Certificate and Micro-certificate


Course and Capacity Restrictions

A student may encounter restrictions while selecting courses each term due to prerequisite, co-requisite, or capacity restrictions. If a restriction blocks the student from continuing to register, they should contact their Program Coordinator. Prior to requesting a pre-requisite or co-requisite override, students should refer to the Recognition of Prior Learning section.

Recognition of Prior Learning

The Recognition of Prior Learning (“RPL”) assessment process is available to students pursuing a Certificate Program credential who, through work, life and/or educational experiences, have acquired informal or formal learning that is equivalent to the learning requirements of one or more of the Certificate Program courses. Students will have their prior learning evaluated according to Certificate Program/course outcomes and RPL will be awarded as appropriate.

Students may apply for RPL either at the time of acceptance into the Certificate Program or during the Certificate Program period. The total RPL accepted into a Certificate Program will not exceed the amount specified in the University of Manitoba Certificate and Diploma Framework or the guidelines for designated program.

A student may obtain RPL in one or both of the following ways:

  1. RPL - Certified Learning: This is recognition of prior education or training such as courses and programs offered by post-secondary institutions, military courses, accredited certificates, and workplace training programs.
  2. RPL - Experiential Learning: This is recognition of previous work and life learning experiences that may be equivalent to learning outcomes of the Certificate Program, such as work or volunteer experience, participation on committees or boards, independent study, etc.

RPL is not available for all courses and/or all Certificate Programs. Students should consult with their Program Coordinator for guidance on the process and associated fees.

Open Enrolment Course Credit Recognition/Previous Course Completion

Prior to admission into a Certificate Program, learners can request course credit recognition for courses previously completed as Open Enrolment Courses towards credit in the Certificate Program. Upon admission to the Certificate Program, the learner will be granted credit recognition for any eligible course for which they have achieved the minimum grade requirements for the Certificate Program. Courses will be assessed for applicability towards Certificate Program completion. Courses older than 10 years are typically not eligible for course credit recognition. Course credit recognition for a particular Open Enrolment Course may be provided in more than one Certificate Program (the course can be recognized more than once). Please refer to specific Certificate Program webpage for program admission and eligibility requirements.

Coursework and Grades

Students in the Certificate Program will be advised in each course outline how they will receive credit for their work and how it will be evaluated. If work is assigned a letter grade, students will be advised of: (i) the weighting of the components that will contribute to the final grade; (ii) a description of how the numeric grade will be converted to the University's letter grade system; and (iii) an indication of whether specific assignment instructions, grading rules, or rubrics will be provided.

Final grades in most courses are expressed either as pass/fail or as letters, F (the lowest) to A+ (the highest). Each letter grade has an assigned numerical value which is used to calculate degree grade point average (DGPA). The DGPA for a Certificate Program is the calculated GPA of all courses accepted towards completion of the program, with the exception of pass/fail courses which are not used in DGPA calculations. Courses graded as pass/fail are clearly identified in course descriptions and outlines.

Term Work and Final Grade Appeals

Term Work Appeals

Students may formally appeal a grade received for term work. Students are asked to discuss their grade with the instructor in an attempt to resolve the issue without the need of formal appeal. If the student has discussed the term work grade with the instructor and still wishes to formally appeal the grade, the student must do so within ten (10) working days after the grade for the term work has been made available to the student in UM Learn. The student must submit the associated fee for each term work grade appeal request, fill out the Term Work Grade Appeals Form and submit it following the instructions within the form. Term work grade appeals will be considered on the following grounds:

  1. miscalculation of marks;
  2. misgrading of work;
  3. evaluation or grading was not in accordance with the information in the course outline; or
  4. unclear or contradictory directions for an assignment.

Students should consult with their Program Coordinator for support with the Term Work appeal process. Term work appeals will be decided by the Area Director (or delegate) in consultation with an assessor who is a subject matter expert. The fee, per appealed term work grade, will be refunded for any grade that is changed as a result of the appeal. Term work grade appeals will not result in a lower grade.

