Undergraduate Courses

Click on the course title to view the course outline.

1000 level

Course TitleTerms*
ENG 1450 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering (PDF)
Prerequisites: Min. 60% in 40S Pre-Calculus Math, Physics & Chemistry

*F: Fall, W: Winter, S: Summer 

2000 level

Course TitleTerms*
ECE 2160 - Electronics 2E
Prerequisite: ECE 2262
ECE 2220 - Digital Logic Systems
Prerequisite: ENG 1450
ECE 2240 - Numerical Methods for Electrical Engineers
Prerequisites: ECE 2262, COMP 1012, MATH 2132
ECE 2262 - Electric Circuits
Prerequisites: ENG 1450. Pre- or Co-requisite: MATH 2132
ECE 2400 - Engineering Algorithms 1
Prerequisites: MATH 2132.
Pre- or Co-requisite: COMP 2140, MATH 2136

*F: Fall, W: Winter, S: Summer 

3000 level

Course TitleTerms
ECE 3010 - Elements of Electric Machines and Digital Systems
Prerequisites: ENG 1450 and MATH 2132
This course is only available to students in Mechanical Engineering.
ECE 3400 - Engineering Algorithms 2
Prerequisites: ECE 2400.
ECE 3540 - Advanced Circuit Analysis and Design
Prerequisites: ECE 2262 and MATH 3132
ECE 3580 - Foundations of Electromagnetics
Prerequisites: ECE 2240, PHYS 2152, and MATH 3132
ECE 3590 - Electromagnetic Theory
Prerequisite: ECE 3580
ECE 3600 - Physical Electronics
Prerequisites: PHYS 2152, MATH 3132, and ECE 3670
ECE 3610 - Microprocessing Systems
Prerequisite: ECE 2220
ECE 3630 - Real-time Embedded Systems
Prerequisite: ECE 3610 and ECE 3740
ECE 3650 - Electric Machines (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3720
ECE 3670 - Electronics 3E
Prerequisite: ECE 2160
ECE 3700 - Telecommunication Networks Engineering
Prerequisite: COMP 2140
ECE 3720 - Electric Power and Machines
Prerequisite: ECE 2262
ECE 3730 - Principles of Embedded System Design
Prerequisites: ECE 2160, ECE 3610, and COMP 1012
ECE 3740 - Systems Engineering Principles I
Prerequisite: COMP 2140
ECE 3750 - Systems Engineering Principles II
Prerequisite: ECE 3740
Not currently offered
ECE 3760 - Digital Systems Design 1
Prerequisite: ECE 4240
ECE 3770 - Digital Systems Design 2
Prerequisites: ECE 4240 and MATH 3120
Not currently offered
ECE 3780 - Signal Processing I
Prerequisites: ECE 2262 and (MATH 2136 or MATH 3132)

*F: Fall, W: Winter, S: Summer 

4000 level

Course TitleTerms
ECE 4100 - Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication (Technical Elective)
Prerequisites: ECE 3670
ECE 4150 - Control Systems
Prerequisite: ECE 2160 and ECE 3780
ECE 4160 - Control Engineering (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 4150
ECE 4180 - Introduction to Robotics (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 4150 and (ECE 4240 or ECE 3730)
ECE 4240 - Microprocessor Interfacing
Prerequisites: ECE 2160 and ECE 3610
ECE 4250 - Digital Communications (Technical Elective)
Prerequisites: ECE 4260 and ECE 3780
ECE 4260 - Communication Systems
Prerequisites: ECE 3780 and STAT 2220
ECE 4270 - Antennas (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3590
ECE 4280 - Engineering Electromagnetics (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3590
Not currently offered
ECE 4290 - Microwave Engineering (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3590
ECE 4300 - Electric Energy Systems I (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3650
ECE 4310 - Electrical Energy Systems II (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 4150 and ECE 4300
ECE 4360 - High Voltage Engineering (Technical Elective)
Prerequisites: ECE 3580 and ECE 3720
ECE 4370 - Power Electronics (Technical Elective)
Prerequisites: ECE 3720 and ECE 2160
ECE 4390 - Engineering Computation 4E (Technical Elective)
Prerequisites: MATH 3132 and ECE 2240
Not offered in 2024–2025
ECE 4420 - Digital Control (Technical Elective)
Prerequisites: ECE 4830 and ECE 4150
Not currently offered
ECE 4430 -  Design of RF Devices and Wireless Systems (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3590
Not offered in 2024–2025
ECE 4440 - Computer Vision (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3780
Not offered in 2024–2025
ECE 4450 - Applied Computational Intelligence (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: MATH 3132
ECE 4520 - Simulation and Modelling (Technical Elective)
Prerequisites: STAT 2220 and COMP 2140
Not currently offered
ECE 4530 - Parallel Processing (Technical Elective)
Prerequisites: COMP 2140 and ECE 3760
ECE 4540 - Wireless Networks (Technical Elective)
Prerequisites: ECE 3700 and ECE 3780
Not offered in 2024–2025
ECE 4560 - Modern Computing Systems (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3610
ECE 4580 - Optoelectronics (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3600
ECE 4600 -  Group Design Project (6 credit hours)
Prerequisite: See course outline
ECE 4610 - Biomedical Instrumentation & Signal Processing (Technical Elective)
Prerequisites: ECE 2160 and ECE 3780
ECE 4740 - Digital Systems Implementation (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 4240
Not offered in 2024–2025
ECE 4830 - Signal Processing II
Prerequisite: ECE 3780
ECE 4850 - (T05) Basics of Biological Signal Analysis (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3780
Not offered in 2024–2025
ECE 4860 - (T02) Biomedical Signal Processing (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3780
ECE 4860 - (T05) Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: STAT 2220
ECE 4860 - (T07) Materials Characterization (Tech Elective)
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor (D. Oliver)
ECE 4860 - (T08) Sensors, Instrumentation, and the IoT (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 2160
ECE 4860 - (T09) Bioelectromagnetics (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3590 or permission of the instructor
ECE 4860 - (T12) Renewable Energy Systems (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 3650 and ECE 4300
Not offered in 2024–2025
ECE 4860 - (T14) Optimization Techniques (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: MATH 3132
Not offered in 2024–2025
ECE 4860 - (T15) Electric Vehicle Technology (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: ECE 4370
ECE 4860 - (T16) Generative AI: Theory and Applications (Technical Elective)
Prerequisite: STAT 2220 and ECE 4450

