It lead to Improved Oral Health for Young First Nations and Inuit Children?
Sellers, Elizabeth: Renal Disease in Childhood Onset Type 2 Diabetes
Shaffer, Seth: Mental health and healthcare resource utilization in persons with IBS and IBD
Shah, Ashish: Incidence, Prevalence, and Outcomes of Ischemic Heart Disease in Manitoba
Shaw, Souradet: Case-Control Study Examining Longer-Term Health Outcomes Associated with Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Infections in Manitoba
Shen, Garry: To assess the impact of COVID-19 on prenatal education and pregnancy outcomes in mothers and children in remote First Nations communities in Manitoba
Singh, Harminder: Health Care Utilization among Individuals with Lynch Syndrome
Spiwak, Rae: The Life Course of Children with Pediatric Traumatic Injury Compared to Matched Controls: A Population Based, Longitudinal Study
Stall, Nathan: Caregiving for Dementia: Exploring the Population-Level Health Impact on Individuals and their Families using Administrative Databases
Taillieu, Tamara: A Population-Based Examination of the Public Health Impacts of Legalization of Recreational Use of Cannabis on Children and Youth in Manitoba
Tangri, Navdeep: A Risk Prediction Score for the Development of Incident CKD using Administrative Data
Tangri, Navdeep: Cardiovascular-Renal-Metabolism Comorbidity Epidemiology and Healthcare Utilization: An Observational Study in Manitoba, Canada
Tangri, Navdeep: External validation of multivariable prediction models for perioperative CV events or death in adults with kidney failure after non-cardiac surgery
Tangri, Navdeep: Frailty and Physical Function as Predictors of Long-Term Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease: The Canadian Frailty Observation and Interventions Trial
Tangri, Navdeep: Kidney Function and the Effectiveness and Safety of Direct Anticoagulant Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation: A Meta-Analysis of Population-Based Cohort Studies
Tangri, Navdeep: Predictive Models for Major Adverse Kidney and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease
Tangri, Navdeep: The association between RASi use patients with CKD and end-stage kidney disease and severe adverse health outcomes
Turner, Donna: CCMB Quit Smoking Program: Economic Analysis and Stakeholder Engagement
Turner, Donna: Developing a Framework for the Incorporation of Real World Evidence into Cancer Drug Funding Decision in Canada
Turner, Donna: Monitoring Collective Progress: New Data Collection Approach to Getting Timely Data
Urquia, Marcelo: Addressing Gender-Based Health Inequities Among Children and Youth in Immigrant Families in Manitoba
Urquia, Marcelo: Immigration Data Linkage
Urquia, Marcelo: Newborn and child health and developmental outcomes of children exposed to domestic violence
Urquia, Marcelo: Social Determinants of Health Digital Library (SDOH-DL)
Urquia, Marcelo: The Impact of Health and social Outcomes on Family Members
Urquia, Marcelo: Using linked administrative data to examine the experiences of families involved in Manitoba’s child protection system
Vergis, Ashley: Health Care Encounters and Pharmaceutical Utilization in Bariatric Surgery: A Provincial Administrative Data Analysis
Wicklow, Brandy: In utero exposure to Type 2 Diabetes and long-term risk of renal disease in offspring: Analysis of prospective cohort data from the iCARE longitudinal follow up study and the Manitoba Center for Health Policy Data Repository
Woodgate, Roberta: Abinoonjees Nikanenim: Delivering Mental Health Services to Youth Living in Island Lake Anishininew Nations
Woodgate, Roberta: Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 on the Mental Health and Well-being of Canadian Youth Coming of Age in COVID-Times
Yamamoto, Jennifer: Assessing the Wider Impact of Diabetes in Pregnancy in the COVID Pandemic
Yamashita, Michael: Incidence and Impact of Repeat Coronary Revascularization in Manitoba
Yoon, Ee-Seul: Racialized inequality and opportunity gaps: Mixed-Methods research of student mobility and academic outcomes in Winnipeg’s inner-city
Ziegler, Jennifer: Epidemiology and outcomes of patients with infection in the emergency department: a population-based, retrospective cohort study
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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
Social determinants of health digital library
Social determinants of health digital library
The Social Determinants of Health Digital Library (SDOH-DL) is an ongoing initiative aimed at expanding and systematizing data in the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository to better study the social determinants of health (SDOH).