If the term work appeal is denied by the Area Director (delegate), the student may appeal the decision to the Associate Dean (or delegate), along with all relevant documentation, filed in the Dean’s Office within ten (10) working days from the date on the letter of decision from the Area Director (or delegate).

Final Grade Appeals

Prior to submitting a formal appeal, students are encouraged to discuss their final grade with their course instructor to seek resolution on the matter. With their feedback, this communication may result in a change in grade. If no resolution is found, then a formal final grade appeal may be submitted, following the instructions within the form. An associated fee will apply. Required documentation (incomplete submissions will not be considered):

  • Final Grade Appeals Form
  • The grounds for appeal, such as:
    1. miscalculation of the final grade (does not align with the results of the individual term work assignments in the course, indicating an error in calculation in developing the final grade);
    2. the assessment of the final grade was made without considering all individual items of work completed; or
    3. unfair or inequitable process in determining the final grade.

Final Grade appeals must be made within ten (10) working days of the subsequent term’s first day of classes as posted at https://umanitoba.ca/registrar/important-dates-deadlines. Final Grade appeals will be decided by the Area Director (or delegate) in consultation with an assessor who is a subject matter expert. For any final grade that is changed, the fee will be refunded. Final grade appeals will not result in a lower grade. Students should consult with their Program Coordinator for support with the Final Grade appeal process.

If the Final Grade appeal is denied by the Area Director (or delegate), the student may appeal the decision to the Associate Dean (or delegate), along with all relevant documentation, filed in the Dean’s Office within ten (10) working days from the date on the letter of decision from the Area Director (or delegate).

Brief and Temporary Student Absences affecting Term Work Obligations

If a student is temporarily unable to meet scheduled term work obligations on a particular date or by a given deadline, the student must submit a completed Self-Declaration Form for Brief or Temporary Absence to their Program Coordinator and course instructor. Where a student is absent on a deadline to submit term work or for a quiz/test, it is the student’s responsibility to request arrangements to complete and submit academic work or write a deferred quiz/test. For exam absences, please see the Extension and Deferrals section.

Students should review the Self-Declaration for Brief and Temporary Student Absences Policy. This policy applies only for a situation outside of a student’s control such as a medical event or condition that temporarily affects their ability to fulfill their academic obligations and requirements.


De-Registration prior to the Course Start Date

De-registration from courses prior to the course start date will not be regarded as withdrawals and will not be recorded on official transcripts.

Voluntary Withdrawal

After the course start date, students may voluntarily withdraw from courses before the Voluntary Withdrawal (VW) date. Voluntary Withdrawal deadlines are posted on the Extended Education website. The Voluntary Withdrawal will be recorded on official transcripts as “VW”.

Authorized Withdrawal

An Authorized Withdrawal may be granted on compassionate or medical grounds. Requests for Authorized Withdrawal will only be considered for withdrawal from all courses in a given term, except in extraordinary circumstances. Requests for Authorized Withdrawal will be considered for the currently enrolled term and for terms dating back no more than three (3) academic years except in extraordinary circumstances. A student should consult with their Program Coordinator, prior to submitting an Authorized Withdrawal request.

Requests for Authorized Withdrawal must be submitted to the Program Coordinator, and must include the following:

  1. The Request for an Authorized Withdrawal;
  2. Letter of Explanation written by the student and detailing how the circumstances or symptoms affected their ability to attend classes and/or complete course requirements; and
  3. Supporting documentation including but not limited to: (i) letters or documents from objective, credible and verifiable health care professionals. Students are encouraged to consult the Guidelines for Health Care Professionals that are available through the Office of Student Advocacy; (ii) a funeral certificate and/or obituary; (iii) a police report or auto accident report; and/or (iv) travel receipts (e.g., airline, rail, bus).