*F: Fall, W: Winter, S: Summer 

Graduate Course Offerings

Click on the course title to view the course outline.

Fall 2024

TERM DATES:    September 3 - December 20, 2024

EXAM DATES:     December 10 - 20, 2024


Course TitleInstructor
GRAD 7000 - Master's Thesis*
*Only register for this when you will be defending/presenting your final thesis.
GRAD 7020 - Master's Re-Registration (MEng and MSc)  
GRAD 7050 - MEng Project and Report*
*Register in the term you will present your final project.
GRAD 7300 - Research Integrity Tutorial (once per program of study) 
GRAD 7500 - Academic Integrity Tutorial (once per program of study) 
GRAD 8000 - Doctoral Thesis*
*Only register for this when you will be defending/presenting your final thesis.
GRAD 8010 - Candidacy Exam*
*Only register for this when you will be sitting the Candidacy Exam.
GRAD 8020 - Doctoral Re-Registration 
ECE 7060 (A01) Power Systems ProtectionA. Rajapakse
ECE 7440 (T12) Fundamentals of BiophotonicsS. Sherif
ECE 7440 (T16) Estimation Theory for Signal ProcessingS.Sherif
ECE 7440 (T18) Wavefield Imagine and Inversion in Electromagnetics and AcousticsC.Gilmore
ECE 7440 (T40) Applied Power ElectronicsC. Ho 
ECE 7440 (T68) MicrofluidicsE. Salimi
ECE 7440 (T72) Error Control CodesF.Bellili 
ECE 7650 (T38) Parallel ProcessingI. Jeffrey
ECE 7650 (T15)  Applied Computational IntelligenceK.Ferens
ECE 7650 (T26) Advanced Wireless CommunicationA. Mezghani 
ECE 7210 (A01) Fractal and Chaos EngineeringW.Kinsner
ECE 7990 (A01) HVDC Transmisson 1A.Gole


Winter 2025

Course TitleInstructor

Faculty of Graduate Studies Submission Deadline - January 2, 2025



GRAD 7000 - Master's Thesis*
*Only register for this when you will be defending/presenting your final thesis.

GRAD 7020 - Master's Re-Registration (MEng and MSc)  
GRAD 7050 - MEng Project and Report*
*Register in the term you will present your final project.
GRAD 7300 - Research Integrity Tutorial (once per program of study) 
GRAD 7500 - Academic Integrity Tutorial (once per program of study) 
GRAD 8000 - Doctoral Thesis*
*Only register for this when you will be defending/presenting your final thesis.
GRAD 8010 - Candidacy Exam*
*Only register for this when you will be sitting the Candidacy Exam.
GRAD 8020 - Doctoral Re-Registration 
ECE 7440 (T01) Topics in Antenna Theory and DesignP. Mojabi
ECE 7440 (T03) Advanced Transmission Line TheoryB. Kordi
ECE7440 (T29) Microelectronic Fabrication and High Vacuum TechnologyC. Shafai
ECE 7440 (T61) Introduction to Microwave Remote SensingD. Isleifson
ECE 7440 (T70) Sensors, Instrumentation and the loTD. Thomson
ECE 7440 (T73) Feature Extraction and Feature Selection for Machine Learning ClassificationG. Thomas
ECE 7440 (T79) Fast Algorithms of Computational Physics V. Okhmatovski
ECE 7560 (A01) Principles of Signal Compression and CodingP. Yahampath
ECE 7650 (T01) Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural NetworksA. Ashraf
ECE 7650 (T39) Deep Generative Modelling: Theory and ApplicationsV. Khoshdel  and I. Jeffrey
ECE 7650 (T41) Topics in Space-Air-Ground Integrated NetworksPeng Hu
ECE 7890 (A01) Power System ControlU. Annakkage
ECE 8220 (A01) Digital Image Processing J.Peters
ECE 8300 (A01) Computer VisionJ. Peters
ECE 8320 (T10) - Modular Multilevel Converter Systems and ApplicationsS. Filizadeh


Summer 2024

Course Title Instructor
GRAD 7000 - Master's Thesis*
*Only register for this when you will be defending/presenting your final thesis.
GRAD 7020 - Master's Re-Registration (MEng and MSc)   
GRAD 7050 - MEng Project and Report*
*Register in the term you will present your final project.
GRAD 7300 - Research Integrity Tutorial (once per program of study)  
GRAD 7500 - Academic Integrity Tutorial (once per program of study)  
GRAD 8000 - Doctoral Thesis*
*Only register for this when you will be defending/presenting your final thesis.
GRAD 8010 - Candidacy Exam*
*Only register for this when you will be sitting the Candidacy Exam.
GRAD 8020 - Doctoral Re-Registration