Letter of Accomplishment


Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of prior learning is not available to participants in a LOA Program.

Participant Work

Participant work is formally evaluated by letter grade or assigned a “Pass/Fail”. Participants in the LOA Program will be advised of the method of evaluation at the start of the LOA Program.

Term Work and Final Grade Appeals

Term Work Appeals

Participants may formally appeal a grade received for term work. Participants are asked to discuss their grade with the instructor in an attempt to resolve the issue without the need of formal appeal. If the participant has discussed the term work grade with the instructor and still wishes to formally appeal the grade, the participant must do so within ten (10) working days after the grade for the term work has been made available to the participant in UM Learn. The participant must submit the associated fee for each term work grade appeal request, fill out the Term Work Grade Appeals Form and submit it following the instructions within the form. Term work grade appeals will be considered on the following grounds:

  1. miscalculation of marks;
  2. misgrading of work;
  3. evaluation or grading was not in accordance with the information in the course outline; or
  4. unclear or contradictory directions for an assignment.

Participants should consult with their Program Coordinator for support with the Term Work appeal process. Term work appeals will be decided by the Area Director (or delegate) in consultation with an assessor who is a subject matter expert. The fee, per appealed term work grade, will be refunded for any grade that is changed as a result of the appeal. Term work grade appeals will not result in a lower grade.

If the term work appeal is denied by the Area Director (or delegate), the participant may appeal the decision to the Associate Dean (or delegate), along with all relevant documentation, filed in the Dean’s Office within ten (10) working days from the date on the letter of decision from the Area Director (or delegate).

Final Grade Appeals

Prior to submitting a formal appeal, participants are encouraged to discuss their grade with their course instructor to seek resolution on the matter. With their feedback, this communication may result in a change in grade. If no resolution is found, then a formal final grade appeal may be submitted, following the instructions within the form. An associated fee will apply. Required documentation (incomplete submissions will not be considered):

  • Final Grade Appeals Form
  • The grounds for appeal, such as:
    1. miscalculation of the final grade (does not align with the results of the individual term work assignments in the course, indicating an error in calculation in developing the final grade);
    2. the assessment of the final grade was made without considering all individual items of work completed; or
    3. unfair or inequitable process in determining the final grade.

Final Grade appeals must be made within ten (10) working days of the subsequent term’s first day of classes as posted at https://umanitoba.ca/registrar/important-dates-deadlines. Final Grade appeals will be decided by the Area Director (or delegate) in consultation with an assessor who is a subject matter expert. For any final grade that is changed, the fee will be refunded. Final grade appeals will not result in a lower grade. Participants should consult with their Program Coordinator for support with the Final Grade appeal process.

If the Final Grade appeal is denied by the Area Director (or delegate), the participant may appeal the decision to the Associate Dean (or delegate), along with all relevant documentation, filed in the Dean’s Office within ten (10) working days from the date on the letter of decision from the Area Director (or delegate).


Participants with outstanding obligations to the University may be placed on “Hold Status”. There are a variety of reasons that a participant’s account may be on hold status; please see the UM Registrar’s Office website for more information. While on “Hold Status”, participants are denied access to most administrative and academic services, including registration, certificate of enrolment, access to transcripts and libraries, etc.

Final grades are not released to participants who are on “Hold Status”. The deadline for appeal of assigned grades will not be extended for participants who were unable to access their final grades due to a hold.


Please see Program Withdrawals in the General Regulation section. Given the nature of programming, the option for other types of withdrawals is not available to participants in a LOA Program.

Course Repeats

Course repeats are not permitted for LOA Programs.

Auditing Courses

Auditing a course is not available for LOA Programs.


Course or Program extensions are not permitted for LOA Programs.


Progression and Completion

Participants are required to obtain a minimum of “C” grade in every letter grade course and a “Pass” in every Pass/Fail course, as well as meet the attendance/participation minimum requirements in every class evaluated by attendance/participation, in order to receive the credential of Letter of Accomplishment. A final grade of “D” or lower in a letter grade course or “Fail” in a Pass/Fail course taken to complete the LOA Program is considered a failure. Certain LOA Programs may have higher minimum requirements. Please see the specific LOA Program’s course outlines for details.

A participant with a DGPA of 2.0 or higher and/or a “Pass” in all Pass/Fail courses, is considered in good academic standing in the LOA Program.

A participant may require, for employment or other reasons, a progression letter confirming the participant is in good standing in the LOA Program. The participant shall contact Student Services, Extended Education to make this request, and will be required to pay any associated fees.

Leave of Absence

Leaves of Absence are not available to participants in a LOA Program.

Time to Completion

Once admitted to a LOA Program, participants must successfully complete all courses in the LOA Program within the time noted in the LOA Program requirements. Where no completion time is specified in the Letter of Accomplishment requirements, five years will be applied as the maximum allowable time to completion.


To be awarded a Letter of Accomplishment, participants must successfully complete all LOA Program requirements within the time noted in the LOA Program requirements.

Upon successful completion of all LOA Program requirements, a participant will receive a Letter of Accomplishment. The Extended Education Council is informed of the list of Participants.

Transcripts and Records


Official transcripts are not available.


Extended Education retains participant records.

Provisional Completion Letters

Upon completing all LOA Program requirements but prior to graduation, a participant may request a provisional completion letter noting the participant has completed all LOA Program requirements. The participant shall contact Student Services, Extended Education to make this request, and will be required to pay any associated fees.

Refunds and Refund Dates

LOA Program Refunds (other than Intensive Programs)

Participants de-registering from the LOA Program prior to the program start date will be eligible for a program fee refund. No refunds are available after the program start date.

Course materials provided shall be returned in new condition upon notice of de-registering. Failure to return the materials in new condition shall result in the cost of the materials deducted from the refund.

Intensive Program Refunds

The application fee and the program fee deposit payable at the time of admission are non-refundable and non- transferrable. The remainder of the program fees are eligible for refund if the participant de-registers from the program fourteen (14) days prior to the program start date.

If a participant is de-registering from the program at least fourteen (14) days prior to the program start date, as well as registering for a new program with a higher fee than the withdrawn program, the participant will be responsible for paying the differential amount. If the new program has a lower fee than the de-registered program, the participant will receive a refund in the differential amount.

No refunds are available if program de-registration occurs less than fourteen (14) days before the program start date.

Course materials provided shall be returned in new condition upon notice of de-registration. Failure to return the materials in new condition shall result in the cost of the materials deducted from the refund.

Contact us

Extended Education
185 Extended Education Complex
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada

Toll free: 1-888-216-7011