The Area Director (or delegate) will determine if a request for Authorized Withdrawal is approved. If the request is not approved, the student may appeal the decision to the Associate Dean (or delegate), within ten (10) working days of the decision, setting out the reasons for appeal.

If an Authorized Withdrawal request is approved, Extended Education may outline conditions prior to re-enrolment including, but not limited to, meeting with a Program Coordinator, producing a certificate of fitness to return to studies, and/or making use of support services available to the student. In limited enrolment Certificate Programs, re-enrolment following an Authorized Withdrawal may be subject to availability of space. 

Course Repeats

Students are permitted to repeat courses within the Certificate Program. Only the attempt in which the highest grade was achieved will be used in the calculation of the student’s DGPA.

Registration restrictions may be in place for course repeats. The students can approach their Program Coordinator to have the restriction removed for the next term. This restriction is in place to allow the Program Coordinator an opportunity to have a discussion with the student respecting the reason for repeating the course.

Auditing Courses

Auditing a course is an option if space is available in the course. To audit a course, a student must have the permission of the Area Director (or delegate). A student auditing a course is not entitled to take part in evaluated course work (e.g. tests and assignments) or write examinations in the course. Students will not receive academic credit for audited courses. The fee for auditing a course is outlined in the current fee schedule.

Extensions and Deferrals

This section applies to extensions and deferrals not covered by the Brief and Temporary Absences affecting Term Work Obligations section.

Course Term Work and Final Assessment Extensions

Students are required to complete all assignments, quizzes, tests, and exams as identified in the course outlines. If, by the end of the term, the student requires additional time to complete their course work, then the student may complete the Request for Time Extension for Completion of Term Work. Course term work and final assessment (that is not a final exam) extensions are granted at the discretion of the instructor in collaboration with the Area Director (or delegate), and with the involvement of the Program Coordinator in circumstances involving:

  1. medical illness or injury;
  2. provision of care for an immediate family member;
  3. bereavement leave for a family member;
  4. other crisis or personal circumstance affecting the student’s educational commitment.
Certificate Program Extensions

Students who are approaching the maximum completion time for a Certificate Program and will not be able to meet the program requirements by the completion time may request a Certificate Program Extension. Requests are authorized by the Dean and can be submitted in writing to the Dean’s Office.

Limited circumstances for requesting a Certificate Program extension include:

  1. medical illness or injury;
  2. provision of care for an immediate family member;
  3. bereavement leave for a family member; or
  4. other crisis or personal circumstance affecting the student’s educational commitment.
Deferred Exams

A deferred examination may be granted to a student:

  1. who is unexpectedly unable to write a final examination as scheduled;
  2. who knows in advance that they are unable to write an examination at the scheduled time to due to participation in an inter-university, provincial, inter-provincial, national, or international scholastic or athletic event; religious obligations; a medical condition; business conflict; travel; or personal reasons.

Students falling under category (a), who are unexpectedly unable to write an examination such as due to an unexpected illness, must file a Deferred Exam Form setting out the reasons for the deferral. The application must normally be filed within forty-eight (48) hours of the scheduled date of the missed examination or, in a case where more than one examination was missed, within forty-eight (48) hours of the scheduled date of the last examination missed. The application may be accompanied by a medical certificate or otherwise appropriate documentation certifying the reason for the deferral, the inability of the student to write the examination at the regular scheduled time and, where possible, an indication of the period of incapacity. Students may wish to reference the Deferred and Supplemental Examinations Procedure.

Based on the evidence, the Area Director (or delegate) will decide whether the application is approved. Based on the student’s ongoing incapacity or other exceptional circumstances, a deferral may be granted to a student who files an application after the forty-eight (48) hour period has lapsed.

Students falling under category (b) must file a Deferred Exam Form, along with the associated fee, at least twenty (20) working days prior to the day of the scheduled examination.

Initial approval of all deferred examinations is conditional upon verification that the student has completed all required components of the course and that it is mathematically possible for the student to pass the course by writing the final examination. Approval will be rescinded if these conditions are not met.

When an application for a deferred examination is approved, the deferred examination should take place normally within thirty (30) working days from the end of the examination series from which the examination was deferred, taking into account any timing issues respecting the course being a prerequisite to other courses and graduation planning.

Supplemental Exams

The Division does not permit supplemental exams or tests.


Students with outstanding obligations to the University may be placed on “Hold Status”. There are a variety of reasons that a student’s account may be on hold status; please see the UM Registrar’s Office website for more information. While on “Hold Status”, students are denied access to most administrative and academic services, including registration, certificate of enrolment, access to transcripts and libraries, etc.

Final grades are not released to students who are on “Hold Status”. The deadline for appeal of assigned grades will not be extended for students who were unable to access their final grades due to a hold.

Disciplinary Action

Extended Education aligns with the University of Manitoba’s Student Discipline Bylaws, including its Tables and Procedures respecting student discipline. Students should be aware of the expectations around academic integrity and what is considered academic misconduct as found in the University of Manitoba Student Academic Misconduct Procedure. Academic misconduct is, at the first level, considered by the Area Director, and at the second level, by the Associate Dean. Non-academic misconduct and concerning behaviours as found in the University of Manitoba Student Non-Academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviours Procedure is considered, at the first level, by the Associate Dean, and at the second level, by the Dean.

The Extended Education Local Disciplinary Committee hears appeals of second level decisions respecting student discipline that is within its jurisdiction. An appeal of a decision of the Local Discipline Committee may proceed to the University Disciplinary Committee. Please refer to the Student Discipline Bylaw and its associated procedures.


Progression and Graduation

Academic Progression

Students are required to obtain a minimum of “C” grade in every letter grade course and a “Pass” in every Pass/Fail course, in order to receive the credential of Certificate or Micro-certificate (depending on the credential for that Certificate Program). A final grade of “D” or lower in a letter grade course or “Fail” in a Pass/Fail course taken to complete the Certificate Program is considered insufficient to meet the program requirements. Certain Certificate Programs may have higher minimum requirements. Please see the specific Certificate Program’s course outlines for detail.

A student who has achieved a DGPA of 2.0 or higher and/or has received a “Pass” in all Pass/Fail courses, is considered in good academic standing in the Certificate Program.

A student may require, for employment or other reasons, a progression letter confirming the student is in good standing in the Certificate Program. The student will contact Student Services, Extended Education to make this request, and will be required to pay any associated fees.

Academic Warning

The first time a student's GPA drops below 2.0, OR the student receives a final grade of “Fail” in a Pass/Fail course, the student will be placed on Academic Warning. An informal remediation plan will be offered to students placed on Academic Warning. Please contact the Program Coordinator for details.

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on Academic Probation, and a formal remediation plan will be mandatory, when:

  1. the student’s term GPA is below 2.0 the second time; OR
  2. the student received a grade of “Fail” in a Pass/Fail course, and the student has previously had a GPA below 2.0 in one previous term; OR
  3. the student’s term GPA drops below 2.0 and the student has a “Fail” in a Pass/Fail course a previous term. 
Academic Suspension

A student will be placed on suspension if:

  1. the student’s term GPA drops below 2.0 a third time; OR
  2. the student receives a grade of “Fail” in a Pass/Fail course and has previously had a GPA below 2.0 in 2 previous terms; OR
  3. the student’s term GPA drops below 2.0 for a second time and the student has a “Fail” in a Pass/Fail course an additional previous term.

Students who are suspended shall be ineligible to take any courses with Extended Education for a minimum of four and a maximum of 12 calendar months. A student may apply for reinstatement on academic probation after the term of suspension has been completed.

Decisions made respecting academic warning, probation, or suspension affecting a student shall be made by the Associate Dean. This process is designed to provide students with the necessary assistance to succeed while upholding academic standards. A student may appeal the Associate Dean’s decision to the Dean, in writing, along with all relevant documentation, within ten (10) working days from the date of the decision from the Associate Dean.

Leave of Absence

Students wishing to interrupt their studies for longer than a brief absence, must submit a written request for a Leave of Absence. A Leave of Absence will be considered for approval on a case-by-case basis in circumstances involving:

  1. maternity or parental leave;
  2. medical illness or injury;
  3. provision of care for an immediate family member;
  4. bereavement leave for a family member;
  5. other crisis or personal circumstance affecting the student’s educational commitments, taking into consideration the impact of a Leave of Absence on the student’s ability to meet the requirements of the Certificate Program.

A Leave of Absence may usually be granted for a maximum period of one term, and the approved Leave of Absence letter will note the date of reinstatement. Students may not attend any other faculty or institution during the period in which the Leave of Absence is in effect.

Requests for a Leave of Absence, an extension to the Leave of Absence or for a subsequent Leave of Absence must be made in writing and the following details must be included in the Leave of Absence request:

  1. The reason for the leave;
  2. Any relevant supporting documentation (doctor’s note, etc.);
  3. The proposed commencement date of the Leave of Absence;
  4. The expected date of return, if known.

Leaves of Absence will be subject to approval by the Associate Dean. 

Time to Completion

To be awarded a Certificate, students must successfully complete all courses (or credit for courses) in the Certificate Program within the time noted in the Certificate Program requirements. Where no completion time is specified in the Certificate Program requirements, five years will be applied as the maximum allowable time to completion. Extensions for Certificate Program completion for students in good academic standing (i.e. DGPA 2.0 and/or has a “Pass” in all Pass/Fail courses) may be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Dean. Please refer to the Extensions section.

Approved Leaves of Absence are not counted in the maximum time to completion.

Inactive students

Inactive students are defined as students having no course enrollments for a period of 12 consecutive months. Inactive students registered within a Certificate Program may be subject to removal from the Certificate Program and may need to reapply. Inactive students must consult with a Program Coordinator for guidance.


To be awarded a Certificate or Micro-Certificate, students must successfully complete all courses (or credit for courses) and any other requirements for their specific Certificate Program within the time noted in the Certificate Program requirements. Students are eligible to graduate once they have completed all program requirements, and can declare their graduation in Aurora.

Upon successful completion of all Certificate Program requirements, a student will receive a Certificate or Micro- certificate, depending on the credential for that Certificate Program. The Extended Education Council approves the list of Graduates.

Transcripts and Records


For a fee, official transcripts can be ordered by the student online through Aurora. If the student has any questions respecting how to order a transcript, the student can contact Student Services, Extended Education.


The Office of Registrar and Enrolment Services retains student records.

Provisional Completion Letters

Upon completing all Certificate Program requirements but prior to graduation, a student may request a provisional completion letter noting the student has completed all Certificate Program requirements. The student will contact Student Services, Extended Education to make this request, and will be required to pay any associated fees.

Refunds and Refund Dates

Certificate Program Refunds (other than Intensive Programs)

Students de-registering prior to the course start date will be eligible for a full course fee refund. No refunds are available after the course start date.

Intensive Program Refunds

The application fee and the program fee deposit payable at the time of admission are non-refundable and non- transferrable. The remainder of the program fees are eligible for refund if the student de-registers from the program fourteen (14) days prior to the program start date.

If a student is de-registering from the program at least fourteen (14) days prior to the program start date, as well as registering for a new program with a higher fee than the de-registered program, the student will be responsible for paying the differential amount. If the new program has a lower fee than the de-registered program, the student will receive a refund in the differential amount.

No refunds are available if program de-registration occurs less than fourteen (14) days before the program start date.

Contact us

Extended Education
185 Extended Education Complex
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada

Toll free: 1-888-216-7011